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创新已经成为国内通信服务企业的竞争利器,探讨创新影响企业内部运作、外部顾客满意度和企业绩效的路径和模式.本文以河南省新联通为例,运用调查研究方法和案例研究方法,探讨基于东方管理的服务创新与员工满意、顾客满意和绩效之间的关系.本文得到如下结论:(1)基于东方管理思想的"内部服务创新-员工满意-顾客满意-企业绩效"的服务利润链路径得到验证,但强度较弱,这表明东方管理思想和服务创新理论在国内通信服务企业的应用是有效的,但其作用有待提升;(2)内部和外部服务创新通过直接和间接两条路径影响企业绩效;(3)内部创新影响路径(内部服务创新→员工满意→顾客满意→企业绩效)的强度小于外部创新影响路径(外部服务创新→顾客满意→企业绩效)的强度,表明针对员工的内部服务创新还未成为当前国内通信服务企业创新的重点;(4)除了创新对绩效的间接影响外,内部服务创新和外部服务创新会直接影响企业绩效,这表明国内通信服务企业的创新可能仍倾向于绩效导向,而非顾客导向,即表现出行为短期化.  相似文献   

在移动电商高速发展和移动支付日益便捷的时代,线上线下融合商务模式正日益成为传统零售、电子商务甚至快递物流企业转型升级的重要方向,影响着供应链运营管理及其优化决策。线上线下融合模式下的战略顾客行为不同于传统模式,其对于供应链运营管理及其优化决策的影响也不同于传统模式。基于O2O运作模式特征,运用战略顾客行为理论、供应链优化与协调理论,本文分别构建了"线上下单+线下体验+线下支付+自行提货"O2O模式1、"线上浏览+线下体验+线上购买+线下配送"O2O模式2、纯线下模式和纯线上模式下考虑战略顾客行为的供应链集中决策模型和契约协调模型,并进行了相应的数值分析,在此基础上,提出了相应的管理启示。研究结果表明:(1)无论是"线上下单+线下体验+线下支付+自行提货"O2O模式1还是"线上浏览+线下体验+线上购买+线下配送"O2O模式2,收益分享契约机制可以有效地实现战略顾客行为下的供应链协调。(2)对比两种O2O模式和两种非O2O模式,O2O模式1和O2O模式2能给供应链及其成员带来更多的利润,而纯线上模式和纯线下模式能给战略顾客带来更高的效用。(3)O2O模式下,制定较高的自提补贴和较低的折扣价格,有利于提高供应链及其成员的运营绩效。(4)O2O模式下,增强产品及其相关服务的实际体验效用,有利于提高供应链整体及其成员的运营绩效,有利于提高战略顾客的净效用。  相似文献   

中国制造企业供应链整合与企业绩效的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文旨在研究探讨供应链整合、企业运作绩效及财务绩效之间的关系,揭示供应链整合通过供应商运作绩效及客户服务绩效影响财务绩效的作用机理。利用139份制造企业的样本,本文采用多元线性回归及中介效应检验方法对假设进行验证。实证研究结果表明:供应商整合对供应商运作绩效有显著的正向影响,内部整合及客户整合对客户服务绩效的提升有显著的推动作用;企业财务绩效的提升主要基于客户服务绩效的提升。同时,供应商整合、内部整合及客户整合对财务绩效的影响皆通过供应商运作绩效及客户服务绩效的提升来实现,其中,供应商运作绩效为部分中介变量,而客户服务绩效为完全中介变量。  相似文献   

曾文杰  马士华 《管理学报》2010,7(8):1221-1227
根据制造行业供应链的特点,建立了供应链合作关系对协同运作,以及合作关系和协同对供应链运作绩效的影响假设模型,其中,供应链合作关系以沟通、信任、承诺、适应、相互依赖和合作6个因素作为度量因素;供应链协同以信息共享、同步决策和激励联盟作为研究维度;供应链绩效主要考察配送、库存成本和柔性3个方面的情况.运用结构方程模型的研究方法,对163例国内制造企业供应链进行数据收集、分析和处理,结果表明,供应链合作关系对协同运作有很强的正性影响作用;同时,供应链合作关系、协同对供应链运作绩效也有明显正性影响.  相似文献   

赵晓敏 《管理科学》2015,28(1):66-82
为了探讨顾客退货情境下的供应链运作绩效问题,采用动态建模方法对产品正向物流和退货逆向物流为一体的闭环供应链系统进行研究,构建生产-分销-市场-退货-再处理-再销售等多个环节的系统运作模型.通过计算机仿真方法模拟不同情境下系统的动态行为规律,着重从产品生命周期视角探讨顾客退货对供应链系统运作绩效的影响;以系统总利润为指标,评估退货率、退货处理时间、产品价格衰减等因素的影响效应.研究结果表明,无论是对长生命周期产品还是短生命周期产品,退货率和产品价格衰减均是影响系统绩效的关键因素,高退货率和高价格衰减会显著削弱供应链整体的盈利能力,导致系统总利润大幅下滑.对于陷入高退货、高价格衰减困境的企业,设定相对较短的退货期限可以在一定程度上改善盈利情况;此外,当加快退货处理速度不会引起额外的成本投资时,快速的退货处理方式对企业更为有益,特别是对短生命周期产品而言,缩短退货环节的处理时间具有非常显著的经济价值.  相似文献   

如何获取供应链敏捷是信息系统和运作管理领域共同关注的热点和前沿问题。然而,当前研究主要关注供应链流程柔性或信息技术柔性对于供应链敏捷形成的作用,忽视了供应链环境中如何通过IT治理来实现供应链的分销渠道敏捷。基于IT治理和IT-商务战略匹配理论,本文构建了一个有调节的中介模型来实证研究IT治理、企业间电子商务战略匹配(知识匹配和运作匹配)和环境动荡性影响渠道敏捷的机理。通过对209家被调查企业的数据分析发现:IT治理通过知识匹配和运作匹配对渠道敏捷产生积极正向影响;环境动荡水平越高,运作匹配所发挥的中介作用越强;环境动荡性在IT治理和知识匹配之间存在负向调节作用,而在知识匹配和渠道敏捷之间存在正向调节作用。本文通过融合IT治理和IT-商务战略匹配理论,揭示了焦点企业和渠道伙伴的IT治理对渠道敏捷的作用机理,为供应链敏捷理论贡献新知。  相似文献   

作为供应链管理的核心组成部分,供应链绩效评估对于供应链及企业的成功运作具有举足轻重的作用。本文基于供应链运作参考模型SCOR中已有的标准评估指标,在大量的供应链实践的基础上,立足于以顾客满意度为导向,致力于量化企业竞争力水平,创新地推导出新的供应链绩效评估参数,即订单履行效率OFE。该参数综合评估订单履行过程中定性和定量两方面的绩效,反应出投入的资源和其相关产出在质和量上的综合相关性。订单履行效率具有多维性、实用性和可操作性的特征,它不仅适用于评估供应链的各个环节,同时也可以作为辅助评估整个供应链管理绩效的指标。  相似文献   

食品质量安全问题并不是一个部门或一个单位的责任,涉及到从农田到餐桌所有环节的安全控制,如果其中任何一个环节的食品源发生污染或出现不安全问题,不安全的食品都可能随着大范围流通而扩散。因此,要保障食品质量安全应从整个供应链的角度考虑。大部分农产食品具有信任和经验属性,购买或者消费前无法观测到其质量。高质量(或安全)产品或服务的提供者为了将其产品或服务与其他低质量产品或服务区分开,采用信号战略。 识别供应链安全管理的内部供应链安全管理和外部供应链安全管理两个关键维度,从供应链安全管理的视角出发,整合交易成本理论和信号理论,以能力-信号-绩效为理论框架,构建以食品质量安全认证为中介的食品企业的(内部和外部)供应链安全管理与(国内和国际)销售绩效之间的关系模型。为验证假设,选择中国西部地区食品行业企业作为研究对象,从各个地区绿色食品发展中心和乡镇企业局收集2010年至2014年240家食品企业的二手数据,采用多元回归分析的逐步回归预测模型。 研究结果表明,内部供应链安全管理对食品企业的国内销售绩效具有直接积极影响,但作为食品质量安全信号的食品质量安全认证和外部供应链安全管理对国内销售绩效没有显著影响;内部供应链安全管理和外部供应链安全管理均对食品企业国际销售绩效具有直接积极影响,也以食品质量安全认证作为完全中介对食品企业国际销售绩效产生间接影响。 内部供应链安全管理促进了食品企业的国内销售绩效,但是能实现国际销售绩效的食品企业,不仅需要良好的内部供应链安全管理,更需要形成外部供应链安全能力,并且获得食品认证。由此,从供应链安全管理的投资和建设的视角,为改善中国食品质量安全提供了启示和解决途径。  相似文献   

顾客满意度与企业股东价值关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾客满意对企业绩效的影响作用一直是研究者和管理者关注的焦点.随着市场竞争的加剧,越来越多的国内外企业制订了顾客满意战略以提高企业绩效.如果不能对顾客满意度增加企业绩效的机制进行深刻的把握,企业就难以制定出准确的营销战略导向和营销资源分配方案.本研究采用中国部分制造业上市公司为研究样本,建立顾客满意度与企业股东价值之间的多层线形模型,探讨了顾客满意度对企业股东价值的影响关系,以及在这个过程中行业特征和企业特征所发生的具体作用.研究结果表明顾客满意对企业股东价值的形成具有显著的正向作用,研究还分解出在企业股东价值形成的过程中企业特征和行业特征发挥的作用比例,同时证明了行业特征对顾客满意与股东价值之间关系的调节作用.  相似文献   

供应链管理实施对组织绩效的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文将竞争优势作为中介变量,构建了一个供应链管理实施与组织绩效间关系的理论模型,并以来自西南和华南等地区的177个企业为实证样本,用结构方程模型对理论模型和研究假设进行实证检验。结果显示,供应链管理实施对竞争优势、组织绩效有显著直接影响,并且通过竞争优势还对组织绩效产生显著的间接影响;竞争优势对于供应链管理实施与组织绩效间关系具有部分中介效应。  相似文献   

在系统总结国内外相关文献的基础上,设计了基于PDCA循环的供应链视角下物流客户服务绩效评价流程,并针对每个流程给出了控制重点,旨在通过对绩效评价流程的规范管理,不断提高物流客户服务绩效和供应链整体绩效水平。在绩效评价方案设计环节提出了给予供应链整体绩效提升的物流客户服务绩效评价方法和指标体系,在绩效评价方案实施环节给出了应用模糊层次分析法选择物流服务商的步骤。  相似文献   

Although extensive academic research has examined the dynamics of interpersonal interactions between service providers and customers, much less research has investigated customer service encounters through technological interfaces such as the Web in electronic commerce transactions. Corporate websites have become an important point of contact with customers for many companies. Service has been described as one of the most important attributes for online business to influence traffic and sales. However, more research is needed to understand how Web‐based technological capabilities of services affect customer satisfaction. In this paper, we propose viewing the interface between online buyers and sellers through the lens of service management to identify possible determinants of online customer satisfaction. A company's website is considered its electronic service delivery system. We look at this electronic service delivery system from its process point of view. Our findings indicate that as the electronic service delivery system process improves, a customer's perception of the website's ease of use increases, leading to increased service value and perceived control over the process, which increases customer satisfaction. The research provides evidence that the technological capabilities embedded in the website processes are an important factor in determining service quality and ultimately online customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Product returns present one of the biggest operational challenges in the world of Internet retailing due to the sheer volume and cost of processing returns. But returns also represent an often‐missed opportunity to manage customer relationships and build customer loyalty to the retailer. Based upon data from a survey of 464 customers of five different Internet retailers, this article explores how firms' returns management systems affect loyalty intentions. We draw upon extant literature in the fields of Internet retailing, service quality, supply chain management, and customer satisfaction/loyalty to develop a model and a set of hypotheses relating ten latent variables in the service returns offering area. Our resulting structural equation model provides evidence of the impact of the returns management system upon customer loyalty intentions. The model also identifies effects on loyalty intentions arising from customers' satisfaction with, and perceptions of, the value of the returns service offered. These findings will help inform managers' choices regarding investment in the returns management system as an element of service quality improvement and a potential means of improved profitability. In addition, this study's empirical exploration and testing of a returns management model in the Internet retailing environment is a contribution to the currently underrepresented body of academic literature linking marketing and supply chain management in the context of end consumers.  相似文献   

Integrating the perspectives of transaction cost economics, the resource‐based view, and resource dependency theory, this study analyzes the institutional settings of enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations in China. Specifically, it examines how bilateral transaction‐specific investments (TSIs) and relational governance mechanisms influence customer satisfaction with ERP implementations. The model is empirically tested using data from on‐site interviews with 208 ERP customers in China. The results demonstrate that the effects of vendors’ and customers’ TSIs on customer satisfaction are facilitated by multiple‐stage micromediational chains. The influence of TSIs on customer satisfaction is mediated by relational norms, and the impact of relational norms on customer satisfaction is bridged by perceived service quality and customer trust. Furthermore, the influence of vendors’ TSIs is stronger than the influence of customers’ TSIs. The findings contribute to business research and practice by providing valuable insights into how ERP vendors and customers should strategize TSIs to enhance relationship performance.  相似文献   

The relationship between customer mindset metrics (CMMs) and consumer spending has been extensively investigated at the consumer and firm level, but little is known about it at the national level, nor about how it differs between countries. Drawing on five publicly available datasets gathered in 10 European countries over 20 years, our study traces the connections between three CMMs – customer satisfaction, perceived service quality and loyalty intentions – and consumer spending, as well as examining the moderating cross-country effects of culture, socioeconomic factors, economic structure and political–economic elements. The results show that the CMMs significantly influence consumer spending in all the countries studied, with the effects most pronounced in societies with relatively low education levels, a dominant service sector, fewer barriers to business and international trade and a foundation of survival values rather than self-expressive values. Our findings suggest that CMMs can be used to boost not just business performance but also economic growth, and therefore have significant implications for policymakers as well as practitioners and companies.  相似文献   

This paper aims to propose a comprehensive evaluation tool and decision model, which can help the practitioners to gauge their supply chain performance and guide them in decision-making for further improvements. The model provides a salient notion of integrated supply chain performance evaluation approach distilled from the literature. The five important performance evaluation criteria (supply chain planning performance, supply chain partnership performance, production performance, delivery and logistic performance and customer service and satisfaction performance) and corresponding 19 sub-criteria have been identified. An integrated methodology of structural equation modelling (SEM) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) have been applied to the proposed model to a real case study of Indian textile–apparel–retail supply chain network.  相似文献   

供应链管理实践对企业绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章构建了供应链管理实践-企业竞争战略-企业绩效的权变模型,通过问卷调查搜集一手数据,运用因子分析和回归分析等统计方法,找出在不同的竞争战略下,哪些供应链管理实践与其更匹配。文章得出的结果对于企业也具有借鉴意义,实行不同竞争战略的企业根据结果调整供应链实践的关注程度,使供应链实践更好地与竞争战略相匹配。  相似文献   

Traditional outsourcing literature has claimed gains for the customer in terms of quality and costs. However, such gains are illusory in outsourcing of high-risk, complex tasks. The use of contracts and governance mechanisms for handling complex procurements is essential in obtaining rewards from outsourcing. Powerful incentives and risks are normally used in industrial service contracts to transfer risks to measure compliance with performance measures. The availability contracts for complex engineering services provision are forms of outsourcing contracts that transfer resources from government to external service providers on a substantial scale. The change moves the contractor role from creating resources to managing resources. Such role change mandates collaboration with customers and suppliers in supply/value chains. The management task is then perceived in terms of linking and optimising alignments rather than increasing service levels. Incentive design is one mechanism for linking the coordination of resources required in availability contracting to the business model. This article studies the impacts of agreed contract type and incentive mechanism on the customer and service provider profits using agent-based discrete event simulation model under multiple risk sharing scenarios.  相似文献   

Despite the hype surrounding the value‐added potential of e‐business for contemporary firms, the recent technology downturn was marked by poor customer satisfaction from investment in e‐business initiatives. An apparent mismatch between customer expectations and vendor offerings suggested a lack of appropriate methods and techniques for evaluating e‐business. This article draws from a longitudinal research study on the deployment, hosting and integration of application service provisioning (ASP), an e‐business model targeted mainly at small and medium‐sized businesses (SMBs). Using system dynamics as a methodology that addresses the inherent complexity of the ASP model, the article demonstrates how a series of complex inter‐relationships between key performance indicators (KPIs) will impact the business value for customers from ASP vendor products and services. The lessons from this research will be particularly relevant for existing and future ASP vendors and customers.  相似文献   

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