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探讨了网络组织中企业竞争优势的本源:核心知识与能力及其协同互补.在此基础上建立了企业结网合作的能力依赖模型,通过模型推演了企业核心知识与能力增长的异质性及目标网络能力互补协同系数如何影响企业结网合作的策略选择.从中得到两点启示:①内部继承积累和组织间学习占主导地位的企业具有结网合作的迫切感,倾向于通过加快结网合作获取其他成员的知识;强调自我创新的企业更愿意通过企业自身的创新活动积累核心知识与能力.②网络组织中企业面临的学习与自主创新的矛盾将使具有弹性特点的网络组织在动态中演进.  相似文献   

肖静华  胡杨颂  吴瑶 《管理世界》2020,(3):183-204,236
现有产品创新理论聚焦于成品及其迭代,但大数据和人工智能等数字技术为产品形态的根本性变革提供了条件和可能。本文基于一家智能化广告公司的案例,提出一种新的产品形态--"成长品"的概念,主要回答3个问题:什么是成长品?成长品是如何成长的?成长品的创新逻辑是什么?研究获得以下结论:(1)成长品具有发展方向难以预测、即时反馈和即时调整3个主要特性;(2)成长品由要素解构与重组、成长性验证和多样化匹配3个关键过程形成,数据交互和智能算法构成其成长的重要条件;(3)成长品的创新主要基于生物演化的适应逻辑,即随用户需求的偏好差异和动态变化而实时调整,持续适应用户的需求。据此,本文提出一种数字经济时代新的产品形态二分法--成品与成长品,构建数据驱动的企业与用户互动创新的成长品三阶段成长模型,提出与现有企业与用户互动创新的决策逻辑和创生逻辑不同的第三种创新逻辑,即适应逻辑而形成理论创新。研究结论对数字经济时代的企业产品创新实践具有启示价值。  相似文献   

在数字经济背景下,如何有效识别出满足用户个性化场景需求的产品开发机会,既是理论前沿问题,也是实践难题。本研究以美的集团利用A I协同开发生活电器产品为例,回答两个问题:人与A I协同识别场景化产品开发机会的过程机制是什么?这一过程机制反映的机会识别逻辑是什么?本研究发现:(1)人与A I协同的场景化产品开发机会识别过程由全场景机会洞察、焦点场景机会发现和个性化场景机会创造三个阶段构成;(2)与以人为单一主体的机会识别逻辑不同,人与A I协同的场景化产品开发机会识别是协同互补逻辑。该逻辑通过经验与数据的动态交互与持续验证,既规避了仅凭经验判断的草率创新,也克服了仅由数据决策的欠完备。据此,本研究构建了人与A I协同的场景化产品开发机会识别模型,并提出数字经济时代人与A I协同的场景化产品开发机会识别的协同互补逻辑,形成理论创新。同时,本文结论对数字经济时代企业高效识别产品开发机会具有启示价值。  相似文献   

李相辰李凯 《管理学报》2021,(10):1553-1561
针对双边平台的独占交易行为可能引发的反竞争效应,从平台与商家谈判博弈的角度出发,将独占交易行为按独家战略合作协议与强制性独占交易合约进行分类,探究平台实施独占交易行为的前提条件及产生的效应影响。研究发现:(1)在一定均衡条件下,平台提供非独占交易合约是对双方均有利的决策;(2)不同类型独占交易合约的签订取决于平台之间谈判能力的差异以及专有内容量的差异;(3)独家战略合作协议的签订不会对市场竞争造成负面影响,而强制性独占交易合约的签订会弱化横向平台间的市场竞争,限制纵向商家的归属并降低商家的利润。  相似文献   

在孵化平台网络化发展日趋盛行的背景下,能否在多个孵化基地紧密联系的内层网络中通过资源联动高效赋能创业企业成为孵化平台撬动互补优势、凝聚创新合力的关键.本文选取启迪之星作为案例对象,系统探讨了内层网络情境下孵化平台资源联动的形成过程及内在机制.研究发现:(1)孵化平台在内层网络情境下的资源联动是由资源建构、资源编排、资源协奏、资源延拓4个阶段组成的复杂动态过程,不同类型资源在联动发展过程中涉及阶段呈现较大差异;(2)不同孵化基地能够在资源联动过程中基于资源与区位优势差异选择合适的资源联动策略,通过资源联动参与阶段、联动资源类型、提升路径的优化选择激发孵化网络的联动价值;(3)在资源联动过程中,孵化总部通过构建信息共享、开放合作、协同发展和长远共赢四种机制来保障资源联动的效能.本文有助于填补现有研究对于孵化平台内部主体多元性和差异性的忽视所形成的理论缺口,并对孵化平台借助网络化发展战略提升孵育效率、尤其是对内层网络中推进资源联动的管理实践具有参考价值.  相似文献   

服务差异化的电商平台利用基于行为的定价(BBP)与竞争平台争夺顾客资源,但这种外部价格竞争策略冲击了平台与合作商的内部关系。针对“自营”和“佣金”两种模式的平台,分别构建两周期动态定价博弈模型,探究BBP对平台外部竞争和内部合作的交互作用,分析平台的最优BBP策略以及与合作商签订的最优契约模式。阐述了平台分别以利润、市场占有率和顾客渗透率为决策目标时的最优定价策略和契约选择方案,进一步发现了平台具有向其合作商共享顾客信息的动机,分析了合作商向新(或老)顾客提供优惠策略及依据,最后研究了强势平台合作商的最优契约模式选择。  相似文献   

互联网环境下的企业营销正在逐渐从以产品为核心转向以消费者为核心。尽管现有研究提出了服务主导逻辑与价值共创的思想,但对企业与消费者交易产生的价值提供模式如何转变为企业与消费者合作产生的价值共创模式缺乏理论探讨。本文基于服务主导逻辑和动态能力理论,通过对两家案例企业的比较分析发现:(1)企业与消费者拥有的互补性异质资源构成推动面向价值共创营销转型的资源基础;(2)企业与消费者合作演化形成的协同演化动态能力构成推动面向价值共创营销转型的能力基础,具体由识别资源、共享资源和对接资源3种能力构成;(3)企业与意见领袖、平民化中心两类特殊消费者的协同演化,构成两种营销转型路径:一是与意见领袖合作构建交易媒介,强化普通消费者的能力信任,二是与平民化中心合作构建交流媒介,提升普通消费者的情感信任。由此,本文基于协同演化视角提出了企业营销转型实现机制的理论框架,强化了服务主导逻辑下企业与特殊消费者的价值共创理论研究,并使企业与消费者协同演化动态能力理论在企业营销转型领域得到深化和推进。结论对于互联网环境下企业营销转型实践具有启发和指导意义。  相似文献   

以水资源行政权力分级控制为基础,辅之以行政首长负责制的河长制,是中国应对水资源治理政府单边控制、市场机制失灵、社会参与不足等问题的制度创新。然而,行政主导下的河长制也难以摆脱传统水治理的路径依赖。从长远看,应构建河长制的多中心治理机制,即界定多元治理主体、创建网式治理结构、优化政策工具、建立责任追究机制,并从培育合作理念、完善协同治理平台、建立资金保障机制、健全技术与宣教机制等途径进行机制整合,方可形成水资源社会共治的制度创新。  相似文献   

针对跨组织合作形成的创新网络,构建了跨组织知识整合下的创新网络模型,仿真分析得出,组织间互补程度及知识整合效率对跨组织知识整合下的创新网络结构有一定的影响,具体表现为:组织间互补程度及知识整合效率很高时,创新网络具有较短的平均路径长度与较低的集聚系数,此时网络具有随机网络特征;组织间互补程度及知识整合效率很低时,创新网络具有较长的平均路径长度与较高的集聚系数,此时网络具有规则网络的特征;组织间互补程度及知识整合效率大小适度时,创新网络具有相对较短的平均路径长度与较高的集聚系数,因此创新网络具有"小世界"网络的特征。  相似文献   

针对企业价值链上协同知识创新的决策问题,以制造企业为价值链上主导企业,考虑由价值链上主导企业(大方型、小气型)与价值链上合作企业(目光长远型、目光短浅型)所交叉形成的四种不同情况,运用微分博弈分析了它们进行价值链协同知识创新的动态决策过程.通过对比四种不同情况下价值链上协同知识创新的决策结果,得出了一种帕累托最优的价值链上协同知识创新的情况,并分析了其成立的相应条件,同时提出了促成这种帕累托最优价值链协同知识创新情况实现的建议.最后,通过算例分析验证了理论推导的结果.  相似文献   

We develop a new, unified approach to treating continuous‐time stochastic inventory problems with both the average and discounted cost criteria. The approach involves the development of an adjusted discounted cycle cost formula, which has an appealing intuitive interpretation. We show for the first time that an (s, S) policy is optimal in the case of demand having a compound Poisson component as well as a constant rate component. Our demand structure simultaneously generalizes the classical EOQ model and the inventory models with Poisson demand, and we indicate the reasons why this task has been a difficult one. We do not require the surplus cost function to be convex or quasi‐convex as has been assumed in the literature. Finally, we show that the optimal s is unique, but we do not know if optimal S is unique.  相似文献   

In the broad sociopolitical discussion on education quality within the last decade, it has become apparent that education is gaining importance for urban development, as well as space and the urban context are important dimensions of education. This becomes particularly evident in concepts for local educational landscapes (Ger. Bildungslandschaften). The young field of research on educational landscapes is currently lacking empirical research from spatial and planning sciences. In the paper, the current state of scientific research on educational landscapes in Germany and Europe and first insights to contextual and spatial interfaces and linkages between education and urban development in general are presented.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the relationship between Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairperson characteristics and firm performance. Specifically, the study examines the association between the characteristics of the CEO and the Chairperson of the board and firm performance. Using a sample of S&P 500 firms, the evidence found suggests that demographic and experience-related characteristics may be associated with the market valuation and financial performance of the firm. In particular, the reported results indicate a positive relationship between the presence of female CEOs or Chairs and firm performance, thus suggesting that gender-based differences may affect the CEO’s/Chairperson’s success. Moreover, the findings concerning the age of the CEO or Chair are mixed, while their experience and quality appear positively related to firm performance. Interestingly, a CEO or Chairperson holding multiple board seats is negatively associated with firm performance, whereas CEO duality has a positive relationship with Tobin’s Q and the return on assets (ROA) of the firm.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey of 400 respondents in Ethiopia about factors generating corruption and the potential of e-Governance to mitigate corruption. It is suggested that e-Governance can help not only in weeding out corruption but also in the establishment of sounder government citizen relationships in Ethiopia. While e-Governance cannot cure all the structural factors that breed corruption in the society, strategic implementation of e-Governance can help improve the critical variable in combating corruption-government citizen relationships. It is argued that while e-Governance initiatives can make important contributions to improving public services they can best do so by helping improve overall relationships between governments and citizens.
R. F. I. SmithEmail:

Coopetition (collaboration between competitors) among young firms (i.e. start-ups) and larger, more established firms (i.e. corporates) may be beneficial for both partners as each party typically has something to offer that is missing in the other. Start-ups often develop innovative ideas, are flexible and agile, willing to take risks, and aspire to achieve high growth, but they tend to lack the required resources, capabilities, and knowledge due to their newness and smallness. Corporates have resources, routines, and experience that enable them to work efficiently but lack a certain innovation capability. Research has suggested that coopetition represents an opportunity for start-ups facing restrictions in resources, while corporates benefit from start-ups’ innovative ideas. However, it is yet unknown whether start-ups and corporates engage in coopetition with each other and, if so, how and why they do this. This study seeks to fill this void by exploring the motives of coopeting start-ups and corporates, how they manage their coopetitive relationship, and what implications occur including potential benefits and risks. We present a multiple case study based on qualitative data collected through 70 interviews with Austrian-based start-ups and corporates representing 35 coopetitive partnerships. Discussing the findings based on our data, we propose relationships concerning coopetition and its role to enlarge resource- and technology-bases as well as its role in the development of dynamic capabilities.  相似文献   

Managing the careers of research, development and engineering (RD&E) professionals is important to the strategic use of RD&E in the economy. Appropriate mechanisms for motivating RD&E professionals will probably emerge as a critical success factor for organizations that want to compete in world markets. This study examines dimensions and levels of career orientation and their correlations with individual and work-related outcome variables among 78 RD&E professionals. The findings reveal a rich diversity of career orientation in RD&E professionals. The data strongly suggest that RD&E professionals are service, lifestyle and security oriented. However, they scored low on technical orientation and entrepreneurship. This paper suggests that the dual career ladder is not an effective device for managing RD&E professionals. Organizations must be careful to provide career paths that retain and motivate workers and, more importantly, find matches between organizational needs and individuals' needs, and restructure jobs accordingly. The authors offer suggestions for future research and identify implications for management.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the lack of strong prospective evidence linking occupational and social stress to chronic disease stems from the failure of research designs to attend sufficiently to the aetiological chronicity of such diseases. Studies of both supposedly acute stress (life events) and chronic stress in life or work must increasingly be designed to distinguish between stress which is sustained or chronic over a period of yean or even decades, and hence capable of causing a serious chronic disease, and brief or transient stress, which may produce transient or brief psychological or physiological disturbances but cannot generate major chronic disease. Prospective studies are needed which collect measures of both stress and health or disease at multiple points over an extended period of time. Measures of stress should focus more on affect (for example, feelings of pressure and tension) than on cognition (for example feelings of satisfaction). Limited existing evidence is consistent with these ideals.  相似文献   

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