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为了提高供应链协同知识创新的可行性,从知识创新对供应链存在和发展的重要性出发,首先研究了供应链中知识创新的涵义,指出协同知识创新是其特点,接着根据供应商参与的不同程度,构建了供应商协同知识创新的四个层次:承诺供应价格、提供信息、设计反馈和合作研发.在此基础上,指出协同知识创新的第一层次,承诺供应价格有着积极意义.然后,基于制造商和供应商一对一的供应链模型,提出供应商定价策略的经济决策的前提条件,在供应商承诺价格和不承诺供应价格两种情形下,分别构造了制造商与供应商的获利函数,并通过对获利函数的求解,得出供应商承诺供应价格的经济决策条件,即承诺供应价格时所获得的利润要大于不承诺供应价格时所获得的利润.  相似文献   

协同产品开发中供应商介入时间对无效迭代影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马文建  刘伟  李传昭 《管理工程学报》2008,22(3):115-117,145
多企业组织协同产品开发中,供应商合适的介入时间是产品开发成功的关键因素之一.本文通过提出供应商知识累积曲线.刻画供应商知识累积的演化路径,建立信息单向依赖任务供应商介入时间模型,研究了在并行开发中供应商介入时间对无效迭代的影响,并通过数值算例验证了模型的有效性和可行性.最后对协同产品开发管理中供应商介入提出了建议.  相似文献   

当前,“主制造商-供应商”的协同合作模式成为复杂产品的主流生产模式,与传统的制造商供应商合作激励相比,该合作模式更关注供应商的努力水平和长期战略合作,其努力程度决定了复杂产品的生产质量与效率。为激励供应商的努力合作,本文设计努力程度参数,提出了主制造商分摊供应商努力成本的激励策略,建立了基于努力程度的最优成本分摊模型,研究了Nash均衡和Stackelberg均衡两种结构下的激励模式,给出该激励模式下的主制造商分摊供应商研制成本的最优比例、最优努力水平和最优收益。研究结果表明,当供应商的努力程度大于等于努力阀值时,主制造商需分担供应商的努力成本,成本分担大小与供应商努力程度的平方成正比,且受单位收益系数和努力程度收益影响系数的影响。同时,研究表明,在主制造商供应商的协同合作机制中,主从关系的 Stackelberg博弈收益优于Nash均衡收益,应用分析进一步表明,主制造商通过分担供应商努力成本的激励措施可以有效地激励供应商的努力程度,实现在主制造商供应商利益均增长的情况下,达到帕累托改进。本文系统地揭示了主制造商激励供应商的最优成本分担问题,为复杂产品主制造商供应商的长期战略合作激励策略制定提供决策依据。  相似文献   

基于不确定条件下的供应商参与协同设计决策分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以供应商参与协同设计所承担任务比例,作为其参与程度的定量指标,考虑研发不确定性,从供应商角度出发寻求其最适合的参与程度。研究结果表明,对于供应商而言,其参与受双方相对边际利润和开发能力,以及新产品市场不确定性的限制。供应商参与分担制造商部分设计任务有一个最适当的比例,该比例与其自身边际利润及技术开发能力正相关,与制造商边际利润以及技术开发能力负相关,与产品市场成功概率负相关。  相似文献   

李剑  易兰  肖瑶 《中国管理科学》2021,29(10):131-139
信息不对称是阻碍供应链多主体协同减排的主要因素,针对消费者隐匿低碳偏好导致的供应链协同减排效率损失问题,通过与基于委托-代理理论的供应链减排信息甄别机制比较,设计了基于区块链驱动的供应链协同减排信息共享机制。研究表明,消费者获得额外的信息租金是导致供应链减排效率损失的主要因素,生产商和供应商通过分担一定比例的“区块链+协同减排”投资成本,可以获得额外的信息共享收益。“区块链+协同减排”信息共享机制在消除信息租金的同时,可以有效提高供应链收益,并且存在一最优收益分配比例使得生产商与供应商收益达到均衡以及供应链收益达到最优。“区块链+协同减排”信息共享机制可以有效提高供应链上下游企业协同减排效率,是推进我国“十四五”时期减排任务的重要路径之一。  相似文献   

信息共享与协同合作对两级供应链的收益影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张欣  马士华 《管理学报》2007,4(1):32-39
研究了由一个供应商和一个制造商组成的按订单生产的2级供应链系统。用数学的方法分析了信息共享与协同合作在供应商与制造商的不同策略组合下对该供应链收益的影响。通过具体算例对各种策略进行实验分析,并根据实验结果对信息共享与协调合作在各种策略中,对供应链各成员及整个供应链的收益影响进行评估。结果表明,供应链从传统模式转向完全信息共享与协同合作模式,制造商的订货次数、供应商的调整准备次数以及运输次数都大大减少,系统总成本降低了22.76%。信息共享能够降低成本,但主要收益来自系统的协调决策,而且这些收益并不是均匀地在各成员间进行分配的,而是随策略的不同而不同。  相似文献   

考虑到供应风险和生产成本的不确定性,本文研究了买方或卖方实施努力既可能改善供应可靠性,同时又可能降低生产成本的供应链最优决策问题。分别构建了制造商努力和供应商努力的两阶段动态决策模型。分析了提升供应可靠性和降低成本的概率对两种模型中的最优采购数量、最优努力程度和上下游期望收益以及供应链期望收益的影响。同时在两种模型的比较中发现,制造商的最优努力与供应商的最优努力之间的差异与收益分享系数有关。相同努力效果下,制造商努力时的最优采购数量总是不小于供应商努力时的最优采购数量。相比供应商努力,制造商努力更有利于增加其自身的期望收益。然而,供应商以及整个供应链的期望收益却可能在供应商努力时更高。  相似文献   

基于演化博弈的供应链协同产品开发合作机制研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
针对由制造商与供应商构成的两层供应链系统,基于演化博弈理论和方法,研究在长期的协同产品开发过程中,有限理性的制造商和供应商之间的合作机制。首先,对合作的成本分担与收益分配机制进行了分析;然后,对监督和惩罚机制进行了探讨。理论研究、数值模拟和实例分析结果表明:双方进行协同产品开发合作的概率与合作超额收益和单独研发的收益正相关、与研发总费用和背叛收益负相关;存在一个最优的超额收益分配比例,使得制造商和供应商合作的可能性最大化;合作双方支付的成本与双方合作超额收益的分配正相关;在监督条件下,合理的惩罚将有利于减少背叛行为。  相似文献   

考虑多个具有供应风险和成本私有信息的潜在供应商,研究了供应商投标批发单价的最优双源采购拍卖机制设计.首先,针对一般的采购商收益函数,求出了最优的订货量分配规则和供应商投标均衡,并分别与单源采购及对称信息对比,发现双源采购拍卖增加了采购商和供应商的期望利润,不对称信息对供应商有利但对采购商和供应链不利.然后,分别针对报童及垄断环境,进一步分析了双源采购拍卖下的订货分散程度、信息价值和双源采购价值,发现,订货分散程度与供应风险及两个获胜者的利润率贡献相近程度正相关;高成本获胜者比成本较低者索取更高的单位信息租金,导致不对称信息下的订货分散程度比对称信息下低;供应风险越高或投标人数越多时,双源采购价值越大.  相似文献   

李随成  李静  杨婷 《管理评论》2012,(1):146-154
供应商参与新产品开发(Supplier Involvement in New Product Development,SINPD)已受到越来越多国内外企业的关注,选择合适的供应商参与新产品开发成为企业实施SINPD的关键。以我国制造企业为研究对象,通过对国外相关文献的分析提炼出供应商选择的影响因素,据此设计了问卷量表,利用调研数据进行统计分析验证。研究表明,供应商技术能力、供应商的信誉及企业特征、供应商的合作经历、双方合作兼容性、供应商情景及合作的意愿是我国制造企业选择供应商的关键影响因素。  相似文献   

供应商早期参与制造企业新产品的开发作为一种新型的合作模式,可以使合作双方获益。本文从供应商的角度,分析了供应商早期参与制造企业新产品开发的关键因素,并用实证研究的方法验证了这些因素对供应商早期参与新产品开发的影响路径。  相似文献   

The movement of activities earlier in the product development process requires a re-examination of the total supply network. The objective of this paper is to determine the degree of early supplier involvement (ESI) that exists between a multinational electronics company and its key suppliers, in terms of depth of integration, information exchange and buyer–supplier relationships. The paper provides insights into the strategic factors that affect the dynamics of the ESI process. The research indicates that there are considerable impediments for those participants responsible for establishing and managing the implementation of ESI. A number of strategic insights are identified that explain the existence of the impediments to the ESI process. Finally, based upon the findings a number of lessons are highlighted for organisations considering the adoption of the ESI process.  相似文献   

Supplier sourcing strategies are a crucial factor driving supply chain success. In this paper, we investigate the implications of uncertain supplier reliability on a firm's sourcing decisions in an environment with stochastic demand. In particular, we characterize specific conditions under which a firm should choose a single versus multiple supplier sourcing strategy. In an environment with both uncertain demand and supply, we characterize the total order quantity, the number of suppliers selected for order placement, and the allocation of the total order quantity among these selected suppliers. For deeper managerial insight, we also examine the sensitivity of the optimal sourcing decisions to interactions between uncertainties in product demand and supply reliability. We show that sourcing from a single supplier is an optimal strategy for environments characterized by high levels of demand uncertainty or high salvage values. A numerical analysis based on data obtained from an office products retailer further reinforces our analytical results. In addition, we also find that when minimal order quantities are imposed, there are situations where it is not optimal to place an order with the lowest cost supplier.  相似文献   

The movement of activities earlier in the product development process, necessitates a re-examination of the total supply network. Supply chain literature has traditionally examined procurement and value-adding activities, without explicitly defining product development as part of these. The trend towards outsourcing design activities is bringing recognition for this process as part of the total supply network. The objective of this paper is to determine the degree of early supplier involvement (ESI) that exists between a multinational electronics company and its key suppliers, in terms of depth of integration, information exchange and buyer–supplier relationships. The paper provides insights into the strategic factors that affect the dynamics of the ESI process. Such insights are valuable in terms of gaining a greater understanding of how the ESI process is managed and determining the barriers to effective supplier integration. The research indicates that there are considerable impediments for those participants responsible for establishing and managing the implementation of ESI. A number of strategic insights are identified that explain the existence of the impediments to the ESI process. Finally, based upon the findings a number of lessons are highlighted for organisations considering the adoption of the ESI process.  相似文献   

This study investigates the problem of new product development (NPD) under supplier involvement (SI) program in a supply chain comprising a single supplier and a single buyer. The buyer, the Stackelberg leader in the supply chain, configures the design quality of the product and determines the extent of SI – the degree to which the supplier is involved in the NPD project – in order to utilize the complementary capability of the supplier. The supplier in charge of production determines the level of conformance quality to design specifications. Using the principal-agent paradigm, we propose an analytical framework that investigates the role of the SI program in the NPD project, incorporating essential factors such as the R&D cost, the transactional inefficiency, the production cost, and the transfer payment. We provide rich managerial insights into the decentralized NPD practice by analyzing the equilibrium behaviors of major decision variables (design quality, conformance quality and SI extent) with respect to internal and external environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This work presents a case study of how a design chain, with more than three tiers of organisations (customer, manufacturer, and supplier), can involve its members in the early stages of the design and development process to meet their needs more effectively. A vertical design chain model, consisting of strategy, process and information levels, is adopted to elucidate how a computer company can provide for different customers and use various suppliers to create synergy within the design chain. The results of this study demonstrate that the re-engineering of cross organisation product design flow, product data management software applications and the integration of information from various parties are critical to the early involvement in a vertical design chain. Based on this case study, the proposed early involvement model can shorten the time taken to develop new products and considerably reduce the number of engineering changes for various manufacturers.  相似文献   

Nowadays, suppliers’ product and service quality has risen in importance with a manufacturer’s push to develop core competencies and capitalise on global operations and markets. However, due to the complex features of business service, suppliers are facing significant challenges in providing service effectively and developing business collaboration. This is further complicated by the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This paper thus attempts to investigate the factors influencing buyers’ e-service (EBS) requirements and the impact of these requirements on business collaboration. Based on a questionnaire survey with 500 UK telecommunication manufacturers, this research identifies buyers’ different EBS requirements for different types of suppliers and the impact of ICTs on EBS requirements. While for suppliers our findings provide insights into buyers’ EBS requirements, they can help buyers to develop appropriate supplier selection criteria. The findings also contribute to a better understanding of the development of buyer and supplier business collaboration.  相似文献   

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