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随着中国北京2008奥运会的即将开幕,越来越多的人开始关注以奥运为主题各项事物,奥运的灵魂在于运动,象征着和平与团结,加上现代人越来越重视生活质量,崇尚养生之道,于是乎运动休闲便成为了当今的时尚主题。健身、攀岩、登山、出游……人们似乎已将休闲生活中的大部分时间都沉浸于运动中,释放体力的同时放飞心情,因此,运动休闲品牌成为了热点。百盛F6运动休闲馆汇聚了众多著名品牌,从经营品类上讲包括运动、休闲、牛仔、户外运动、运动器材、健身器械、泳装等,从所属专业上讲包括球类、跑步、登山、游泳、户外运动、娱乐休闲等等。F6运动休闲馆是岛城经营面积最大、品牌最多、档次最高的运动类用品的零售场所。百盛F6运动休闲馆还不断地在品牌引进、购物环境等诸多方面进行细致充分的调整,以满足消费者不断提高的消费需求。百盛经营了众多知名运动休闲品牌,如nike、Adidas、耐克360、三叶草、PUMA、KAPPA、美津浓、THE NORTH FACE、探路者、Columbia、Levi's、Lee、arena、speedo等。百盛的Ellesse休闲品牌是首次在青岛开设专柜,这一来自意大利卓越的高级运动品牌,倡导着"运动也精致"的理念,为我们带来了创新、时尚而精巧的休闲风。青岛是2008奥运会帆船比赛城市,更使得岛城人热力劲升,乐衷于此。因此,运动休闲品牌成为了亮点,百盛F6运动休闲馆迎合了当今生活的主旋律,为喜欢运动、懂得生活、善于自我调养的您提供了的绝佳平台。  相似文献   

中国近代休闲方式解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴着世纪钟声的敲响 ,20世纪渐行渐远地消失在历史深处。过去的百年 ,中国社会从晚清时的半封建、半殖民地社会 ,历经种种曲折磨难才走进现在的改革开放新社会。其间 ,社会变迁可以用“翻天覆地”来形容。在变迁的过程中 ,人们的休闲方式同样发生着翻天覆地的变化。时下 ,休闲成了人们谈论的时髦话题 ,大众传媒和商业广告频频使用“休闲”这个词 ,鼓励并刺激人们休闲。然而 ,休闲到底在多大程度上代表了人们的生活?这个问题似乎并没有引起人们的关注。休闲 ,是人们生活方式的一个组成部分。生活方式是不同的个人、群体或全体社会成员在一…  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高,休闲在人们生活中占据着越来越重要的地位,休闲生活的质量已经成为衡量社会发展程度的重要标志之一。据有关调查显示,人们的休闲生活并没有给人们带来身心的愉悦。本文从目前休闲生活中存在的问题入手进行分析,到底什么样的休闲才是科学休闲,科学休闲生活应遵循的基本要求,提出高品质的休闲生活是讲道德的休闲生活,并提出实现科学休闲的主要途径。  相似文献   

休闲是人的一种生存方式和生活方式,是人本质力量的确证和充实过程,是人寻求生命本真意义和生活快乐的统一。休闲重要性的凸显是社会进步的必然,也是人主体性增强的表现。休闲的获得需要社会生产力的发展和对以人为本的关照,也需要社会全面协调可持续发展,还需要和谐理想的社会氛围作保障。休闲的这些内在要求隐含于科学发展观的内涵之中,是科学发展观应有之意蕴。因此,用科学发展观理念去探析休闲,将会为休闲研究提供一个独特的视角。  相似文献   

湾居,可以与海湾亲密对话;可以看深蓝的海水,让心灵放飞,心胸远大。湾居,有远远的山、近近的树、徜徉的游艇码头、现代化的运动场馆,不但有唯美的视觉享受,还可以尽享运动的快乐。健康,成了湾居生活的本能状态。湾居,有休闲商业街、滨海的广场、公园、高尔夫练习场和几乎所有现代休闲生活所需的硬件。休闲,成了湾居生活的精神底蕴。在房价飙升的年代里,湾区是一块保值增值的风水宝地,坐拥海湾,生活也是在赚钱。增值,成了湾居生活的物质内涵。成熟的海湾和不成熟的海湾,东海岸到西海岸,海湾所凝聚的健康、休闲和增值潜力被人们一一发现,"湾居"牵动了人们最敏感的置业神经。  相似文献   

李翔 《社科纵横》2015,(1):43-45
休闲是社会富裕程度评价的一个重要标志,是人们共同追求的一种理想生活。随着中国社会与经济的高速发展,在人们的日常生活中越来越重视休闲,人们的休闲时间也明显增多,在中国社会经济发展中开始发展休闲经济,目前休闲消费已经成为国民经济增长的重要推动力。但是目前中国大多数人对休闲经济的认识并不全面,为了进一步推动休闲经济的快速发展,本文主要介绍了发展中国休闲经济的必要性,结合当前休闲经济发展现状探讨了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

“慢”阅读、“慢”饮食、“慢”旅游……越来越多的都市人选择改变原来快节奏的生活方式,相对“缓慢”地度过自己的休闲时光。这种生活节奏调整的背后,是人们对生活品质的重新发现,对健康生活方式的积极追求。  相似文献   

新一期的《社会》又同大家见面了。编稿之时 ,适值盛夏 ,炎炎的烈日和烘人的气息像是要将一切的矫饰撕去。在这个炎夏 ,人们的生活似乎会更透明和纯粹 ,因为你可以从洞开的门窗 ,观察到人们的生活起居 ;从最精简的衣着扮相 ,观察到人们生活的本质状态。由于炎热 ,一切都除去了遮掩 ,谁又会说 ,这种接近理性的赤裸不是件好事 ?这便有了本期主题报告的选题 :生活方式 ,乍一看这个主题是闲适的、活泼的 ,但若撇开细微的衣食住行 ,将之置于较为宏大的社会背景中 ,这个主题便多了几分严谨和耐人寻味 ,从“中国近现代人们休闲方式解读”中 ,可对各…  相似文献   

本文运用2006年8月在北京进行的生活时间分配调查资料和北京市统计局1986年北京市民生活时间调查资料,从时间分配的角度,对20年来的北京人生活方式的变化进行了统计分析。反映了北京市民的工作、休闲等各个领域的生活以及变化情况。  相似文献   

1978年后,伴随着体制改革和经济增长,北京市居民休闲生活发生了深刻的变化。30年来,市民的休闲消费和休闲活动,经历了启动期、爆发期和成熟期三个阶段。休闲方式变迁的历史过程反映了改革开放后北京市民生活质量的日益提高。  相似文献   

林雁 《阅江学刊》2010,(2):128-136
社会进步赋予公众更多的休闲时间,也赋予休闲更多的知识内涵,进步的社会观念推动公众选择高雅的休闲,因此,休闲活动的知识化是社会进步的必然要求。随着科学技术的发展,教育与其他知识活动都趋向休闲化,提供知识服务的公共场所,也越来越休闲化,而且必定在科技高度发达的未来社会里能够做到真正休闲化,因此,知识活动的休闲化是科技发展的必然结果。人类文明的发展方向是全社会成员都享有高度的自由,都能全面发展,并处于高度和谐的社会关系中,这需要通过知识休闲去实现。知识休闲必将成为全社会都享有的生活形态,知识休闲的社会化是人类文明发展的必然方向。  相似文献   

老年休闲与居家养老——以上海市某社区老年人休闲为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截至2008年底,中国60岁以上老年人口近1,6亿,占总人口的12%。迅速到来的老龄化让整个社会聚焦养老问题,通过多年的摸索、试验、论证,各界大多认为社区居家养老是应对人口老龄化挑战的重要方式。老人退休后基本处于休闲状态,那么老年人的休闲活动与居家养老有无内在关系,是否会影响居家养老模式的推行呢?鉴于此,作者通过对老年人日常休闲的调查研究,试图揭示它与社区养老的内在逻辑,并就如何提高老年人的生活质量和顺利推进居家养老模式提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

北京市老年人休闲生活研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于对北京市老年人休闲生活的抽样调查数据,描绘了老年人日常休闲活动的日程安排;概述了老年人在体育、文娱兴趣、学习、公益及旅行游玩5大类休闲活动的参与情况;采用聚类分析的方法将老年人口及其休闲行为分成3个类别,并进行了类间比较;探讨了伴侣、子女及友人等在休闲和日常生活中的陪伴对老年人社会支持的提升以及对休闲生活品质的促进作用。  相似文献   

This study estimates the effects of children's economic contributions on parents' allocation of time for income-earning activities, care of preschool children, non-income home production, and leisure activities in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Fathers spent 65% of work time, mothers 20%, and children 15% during the assessment of family time allocation and income contribution. Demographic factors affecting the parents' time for the children include age of parents, age and sex of children and the number of other people living in the household. Economic factors affecting parents' time allocation include education, house value, wealth, and combined income of parents. Major observations noted were the following: 1) children contribute non-negligible amounts of income and time to their families' income-earning activities; 2) they play important roles in non-income home production and child care activities; 3) their presence has a considerable influence on their parent's allocation of time; 4) children appear to stimulate fathers to work longer hours at the expense of leisure; 5) young children reduce mothers' time in income-earning activities and leisure time; 6) older male children substitute for mothers' shorter work time; 7) older female children substitute for mothers' lesser home production time; and 8) older children of both sexes appear to increase mothers' leisure time.  相似文献   

Summary This article reports an attempt to assess the impact of character-trainingcourses upon young people. Seventy-seven young people from aLancashire-based company were interviewed both before, and aftertheir participation on the courses. From previous studies andliterature produced by the courses, five possible effects werehypothesized: (1) That the courses increase the social competenceof trainees. (2) That following the courses young people putmore into and get more out of life. (3) Trainees subsequentlydevelop new leisure interests. (4) The courses develop leadershipqualities. (5) Following courses young people are more likelyto participate in community service. The interview scheduleswere designed to test these hypotheses. Comparisons betweenreplies received from pre- and post-trainees confirmed onlyone of the hypotheses: following their training the young peopledid develop leisure interests related to the content of thecourses. Otherwise the data collected before and after the coursesdid not follow the predicted patterns. Further analysis of thedata suggested that the courses have an additional and unintendedeffect: namely that they make young people less settled at work  相似文献   

民国时期,作为新式知识分子重要组成部分的现代高校教师群体,其休闲文化展现出诸多特点:休闲生活悠然自得,休闲方式中西交融;休闲品味高雅,休闲时间自由;休闲活动中展现出强烈的社会责任感和精英意识;休闲过程实现了人际关系网络的巩固或重新建构。这些休闲文化特征具有深深的时代烙印,其形成原因,有民国社会各种制度的影响,也有文化资本和职业惯习的共同作用。  相似文献   

The concept of social exclusion has become a central organizing concept in social policy research. Indeed "social exclusion" has displaced many of the terms formerly in use, such as "inequality", "deprivation" and "poverty". Social exclusion is a multidimensional concept embracing economic, social and political deprivations, that alerts us to the significance of social identity, culture, agency and, ultimately, power relations. In contrast to some earlier research traditions, the perspective of social exclusion draws our attention to how people can be "shut out of society" by their inability to participate in customary leisure activities. The ability to participate in leisure is the product of both access to leisure goods and services, and a sufficient quantity of leisure time. An analysis of Australian Household Expenditure Survey data shows that the consumption of leisure goods and services is powerfully determined by income. Consequently, low income can lead to exclusion from leisure participation. However, analysis of Time Use Survey data also shows that access to time for leisure participation is most powerfully determined by hours of employment, family responsibilities and gender. After controlling for working hours, household income has no significant effect on available leisure time. A leisure-time poverty line, based on half-median leisure time, is used to show which groups are most excluded from leisure by time constraints. The paper concludes by considering a range of policies to alleviate social exclusion from leisure participation.  相似文献   

试论具有中国特色的休闲观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巨乃岐  刘冠军 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):96-100
随着我国经济的发展和人们闲暇时间的增多 ,休闲已成为中国社会不可回避的现实。与我国的国情民情相适应 ,现阶段的休闲必须立足现实、着眼未来、正确认识、科学规划和量力而行 ,必须服务并服从于经济建设这个中心 ,必须以社会主义文化为主导 ,必须以普遍提高人们的科学文化素质、增进社会物质文明和精神文明为主要内容 ,必须以增进社会全面进步和促进个人全面发展为根本目的 ,这些内容构成了具有中国特色的休闲观。  相似文献   

A large part of most children's childhood is about taking part in educational and leisure‐time activities together with other children across various contexts. However, children in out‐of‐home care do not always have easy access to these possibilities for participation. In general, parents coordinate their children's everyday lives, but in the case of children in out‐of‐home care, the responsibility of care is distributed between several professionals and institutions. Research often recommends that inter‐professional cooperation should put the child at the centre and be more child focused. But what does that mean? The paper investigates theoretical understandings of ‘child centredness’ in inter‐professional cooperation. It also includes an empirical example taken from a research project that followed four children in their everyday lives in two residential homes in Denmark. The research explored how professionals work together across contexts in order to support children to take part in school and leisure‐time activities. The overall reasoning leads to the point that for children in out‐of‐home care, the possibility of exercising personal agency in their everyday life constitutes a difficult but vital issue. How children in out‐of‐home care learn how to conduct their everyday lives, is closely related to the ways professionals cooperate across contexts. It points to the need for close inter‐professional cooperation in order to encourage and support children's initiatives and engagements in activities in communities with other children.  相似文献   

节假日与休闲消费关系研究——兼论我国假日制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可支配收入与闲暇时间是人们进行休闲消费的必要条件,本文通过实证分析发现政府财政支出、城镇居民可支配收入、假日天数、节日次数都是我国居民休闲消费的重要影响因素,其中城镇居民的可支配收入、休假时间以及两者的交互作用对居民休闲消费的影响最为显著。这表明,在提高居民收入的同时适当延长休假时间可以有效拉动我国居民的休闲消费。通过与其他国家的休假时间进行比较,发现我国休假时间有延长的可能。本文建议:改革我国假日制度、扩大居民休闲消费。  相似文献   

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