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黄冈是宗教工作大市,正式登记的宗教活动场所514处,其中黄梅四祖寺、五祖寺等一批宗教活动场所在海内外享有盛誉。近年来,在湖北省民宗委和黄冈市委、市政府的重视、关心、支持下,全市民族宗教工作部门认真贯彻《宗教事务条例》和《湖北省宗教事务条例》,以创建"和谐寺观教堂"为抓手,以加强制度建设为基础,不断加大依法管理力度,规范  相似文献   

国家宗教局局长叶小文在全国宗教厅局长会议上作了题为《提高依法管理宗教事务的能力和水平,增强在扩大开放中抵御渗透的本领和实效》的工作报告。叶小文指出,2005的宗教工作以贯彻实施《宗教事务条例》为主线,切实加强抵御渗透工作,努力推动重点、难点问题的解决,不断拓展宗教对外交流的新途径,各项工作取得了新的进展。  相似文献   

历史上 ,宗教曾经与国家政治、法律交织在一起 ,是社会控制的重要力量。在当代中国 ,各种宗教在许多少数民族的社会生活中仍然具有深刻影响 ,因而在民族法制建设中 ,一方面要正确认识宗教与法律的关系 ,强调法律的权威性 ,大力培养公民的现代法律意识 ;另一方面 ,要正确贯彻党的民族宗教政策 ,保护宗教信仰自由 ,加强和完善对宗教事务的法律化管理 ,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应 ,促进民族法制建设的发展  相似文献   

为了保障公民宗教信仰自由,依法管理宗教事务,根据宪法和有关法律、法规,2002年7月18日,北京市第11届人大常委会第35次会议审议通过了《北京市宗教事务条例》,并于当年11月1日起施行。这标志着有着五大宗教和设立着四大宗教全国性组织机构的北京市的宗教事务工作,又迈上了一个新的台阶……  相似文献   

不断加强宗教工作法治化建设是宗教领域贯彻落实“四个全面”战略布局的一项重要内容,是提高依法管理宗教事务水平,提高宗教领域治理体系和治理能力现代化水平,促进宗教关系和谐,促进宗教与社会主义社会相适应,促进宗教界发挥积极作用的重要途径。  相似文献   

中国共产党第三代领导集体关于民族风俗习惯和宗教信仰的理论和政策的基本观点包括尊重少数民族的风俗习惯;民族、宗教无小事;全面、正确执行党的宗教政策;依法加强对宗教事务的管理;积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应.  相似文献   

中央政策研究室调研湖北黄冈宗教工作2015年3月15日,中央政策研究室政治研究局调研组赴湖北黄冈,就当前宗教工作的形势和主要特点、推进宗教工作法治化等进行专题调研。调研组一行深入到黄梅四祖寺、五祖寺,实地察看场所建设管理情况,听取了黄冈市和黄梅县宗教工作情况汇报,对黄冈市全面落实宗教政策法规依法管理宗教事务取得的成绩给予充分肯定,并就进一步做好新时期宗教工作和推进宗教工作法治化提出了明确要求。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国一直实行宗教信仰自由制度和实行政教分离的原则,宗教方面涉及国家利益和社会公共利益的事项和活动,必须纳入依法管理的范围.依法管理宗教事务就是保护合法,制止非法,抵制渗透,打击犯罪,引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应.  相似文献   

中共中央总书记习近平 5月18日至20日中央统战工作会议北京 民族工作、宗教工作都是全局性工作。去年召开的中央民族工作会议,明确了当前和今后一个时期民族工作的大政方针和战略任务,各级党委要抓好会议精神贯彻落实。促进各民族和睦相处、和衷共济、和谐发展。宗教工作本质上是群众工作,要全而贯彻党的宗教信仰自由政策.依法管理宗教事务,坚持独立自主自办原则,  相似文献   

党的十六大向我们提出明确要求:发展要有新思路,改革要有新突破,开放要有新局面,各项工作要有新举措。根据我局的工作实际,我认为要全面贯彻落实党的十六大精神,真正做到“四新”,就必须实践“三个代表”思想,创新民族宗教工作。为此,我们确定民族工作的总体思路是:民族团结抓政策,民族经济抓项目,扶贫解困抓典型,推进民族团结进步,带动民族经济发展。在宗教工作上,就是要把握一个关键,夯实两个基础,强化三个管理,实现一个目标,即依法加强对宗教事务的管理,健全完善县、乡、村三级宗教管理机构和县对乡、乡对村的宗教工作责任制,强化对宗教…  相似文献   

民族、宗教是我国民族地区普遍存在的一种社会现象,其存在必将会对我国民族地区和谐社会的构建产生影响,加强和提升民族、宗教工作是社会主义和谐社会构建的一项重要工作。对此,本文分别就民族、宗教工作的特点;民族、宗教工作是民族地区和谐社会构建中十分重要的工作;加强民族、宗教工作,为构建民族地区和谐社会创建工作机制等进行了论述。  相似文献   

王允武  才让旺秀 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):35-43,107-108
Under the situation that traditional beliefs have remained basically unchanged while the social economy has developed and population mobility has increased, with the trend of an in-creasing diversity in beliefs, and an increasing number of religious followers and temples, the management of religious affairs has become more difficult. In ethnic areas, the speed of moderniza-tion has accelerated, ethnic interactions are fre-quent, and the beneficial conflict or cultural con-flict among various ethnic groups has become nor-mal; the impact of modernity, ways of life, the value and ideals of the temples’ traditional culture and educational model brings new social pressure for the monks who are adapting to modernization, and making a leap in development while safeguard-ing traditional rituals, culture, religious education and development. The number of criminal cases involving monks has increased, which brings a strong negative influence to the religious followers in Tibetan areas. All these factors are directly in-fluencing the stability and harmonious development of the Tibetan areas. As the second-largest Tibetan area, the geo-graphical location of Sichuan’s Tibetan areas is u-nique. In ancient times, the policy of “keeping the Tibetan areas stable means keeping Kham sta-ble at first” had been an important measure for the central government to manage all of the Tibetan ar-eas. From the Qing dynasty to the present times, it still has a practical use, and even has special val-ue in the process of safeguarding the “long-term stability of Sichuan”, especially when the people have but a hazy understanding of the relationship between the freedom of faith and managing reli-gious affairs according to the law in Tibetan areas, and one needs to have a legal response to it. Hence, “keeping Kham stable” needs to depend on the law, and legal means should be taken to safeguard the harmony and stability of the Tibetan areas in Sichuan. Management of the religious affairs according to the law is an inevitable requirement for China to promote the goal of ruling the country by law, com-prehensively deepen reform, and promote the mod-ernization of the country’s governance system and capability. Based on an active response to the guidance principle of strengthening the manage-ment of religious affairs according to the law pro-posed by the Central Government, and the Sichuan Provincial Government, we should standardize reli-gious activities and affairs, insist on a combination of legal management and policy guidance, adopt various measures, search for a practicable path to realize the significant goal of managing the religious affairs according to the law in Tibetan areas of Si-chuan. This article proposes some methods of man-aging the religious affairs according to the law as follows:1 ) To insist on the CPC’s leadership in reli-gious work and management of religious affairs;2 ) to actively and reliably promote the systematic con-
struction of the legalization of religious affairs;3 ) to insist on the combination of legal management and policy guidance;4 ) to encourage the public to manage religious affairs according to law; 5 ) to standardize the scale and number of monks by u-sing new methods of management;6 ) to strengthen the role of the “four troops” ( Party and Govern-ment leading cadres,ethnic religious work cadres, ethnic minority cadres and talents, and religious believers ) , especially religious believers; 7 ) to make full use of the regulatory framework of the Buddhist community; 8 ) to create conditions for those monks who wish to return to secular life;9 ) to distinguish the boundary between normal and il-legal religious activities, between folk custom and extreme religious concepts; 10 ) to identify and distinguish between “monks and lay people”, and“ordinary cases and religious cases”. At present, there are four foundations for managing religious affairs according to the law:1 ) the idea that freedom of faith is not only one’s right, but also one’s duty has gradually enjoyed popular support;2 ) there is a good policy base for managing religious affairs according to the law;3 ) there is a relatively strong theoretical basis for managing religious affairs according to the law;4 ) there exists good legal support for managing reli-gious affairs according to the law.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the origins and transformations of a Muslim community in western Colombia. The history of this small religious group of Afro-Colombians is presented over a period divided into four phases. This division is based on four dominant interpretations of Islamic doctrines adopted by the majority of the group over a period of time. These changes were not only due to religious motivations but also due to changes in the social milieu and the need for taking advantage of emerging opportunities. The religious conversion of Afro-Colombians to Islam took place within the complex socio-political context of the Colombian conflict which began in mid-1960s and is still ongoing. The adoption of this new religious perspective did not evolve in an isolated manner, rather, it transformed the identity of the community by strengthening the value of ethnic differences in a place of segregation. In this context, this paper analyses the role of religion as an important element in the construction of ethnic identity. It is also important to recognize that this cultural negotiation happens at the margins of the dominant society, which views Afro-Colombian minorities negatively or simply ignores their presence.  相似文献   

弄清宗教组织这一概念的内涵和外延,是研究宗教组织的法律地位及其财产权性质之前提.本文从宗教学、社会学和法学等不同视角对宗教组织的内涵与外延作了探讨.通过比较认为财产法意义上的宗教组织只能是指那些实际拥有一定财产和经费的宗教组织.  相似文献   

我国的民族区域自治建设取得了伟大的历史性成就,但也存在着一些亟待改进和完善的问题,主要包括自治权的双向流失、政府政策过程的完善、政府政策理念的创新、政府职能模式的构建、少数民族干部队伍建设、民族法制建设、各民族权利义务关系的平衡等。新世纪新阶段的民族区域自治建设就是要着力解决这些问题。相应地,民族区域自治建设的成效也取决于这些问题解决的程度。  相似文献   

万果  王巳龙 《民族学刊》2023,14(4):29-34, 137
以川、青区域涉藏州县的藏传佛教场所为重点关注对象,探讨涉藏州县宗教神圣场域中共同体意识的建构渊源、演进历程、现时表达及未来期望。在具有藏传佛教传统的涉藏州县区域,以寺院为核心的神圣场域建构,是藏传佛教历史传承和发展的主要路径。在川青涉藏州县的多民族复合文化语境下,藏传佛教的神圣场域建构不断发展完善。在这一漫长历程中,藏传佛教一方面不断调适以适应本土化的历史现实语境,另一方面则通过教派之间竞争博弈与交往交流,形成与社会主义社会相适应的藏传佛教文化形态。在这个历史过程中,中华民族共同体意识有其在场的内在基础,并与藏传佛教话语体系形成相互促进、相互成就的正反馈路径,不仅形成了具有中华民族认同心理的地缘文化与宗教神圣场域叙事,而且还以人物交流、宗教传播及文化扩散的方式对周边乃至更远区域的中华民族文化构建产生了积极的辐射影响。同时,文化的交往、交流和交融构成了中华民族共同体意识在川青涉藏州县多元文化语境的终极表达。  相似文献   

政治稳定是社会发展的前提,在我国社会主义现代化建设过程中,还存在着一些潜在的不稳定因素。因此,必须以邓小平理论为指导,正确处理改革、发展、稳定的关系,坚持共同富裕的原则,健全社会主义法制,坚持“两手抓”的方针,以促进我国社会持续、快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家、促进社会经济协调发展,是我国社会主义初级阶段的一项重要任务。结合实际协调宗教习惯法与国家法,大胆探索,是依法治国,把宗教纳入法制化轨道的现实需要。  相似文献   

新时期做好西藏寺院管理工作,关键是要进一步解放思想,因地制宜,创新工作机制,建立长效机制;不断总结经验,巩固成果,进一步加强寺院宣传教育工作;加强和完善法律制度建设,使寺院管理走上法制化轨道;加强寺院内部规章制度建设,建立和完善寺院管理长效机制;加大培养力度,造就一支合格的宗教教职人员队伍.  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact of parental religious transmission upon the religious and citizen identities and performances of their offspring, using an ethnographic study on the parenting practices of Sunni and Ismaili migrant families conducted in Portugal, United Kingdom and Angola. The analysis highlights the role of parental religious upbringing in the strengthening of children’s faith and practice but also towards ensuring certain kinds of citizenship that foster pride of affiliation to a given group identity, while simultaneously promoting intergroup identifications and bridging attachments to fellow citizens. In addition, the comparison between migratory contexts shows how parental religious caregiving may help their children reconcile or resist alternative aspects of religiosity and citizenship in different nation-states. These findings represent a stark contrast with official political discourse, which tends to view immigrant religious parenting as simply based on intergenerational continuity.  相似文献   

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