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推动学科发展是期刊使命的集中体现《管理学报》创刊初期,经过系统调研,遵循国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部(简称"管理科学部")的战略部署,逐渐明确了"中国"、"实践"、"文化"3个办刊关键词。由此开设了"管理学在中国"、"争鸣与反思"等特色栏目,  相似文献   

大向砥砺,学术铿锵——《批评》引发的思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对《珍惜学术表达的自由——对〈出路与展望:直面中国管理实践〉的响应与批评》一文就《出路与展望:直面中国管理实践》提出的3处事实谬误和2处逻辑瑕疵做了回应,并就学术争鸣的方向以及直面中国管理实践要回答和解决的问题做了阐述,以期管理学界能够就直面中国管理实践这一主题展开科学和理性的学术争鸣。  相似文献   

韩巍指出了<出路与展望:直面中国管理实践>的逻辑瑕疵.这些逻辑瑕疵体现了中国管理学界深层次的痛苦,它本质上来源于对中国管理实践中传统与现实、工具价值与本体价值之间联系的割裂.不从工具价值与本体价值融合的角度来考察中国管理实践的内涵,将永远不会找到中国本土管理学登堂入室的门径;同样,不从传统与现实融合的角度考察中国管理实践的内涵,"中国传统管理思想究竟有用没用"也将永远只会停留在"中体西用"和"西体中用"的陷阱中无法自拔.管理哲学通过对管理学主流研究范式的理性批判,会为中国本土管理学提供一个反思与探索的向导.不重视思辫的方法,一概排斤哲学对管理学的渗入,将极有可能使得若干"管理学在中国"的讨论变成原地转圈.  相似文献   

从范式思维高度理解,扎根中国实践既是我国管理学研究的基本属性,又是其优良品质,对于促进管理学术中国化和推动建构管理学中国自主知识体系都具有重要价值和意义。基于扎根中国实践开展管理学研究的主要抓手包括讲好中国管理故事、设定管理新议题、凝练标识性管理概念、拓展新的学术话语和实现学理链大循环等。同时,构建稳定宽松的学术生态环境和评价机制是推动管理学研究扎根实践的保障。通过这些努力,扎根中国实践的管理学研究能够不断发展,并为中国和全球管理学的健康、持续与高质量发展做出积极贡献。  相似文献   

刘文瑞 《管理学报》2011,8(8):1140-1145
《管理学报》近期的系列争鸣文章,提出了管理学发展的方向问题。西方管理学在学术研究和企业实践上存在双轨制,中国则演化为学术、咨询、实业的"三岔口"。如何使"三岔口"变为"铁三角",影响着管理学在中国的发展方向。圣吉作为非学术的咨询家,对其进行剖析可以更清楚地分析咨询和学术的关系。管理学的安身立命之地,在于学术本位,而学术本位的活力来源于面向实践和哲学思考。学术讨论和争鸣有利于推动学术共同体的形成和健全:管理学界应以中外学术争鸣为范例,继往开来,奠定管理学在中国发展的良好根基;《管理学报》这一平台应在其中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

在经历了30多年的发展并从西方引入大量的管理理论之后,中国本土管理研究应该如何进一步发展成为学界探讨和争论的热点。回应学界最近的讨论,本文认为,以研究本土管理实践为重心是中国管理研究能够取得突破性进展的关键。针对学界在实现路径上的疑惑并推动对本土管理实践的深入研究,本文介绍了实践理论(practice theory)的视角及其对中国本土管理研究的重要启示。透过这一视角,本文构建了基于中国管理实践研究的实现路径,探讨了中国管理实践的特殊性及亟须研究的相关问题,并对基于中国管理实践研究的理论贡献和现实指导价值进行了展望和探讨。  相似文献   

以“实践”为关键词的“中国·实践·管理”论坛对“直面中国管理实践”(简称“直面”)进行了较有意义、较为全面、较为系统的价值探索.基于“直面”的时代背景、论坛的相关研究成果与发展脉络,尝试对“直面”的历程进行总结、反思与展望:认为在未来“直面”时,“实践学者”、论坛与“基金委”管理科学部应该厘清中国管理实践的研究范畴与边界,更加辩证地看待中国传统文化对“直面”乃至中国管理学健康发展的促进作用,同时也需要回归管理研究的本质,避免“直面”研究走进新时期下的管理丛林.  相似文献   

吕力 《管理学报》2012,(4):506-515
"直面中国管理实践"的根本性问题包括:何谓中国、如何认识、怎样直面、西方管理理论能不能"直面中国管理实践"以及是否存在"中国特色的管理理论"。为了回应这些问题,中国管理学术界需要将目前片段式的、有感而发的、单一视角的反思推进到理性的、多视角的、系统化的反思阶段。这些系统的反思可以称之为"元管理研究"。元管理研究的问题可分为管理本体论问题、管理认识论问题和管理方法论问题。虽然元管理研究并不能给这些问题提供现成的答案,但它通过更深入地指出这些问题的来源促使人们不断接近问题的本质。  相似文献   

阿里巴巴:用价值观领导“非正式经济事业”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈春花  刘祯 《管理学报》2013,10(1):22-29
非正式经济指不由政府管制的非正式过程提供合法最终产品的经济活动。当非正式经济被视为一种社会需要和顾客价值时,非正式经济事业便随之产生。阿里巴巴的实践表明了用价值观来领导这一事业的过程,从基于这种社会创新和价值观领导者特质而形成价值观驱动型企业,到领导者所进行的一系列价值观管理实践,包括价值观的构建、落实以及发展,在这些实践的基础上,企业才能真正对顾客价值有所贡献,并获得自身事业的成长。  相似文献   

管理学的价值性困境:回顾、争鸣与评论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历经百年发展,管理学仍然面临着诸多困境和挑战,人们对学科内一些元问题的认识仍然充满争议:管理学的发展因学科内关于管理学基本性质的争鸣得到了促进,但这些不同的观点也恰恰反映了管理学的发展仍处于"前科学"阶段;管理学大量借鉴了相关学科的知识,这促进了管理学本身的发展,但也随之带来理论界对于学科本身合法性的质疑;为了维护学科合法性,学者们不断向"科学化"靠拢,但又面临着"实践相关性"的挑战。这些争议意味着管理学在学科的基本性质、学科的合法性、实践相关性、学科构建的方式和方法等诸多方面仍然存在着矛盾和困境,即管理学面临着学科价值性和实践价值性的双重窘境。厘清不同争论之间的差异性与普遍性,对于以何种标准判断什么是有效的管理学研究,进而对管理学本身进行清晰定位十分重要。为此,本专题围绕管理学百年来针对一些元问题所阐发的争鸣性观点进行了回顾、比较和评述。  相似文献   

Management, human resources, organization, control, leadership, etc., all seem to be just so many euphemisms for power, and this suggests a discourse of management and organization that calls things by their proper name. This paper on the contrary stresses the need to resolve the concept of ‘power’ itself into more differentiated notions, and proposes that clarification may be derived from distinctions once explicit in the vocabulary of Classical antiquity, but lost in modern European languages. It argues that nothing but confusion in thinking about organizations, management and legitimation can result from the failure to recognize that the phenomena this vocabulary identifies and distinguishes are irreducibly different.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether social support is a boundary-determining criterion in the job strain model of Karasek (1979). The particular focus is the extent to which different sources of social support, work overload and task control influence job satisfaction, depersonalization and supervisor assessments of work performance. Hypotheses are tested using prospective survey data from 80 clerical staff in a university setting. Results revealed 3-way interactions among levels of support (supervisor, co-worker, non-work), perceived task control and work overload on levels of work performance and employee adjustment (self-report). After controlling for levels of negative affect in all analyses, there was evidence that high levels of supervisor support mitigated against the negative effects of high strain jobs on levels of job satisfaction and reduced reported levels of depersonalization. Moreover, high levels of non-work support and co-worker support also mitigated against the negative effects of high strain jobs on levels of work performance. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of social support networks both at, and beyond, the work context.  相似文献   

This paper presents research on the relationships between the work-related stressor of perceived job insecurity and various indicators of occupational strain, taking into account employees' personality dispositions (trait negative and positive affectivity) and coping resources. Respondents were 222 Australian public servants surveyed during organizational restructuring that involved downsizing and threat to job certainty. The research was formulated within an adaptation of Osipow, Doty, and Spokane's (1985) framework of stress-strain-coping that included the possible direct as well as moderating effects of personality dispositions in reporting occupational strain (Parkes, 1990). Findings from hierarchical regression analyses indicate consistent significant independent effects of personality dispositions, coping resources and perceived job insecurity on various indicators of strain. There was also support for the moderating roles of negative affectivity and self-care in the relation between perceived job insecurity and physical strain. Implications for the role of dispositional factors, especially negative affectivity, and the utility of various coping resources in accounting for occupational strain in times of threatened job security are discussed.  相似文献   

Average rates of total dermal uptake (Kup) from short‐term (e.g., bathing) contact with dilute aqueous organic chemicals (DAOCs) are typically estimated from steady‐state in vitro diffusion‐cell measures of chemical permeability (Kp) through skin into receptor solution. Widely used (“PCR‐vitro”) methods estimate Kup by applying diffusion theory to increase Kp predictions made by a physico‐chemical regression (PCR) model that was fit to a large set of Kp measures. Here, Kup predictions for 18 DAOCs made by three PCR‐vitro models (EPA, NIOSH, and MH) were compared to previous in vivo measures obtained by methods unlikely to underestimate Kup. A new PCR model fit to all 18 measures is accurate to within approximately threefold (r = 0.91, p < 10?5), but the PCR‐vitro predictions (r > 0.63) all tend to underestimate the Kup measures by mean factors (UF, and p value for testing UF = 1) of 10 (EPA, p < 10?6), 11 (NIOSH, p < 10?8), and 6.2 (MH, p = 0.018). For all three PCR‐vitro models, log(UF) correlates negatively with molecular weight (r2 = 0.31 to 0.84, p = 0.017 to < 10?6) but not with log(vapor pressure) as an additional predictor (p > 0.05), so vapor pressure appears not to explain the significant in vivo/PCR‐vitro discrepancy. Until this discrepancy is explained, careful in vivo measures of Kup should be obtained for more chemicals, the expanded in vivo database should be compared to in vitro‐based predictions, and in vivo data should be considered in assessing aqueous dermal exposure and its uncertainty.  相似文献   

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction reported that the 2011 natural disasters, including the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, resulted in $366 billion in direct damages and 29,782 fatalities worldwide. Storms and floods accounted for up to 70% of the 302 natural disasters worldwide in 2011, with earthquakes producing the greatest number of fatalities. Average annual losses in the United States amount to about $55 billion. Enhancing community and system resilience could lead to massive savings through risk reduction and expeditious recovery. The rational management of such reduction and recovery is facilitated by an appropriate definition of resilience and associated metrics. In this article, a resilience definition is provided that meets a set of requirements with clear relationships to the metrics of the relevant abstract notions of reliability and risk. Those metrics also meet logically consistent requirements drawn from measure theory, and provide a sound basis for the development of effective decision‐making tools for multihazard environments. Improving the resiliency of a system to meet target levels requires the examination of system enhancement alternatives in economic terms, within a decision‐making framework. Relevant decision analysis methods would typically require the examination of resilience based on its valuation by society at large. The article provides methods for valuation and benefit‐cost analysis based on concepts from risk analysis and management.  相似文献   

There is a current surge of writings on spirituality and related topics. For instance, Woodward (1997) has pointed out that since Thomas Moore's publication of Care of the Soul in 1994 there have been nearly 800books published with the word soul in the title. These run all the way from Chicken Soup for theWoman's Soul (Canfield et al., 1996) to A Guide to Liberating YourSoul (Barrett, 1995). Spirituality of work is a big part of this surge. Definitionsof spirituality of work seem to vary widely. Bowman (1998, p. 8) in his `reviewof the phenomenon of spirituality of work' found `Definitions of the term spirituality in the context of the Spirituality of Work troublesome and particularly subjective. Many writers do not even attempt definitions.' The purpose of this article is to review the concept of spirituality of work in its historical and current use and to propose a comprehensive definition.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to measure the association between simultaneous exposure to high psychological demand and low decision latitude at work and the use of psychotropic drugs among white-collar workers. A second objective was to determine whether social support at work modified this association. A cross-sectional study was performed that included 2786 workers from the public sector in the Greater Quebec City area. A self-administered questionnaire was used in order to evaluate psychological demand, decision latitude and social support at work. Psychotropic drug use was measured over a period of 2 days. The prevalence of psychotropic drug use among the participants was found to be 3.9%, even though 20.5% were exposed to job strain. The association between job strain and psychotropic drug use, after adjustment for social support at work, age, gender, education, family income, employment status, occupation, stressful life events, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activity, was statistically significant (odds ratio: 4.5, 95% CI 1.7?12.2). Social support did not appear to modify this association. The results of this study suggest that job strain might be a determinant of psychotropic drug use among white collar workers. Social support at work does not appear, however, to modify this association.  相似文献   

The present study extended the demands-control-support model used in occupational stress research in two ways. First, it hypothesized that role clarity (i.e. role ambiguity), like control, would moderate the relationship between demands and psychological strain. Second, the study assessed support (from leaders) as a macro characteristic of the work-group environment. Data were drawn from a large study of US army soldiers, the study sample consisting of 1786 lower enlisted male soldiers. The inclusion of support as a work-group characteristic lead to a multilevel test of the model. A three-way multilevel interaction among work demands, role clarity and support was observed. As predicted, the relationship between demands and psychological strain was moderated by role clarity; however, this moderating relationship was found only when work-group support was high.  相似文献   

A bibliographic study on a multidisciplinary subject, such as occupational stress, requires a multidatabase query facility. Given this, we searched eight databases belonging to different fields (medicine, psychology, etc.) and from different countries. Thus, more than 26000 references on occupational stress were gathered. A bibliographic corpus of this sort is unusable because of the heterogeneous format of the records and the number of duplicate entries. Considering the limitations of commercial programs, we have developed a system, called WebStress, for reformatting the data and removing duplicates. The huge number of references and the research needs of updating and searching have necessitated the addition of several other functions to WebStress. Therefore WebStress comprises a web interface that makes it possible to search the corpus with advanced features (using clustering, a specialized thesaurus on stress and Boolean queries). In addition to the usual bibliographic queries on a specific database such as Medline, WebStress provides bibliometric analysis of the corpus, which might contribute to a detailed analysis on occupational stress in order to highlight the networks of researchers and to find the main topics studied in this area. WebStress is not yet available to researchers in general. It is being further developed, and also permission needs to be obtained from the eight commercial bibliographic databases that it consults.  相似文献   

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