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通过将发生高管变更的上市公司按变更原因分为常规变更和非常规变更,按继任来源分为内部继任和外部聘任对上市公司在发生变更当年的和前后年份的盈余管理行为进行研究,选取2008-2010年期间发生高管变更的上市公司为样本,利用Jones模型和检验模型,对上市公司高管变更期间的盈余管理行为进行了实证分析。得出以下结论:①对于常规变更公司,变更当年可能进行了调增收益的盈余管理行为;变更后一年比前一年更有可能进行调增收益的盈余管理行为。②对于非常规变更公司,变更当年可能进行调增收益的盈余管理行为,而不是显著调减收益的盈余管理行为;变更后一年比前一年更有可能进行调增收益的盈余管理行为。③内部继任和外部聘任的公司在变更当年都进行了调增收益的盈余管理行为,但内部继任公司调增的幅度大于外部聘任公司。  相似文献   

本文采用应计项目操控与真实活动操控两种模型,研究了我国上市公司股权再融资过程中的盈余管理行为及其对公司业绩的影响。结果表明,在股权再融资过程中,上市公司会同时使用应计项目操控和真实活动操控两种盈余管理方式。二者的影响效果存在明显差异,应计项目盈余管理会导致融资后公司业绩的短期下滑,而真实盈余管理则会引起公司业绩的长期下滑。相对而言,真实盈余管理是上市公司股权再融资之后业绩滑坡的主要原因。上述结果修正了以往文献将股权再融资后的业绩滑坡完全归因于应计项目操控的研究结论。  相似文献   

本文以2003-2006年我国A股上市公司为研究样本,检验公司发生高级管理人员变更时的盈余管理行为。研究结果表明,发生高级管理层变更的公司,高级管理人员变更的当年存在较严重的调减利润的盈余管理行为;此外,对于发生了高级管理人员变更的公司,如果其控股股东是地方和中央政府部门所属国企或中央直属国企,则其调减利润的盈余管理行为可以得到一定程度的抑制;大股东的制衡度越大,公司盈余管理的幅度也将越小。研究结果还显示,当发生高级管理人员变更时,上述因素对公司调增利润的盈余管理行为基本没有影响。  相似文献   

实际活动操控、应计项目操控与会计弹性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,盈余管理研究侧重于应计项目操控,而忽视实际活动操控。以中国A股市场的上市公司为研究对象,运用销售性操控、费用性操控和生产性操控反映实际活动操控的内容,分析实际活动操控与应计项目操控和会计弹性的关系。研究发现,会计弹性越低、应计项目操控越低,销售性操控、费用性操控和生产性操控则越高;反之亦然。研究结论表明,实际活动操控不仅与会计弹性呈反向关系,而且在会计弹性的作用下,实际活动操控与应计项目操控之间存在着相互替代的关系。该结论丰富和拓展了盈余管理研究的内容和方向。  相似文献   

刘浩 《管理科学文摘》2009,(36):182-183
西方国家对上市公司盈余管理行为的研究已经发展了20余年,国内对这方面尚缺乏实证研究。西方会计学者将盈余管理的动机归纳为资本市场定价、与会计数据相关的契约,反垄断与政府管制三大类.国外研究发现IPO公司会在IPO当年操控应计利润,以便提高发行价格。在我国、上市公司为了规避证监会的制度管制,取得融资和再融资资格以及保留上市资格是盈余管理主要动机。本文即论证在我国银行业中,为了提高IPO价格,IPO公司也会战略性的选择调增会计收益的盈余管理行为。  相似文献   

本文建立了1个基于避税动因的盈余管理方式选择的模型,并结合实证会计3大假说提出了经验研究假设,以2007年所得税改革为背景研究了我国上市公司盈余管理方式的选择问题。结果显示:预期税率上升使公司更倾向于实施真实活动操控的盈余管理,预期税率下降会使公司更倾向于实施应计项目操控的盈余管理;国有控股、公司规模、债务对应计项目操控程度有显著负效应,对真实活动的盈余管理程度有显著正效应;管理层薪酬对负向的应计项目操控有负效应,对正向的应计项目操控和真实活动操控均具有显著的正效应。上述研究丰富了避税动因盈余管理的研究文献,从真实活动操控视角发展了实证会计的3大假说,也对审视我国上市公司的审计和监管具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

会计弹性与真实活动操控的盈余管理关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以真实活动操控的盈余管理为研究视角,以我国A股市场的上市公司为研究对象,在考虑行业特征对会计弹性影响的基础上.通过对比分析在不同的会计弹性下真实活动操控程度的差异,验证了会计弹性与真实活动操控程度之间存在此消彼长的关系,得出了会计弹性大的公司较少利用真实活动操控盈余.会计弹性小的公司则更多利用真实活动操控盈余的结论,拓展和丰富了盈余管理的研究方向和内容。  相似文献   

本文对比分析了应计盈余管理与真实盈余管理对我国上市公司未来经营业绩的不同影响。研究结果表明,应计与真实盈余管理都会对公司未来经营业绩产生负面影响,且应计盈余管理对公司短期经营业绩的负面影响更大,真实盈余管理对公司长期经营业绩的负面影响更大;公司管理层会使用应计盈余管理或真实盈余管理来满足"盈余阈值";满足"盈余阈值"的真实盈余管理对公司未来经营业绩具有显著负效应,而满足"盈余阈值"的应计盈余管理对公司未来经营业绩具有显著正效应;仅通过应计盈余管理满足"盈余阈值"的公司比仅通过真实盈余管理满足"盈余阈值"的公司具有更优的未来经营业绩。本文研究结论有助于深化利益相关者对盈余管理经济后果的理解。  相似文献   

国内外研究学者发现,各个国家的上市公司都存在盈余管管理问题,上市公司在披露有负债契约违约情况的上一年度,内部人员作出了调增盈余的盈余管理行为,而在违约发生年度,上市公司预期有调减盈余行为。此文中笔者结合我国上市公司盈余管理问题,分析我国上市公司的现状,提出了治理和规范上市公司盈余管理的对策与建议。  相似文献   

现有研究股权价值高估企业盈余操纵行为的文献基本上都局限于短期视角,本文以2003-2011年的中国上市公司为研究样本,从长期视角考察了股权价值高估企业如何采用应计与真实盈余管理手段进行盈余操纵。研究结果发现,为迎合市场预期,股权价值高估企业在初期会采用应计项目操纵手段来调高会计盈余,但随着高估时间的推移,这种现象会逐渐消失;与此同时,为了避免股价泡沫破裂时受到严厉的惩罚,经理人员也会采用真实经济业务操纵手段调低会计盈余,促使股票价格向其内在价值回归。基于投资者保护的进一步检验结果表明,在我国投资者保护程度较高的地区,股权价值高估企业进行盈余操纵的成本将增加,经理人员通过应计盈余管理调高利润及真实盈余管理调低利润的行为将受到显著抑制。研究结果最后还通过了由于股权价值高估与盈余管理变量间因果关系导致的内生性问题的稳健性检验。该结论丰富了Jensen所建立的股权价值高估企业的委托代理成本理论。  相似文献   

In the broad sociopolitical discussion on education quality within the last decade, it has become apparent that education is gaining importance for urban development, as well as space and the urban context are important dimensions of education. This becomes particularly evident in concepts for local educational landscapes (Ger. Bildungslandschaften). The young field of research on educational landscapes is currently lacking empirical research from spatial and planning sciences. In the paper, the current state of scientific research on educational landscapes in Germany and Europe and first insights to contextual and spatial interfaces and linkages between education and urban development in general are presented.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the relationship between Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairperson characteristics and firm performance. Specifically, the study examines the association between the characteristics of the CEO and the Chairperson of the board and firm performance. Using a sample of S&P 500 firms, the evidence found suggests that demographic and experience-related characteristics may be associated with the market valuation and financial performance of the firm. In particular, the reported results indicate a positive relationship between the presence of female CEOs or Chairs and firm performance, thus suggesting that gender-based differences may affect the CEO’s/Chairperson’s success. Moreover, the findings concerning the age of the CEO or Chair are mixed, while their experience and quality appear positively related to firm performance. Interestingly, a CEO or Chairperson holding multiple board seats is negatively associated with firm performance, whereas CEO duality has a positive relationship with Tobin’s Q and the return on assets (ROA) of the firm.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey of 400 respondents in Ethiopia about factors generating corruption and the potential of e-Governance to mitigate corruption. It is suggested that e-Governance can help not only in weeding out corruption but also in the establishment of sounder government citizen relationships in Ethiopia. While e-Governance cannot cure all the structural factors that breed corruption in the society, strategic implementation of e-Governance can help improve the critical variable in combating corruption-government citizen relationships. It is argued that while e-Governance initiatives can make important contributions to improving public services they can best do so by helping improve overall relationships between governments and citizens.
R. F. I. SmithEmail:

Coopetition (collaboration between competitors) among young firms (i.e. start-ups) and larger, more established firms (i.e. corporates) may be beneficial for both partners as each party typically has something to offer that is missing in the other. Start-ups often develop innovative ideas, are flexible and agile, willing to take risks, and aspire to achieve high growth, but they tend to lack the required resources, capabilities, and knowledge due to their newness and smallness. Corporates have resources, routines, and experience that enable them to work efficiently but lack a certain innovation capability. Research has suggested that coopetition represents an opportunity for start-ups facing restrictions in resources, while corporates benefit from start-ups’ innovative ideas. However, it is yet unknown whether start-ups and corporates engage in coopetition with each other and, if so, how and why they do this. This study seeks to fill this void by exploring the motives of coopeting start-ups and corporates, how they manage their coopetitive relationship, and what implications occur including potential benefits and risks. We present a multiple case study based on qualitative data collected through 70 interviews with Austrian-based start-ups and corporates representing 35 coopetitive partnerships. Discussing the findings based on our data, we propose relationships concerning coopetition and its role to enlarge resource- and technology-bases as well as its role in the development of dynamic capabilities.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the lack of strong prospective evidence linking occupational and social stress to chronic disease stems from the failure of research designs to attend sufficiently to the aetiological chronicity of such diseases. Studies of both supposedly acute stress (life events) and chronic stress in life or work must increasingly be designed to distinguish between stress which is sustained or chronic over a period of yean or even decades, and hence capable of causing a serious chronic disease, and brief or transient stress, which may produce transient or brief psychological or physiological disturbances but cannot generate major chronic disease. Prospective studies are needed which collect measures of both stress and health or disease at multiple points over an extended period of time. Measures of stress should focus more on affect (for example, feelings of pressure and tension) than on cognition (for example feelings of satisfaction). Limited existing evidence is consistent with these ideals.  相似文献   

(一)由于领导和管理的区别,因而产生了领导者和管理者的区别;由于领导和管理的联系,因而也决定了领导者和管理者的相通之处。领导者要履行好自己的职责,在很大程度上要依靠开发动力、启迪觉悟,要依靠思考符号和形象。尼克松说:“伟大的领导是一种特有的艺术形式,既需要超群的力量,又需要非凡的想像力。”伟大的领导者必须具备伟大的想像力、伟大的思想。这种想像力和思想激励着领导者本人勇往直前,使他怀着一种令自己激动并奋斗不息的使命感,从而不畏艰难险阻和挫折失败。领导者的伟大的想像力和思想,也像一团不熄的火焰,在公众的眼前和心中…  相似文献   

Beliefs and the Perception of Risks and Accidents   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Identifying the causes of accidents is a necessary prerequisite for preventive action. Some research suggests however that the analysis of accidents does not only differ between experts and laymen but that it is also linked to certain characteristics inherent in the analyst and in the social group to which he belongs: beliefs, value systems, norms, experiences in common, attitudes, roles, social and technical practices, etc. Culturally determined bias seems to affect the perception of risk and the causes of accidents. This article presents a certain number of thoughts and results based upon research carried out on causal attributions of traffic accidents in The Ivory Coast (West Africa) and discusses the importance of culture in risk-taking and accident prevention. It shows in particular that fatalistic beliefs and mystical practices influence the perception of accidents and consequently incite one to take more risks and neglect safety measures.  相似文献   

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