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基于期权分析方法的动态联盟合同条款设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
动态联盟是为了提高企业敏捷性而形成的一种基于合同的新型组织形式.因此,为实现"双赢"的目的必须设计良好的合同.基于期权分析方法分析合同条款中的权利、义务关系和合同条款设计,并用蒙特卡洛仿真方法对现实世界中的汽车联盟合作协议进行了研究.  相似文献   

契约型战略联盟的灵活性期权价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当面对较高程度的不确定性时,企业可以选择契约型战略联盟作为战略投资的治理模式,根据相关不确定因素的发展变化而选择不同的合作伙伴,这样,不但确保了战略投资灵活期权价值的实现,而且此治理模式本身也具有较灵活的期权价值.契约型联盟可以分为紧密型战略联盟和松散型战略联盟.本文应用期权动态规划定价模型,对紧密型联盟治理模式和松散型联盟契约治理模式的灵活性期权价值做了模型分析,并进行了相关参数的敏感性比较.分析结果表明,在一定范围内.当战略投资相关因素的不确定性程度较高时,应该选择较灵活的治理模式,如松散型战略联盟.  相似文献   

基于Shapley值法的动态联盟伙伴企业利益分配策略   总被引:57,自引:4,他引:57  
动态联盟被认为是21世纪最有前途的企业组织模式,它增强了企业自身的竞争力,使企业能更好地应对市场的不确定性。然而作为一种崭新的组织形态,它仍有许多问题值得研究。利益分配就是其中之一。本文首先介绍了用于解决多人合作对策问题的Shapley值法,并将之应用于动态联盟伙伴企业的利益分配,然后分析了用Shapley值法进行动态联盟利益分配的成功与不足,最后针对其不足提出了一种基于风险因子的修正算法。  相似文献   

基于模拟退火算法的动态联盟盟员的动态选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了顺应21世纪知识经济时代竞争的需要,在制造业出现了动态联盟的先进制造模式,从而使得对动态联盟的研究成为当前学术界热点问题之一。目前,国内外在研究动态联盟盟员选择主要集中于组盟时的盟员选择,是一种静态选择,与动态联盟“快捷变化”的特性不符。由于知识的形性、外溢性、无地域性、成员间的合作竞争性等,使得动态联盟不可避免会产生知识资产冲突,从而导致着盟员的动态更迭。为此,基于模拟退火算法的思想,本文设计了一种解决动态联盟中盟员动态选择的算法,该算法很好地解决了动态联盟中盟员如何被动态选择和淘汰的问题,实例也表明该算法是符合实际运做的。当然,本算法也存在着一些有待继续研究的问题。  相似文献   

本文系统地研究了动态联盟战略实施的关键措施,它们是识别自身核心优势、明确目标、合作伙伴的选择、选择合作模式、联盟规模的确定、组织的管理、有效的管理信息系统及风险与利益的分配。  相似文献   

动态联盟--企业实现大规模定制生产的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对单个企业实施大规模定制生产时资源、能力不足的情况,提出并论证了动态联盟是解决这一问题的有效途径,分别就基于动态联盟的大规模定制生产的优势和基本运作模式进行了研究.  相似文献   

孙锐  王海燕 《管理评论》2005,17(12):22-27
电子商务下供应链动态联盟绩效评估与传统的企业组织形式相比具有其新颖的特征。本文讨论了构建电子商务环境下供应链合作联盟绩效评价体系的依据,提出了一套系统的供应链联盟绩效评价指标体系,并对BP神经网络在电子商务环境下供应链合作联盟绩效评价中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

战略联盟的稳定性边界研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
战略联盟的高失败率决定了联盟稳定性研究的重要性.在一个专业化理论框架下,联盟的稳定性是由企业对于专业化水平和协作模式选择的动态决策过程所内生的,联盟的稳定性边界决定于投入联盟的资产专用属性、市场交易的效率和交易价格比以及战略联盟内部的交易效率.  相似文献   

农业产学研联盟是新形势下"农科教结合"模式发展的高级形式,是发展我国现代农业的有效方式,是现代农业的生产方式——社会集成化的具体体现。本文分类研究了我国农业产学研联盟组建模式,对农业产学研联盟运行过程涉及机制进行系统研究,并结合案例分析了当前我国农业产学研联盟组织模式及运行机制呈现的现状及特点,以期为我国农业产学研联盟的发展提供一些有益的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

动态联盟中企业建模的Meta-Model   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨青  乔志刚  黄丽华  薛华成   《管理科学》2001,4(6):31-38
虚拟组织的两个主要组成 :1 )虚拟的办公环境 ,如个体之间不受地理位置限制的电子通讯交流方式和个体之间基于信息技术支持的文件存储、检索或数据处理等系统 .2 )功能虚拟化 ,发展自己的核心业务能力 ,弱项实行外包 ( outsourcing) .因此 ,信息技术和信息系统的有效支持是虚拟企业的重要特征之一 .如何在构建虚拟企业动态联盟的企业建模时 ,考虑整体的信息系统构架值得研究 .文章利用战略依赖 /原理模型等面向目标 ( goal-oriented,GO)的分析方法—OO( object-oriented)方法的延伸 ,研究了虚拟企业动态联盟中企业建模的 Meta-Model,该模型为动态联盟间的信息系统构架提供了建模的基础  相似文献   

There is a current surge of writings on spirituality and related topics. For instance, Woodward (1997) has pointed out that since Thomas Moore's publication of Care of the Soul in 1994 there have been nearly 800books published with the word soul in the title. These run all the way from Chicken Soup for theWoman's Soul (Canfield et al., 1996) to A Guide to Liberating YourSoul (Barrett, 1995). Spirituality of work is a big part of this surge. Definitionsof spirituality of work seem to vary widely. Bowman (1998, p. 8) in his `reviewof the phenomenon of spirituality of work' found `Definitions of the term spirituality in the context of the Spirituality of Work troublesome and particularly subjective. Many writers do not even attempt definitions.' The purpose of this article is to review the concept of spirituality of work in its historical and current use and to propose a comprehensive definition.  相似文献   

A bibliographic study on a multidisciplinary subject, such as occupational stress, requires a multidatabase query facility. Given this, we searched eight databases belonging to different fields (medicine, psychology, etc.) and from different countries. Thus, more than 26000 references on occupational stress were gathered. A bibliographic corpus of this sort is unusable because of the heterogeneous format of the records and the number of duplicate entries. Considering the limitations of commercial programs, we have developed a system, called WebStress, for reformatting the data and removing duplicates. The huge number of references and the research needs of updating and searching have necessitated the addition of several other functions to WebStress. Therefore WebStress comprises a web interface that makes it possible to search the corpus with advanced features (using clustering, a specialized thesaurus on stress and Boolean queries). In addition to the usual bibliographic queries on a specific database such as Medline, WebStress provides bibliometric analysis of the corpus, which might contribute to a detailed analysis on occupational stress in order to highlight the networks of researchers and to find the main topics studied in this area. WebStress is not yet available to researchers in general. It is being further developed, and also permission needs to be obtained from the eight commercial bibliographic databases that it consults.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a short-term participatory intervention in health care institutions in Norway on workers' control, other job characteristics, job stress, subjective health and job satisfaction. Participants (including managers and supervisors) were randomly allocated to intervention groups and to a control group. Actions to solve problems based on the employees' own perceptions of the main problems were seen as the key motivators for organizational improvement and increased control at the task and office level in the work situation. The main stressors identified by the participants in this study were lack of information, communication and respect between professions, as well as the need for professional and personal development. The participatory intervention had a positive, but limited effect on work-related stress, job characteristics, learning climate and management style, and seemed to have started a beneficial change process. There were no negative short-term effects on work-related stress and job demands. Organizational interventions may be a potential training ground for acquiring participatory skills and resources, and if sustained after the intervention period, they can have long-term effects on problem solving, job stress and employee satisfaction.  相似文献   

Each human being has an internal timekeeping mechanism. To date, over 100 so-called circadian rhythms have been detected. Perhaps the most significant is body temperature. There is an apparent connection between this rhythm and the efficiency with which we do things in the course of the working day. Within individuals, patterns have been discovered which give credence to the popular notions of a morning or an afternoon person, and so on. Our memory changes from morning to afternoon: short-term memory is stronger in the morning, and long-term memory stronger in the afternoon; in schools, morning students have higher grades than students who have other time-of-day preferences. Therefore, a strong case can be made in support of flexible time schedules. It is reported that productivity went up on the introduction of such a scheme. Employee stress has been seen to decline also. When flextime was offered, parents with small children took advantage of the benefit as well as unmarried employees. The only drawback is ensuring that, with so many individual variations in preferences, the needs of the company are fully met. If such a scheme can be devised, however, the research suggests that productivity and efficiency will increase.  相似文献   

Public understanding of health issues is influenced by the social and political interests of those who gather the information and by the media which disseminates it. This has implications for lay people's beliefs about work stress and has potentially serious personal implications in terms of recognizing, reacting to, and reporting stress in the workplace (Furnham, 1997). The somewhat ambiguous nature of work stress renders it vulnerable to political, social and economic manipulation. This study explores how the issue of work stress is represented in the Australian newsprint media. Fifty-one work-related articles from all major Australian newspapers from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 1997 were selected if 'stress' appeared in the headline. The articles were examined for dominant ideologies and themes. Attention was given to the language used to describe stress, the intended audience, and the voices represented in the articles. Results showed that work stress is represented in the media as an economically costly epidemic, as an outcome of unfavourable work conditions but with individual remedies, and as primarily situated within the public sector. The main voice represented in the media was that of the unions. The reproduction of work stress as a public sector phenomenon serves the interests of public sector unions, the newspapers, and the managers of private sector workers and is not consistent with available workers' compensation data (which is itself problematic).  相似文献   

This article discusses to what extent risk analysis is scientific in view of a set of commonly used definitions and criteria. We consider scientific knowledge to be characterized by its subject matter, its success in developing the best available knowledge in its fields of study, and the epistemic norms and values that guide scientific investigations. We proceed to assess the field of risk analysis according to these criteria. For this purpose, we use a model for risk analysis in which science is used as a base for decision making on risks, which covers the five elements evidence, knowledge base, broad risk evaluation, managerial review and judgment, and the decision; and that relates these elements to the domains experts and decisionmakers, and to the domains fact‐based or value‐based. We conclude that risk analysis is a scientific field of study, when understood as consisting primarily of (i) knowledge about risk‐related phenomena, processes, events, etc., and (ii) concepts, theories, frameworks, approaches, principles, methods and models to understand, assess, characterize, communicate, and manage risk, in general and for specific applications (the instrumental part).  相似文献   


A two-sided assembly line balancing problem is typically found in plants producing large-sized high-volume products, e.g. buses and trucks. The features specific to the assembly line are described in this paper, which are associated with those of: (i) two-sided assembly lines; (ii) positional constraints; and (iii) balancing at the operational time. There exists a large amount of literature in the area of line balancing, whereby it has mostly dealt with one-sided assembly lines. A new genetic algorithm is developed to solve the problem, and its applicability and extensibility are discussed. A genetic encoding and decoding scheme, and genetic operators suitable for the problem are devised. This is particularly emphasized using problem-specific information to enhance the performance of the genetic algorithm (GA). The proposed GA has a strength that it is flexible in solving various types of assembly line balancing problems. An experiment is carried out to verify the performance of the GA, and the results are reported.  相似文献   

In the past few years, the prediction of CVD risk has received special attention; however, some investigators assert that risk models have so far not been very successful. Thus, we examined whether the inclusion of dietary evaluation in a risk prediction model that already contained the classical CVD risk factors increases the accuracy and reduces the bias in estimating future CVD events. The database of the ATTICA study (which included information from 1,514 men and 1,528 women) was used. At baseline, the HellenicSCORE values (based on age, gender, smoking, systolic blood pressure, and total cholesterol) were calculated, while overall assessment of dietary habits was based on the Mediterranean diet score (MDS) that evaluates adherence to this traditional diet. In 2006, a five-year follow-up was performed in 2,101 participants and development of CVD (coronary heart disease, acute coronary syndromes, stroke, or other CVD) was defined according to WHO-ICD-10 criteria. The MDS and the HellenicSCORE were significant predictors of CVD events, even after adjusting for various potential confounders ( p < 0.05). However, estimating bias (i.e., misclassification of cases) of the model that included HellenicSCORE and other potential confounders was 8.7%. The MDS was associated with the estimating bias of the outcome ( p < 0.001) and explained 5.5% of this bias. Other baseline factors associated with bias were increased body mass index, low education status, and increased energy intake/BMR ratio. The inclusion of dietary evaluation, as well as other Sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristics, increases the accuracy and reduces estimating bias of CVD risk prediction models.  相似文献   

This study proposes an analytical approach combined with a behavioral experiment for a joint examination of the competitive and cooperative (i.e., coopetitive) relationship between a buyer and a supplier. Specifically, the article considers the scenario in which the buyer and the supplier invest in strategic capabilities to increase their relative bargaining power. The article examines how dynamic investments in strategic assets are influenced by the locus of bargaining power and by the underlying context (synergistic vs. adversarial) of the interfirm relationship. The dynamic evolution of bargaining power is also examined. A dynamic game model is considered to examine the evolution of investment strategies in critical resources and to investigate the issues of bargaining power in a buyer–supplier dyad. Equilibrium expressions for the investment strategies of the buyer and the supplier are presented and their implications for buyer–supplier relationships are examined. The behavioral experiment complements the analytical model and examines the correspondence between optimal behavior suggested by the analytical model and the boundedly rational behavior of decision makers in an experimental context. The results from the model and behavioral experiments suggest that the strategies are a function of the risk‐adjusted returns obtained from investments. The experiment shows that, in a synergistic relational context when the buyer maintains bargaining power, the investment shifts of the buyer and the supplier accord well with theoretical predictions. In an adversarial relational context, the results of the experimental study do not correspond well with that predicted by the theoretical model. The implications of the results are discussed and directions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

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