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中国中小上市公司高管素质与公司成长性的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对中国中小上市公司高管素质与成长性之间关系的研究假设和实证分析,得出了高管学历与成长性呈正相关,高管年龄与成长性呈负相关,专业技能、工作经验和综合素质与成长性无显著相关等不同于西方研究的结论。鉴于中国中小企业所处的经济环境和企业特点,本文对检验结果进行了具体的解释和探讨。  相似文献   

陆雄文  朱宏杰 《管理评论》2005,17(10):40-45,62
本文旨在研究企业部门协同与企业业绩和企业预期行为之间的关系,并深入分析这种关系在共变量影响下的变化。本文的特点是从市场导向理论出发,把部门协同作为一个独立的变量并研究其与企业业绩之间的关系;从中国地区发展的需要出发,考察部门协同对企业在当地的持续性经营行为的影响;研究经济、技术等环境其变量的具体影响。本文在实证的基础上得出以下结论:一.在中国,部门协同与企业业绩之间存在着显著的正相关关系;二,与企业预期行为之间存在着显著的正相关关系;三,以上关系受到共变量的显著影响。  相似文献   

本文选取2009-2012年沪深两市创业板和中小板上市公司为研究对象,研究了创业投资参与对民营和国有企业高管薪酬契约的影响。实证研究发现:(1)创业投资能够显著改变民营企业高管薪酬与业绩的敏感性,但是创业投资并没有显著改变国有企业高管薪酬与业绩的敏感性;(2)对民营企业而言,创业投资参与降低了高管薪酬与会计业绩之间的敏感性,但是提高了高管薪酬与市场业绩敏感性。实证结果表明,创业投资在民营企业高管薪酬制定过程中发挥了作用,创业投资更加重视市场业绩在高管薪酬契约中的作用;创业投资对国有企业高管薪酬契约影响非常有限;创业投资参与民营和国有企业的动机可能存在差异。  相似文献   

公司企业家精神越来越多地被认为是企业在动荡不确定环境下取得竞争优势的重要因素.虽然很多学者认为高管团队对公司企业家精神有重要影响,但很少有实证研究针对高管团队哪些具体特征及这些特征如何影响公司企业家精神给出结果,在转型经济中类似研.究更是缺乏.本文基于Hambrick高管团队五要素的框架,以长三角七个国家级高新技术开发区220家民营中小高科技企业为被试对象,对高管团队各要素以及要素组合对公司企业家精神的作用机制进行实证研究.结果表明,高管团队首席执行官变革型领导行为、高管团队冒险倾向、行为整合、长期激励报酬以及责任分散都对公司企业家精神有显著的促进作用;而且高管团队长期激励报酬还与冒险倾向和行为整合有交互作用.  相似文献   

制度环境、股权性质与高管变更研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内部治理机制往往需要与外部治理环境相匹配,中国的分权化改革引发了不同地区间市场化程度的巨大差异,这对不同地区间的公司治理效果产生重大影响.从新制度经济学理论和公司治理理论的角度出发,借鉴国际制度比较研究模式,以中国经济转轨、制度变迁时期各地区制度建设的不平衡为基础,分析外部制度对公司治理(即业绩与高管变更关系)的影响,并进一步探讨不同股权性质的企业其制度环境对公司治理效果影响的差异.通过统计检验发现,公司业绩与高管变更之间的关系是负相关,制度环境好,高管变更与公司业绩之间的负相关关系更强;与公司为国有股股东相比,第一大股东为非国有股股东的公司中,制度环境越好,业绩与高管变更之间的负相关关系越强. 异,这对不同地区间的公司治理效果产生重大影响.从新制度经济学理论和公司治理理论的角度出发,借鉴国际制度比较研究模式,以中国经济转轨、制度变迁时期各地区制度建设的不平衡为基础,分析外部制度对公司治理(即业绩与高管变更关系)的影响,并进一步探讨不同股权性质的企业其制度环境对公司治理效果影响的差异.通过统计检验发现,公司业绩与高管变更之间的关系是负相关,制度环境好,高管变更与公司业绩之间的负相关关系更强;与公司为国有股股东 比,第一大股东为非国有股股东的公司中,制度环境越好,业绩与高管变更之间的负相关关系越强.  相似文献   

王锟  李伟 《南开管理评论》2012,15(6):104-110,134
政治背景作为高管的社会资源,会对公司的内部治理效率产生影响。通过对2004-2011年中国A股民营上市公司的1330个样本进行实证分析,本文研究了高管政治背景对其离职—业绩敏感性的影响。研究发现,总体而言,公司高管离职的可能性与业绩水平显著负相关;在考虑政治关联因素的影响后,政治关联能够显著地弱化高管离职的可能性与业绩水平的负相关关系,亦即高管的政治背景能够降低其离职—业绩敏感性。  相似文献   

本文结合中国经济转型时期的制度环境,对传统的国际折衷理论加以拓展,归纳出在中国经济转型的制度环境下,与企业对外直接投资决策密切相关的一系列特殊的制度因素,在此基础上建立一个中国企业对外直接投资决策的理论分析框架.然后以2006-2007年中国企业对外直接投资的微观数据为样本,对中国企业的对外直接投资的决策进行了多因素回归分析.实证结果表明,政府政策扶植、海外关系资源及自身融资能力对企业对外直接投资的动机和能力有重要影响.分类型研究表明,上述三种制度因素对贸易型、生产型、资源型和研发型对外直接投资的影响程度各有不同.  相似文献   

本文基于国有企业的高管变更视角分析了高管权力对公司治理效率的影响.以2004 -2008年的国有上市公司为研究样本,实证发现:(1)总体上高管变更与公司业绩呈负相关,而高管权力的增强会降低其因业绩低劣而被强制性更换的可能性,表明国企高管的权力在高管变更决策中发挥了显著的职位堑壕效应;(2)发生了高管变更的公司其未来业绩有明显的提高,但这一促进效应仅在权力较小的高管被变更后出现,而权力较大的高管被变更后公司业绩并没有得到改进;(3)进一步的研究显示,政府控制层级的提升和制度环境的改善能够抑制国企高管的权力寻租行为.本文的研究结果有助于我们理解国有企业高管权力的经济后果,并为当前有关国企公司治理和高管选聘体制改革的政策导向提供了经验启示.  相似文献   

房产企业销售所遵循的商业模式主要有自营销售和代理销售两种,本文将其作为调节变量引入房地产高管团队特质与地产企业业绩的研究之中,我们在对两种商业模式进行比较的基础上,结合“高层梯队理论”中高管团队的特质要素,对沪深两市2011年上市房地产企业高管团队构成与企业业绩进行实证研究.研究表明,高管团队以及董事长的个人特质与企业业绩相关联,较之代销模式,高管团队的任期与董事长的教育、年龄、任期等在自销模式下与业绩的正相关性较大,而高管团队年龄的异质性则在自销模式下与业绩的负相关更为明显.本文对研究房产企业治理结构与营销手段的协同性问题具有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

运用中国纺织业和信息技术业上市公司的实证数据,本研究发现,高管团队组成特征比CEO个人特征解释更多的企业绩效变异。本研究还发现,公司短期绩效的正相关因素有团队规模和平均任期,公司长期绩效的正相关因素是平均教育水平,公司长期绩效的负相关因素是团队规模。在信息技术公司,高管团队的平均任期与公司的长期绩效负相关,任期异质性与公司的长期业绩正相关,高管团队平均年龄与企业当期绩效显著负相关。  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to bridge the micro-macro divide by addressing continued calls from strategic leadership and affect researchers to examine the black box to consider how CEO characteristics relate to top management team (TMT) affective experiences, and, in turn firm outcomes. We further consider the role of one key contextual factor in this relationship: TMT heterogeneity. We predict that CEO personality, specifically, emotional stability, is positively associated with TMT affective tone. Moreover, we posit that the relationship between TMT affective tone and firm performance depends on TMT task-related heterogeneity, such that positive affective tone benefits firm performance in heterogeneous TMTs, whereas negative affective tone benefits firm performance in homogeneous TMTs. Using a novel methodology that measures key psychological aspects of the CEO and TMT, we examined 50 TMTs from publicly-traded companies to test our predictions. Our findings offer theoretical contributions to the strategic leadership, affect and diversity literatures as well as managerial applications for CEO selection and management and managing diversity in upper echelons.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(6):1066-1079
This study examines empowering leadership from an upper echelons perspective by focusing on top management teams (TMTs) and considering the demographic dissimilarities between the CEO and other TMT members. Data from a multisource survey of 129 Chinese firms demonstrate the importance of the fit between the backgrounds of the leader and the TMT members. Although empowerment of TMTs by CEOs predicts superior organizational performance in general, the findings show that this practice is most beneficial when the CEO and the TMT members differ in their informational demographics but have a longer tenure overlap. If either dissimilarity in informational demographics or tenure overlap is lacking, the CEO's empowerment of the TMT has a less positive effect on firm performance. Essentially, a three-way interaction is demonstrated. Introducing boundary conditions for the empowerment of TMTs by CEOs and testing their interactive influence broadens our understanding of how CEO leadership style can affect organizational performance, and refines the guidance for practitioners on TMT management.  相似文献   

This research examined the relationship of cultural heterogeneity with team and organizational performance, as mediated by selected aspects of group processes. The study was done with top management teams (TMTs) in international subsidiaries of multinational corporations (MNCs). It was found that cultural heterogeneity within the TMT is positively related to both the level of issue-based conflict the team experiences and to TMT performance. The TMT performance and the subsidiary's performance were positively related. Issue-based conflict affected negatively TMT performance but had a positive effect on subsidiary performance. The hypothesis that cultural heterogeneity would be negatively related to TMT cohesion was not supported. The results provide general support for the importance of cultural heterogeneity for the functioning of TMTs and their international subsidiaries.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we raise the question whether CEO transformational leadership invariably makes a difference for team performance and change effectiveness. Since in general, CEOs are surrounded by a team of highly influential top managers, we argue that the effectiveness of CEO transformational leadership is contingent on the feedback seeking behavior of their top management team (TMT). Data from 38 TMTs and their CEOs demonstrated that transformational leadership was positively related to both TMT performance and effectiveness of organizational change, but only when the TMT engaged in low levels of feedback seeking behavior. As predicted, there was no relationship between CEO transformational leadership and performance and change effectiveness for teams exhibiting high levels of feedback seeking behavior. These findings suggest that for high-feedback seeking TMTs, organizational results can be achieved without a transformational CEO.  相似文献   

There has been an increased interest in the last two decades in top management teams (TMTs) of business firms. Much of the research, however, has been US‐based and concerned primarily with TMT effects on organizational outcomes. The present study aims to expand this literature by examining the antecedents of top team composition in the context of macro‐level economic change in a late‐industrializing country. The post‐1980 trade and market reforms in Turkey provided the empirical setting. Drawing upon the literatures on TMT and chief executive characteristics together with punctuated equilibrium models of change and institutional theory, the article develops the argument that which firm‐level factors affect which attributes of TMT formations varies across the early and late stages of economic liberalization. Results of the empirical investigation of 71 of the largest industrial firms in Turkey broadly supported the hypotheses derived from this premise. In the early stages of economic liberalization the average age and average organizational tenure of TMTs were related to the export orientation of firms, whereas in later stages, firm performance became a major predictor of these team attributes. Educational background characteristics of teams appeared to be under stronger institutional pressures, altering in different ways in the face of macro‐level change.  相似文献   

Blending conceptual framing from the CEO-TMT interface literature with upper echelons decision-making theory, we develop a model of the role of CEO narcissism and narcissism in the upper echelons. We argue that narcissistic CEOs tend to have higher narcissism in their Top Management Teams (N-TMTs). In turn, TMTs characterized by narcissism can benefit from positive aspects of narcissism while avoiding its pitfalls; especially when strategic decision speed is slower and behavioral integration is higher. In a field study of 104 TMTs from publicly-listed South Korean firms, we find an association between narcissistic CEOs and N-TMT, and that N-TMT mediates in the indirect, conditional relationship between CEO narcissism and sales growth. We also invoke threshold theory in anticipation that outcomes associated with N-TMT may be nonlinear. In support of our threshold hypothesis, we find a curvilinear relationship between N-TMT and sales growth; and this curvilinear relationship is stronger for a small number of TMTs scoring high on N-TMT (> +2SD), where TMTs’ activities are defined by deliberative integration. The pattern of results we report provides evidence for the importance of accounting for narcissism in the upper echelons as a predictor of sales growth, and key contextual moderators of this relationship.  相似文献   

Integrating risk, gender diversity and upper echelons literatures, we examine whether the presence of women in upper management (top management team (TMT) and board of directors (BOD)) and the tenure of TMTs and BODs are associated with the risk of lawsuits. An analysis of data from firms in the US retail industry shows that the presence of women in TMTs and BODs and the tenure of TMTs and BODs are negatively associated with legal risk, but longer tenured BODs with more women had a positive impact on lawsuits. Implications and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

While the information systems (IS) literature has identified potential factors of IS implementation success, none has investigated the relative importance of these factors in the context of small businesses. Small businesses have very different characteristics from large businesses; notably, small businesses suffer from resource poverty. Without knowing the relative importance of key factors, small businesses may be expending their limited resources and energy on less important factors which have limited contribution to IS implementation success. This paper develops a resource-based model of IS implementation for small businesses based on Welsh and White's (Harv Bus Rev 59(4) (1981) 18–32) framework of resource constraints in small businesses and Attewell's (Organ Sci 3(1) (1992) 1–19) knowledge barrier theory. The model is then tested on a sample of 114 small businesses. The results show that small businesses with successful IS tend to have highly effective external experts, adequate IS investment, high users’ IS knowledge, high user involvement, and high CEO support. External expertise is the predominant key factor of IS implementation success in small businesses.  相似文献   

Little is known about how top management teams (TMTs) make balanced strategic decisions (exploration and exploitation) and spearhead organizational ambidexterity. To address the theoretical call to explore how TMTs can help create ambidexterity, we propose a theoretical model where TMT behavioral integration cultivates behavioral complexity in a TMT that can build organizational ambidexterity. Further, we argue that the relationship between TMT behavioral complexity and organizational ambidexterity is moderated by contextual ambidexterity. Drawing on research in the areas of leadership, TMT, organizational context and ambidexterity, we explore implications for future research.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(3):102142
A longstanding debate in the strategic decision-making literature has focused on whether top management teams (TMTs) can effectively balance speed and comprehensiveness when making important decisions. In our research, we build on early insights and pivot from considering whether TMTs can engage indecision-making that balances these tensions to focus instead on when certain types of TMTs are able to achieve such balance. We employ a novel configurational analytical approach and a theoretical framework built from role theory to examine the CEO-TMT interface in a new way. In so doing, we are able to identify specific CEO-TMT constellations that support decision-making that is both fast and rigorous. Using a unique primary dataset and an abductive, configurational approach grounded in fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), we identify six specific leader-team configurations that each facilitate decision processes characterized by rigorous intra-team debate, meaningful reconciliation of divergent ideas, and fast decision speed (which we describe as strategic decision-making balance). The range of CEO-TMT configurations that emerge from our analyses contribute new theory and findings for the strategic decision-making and interface literatures more broadly, as well as the specific research streams on executive gender, humility, and TMT structure.  相似文献   

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