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大量研究证明,情绪智力能够正向预测工作绩效,二者关系会受到中介与调节变量的影响。本文在情绪管理和工作绩效相关理论回顾的基础上,集中探讨企业员工情绪管理对其工作绩效的影响,以期对企业核心竞争力的提高和组织人力资源管理工作提供必要的理论支持和一个新的思考的视角。  相似文献   

随着现代企业管理水平的提高,绩效管理已成为企业重视和应用的一个重要目标。通过开展有效的绩效管理,企业可以发现自身存在的问题,改进组织的效率,同时也可促进企业员工职业化进程。大多数员工都愿意了解自己的工作成绩,想知道自己如何能工作得更出色,工作绩效管理可以为员工提供反馈信息,帮助员工认识自己的优势和不足,发现自己的潜能,改进工作绩效,促进员工个人职业发展。绩效管理作为人力资源管理的核心,其建立的有效性决定了人力资源管理的有效性。  相似文献   

张伟 《经营管理者》2013,(16):81-81
随着现代企业管理水平的提高,绩效管理已成为企业重视和应用的一个重要目标。通过开展有效的绩效管理,企业可以发现自身存在的问题,改进组织的效率,同时也可促进企业员工职业化进程。大多数员工都愿意了解自己的工作成绩,想知道自己如何能工作得更出色,工作绩效管理可以为员工提供反馈信息,帮助员工认识自己的优势和不足,发现自己的潜能,改进工作绩效,促进员工个人职业发展。绩效管理作为人力资源管理的核心,其建立的有效性决定了人力资源管理的有效性。  相似文献   

绩效管理在组织管理中处于非常重要的地位,绩效管理的重要途径是绩效沟通。通过绩效沟通来更有效地实现管理的目的,这是现代人力资源管理的重要内容。因此,作为现代企业管理来说,管理者做好员工的绩效沟通,激励员工的工作积极性,顺利实现企业目标,是非常重要的。  相似文献   

在中国企业面临的十大管理难题中,“如何建立有效的绩效管理体系”排在首位,人力资源管理理论中最为引人注目的热点问题当数绩效管理,探索企业战略绩效管理具有十分重要的意义。企业战略绩效管理在现代企业的人力资源管理中占据核心地位,绩效主要体现为“效率”(努力用正确方法做事)和“效果”(做正确的事)。绩效管理是企业对员工在工作过程中表现出来的工作业绩、工作能力、工作态度进行评价,并用评价结果来整合与激活人力资源,通过不断改善员工个人的绩效,最终实现企业整体绩效的提升,它包括员工绩效管理与组织绩效管理两大企业管理运作系…  相似文献   

从社会认同理论的视角分别研究内部和外部企业社会责任对员工组织认同的影响机制,可以发现内部和外部社会责任均显著地正向影响员工的组织认同感,而内外部社会责任影响员工组织认同的路径却是不一样的。关注内部利益相关者的企业社会责任行为有助于提高员工的组织支持感知,从而影响其组织认同感;而关注外部利益相关者的企业社会责任行为会通过员工的道德认同来影响员工的组织认同。这为企业开展企业社会责任活动和人力资源管理提供了指导。  相似文献   

企业绩效管理作为人力资源管理的基础和核心,加强人力资源基础性工作,建立整合绩效管理系统;注重绩效沟通,建立绩效反馈机制;加强员工激励等五个方面的对策措施,以提高企业的经营管理水平。  相似文献   

田立法 《中国管理科学》2014,22(12):109-117
破解人力资源管理系统影响企业绩效的机理是战略人力资源管理研究领域的核心问题。基于164家高新技术企业的调查数据,采用层级回归模型检验了人力资源管理系统与企业绩效间的复杂性机理。结果显示,人力资源管理系统对企业绩效的正向直接效应显著,影响二者关系的外生变量是创新战略非高管价值观;人力资本在二者关系间的中介效应不显著,但以组织氛围为控制变量时中介效应有了显著提高;"组织氛围调节下的人力资本中介作用模型"很好地刻画人力资本发挥中介效应的机理。研究结果强化了我们对人力资源管理系统与企业绩效关系机理的认知,同时为高新技术企业管理者在实践中管理员工提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

随着项目管理方式在越来越多的企业推行应用,员工薪酬激励问题引起了企业的关注。项目团队工作绩效的激励因素主要有员工努力程度、团队的绩效和报酬。当前项目管理组织结构主要有职能式、项目式和矩阵式。不同的组织结构对员工的薪酬激励会产生不同的影响。在分析项目团队的薪酬体系设计原则的基础上,提出了一系列构建项目管理下的薪酬激励机制的措施。  相似文献   

激励是现代企业管理中必不可少的重要手段.科学适用的激励可以激发企业员工的积极性,使企业员工在满足个人组织目标的同时满足企业的整体目标,发挥出人的最大效能,从而不断提高企业工作绩效.该文在简要概述激励理论的基础上,归纳探讨了现代企业常用的激励措施与方法,并提出了激励理论在现代企业中应用的基本原则.  相似文献   

Psychological contract (PC) constitutes a theoretical framework for; explaining labor relationships, and it has been considered as a; mediation step between structural variables and processes and work and; organizational outcomes. Whereas PC (un)fulfillment; showed consistent relationships with variables such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, performance, or absenteeism, the effects of PC; violation (emotional answers that develop after perceptions of PC; breach) have been less investigated. In addition, structural antecedents; of PC constructs had included Human Resources (HR) practices. This paper aims to extend; research on PC and its role as a mediator between HR practices and work; outcomes, both at individual and organizational levels. Specifically, we; examined the impact of human resource practices on employee performance; and sickness absences through a sequence of supervisor support, PC; fulfillment and PC violation. In a sample of 4648 employees from 214; companies of seven different countries, our results indicate that high-commitment; human resource practices were significantly and negatively; related to PC violation through supervisor support and positively to PC; fulfillment; in turn, PC violation was negatively related to employee; performance and positively to sick leave. These relationships at the; individual level were partially replicated at the organizational level, developing partial homologous models and showing that shared perceptions; about HR practices lead to shared perceptions on PC affecting collective; outcomes. Therefore, the findings shed new light on PC theory, regarding; the mediating role of PC constructs and negative emotions in the; relationships between HR practices and support from supervisors and performance at individual and organizational levels.  相似文献   

A number of investigations have focused on aspects of human resource management policy and their impact on employees. The study reported here examines the extent to which the main elements of performance management systems are associated with positive employee attitudes. Questionnaire measures of performance management variables and of employee attitudes were obtained from 860 staff in nine organizations, all of which had been ascertained to be operating performance management systems. The findings indicate that most elements of performance management did contribute to positive employee attitudes, and that between them they accounted for a substantial proportion of the variance in measures of organizational commitment and (especially) job satisfaction. Some differences in the data from public and private-sector organizations were found.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide insight into the differential relationships between job characteristics (job demands and resources) and employee functioning by examining the psychological and motivational processes involved. Drawing on self-determination theory, we tested a model in which job demands are positively related to negative manifestations of employee functioning (psychological distress and psychosomatic complaints) through psychological need frustration and low-quality work motivation (controlled motivation), whereas job resources are positively related to positive manifestations of employee functioning (work engagement and job performance) through need satisfaction and high-quality work motivation (autonomous motivation). Data were collected from 699 Canadian nurses. Structural equation modelling (SEM) results support the proposed model: psychological needs and work motivation partially mediated the relationship between job characteristics and employee functioning. Specifically, job demands negatively predicted employee functioning (high distress and psychosomatic complaints, low engagement and performance) through need frustration and controlled motivation. In contrast, while positively predicting need satisfaction and negatively predicting need frustration, job resources fostered optimal work motivation (more autonomous and less controlled motivation) and employee functioning. The implications for self-determination theory (SDT) and research on occupational health and stress are discussed.  相似文献   

朱仁宏  周琦 《管理科学》2021,24(4):42-53
创业特质能够决定创业者的表现,而创业特质作为个体普遍拥有的特质,研究却忽视了员工创业特质对工作绩效的影响.本文整合成就需要理论和层次需要理论,重点探讨了员工的创业特质与工作绩效的关系以及内外满意度的调节作用.利用企业调研数据研究发现:员工创业特质的成就动机、冒险倾向与工作绩效呈倒U关系,创新偏好与工作绩效呈U型关系;内在工作满意度强化了成就动机与工作绩效的倒U关系.本研究发展了创业特质理论在员工管理上的应用,首次为员工参与“大众创业,万众创新”实践提供了理论依据,研究发现有直接的启示与借鉴意义.  相似文献   

我国企业实施并行工程中人的因素研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人的因素被公认为成功实施并行工程的关键。在对我国实施并行工程企业的案例调查以及对国外情况综合研究的基础上,本文分析总结了我国企业实施并行工程中在人员选择、培训、绩效评价和激励等多方面的作法和问题,并探讨了解决的措施。  相似文献   

随着组织政治和管理伦理成为理论界和实践界共同关注的热点问题,越来越多的学者开始研究管理者在绩效考核过程中的政治性操作对员工工作场所行为的影响.基于结构方程技术的实证分析发现,积极绩效考核政治性对员工知识共享行为具有显著正向作用,消极绩效考核政治性对员工知识共享行为具有显著负向作用;绩效考核政治性通过成就感知、个人兴趣、集体情感与责任动机的完全中介作用间接影响员工知识共享行为;绩效考核政治性与员工知识共享动机和行为之间的关系并不随着员工工作控制点的差异而变化.研究结论既具有理论价值,又富含管理启示.  相似文献   

本文从组织行为层次探讨劳动关系氛围与员工态度之间的关系。基于60家企业1607名员工的问卷调查,本文探讨了劳资双赢、劳资对立和员工参与三种劳动关系氛围对员工内在和外在满意度的直接影响,以及员工组织承诺在上述关系中的调节作用。研究发现,劳资双赢氛围显著地提升员工的内在和外在满意度,劳资对立氛围显著地降低员工的内在和外在满意度,员工参与氛围仅能显著提升员工的内在工作满意度。同时,员工组织承诺中的情感承诺能显著增强劳资双赢氛围对内在和外在工作满意度的积极影响,但仅能显著降低劳资对立氛围对内在工作满意度的消极影响,而对员工参与氛围的影响不具有调节作用。此外,研究还发现交易承诺不存在调节效果。  相似文献   

将HOFSTEDE提出的国家文化理论运用到人力资源管理中进行实证检验,对中国和澳大利亚两国企业员工的离职和激励行为背后的文化影响进行了分析研究。研究分析显示,相比澳大利亚企业员工,中国企业员工的离职倾向较低;可选择工作机会的主观感知对中国企业员工离职倾向的影响较小;中国企业员工认为职业发展是较重要的激励因素,而澳大利亚企业员工认为工作本身是较为重要的激励因素。研究结果表明,国家文化理论提出的5个文化差异维度中的"权利距离"、"不确定性规避"和"长期取向",在中澳两国企业员工的离职和激励问题上基本得到印证。  相似文献   

Despite the growing attention to employability in the era of job insecurity, there have been a limited number of empirical studies regarding the positive effect of employees’ perceived employability (PE) on performance. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between PE and three domains of employee performance: in-role, adaptive, and extra-role. This study also tests the moderating effect of the perceived quality of employment on these relationships. To test our hypotheses, we surveyed 334 employees and their 37 immediate supervisors working for an organization in South Korea. We utilized official performance ratings and supervisors’ ratings to measure the three domains of performance. The results show that PE is positively related to in-role, adaptive, and extra-role performance. An interaction between PE and the perceived quality of employment on extra-role performance is also evident. Implications for research and human resource development practices will be provided.  相似文献   

This article develops the first resource-based analysis of telework impacts on large organizations. We adopt an ‘integrative’ approach that goes beyond the immediate and easily quantifiable effects of telework adoption. This approach takes into account both top-down considerations (managerial preoccupations with strengthening the organization’s competences) and bottom-up demands (employee needs). We identify several telework impacts on a variety of resource-domains, including effects on the strategic development and operational functioning of the human capital resource-base, the organization’s broader productive efficiency, the external linkages of the organization, and finally, a number of externalities. We observe that the teleworkers themselves do not experience the negative effects on job satisfaction observed in earlier research, with the exception of a reduction in professional interaction. Broader human resource management practices appear to have adjusted well to the specific requirements of telework adoption.We also observe a strong divergence between the views of adopters and non-adopters, with the latter having less positive expectations across the board, as compared to the former. We thus demonstrate that broader strategic considerations, beyond immediate impacts on the bottom-line, do influence the choice to adopt this practice. The difference in employee perceptions between adopters and non-adopters suggests that the latter lack confidence in their firm’s broader HRM practices to adapt appropriately to the requirements of effective telework implementation.  相似文献   

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