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实现充分就业是各国政府宏观经济管理目标之一,然而充分就业并非100%的就业。西方学者(弗里德曼等)研究表明,在充分就业条件下,仍然存在一个自然失业率,这包括因劳动力自由流动造成的摩擦失业,因产业结构调整而造成的结构型失业,机器排挤工人造成的技术型失业和自愿失业等。实际上,经济发展越富于能动性(dynamic),自然失业率越高。自然失业率的存在是市场经济条件下资源通过自由流动优化配置和技术进步的必然产物。换句话说,自然失业率是实现效益型就业目标的必然结果和必要条件。西方国家要解决的失业问题主要是有效需求不足…  相似文献   

党的二十大报告指出,实施就业优先战略,促进高质量充分就业是增进民生福祉,提高人民生活品质的重要举措。推动数字经济发展和实现更高质量就业是我国“十四五”期间的两大重要目标,数字经济如何助力高质量就业实现?文章基于工资议价视角,从理论上分析数字经济发展对劳动者就业质量的影响,并使用2018年中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS),借助OLS和Ⅳ-2SLS等计量模型进行实证检验。研究发现:第一,数字经济发展能够促进劳动者就业质量提升,提高了劳动者就业稳定性、就业收入水平和权益保障水平,该结论在多种稳健性检验与内生性处理后仍成立;第二,机制检验发现,社会就业机会增加与信息搜寻成本降低是数字经济发展影响劳动者就业质量的两个重要渠道;第三,进一步分析发现,数字经济发展对劳动者就业质量的促进效应存在个体异质性,对农村户籍、高受教育水平以及使用移动上网的劳动者群体更显著,但不会对依靠亲属、朋友或熟人介绍寻找工作以及无法上网的劳动者就业质量产生显著影响。  相似文献   

略论贵州劳动力人口就业问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析贵州劳动力人口就业现状基础上,就其就业特征和存在问题进行了分析和讨论,并探析了相关缘由,最后提出了实现贵州劳动力充分就业的对策性建议。  相似文献   

农村妇女就业现状和就业对策研究—以成都为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践经验表明,农村女性在劳动就业市场上面临诸多限制,就业弱势地位十分明显,促进农村妇女就业是社会就业政策的重要组成部分。本文通过对成都市10个区(市、县)2000份调查问卷表的分析,结合座谈和实地调查感悟,对成都市在城乡综合配套改革试验区建设中农村妇女的就业现状、就业障碍和就业意愿等进行了详细分析,在此基础上提出促进成都市农村妇女充分就业的三大政策、制度和工作举措。  相似文献   

本文在对“十一五”期间成都市劳动力市场上的劳动力供给规模与现有经济发展趋势下的就业市场需求预测的基础上,明确了成都市实现充分就业的难点在于劳动力市场上大量的劳动力供给与有限的就业岗位之间的矛盾。为此,较针对性地提出了实现充分就业的若干思路和措施。  相似文献   

论就业目标体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就业目标是决定一个国家就业政策根本取向和就业格局与前景的根本性问题。在市场经济条件下 ,就业目标应概括为“积极自主就业、取得多种效益、达到社会公平、促进充分就业” ,应从多角度、多元的对就业问题进行考察 ,并且要与多种效益结合起来  相似文献   

“九五”期间我国劳动力就业形势预测及对策建议刘少华劳动力就业作为一个国家经济和社会发展战略中的重大问题,它关系到劳动者的生活和劳动权的实现,关系到经济的发展和社会的稳定,因而不论是发达国家还是发展中国家都将充分就业作为其经济和社会的最终目标之一。我国...  相似文献   

<正> 我国的就业问题由来已久,多年来沿袭着不合理的传统模式。在“充分就业”与大力提高劳动生产率难以两全的矛盾选择中,以牺牲后者为巨大代价换取了形式上的“有保障”“充分就业”。这种就业方式带来一系列经济社会问题。尤其在目前的政治经济体制改革中,牵动着经济社会生活的各个方面,迫切需要摆脱就业领域的困境,在整个经济和社会的大系统内,实现劳动就业与劳动生产率提高的最优结合和最高效益。本文试图突破传统的就业观念和制度,探索能真正解决中国人口就业问题的途径。  相似文献   

减税降费是帮助企业纾困减负、稳岗促就业的重要举措,也是落实就业优先战略、促进更高质量更充分就业的重要措施。文章建立企业用工形式决策模型,基于2015年中国小微企业调查(CMES)数据,考察了养老保险费率对小微企业用工形式的影响。研究发现,法定养老保险费率越高,小微企业中非正式员工雇佣占比越高。在正式员工工资较高、正式员工与非正式员工工资差距较大、私营及融资约束程度较高的企业中,上述效应更为明显,而在高新技术企业和园区企业中则相对较弱。机制分析表明,养老保险费使得企业对正式员工的缴费负担上升更多、工资转嫁幅度较低,因而企业选择更多雇用非正式员工,并倾向于雇用60岁以上老年人作为非正式员工。进一步分析表明,养老保险费率对用工结构调整的影响体现在性别、健康、技术和管理等多个维度,男性、残疾员工、专业技术人员和管理人员离职风险明显更低。文章表明,下调养老保险费率、降低企业融资成本,有利于促进更高质量、更充分、更稳定的就业,实现经济高质量发展。  相似文献   

中国残疾人就业的成就、问题与促进措施   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
就业是残疾人改善生活状况、参与社会生活和实现人生价值的主要途径。近年来,我国残疾人的就业率、就业规模和就业服务均取得很大进展,但在总体就业形势十分严峻的大背景之下,作为最困难群体的残疾人就业更为艰难,存在就业层次低、收入水平低和发展不平衡等问题。为实现残疾人分享经济社会发展的成果,必须采取系列有效措施,大力促进残疾人充分就业。  相似文献   

New indicators of underemployment are presented for whites, blacks, Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans by sex. The indicators are based on hours worked, education, skill utilization, and pay. Data from the 1980 Current Population Survey are supplemented with Dictionary of Occupational Titles information to construct the indicators. Whites consistently have the lowest underemployment, and comparison across groups reveals the different types of employment problems faced by minorities and women. These indicators of underemployment are compared with those from a different conceptual approach (the Labor Utilization Framework) using the same survey data. The advantages of the new indicators are discussed.  相似文献   

就业不充分是当前就业领域中最突出的难题,总量不足与结构矛盾并存,隐性就业与隐性失业并存,学历 失业逐渐增多。产生这些就业困难的原因,体制转型是大背景,同时,经济和投资的高增长没能相应带动劳动就业的高增长、庞大的就业人口压力以及国有企业和乡镇企业吸纳劳动能力的下降,都是非常重要的因素。  相似文献   

We explore the implications of hours demand constraints on the propensity to experience poverty. Our analysis of British data suggests that whilst the extent of poverty increased over the period 1985–2001, its intensity, under some measures, declined. In terms of hours constraints, we find that even the most generous elimination of underemployment vis allowing workers to supply as many hours as they prefer (but not as few) without encountering any negative employment and/or hourly wage implications, leaves the poverty rate and poverty gap virtually unchanged.   相似文献   

National-level statistics often mask extreme spatial differentiation in child poverty. Using county-level data from the 1990 US decennial census summary tape file, we show that child poverty is distributed unevenly over geographic space. Child poverty is concentrated in counties in Appalachia, the Mississippi Delta, and the southern black belt. Child poverty rates are strongly influenced by the local industrial composition (e.g., agriculture and manufacturing), but the effects are largely indirect, operating primarily through reduced employment opportunities among adult workers. High county unemployment and underemployment rates contribute directly to children's economic deprivation, as well as indirectly by undermining the formation and stability of two-parent families. Our results highlight existing spatial differentiation and inequality in children's economic well-being, and provide a point of departure for additional research on the geography of child poverty.  相似文献   

The effect of changing age-sex composition on trends in unemployment and underemployment from 1969 to 1980 is estimated. This effect is positive as anticipated, but negligible in both absolute and relative terms. For example, no more than .35 percent of the increase in unemployment between 1969 and 1980 can be attributed to compositional factors. The secular rise in unemployment and underemployment from the late 1960s into the 1980s simply cannot be attributed in any substantial way to the changing demographic composition of the labor force.  相似文献   

Although employment in the manufacturing sector has declined over the past few decades, it continues to play an important role in many regions of the U.S. Most studies have not examined the spatial effects of manufacturing employment on regional job quality. In this paper, we consider the spatial dependence and spatial variation of this relationship in the Midwest. This analysis suggests that it is important to take into consideration spatial effects when examining the implications of economic restructuring for regions. Labor market areas are not distinct spatial units and can be influenced significantly by nearby local labor markets. Once that spatial dependence is considered, manufacturing has a negative and significant effect on underemployment by low earnings, but its effect is not significant in labor hardship associated with work time and steadiness. At the same time, our analysis demonstrates that the effects of manufacturing employment vary across local labor markets. More specifically, these findings suggest that in those areas in the Midwest that have historically had higher concentrations of manufacturing jobs, the benefits of working in this sector are smaller. In regions that have not had a large manufacturing sector and have experienced some gains in recent years, the benefits of working in the manufacturing sector are larger.  相似文献   

This article examines the interracial/ethnic differences in the United States in labor force positions among Puerto Ricans, blacks, Mexicans, Cubans, Chinese, and Japanese. The analysis is based on the Labor Utilization Framework developed by Hauser, Sullivan, Clogg, and others and the 1980 US Census data. Our results show that these minority groups differ in the ways in which they are utilized in the labor Iorce and that differential economic consequences are associated with interracial/ethnic differences in labor force utilization. In general, over 40 percent of the members of each of the minority groups are underemployed in the labor market in one way or another, though the ways in which they are underemployed vary. In particular, blacks and Puerto Ricans are hardest hit by labor force nonparticipation and by high rates of sub-unemployment and unemployment. Mexicans do not seem to be particularly hard hit by joblessness, but they fall disproportionately in categories of partial or low-wage employment. Chinese are most disadvantaged in adequate employment, but this disadvantage seems to be offset by high rates of low-wage employment and occupational mismatch. Cubans and Japanese have a relatively higher rate of adequate employment than other groups, and, at the same time, they manage to bypass the disadvantages of joblessness through occupational mismatch. These patterns of interracial/ethnic disparities persist in the labor market even after controlling for education and age. Another significant finding is that some forms of underemployment offer fewer disadvantages than others. Occupational mismatch, for example, may be an effective way to bring about substantial positive economic consequences.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):485-498
While previous research has focused on measuring employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and establishing the need for laws that protect against such discrimination, very little research has evaluated the effectiveness of current nondiscrimination laws. This exploratory research considers the addition of sexual orientation to New York State's Human Rights Law as it relates to employment. In an effort to better understand the implementation and overall effectiveness of the law, attorneys in New York who specialize in employment law were surveyed. The survey results, based on the responses of 34 attorneys, provide insights into how well the law has initially protected individuals from discrimination, and how well it has provided redress for claimants of employment discrimination. The initial results of the research suggest that employees mostly seek redress for a hostile work environment, that potential claimants are concerned with confidentiality and retaliation, and that more training for employees is needed to combat employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.  相似文献   

Underemployment indicators are both ‘objective’ indicators of individual well-being and social welfare and ‘normative’ indicators for programmatic use. Components of an underemployment indicator framework, the Labor Utilization Framework (LUF), are operationally defined and shown to be closely related to a family of proposed alternatives. Using CPS data, a 12-year time series of LUF indicators is developed for the U.S. labor force and its key subgroups. The across-time heterogeneity of the labor force is analyzed in relation to a ‘basic’ demographic group-by-LUF-by-time contingency, showing how the complexity of labor force structure that emerges from a multi-state indicator of underemployment can be rigorously modeled. Standard loglinear models, which focus on the temporal aspects of data from repeated cross-sectional surveys, provide the analytic technique. Changes in the demographic composition of the labor force account for about 30% of the overall period variability, and age structure has made the most important contribution to the compositional change.  相似文献   

In a recent article in this journal, Tipps and Gordon (1985) presented new indicators of underemployment and compared them to indicators obtained from the Labor Utilization Framework (LUF) of Hauser, Sullivan, Clogg, and others. In this note the Tipps-Gordon criticisms of LUF are reviewed, the Tipps-Gordon framework is criticized, and both LUF and the Tipps-Gordon approach are compared empirically as well as conceptually. An extension of LUF is also presented.  相似文献   

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