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在同时面临外生性和内生性因素影响的需求不确定环境下,通过建立生产投入、政府激励和企业生产规模的决策模型,在研究企业生产投入的价值表达式的基础上,分析了生产投入、政府激励与企业生产规模决策之间的作用机理,对临界值方程、最优生产规模和最优政府激励作了分析.并通过模拟赋值对数理模型进行了数值分析.研究表明:1)灵活的企业可依据市场需求的变化,参考资本化未来生产规模、政府激励现金流、放弃期权价值和需求变化期权价值等对生产规模进行最优化调整;2)当企业单位时间收益流满足一定水平时,存在最优生产规模方程和最优政府激励方程及其相应的阈值方程;3)生产投入、政府激励及企业生产规模之间联系密切,灵活的企业可据此对生产进行动态调整.此外,还与外生性模型作比较验证了该模型的适应性等.由此,可作为需求不确定环境下加强企业生产规模决策的一种参考.  相似文献   

在同时面临外生性和内生性因素影响的需求不确定环境下,通过建立生产投入,政府激励和企业生产规模的决策模型,在研究企业生产投入的价值表达式的基础上,分析了生产投入,政府激励与企业生产规模决策之间的作用机理,对临界值方程、最优生产规模和最优政府激励作了分析.并通过模拟赋值对数理模型进行了数值分析.研究表明:1)灵活的企业可依据市场需求的变化,参考资本化未来生产规模、政府激励现金流、放弃期权价值和需求变化期权价值等对生产规模进行最优化调整;2)当企业单位时间收益流满足一定水平时,存在最优生产规模方程和最优政府激励方程及其相应的阈值方程;3)生产投入,政府激励及企业生产规模之间联系密切,灵活的企业可据此对生产进行动态调整.此外,还与外生性模型作比较验证了该模型的适应性等.由此,可作为需求不确定环境下加强企业生产规模决策的一种参考.  相似文献   

研究有限时域内对变质产品同时安排生产计划和制定定价策略的问题。有限时域被划分成同等长度的多个周期,产品以固定的生产率间歇生产,并以固定的速率发生变质。需求同时依赖于时间和产品价格,在每个周期内都允许缺货且短缺量部分延迟订购。目的是要寻求一个使有限时域内系统的平均利润最大化的生产计划和定价策略。在算例中,分别讨论了需求随时间增大和减小两种不同的需求模式,采用Box复合算法,通过数值计算求得相应的最优生产计划和定价策略。分析表明:对于成长期或销售季初的产品,系统应采用“小批量多批次”的生产方式;而对于衰退期或销售季末的产品,应采用“大批量小批次”的生产方式。此外,不同类型的产品在不同需求模式下的定价策略有所不同:对于有限时域较短或变质率较高的产品,处于衰退期或销售季末的定价要低于成长期或销售季初的定价;相反,对于有限时域相对较长或变质率较低的产品,在衰退期或销售季末的最优定价要高于在成长期或销售季初的定价。  相似文献   

针对一个面向两个需求类的生产企业,根据客户每次订货是否可分批交货,提出了当客户订货可分割和不可分割时供应商的最优生产和库存配给策略.分析表明,供应商的最优生产控制策略可用一个取决于系统状态的基准库存水平表示,最优的库存配给策略则用一个多层的取决于状态的配给水平向量表示.随后,该结论被推广至包含任意多个需求类的生产系统.数值分析验证了文中最优策略的有效性.  相似文献   

基于随机生产函数的贷款定价模型及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用贷款定价的随机生产函数中参数的估计值,建立贷款定价公式,在技术效率最优时求解新贷款利率,建立了基于随机生产函数的贷款定价模型.该模型的特色与创新是:1)通过在基于随机生产函数的贷款定价公式中新贷款技术效率等于最优技术效率,确定新贷款利率,保证了新贷款利率技术效率最优.解决了在随机生产函数法、最优技术效率情况下确定贷款利率的问题,改变了现有研究忽略贷款定价能否被客户接受的现状,提供了贷款定价的新思路.2)通过建立基于随机生产函数的贷款定价公式,在新贷款的技术效率最优时反求新贷款利率,提供了随机生产函数在最优效率前提下确定产出的方法.改变了随机生产函数仅仅在已知投入和产出情况下单纯评价技术效率的情况,拓展了随机生产函数的用途.3)结合随机前沿方法,建立基于随机生产函数的贷款定价模型.经中国期刊全文数据库和Elsevier等数据库的文献检索发现该模型是首次针对贷款定价的技术效率问题建立了贷款定价模型,解决了保证技术效率最优的贷款定价问题.  相似文献   

冲击型负荷下的生产存储模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了考虑冲击需求、变化生产率的最优生产存储库存策略. 其特点是:把一个生产周 期分为多个生产阶段,各个生产阶段时间可以不同;在每个生产阶段中,允许生产率小于需求 率,允许提前生产;而且,最大生产率要小于最大需求率. 研究发现,为满足冲击需求,提前存储 较多而启动机器数量较少,或提前存储较少而启动机器数量较多,不一定能够取得最佳效益, 要根据存储费用和启动费用共同确定. 在有限生产率的条件下,得出一种寻求最优生产- 库存 策略,为此类库存系统的管理决策提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

求解生产计划问题的最优解一般需要通过专门的运筹学软件进行,本文结合具体案例探讨了Excel下生产计划问题最优解的求解实现过程,较为简捷、准确地得出了生产计划问题最优解的求解结果。  相似文献   

企业集团内部团队生产的最优激励机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提供了企业集团内部团队生产的多代理人模型,从激励的角度分析了模型的解及其特征,重点讨论了帮助努力对设计最优激励契约的影响;在此基础上,获得了团队工作是最优的充分条件;最后,就所有权因子的激励与扭曲效应进行了阐述,指出正是这一扭曲效应导致了集团内部团队生产低效的可能性.  相似文献   

生产外包和采购外包是制造商面临的重要战略决策.对此问题,建立一个博弈论模型,研究在竞争情形下制造商关于生产和采购的双重外包战略决策.在决定是否外包生产的同时,制造商还决定是否把零部件的采购外包给竞争对手.研究结果表明,制造商的最优生产和采购外包战略会受到自身和竞争对手的相对市场潜力以及生产投资成本的影响.制造商的最优外包战略可能为生产和采购都外包、生产和采购都自主进行以及生产外包但采购不外包.同时,对于制造商来说,任何情形下都不应单独把采购外包;而市场潜力较弱的竞争对手则希望制造商生产外包但采购不外包.另外,研究表明在一定条件下存在双赢策略,使得制造商和竞争对手都达到最优利润:当竞争对手和制造商的市场潜力差距较大时,制造商外包生产但自主采购能实现双赢;当它们的市场潜力差距较小时,制造商将生产和采购都外包能实现双赢.  相似文献   

在库存管理研究中,单独实现产成品或原材料库存成本最小,往往无法获得整个库存系统的最优控制策略.本文提出了一种同时考虑产成品和原材料库存成本的变质物品EPQ集成模型.运用迭代寻优法得到模型最优解,得出计划期内最优原材料订购次数,原材料订购周期内的最优生产次数和最优服务水平,并对主要参数进行了灵敏度分析,为生产制造企业的库存管理提供了决策依据.  相似文献   

目前生产函数的表达形式有很多种,但还没有某一种生产函数证明是所有生产函数的一种基本理论表达式.本文将文献[1,2]中提出的一种新的生产函数的基本理论表达式命名为弹性生产函数,给出了该生产函数的另一种等价的表达形式.并证明了CES生产函数、VES生产函数和Translog生产函数均为该生产函数的特殊形式,从而说明该弹性生产函数是所有生产函数的一种基本理论表达式.  相似文献   

本文在对以顾客为中心的生产组织形式、生产类型和生产方式分析的基础上,提出了以顾客为中心生产的集成计划与控制方法体系、模型和运行机制;同时针对以顾客为中心的联盟合作生产组织形式,给出了相应的合作生产管理策略,从而拓展了现有的生产计划与控制方法,并为以顾客为中心的多企业联盟合作生产目标的实现提供了新的管理策略.  相似文献   

FL Harrison 《Omega》1976,4(4):447-454
The changes and pressures facing the manufacturing and engineering industries today are increasing the importance of effective aggregate manpower and production planning. Several different theoretical optimisation models to tackle this problem have been described in detail in the literature but there have been few applications of them in practice.The reasons for this are many but include: the difficulty in expressing managements' conflicting and mixed objectives in an objective function; the necessity to oversimplify real life systems to enable these methods to be used; the simplistic approach to manpower planning used in these models; the difficulty in gaining managements' acceptance and finally the fact that what management actually wants is a tool to assist them in planning and decision making.What is being used by many managements is a case-study deterministic simulation model. Many companies are adopting this type of model for all types of planning and twelve out of twenty-seven companies visited in a research project described in this paper were using this type of model for aggregate manpower and production planning. It is proving to be an effective management tool and is being readily accepted principally because modern specialised financial modelling languages are enabling these models to be built, understood and used by non-specialist managers.  相似文献   

A framework for the analysis of manufacturing systems operating under a production authorization card (PAC) system is outlined. The PAC system provides a single model, which encompasses a broad variety of control strategies, including Kanban and CONWIP. This paper describes a framework for the performance analysis and comparison of both specific and families of control strategies. The framework starts with system performance measures estimated by simulation. These simulations in turn provide training data for neural network metamodels. The metamodels allow for a variety of analysis and optimization approaches, including the construction of optimal policy curves, which can provide considerable insight into the systems under study.  相似文献   


There are numerous tools available to be used for production planning and control purposes. The number of tools is ever increasing, and so are the levels of sophistication as well as complexity. For the specific manufacturing firm, the task of selecting the most appropriate set of tools is not trivial. However, in recent years, the understanding of the relationship between tools and manufacturing environments for which they are suitable has increased. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of production planning and control tools available today, as well as new trends, issues and ideas.  相似文献   

周武静  徐学军  叶飞 《管理学报》2012,(8):1211-1217
基于资源基础理论探讨精益生产组成要素之间的关系,并以华南地区118家制造企业为研究样本进行实证研究。研究结果表明:员工参与正向影响TQM/TPM,但对JIT的实施并没有直接的影响,需要通过TQM/TPM间接影响;TQM正向影响TPM的实施;TQM、TPM正向影响JIT,且TQM通过TPM间接影响JIT。研究结论对精益生产的相关理论和实践都有重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   

In make‐to‐stock production systems finished goods are produced in anticipation of demand. By contrast, in stockless production systems finished goods are not produced until demand is observed. In this study we investigate the problem of designing a multi‐item manufacturing system, where there is both demand‐ and production‐related uncertainty, so that stockless operation will be optimal for all items. For the problem of interest, we focus on gaining an understanding of the effect of two design variables: (i) manufacturing speed—measured by the average manufacturing rate or, equivalently, the average unit manufacturing time, and (ii) manufacturing consistency—measured by the variation in unit manufacturing times. We establish conditions on these two variables that decision makers can use to design stockless production systems. Managerial implications of the conditions are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for production planning within facilities involved in the remanufacture of products. Remanufacturing refers to the process of accepting inoperable units, salvaging good and repairable components from those units, and then re-assembling good units to be re-issued into service. These types of facilities are common, yet many suffer from the unpredictability of good and repairable component yields, as well as processing time variation. These problems combine to make it extremely difficult to predict whether overall production output will be sufficient to meet demand. Low yields of key components can lead to shortages which require the facility to purchase new components for legacy systems, often with long lead times, thus causing overall delays. The approach developed here is a probabilistic form of standard material requirements planning (MRP), which considers variable yield rates of good, bad, and repairable components that are harvested from incoming units, and probabilistic processing times and yields at each stage of the remanufacturing process. The approach provides estimates of the expected number of remanufactured units to be completed in each future period. In addition, we propose a procedure for generating a component purchase schedule to avoid shortages in periods with a low probability of meeting demand. The proposed methodology is applied to an antenna remanufacturing process at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC). In this case study the proposed methodology identifies a potential shortage of a key component and suggests a corrective action to avoid significant delay in the delivery of remanufactured units.  相似文献   

团队生产动态博弈   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文建立了团队生产动态(微分 )博弈模型,用Pontryagin最大值原理和共轭点理论研究了该微分博弈的Nash均衡存在的充分必要条件。我们也讨论协调个人理性和集体理性的促进团队合作博弈的机制设置问题。  相似文献   

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