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本文以山东省东部最大的回族聚居区青州市为例,以回族社区作为切入点,通过分析它的传统行业、居民的生活消费以及多样化的经商形式,反映出城市回族社区经济生活的特点,以及城市回族社区社会生活的面貌。  相似文献   

本文以山东省东部最大的回族聚居区青州市为例,以回族社区作为切入点,通过分析它的传统行业、居民的生活消费以及多样化的经商形式,反映出城市回族社区经济生活的特点,以及城市回族社区社会生活的面貌。  相似文献   

本文认为 ,大城市回族社区承担着如下一些社会文化功能 :为回族群众提供清真食品和伊斯兰文化空间 ,为城市现代化、国际化提供城市文化资本 ,促进回族文化的发展和进步 ,为全国穆斯林提供城市化、现代化的支撑和基地 ,成为连接世界人民和中国穆斯林的“桥梁” ,等等。但是 ,大城市回族社区却普遍存在着回民人口减少、伊斯兰文化后继乏人、面临拆迁改造等一系列问题 ,这使得城市回族社区难以承担它本身应该承担的功能  相似文献   

城乡结合部的回族社区是一种特殊类型的社区.它是农村回族向城市回族转化过程中的一种必然的存在形态.本文以银川郊区城乡结合部三乡的回族社区为调查对象,对这一特殊社区的回族经济、文化生活进行了实地调查,总结出其经济生活呈多样性但经营结构并不合理,文化生活丰富多彩但缺乏主流以及在思想观念上的矛盾性等特征,并尝试对这些特征和存在的问题进行分析,提出自己的看法.  相似文献   

南京是东南沿海城市中回族人口最为集中的城市,早在明代就形成了回族伊斯兰文化社区。然而,近年来随着南京最大、最典型的“七家湾回族社区”的拆迁,引起了人们对回族社区的消失与回族文化传承问题的思考。“七家湾回族社区”的消失,除外界因素外,其内部经济生活方式、社区组织形式、婚姻情况、受教育的形式和内容的变化也是其重要原因。实际上,回族社区的保存和回族伊斯兰文化的传承,一方面需要政府有意识地加以保护,另一方面,更需要回族自身的“文化自觉”,通过不断反思、不断总结、不断汲取优秀文化精华,并不断创新的方法来解决。而伊斯兰文化核心价值观和伊斯兰文化发展的历史,为我们提供了极其有用的思想工具和途径。  相似文献   

本文以晋江市陈埭镇七个回族村为例,探讨福建回族社区城市化之路,主要从对城市化进程中的几个重要元素,即人口、土地、市场、企业与城市的互动关系的分析中,研究陈埭镇回族七村的城市化进程中的成就、经验与存在问题.  相似文献   

学术界对西部民族教育的研究主要集中在农村和牧区的民族聚居区,忽略了对西部城市少数民族教育发展滞后问题的关注。本文以西宁市城东区的回族社区为个案,基于实地调查和第五次人口普查资料,对制约回族社区教育发展的因素进行了全面分析研究,并提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

本文研究的城市"回族婚介"作为"婚姻媒介"的民族化表现形式。包括兴起于80年代以来的城市回族婚介所,随着新兴网络媒体兴起而出现的回族穆斯林QQ婚介群和穆斯林婚介网站,以及发起于河南各个回族社区的大型回族穆斯林相亲会等。这种物化形式的婚姻媒介,既是时代发展的大势所趋,也是回族族内婚面临时代挑战下穆斯林社会自觉的群体行为。  相似文献   

作者通过对银川、石嘴山、吴忠、固原、中卫等五市回族农民工的问卷调查,发现回族农民工对城市及城市生活抱有既向往又排斥的心理,一方面非常向往城市生活,另一方面依旧认同他们的农民身份.作者运用相关分析法,发现文化水平、收入高低、社会保障、子女上学、社区参与、媒介接触等因素与回族农民工市民化具有紧密的相关性.因此,作者认为,加大对回族农民工的人力资本投入,丰富回族农民工的社会资本,是加快回族农民工市民化的有效途径.  相似文献   

本文主要从回族社区的形成,基本要素变迁及社区运行总体特征,对西道堂这一典型的回族人文社区模式进行实证研究,试图以甘肃省临潭县西道堂回族社区模式为对象,研究回族社区变迁的规律性问题,并力求为回族社区参与广泛而深刻地社会变迁提供一些思路。  相似文献   

王正儒 《回族研究》2011,(4):132-139
民国时期是我国从传统向近现代演进的转型期。在近代中国社会整体变革的背景下,西北回族商业不断进行自我调整,顺应中国经济从传统向近代变迁的历史趋势,呈现出新的特点,即回族传统经营行业新变化;回族皮毛贸易外向型发展;回族商业资本向产业资本转化;回族商业新组织和商业新模式出现;回族官僚资本形成。民国时期西北回族商业的快速发展,...  相似文献   

明代的辽东黑氏家族,属于明代的"内附回回",世代为将,为国家守卫辽东边境,明后期出了黑春、黑云龙、黑云鹤等名将。明末,黑云龙迁居宣化府,逐步形成后来的宣化黑姓回族群体。宣化黑姓回回,在明代内附回回的研究上具有一定的典型意义,也是明清鼎革之际有代表性的回回爱国人物,其事迹值得深入研究,以彰显回回民族的爱国传统。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the concept of Muslim morality policing through commanding good and forbidding evil as interpreted and implemented by some Islamists in Britain. The focus is on the activities of Muslim Patrol, and their attempts to create Shari’a zones and enforce hisba, often with distressing consequences including verbal and physical harassment of those not complying. Muslim community responses to Muslim Patrol are also discussed, in particular counter radical narratives that stem from a religious perspective. The paper asks what constitutes sin within Islam and how Muslims should respond to sin, and the extent to which individual Muslims are empowered to enforce Islamic moral standards in non-majority Muslim contexts. Where the state does not provide means for countering sin, the perception is that the responsibility on individuals to do so increases and often results in violence.  相似文献   

Islamophobia has become a significant problem across the Western world. Australia is no exception. The emergence of far right groups and a political environment that allows anti-Islamic discourse has created an increasingly unwelcome environment for Muslims, even though multiculturalism has long been a fundamental marker of Australian daily life. The rise of Islamophobia has been damaging to Australia. This paper explores the rise of anti-Islamic sentiments in Australia and the increasing marginalization of Muslim youth, showing that Islamophobia not only breaks the bond between Muslim youth and Australian society, it also polarizes relations within Australian Muslim communities.  相似文献   

本文通过对一个京族村寨1949年以来的社会变迁历程进行考察,探讨了传统文化与跨国民族社会转型关系问题。尽管国家政治体制与经济体制的转变对跨国民族的社会转型有着勿庸置疑的影响,但跨国民族独特的居住环境和政治地位,使传统文化对于社会转型的重要作用得到彰显。  相似文献   

This article examines the magazine Muslim Girl (started publication 2007) and explores how the representations on the magazine's pages construct a particular type of identity for Muslim women: an ‘idealized’ Muslim woman who is both North American/Western and Muslim. Such a woman is portrayed as liberal, educated, fashionable, a ‘can-do’ woman, who is also committed to her faith. This ‘ideal’ woman is situated squarely as a neo-liberal subject in an increasingly consumerist world: she is ‘marketable’ (and marketed) as the ‘good Muslim’ (Mamdani, 2004) and is positioned as the ‘familiar stranger’ (Ahmed, 2000) in North America. This so-called ‘modern’ Muslim (read: ‘good Muslim’) is juxtaposed both against the ‘fundamentalist’ Muslim (read: ‘bad Muslim’) and the ‘normalized’ white North American subject. Against the discourse of post 9/11 nationalism and within the context of (gendered) Orientalism, this article argues that such idealized representations present easily recognizable tropes, which serve important political, ideological and cultural purposes within North American society. An analysis of these representations – and the purposes which they serve – provides an important window into the nuances of the structured discourses that seek to control and discipline the gendered Muslim body. On the one hand, the representations in Muslim Girl focus on the so-called ‘integrated North American Muslim’ – a ‘modern’ or ‘good’ Muslim – within the context of the multicultural, neo-liberal and post 9/11 nation-state. On the other hand, these representations also highlight examples of Muslim women, who seemingly remain committed to their faith and community. Such representations of hybridized North American Muslims speak powerfully to the forces – ideological, cultural, political and social – that are at play in the post 9/11 world. In analyzing the representations found in Muslim Girl, this paper provides an insight into some of these forces and their implications.  相似文献   

杜靖 《民族论坛》2012,(4):16-27
庄孔韶的历史观,经历了早期进化论线性时间观、中期文化变迁论历史观和后期反对现代性线性思维的"意义的历史"观之变换。他对传统与现代性关系的思考也经历了从学院派人类学向应用人类学领域之衔接。他的整体历史人类学主张是中国人类学未来发展中一份不可多得的学术资源。当然,也存在进一步理论提升的空间。庄孔韶人类学实践中的"理念观"、"文化观"和"历史观"三者之间是一个严密的逻辑体系,必须从内在深层关联上予以把握。  相似文献   

穆斯林社会中的非穆斯林主要包括犹太教徒、基督教徒、祆教徒、印度教徒和佛教徒等。他们尽管属于少数族群,但却是整个穆斯林社会的重要组成部分。历史上,他们为穆斯林社会的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,近现代以来穆斯林社会的非穆斯林与穆斯林也大多能够和睦相处。非穆斯林享有信仰自由和宗教独立、不受外敌侵略和内部黑暗势力的侵害、自由择业等方面的权利。同时,非穆斯林必须遵守伊斯兰教法,缴纳人丁税、土地税和商税。穆斯林与非穆斯林关系和睦的深层原因在于伊斯兰教的宽容性。  相似文献   

Forced marriage (FM) affects numerous communities within the UK and has far-reaching effects for both individuals and the wider society. This paper attempts to address this issue from an Islamic jurisprudence standpoint. While the paper provides a comparative-contrastive account of key discussions between Muslim jurists (fuqahā’) from the four Sunni schools of law regarding coercion (ikrāh) and its effect on the marriage contract, it pays particular attention to the Hanafi school of law’s position and ways in which its jurists’ reasoning dissents from that of the majority of Sunni jurists. This paper collates the pertinent information, focusing on the effect of coercion (ikrāh) and on the pivotal issues of consent (ri?ā) and choice (ikhtyār). It also considers recent UK legislation and established personal status laws in several Muslim countries. We conclude that FM is incompatible with the objectives of Islamic law and has no reliable basis in its sources, highlighting that the function of the guardian (walī) is to protect the interests of the ward, rather than to exercise authority over those under his guardianship. We suggest that victims of FM in the UK should be able to seek annulment via the courts rather than traditional, community-based, non-enforceable mediation.  相似文献   

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