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伴随销售商促销努力的供应链契约设计   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
在大多数供应链契约文献中,市场需求被假设为了一个独立的外生随机变量.但实际情况中,市场需求往往受到销售商各种促销活动的影响.文中首先分析了在市场需求受促销活动影响情况下的集中控制模式及不合作模式的销售商最优促销努力水平和最优订购数量的决策问题;然后设计了基于回购契约的促销成本分担契约协调机制;最后通过一个算例比较了在不采取任何促销活动、不合作情况下销售商单方进行促销活动以及协调机制下销售商进行促销活动三种策略下的供应链绩效水平.  相似文献   

运用CVaR方法研究了具有促销效应且风险规避供应链的回购契约协调问题.探讨了促销效应和风险规避对最优订购量的影响,指出促销效应的存在增大了最优订购量,而销售商的风险规避减小了最优订购量.考察了两种能协调风险规避供应链的改进回购契约安排,表明当销售商不过于规避风险时,引入成本分摊机制的回购契约就能协调供应链;但当销售商非常规避风险时,需要对回购商品的数量进行限制且使回购价格不小于批发价格才能协调供应链.最后讨论了供应商对两类契约的选择问题,并考察了销售商的风险规避对回购价格的影响.  相似文献   

针对互补品的相互关联性造成互补品企业产品促销存在溢出效应的情况,建立了考虑溢出效应的互补品企业合作促销模型,对互补品企业在完全非合作促销、部分合作促销和完全合作促销情形下的企业最优决策进行了研究.考察了不同合作情形下溢出效应对互补品企业促销投入和收益的影响作用,进一步对企业通过促销获得的收益进行了对比分析.最后,通过一个数值算例说明了有关结论的有效性.  相似文献   

网络零售业造节促销已成常态,优化网络零售平台(简称平台商)和销售商联合促销策略是一项值得深入研究的课题。本文基于收益共享契约,利用不同的博弈模型刻画入驻销售商和平台商之间三种不同的促销模式,包括由其中一方率先发起促销的模式和二者同时发起促销的模式,研究不同模式下销售商和平台商的最优促销策略。研究结论表明,在三种促销模式下,二者的最优促销策略均随着商品佣金费率的增长依次呈现三种不同的形式:从仅由销售商提供促销到联合促销再到仅由平台商提供促销。当且仅当佣金费率和商品的日常售价高于一定阈值时,销售商和平台商才会有动机开展联合促销。研究还发现,销售商和平台商在各自率先发起的联合促销模式下具备先动优势。销售商(平台商)率先发起的联合促销将更有利于对佣金费率较低(高)的商品实施。当销售商和平台商同时独立发起促销时,供应链整体促销力度最大,供应链的整体利润也最高。  相似文献   

本文在价格敏感的随机需求量和收购努力敏感的随机供应量条件下,讨论了以加工商为领导者、收购商和销售商为追随者的Stakelberg博弈对策和联合最优对策,并对两种情况下的最优策略进行分析比较。  相似文献   

基于顾客选择行为的多质量等级时鲜产品定价策略研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于现实中广泛存在的不同质量等级时鲜产品销售的现象,本文研究了追求收益最大化的销售商定价策略。我们考虑两种质量等级的情形,从顾客在不同等级产品之间的选择行为出发,研究了产品数量既定情形下销售商的最优折扣定价决策。同时,我们将这种"分离"销售策略与混合销售策略进行了对比。研究表明,当潜在顾客规模较小或产品供给相对较多时,分离策略相对混合策略的收益改进是更为显著的。  相似文献   

受资源限制且带有缺货惩罚的季节性产品供应链协调   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季节性产品供应链中,制造商受到资源限制时边际成本随产量递增,市场缺货时销售商面临缺货惩罚.以单个制造商和单个销售商组成的供应链为研究对象,首先分析了非合作状态下制造商和销售商最优决策行为,制造商根据销售商的订购量确定批发价格,并给出了集中控制下整个供应链系统的最优产量.接着建立了基于退货策略的协调模型,对合作状态下参与双方的决策行为进行了分析.结果表明,在退货策略激励下,销售商接受使供应链整体利润最优的产量决策,但在一定取值范围内制造商提供的批发价格和折价系数之间需满足正向变化的约束.此时,合作双方达到了"双赢",从而有效地协调了供应链.最后,进行了数值分析,验证了结果的有效性.  相似文献   

本文研究一个有多个销售点的生产企业的生产库存协调控制问题。生产企业将按费用最低的要求来确定生产批量;而销售点则按利润目标来确定其最优订购批量;它们之间的总量不衡将由生产企业通过价格折扣方式来协调,即鼓励销售商采取满意的订购批量,使销售商也能实现利润最大化。文中研究了如何确定最优生产批量、销售商的订购批量和合理的价格折扣等问题,建立了数学模型,给出了相应的算法,并讨论了需求随价格弹性变动情形下生产一库存一销售系统协调控制的问题,得到了一些新的结果。  相似文献   

以包含两个销售商的库存系统为例,构建了一个描述库存共享应对突发事件的非合作博弈模型,证明了其纳什均衡解是唯一存在的.研究结果显示库存共享策略总有可能使得销售商的期望利润得以改进.另外,比较静态分析反映了转载价格和转载成本显著影响库存共享销售商的最优订货量和最优期望利润.最后,提出了一个简单的求解模型纳什均衡解的启发式算法.  相似文献   

基于广告-研发的供应链合作博弈分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对生产商投资研发、销售商投资广告的优势互补的异质型供应链合作问题,构建了博弈模型.分析论证了生产商在斯坦克尔伯格均衡时的收益大于纳什均衡的收益,而且当其边际收益足够大时才会承担一定比例的销售商广告费用.而在纳什均衡中生产商不会承担广告费用.销售商在斯坦克尔伯格均衡时的收益与纳什均衡的收益的大小由具体参数值确定.生产商的研发投入在纳什均衡和斯坦克尔伯格均衡时均与其边际收益正相关,而销售商的广告投入与其边际收益在纳什均衡中正相关,但在斯坦克尔伯格均衡时负相关.进一步论证了博弈的合作均衡相对于非合作博弈均衡具有帕累托优势,并利用罗宾斯坦讨价还价模型对增加的利润进行了分配,得出一种帕累托最优合作方案.最后将合作拓展到多销售商情形.  相似文献   

We study a supply chain in which a consumer goods manufacturer sells its product through a retailer. The retailer undertakes promotional expenditures, such as advertising, to increase sales and to compete against other retailer(s). The manufacturer supports the retailer’s promotional expenditure through a cooperative advertising program by reimbursing a portion (called the subsidy rate) of the retailer’s promotional expenditure. To determine the subsidy rate, we formulate a Stackelberg differential game between the manufacturer and the retailer, and a Nash differential subgame between the retailer and the competing retailer(s). We derive the optimal feedback promotional expenditures of the retailers and the optimal feedback subsidy rate of the manufacturer, and show how they are influenced by market parameters. An important finding is that the manufacturer should support its retailer only when a subsidy threshold is crossed. The impact of competition on this threshold is nonmonotone. Specifically, the manufacturer offers more support when its retailer competes with one other retailer but its support starts decreasing with the presence of additional retailers. In the case where the manufacturer sells through all retailers, we show under certain assumptions that it should support only one dominant retailer. We also describe how we can incorporate retail price competition into the model.  相似文献   

本文针对零售商销售努力和销售价格影响需求情况下的制造商-零售商两级供应链,研究不同渠道权力结构和信息结构下供应链的分散决策。基于博弈理论和建模方法,对几种权力结构和信息结构情景建立相应模型,通过理论与数值分析对不同博弈均衡进行比较。研究表明,随着零售商势力逐步增强制造商利润会逐步恶化;但零售商势力增强能否带来更多利润,取决于需求对价格和销售努力的敏感度、销售努力成本以及信息结构。占优一方可以通过获取对方更多信息来改善自己处境。若占优零售商不得不依赖于对制造商成本先验分布进行决策,当估计的均值大于真实成本时,适度的方差对零售商更有利。最后,讨论了销售努力成本分担的合作机制,针对非合作博弈给出了帕累托改进的合约区间和 Nash讨价还价均衡。  相似文献   

基于动态博弈的闭环供应链回收质量控制研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文采用三阶段的动态博弈模型,研究了在单个制造商和单个销售商构成的分散式闭环供应链中,占主导地位的制造商如何制定质量处罚比例和质量抽检比例,从而对销售商回收的废旧产品数量和质量实施引导和控制。本文建立了相应的模型并给出了最优解,并通过算例讨论了不同的废旧产品缺陷率和监督成本对双方决策的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the transfer of risk in a newsvendor model with discrete demand. We view the newsvendor model as a leader/follower problem where the manufacturer (leader) decides the wholesale price and the retailer (follower) decides the quantity ordered. Taking a Pareto-optimal contract as a starting point, the manufacturer wishes to design a real option contract to enhance profits. A new real option contract is said to be feasible if both parties' expected profit is at least as great as in the original contract. When demand is discrete, there are usually infinite feasible contracts that yield maximum expected profits to the manufacturer. In the paper we show that either all, some or none of these real option contracts offer an improved position for the retailer.  相似文献   

制造商通过第三方网络零售平台开展直销渠道已经成为普遍模式。除价格策略外,广告宣传是企业获得消费者最常用的策略之一,已有研究表明,合作广告策略可有效协调供应链冲突和优化绩效,但在新零售模式中,传统渠道和网络渠道的特点使得网络零售平台和传统零售商的广告宣传对不同销售渠道的影响更加复杂和有趣,因此本文研究网络零售平台的参与对制造商合作广告策略的影响。在文中通过数学建模的方法比较制造商的四种不同策略:不合作策略、制造商仅与传统零售商合作的策略、制造商仅与网络零售平台合作的策略和制造商与两者均合作的策略,通过对不同策略中渠道成员的利润进行比较,可得以下结论:1)制造商的最佳策略为同时与传统零售商和网络零售平台合作;2)当两渠道的广告存在相互"搭便车"行为时,渠道成员之间最优策略一致;3)当网络、传统渠道的广告宣传为竞争关系时,渠道成员的最优策略不一致,但存在"相对"最优策略:传统零售商和网络零售平台同时与制造商合作,该策略下传统零售商、网络零售平台的利润可能会降低,但降低比例为最小。  相似文献   

For many product categories, manufacturers and retailers often offer rebates to stimulate sales. Due to certain adverse effects, however, some manufacturers and retailers are contemplating the elimination of their rebate programs. This paper sheds light on the debate about the value of rebate programs by presenting a model for evaluating the conditions under which a firm should offer rebates in a competitive environment. Specifically, we consider a two‐level supply chain comprising one manufacturer and one retailer. Each firm makes three decisions: the regular (wholesale or retail) price, whether or not to offer rebates, and the rebate value should the firm decide to launch a rebate program. We determine the equilibrium of a vertical competition game between the manufacturer (leader) and the retailer (follower), and we provide insights about how competition affects the conditions under which a firm should offer rebates in equilibrium.  相似文献   

Cooperative advertising, which usually occurs in a vertical supply chain, is typically a cost sharing and promotion mechanism for the manufacturer to affect retail performance. Research in the literature, however, rarely considers the important phenomenon that advertising has a positive effect on the consumer's reference price. In fact, when a consumer makes a decision to buy a product or not, a reference price is usually in his mind and plays a determinant role. Taking into account the impact of advertising on the reference price, this paper proposes a dynamic cooperative advertising model for a manufacturer–retailer supply chain and analyzes how the reference price effect would influence the decisions of all the channel members. In our model, both the consumer's goodwill and reference price for the product are assumed to be influenced by the advertising and are modeled in differential dynamic equations. In addition, the advertising level, the consumer's goodwill and the reference price are all assumed to have positive effect on sales. Utilizing differential game theory, this paper formulates the optimal decisions of the manufacturer and the retailer in two different game scenarios: Stackelberg game and cooperative game. Also, this paper proposes a new mechanism to coordinate the supply chain in which both the manufacturer and the retailer share each other's advertising costs.  相似文献   

This paper studies manufacturer encroachment in a supply chain wherein the manufacturer and/or the retailer should invest in informative advertising. Using a game-theoretic framework, we explore three schemes of advertising and their influences on manufacturer encroachment. First, if the manufacturer controls advertising, encroachment will result in higher advertising intensity relative to the non-encroachment case, sometimes leading to a win-win situation for both the manufacturer and the retailer as the boosted demand flows into the wholesale market under encroachment. Second, if the retailer controls advertising, an encroaching manufacturer should further reduce the wholesale price as compared to the counterpart with no advertising. This downward pressure on wholesale price can benefit the retailer, but might hurt the encroaching manufacturer. Third, we incorporate manufacturer advertising and retailer advertising into a cooperative advertising scheme, where the manufacturer can set a participation rate to adjust the advertising cost for the retailer. Interestingly, an encroaching manufacturer will pay the retailer more to subsidize his advertising cost. Under this scheme, the manufacturer is always better off under encroachment, and the retailer can also gain as a result of advertising cost-sharing from the manufacturer. Our results also apply to the case of persuasive advertising. Although persuasive advertising leads to different prices or advertising decisions, there are always chances for the retailer to benefit from manufacturer encroachment.  相似文献   

考虑单个制造商,单个网络零售商和单个第三方回收商组成的闭环供应链系统,网络零售商在销售产品、推广零售平台的同时,利用自身知名度向消费者宣传推广第三方回收商的互联网回收平台,制造商选择是否分摊零售商和回收商的推广成本,文中分三种情形研究供应链成员的最优决策,并进行了对比分析。研究表明:制造商分摊推广费用比不分摊推广费用的效果好;制造商分摊网络零售商的推广费用比分摊第三方回收商的推广费用的推广效果好。  相似文献   

在制造商的资金收益率大于零售商资金收益率的情况下,以报童模型为基础,研究了资金收益对回购契约的影响.系统预期利润变为与批发价相关,利用拉格朗日方程求解了满足零售商参与约束、同时使系统和制造商预期利润取得最大值的契约参数.与不考虑资金收益情况下的供应链协调不同的是:订货批量大于相应批发价下不考虑零售商参与约束的最优订货批量;若零售商的保留利润一定,则回购价增大;回购价可以大于批发价,批发价可以小于制造商的边际生产成本.  相似文献   

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