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人格特质、组织承诺与离职意图关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄攸立  丁芳 《管理学报》2007,4(3):358-362
通过对中国联通安徽分公司131名雇员进行实证分析,考察了个人属性、内外控型人格特质、组织承诺与雇员离职意图的关系。结果发现组织承诺、内外控人格特质对离职意图有显著影响,个人属性中除婚否外,其他属性对离职意图也有显著影响。推测组织承诺将极有可能是个人属性与离职意图间的中介变量,并且对内外控人格特质与离职意图之间的关系具有调节作用。  相似文献   

本研究对505名员工及他们的124名直接主管按照4∶1的比例做了配对调查并对调查结果进行多层数据分析,考察工作压力、工作匹配度、工作-家庭冲突对员工积极组织行为的影响,分析了工作-家庭冲突的中介作用以及员工外倾性人格特质的调节作用。结果发现,工作-家庭冲突对员工的积极组织行为产生显著的负向影响;工作-家庭冲突在工作匹配、工作压力与员工积极组织行为的关系中起到中介作用;员工外倾性人格特质对工作-家庭冲突与员工积极组织行为之间的关系有调节作用,即外倾性人格特质能够降低工作-家庭冲突的负面影响,减弱其对员工积极组织行为的不利影响。  相似文献   

拖延是个体因自我控制能力不足而将达成目标必须完成的任务往后推迟的行为倾向。从心理学动机角度、个体行为角度、人格特质角度、认知角度等多方面深入剖析大学生学业拖延行为的原因,并在此基础上提出了相应的干预措施。  相似文献   

采用质性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,对107名女性领导个案的外貌和个体行为特征、性格特点、领导风格和管理绩效及其影响因素等进行了案例分析。结果发现,外貌及行为特征、性格特点、员工关系、领导风格等均对女性领导的管理绩效有显著的影响。  相似文献   

在线品牌社群中不同成员的人格特质是如何影响其知识分享行为的?本文根据嵌入理论框架,从社会资本理论视角出发,研究了网络中心性和互惠规范在内外倾人格特质与知识分享行为之间的中介作用。实证研究结果表明:①外倾性人格特质会促进成员形成咨询网络中心性和情感网络中心性,而内倾性人格特质则不利于情感网络中心性的形成;②外倾性人格特质、情感网络中心性与互惠规范会直接影响知识分享行为,而内倾性人格特质与咨询网络中心性则不会;③情感网络中心性在外倾性人格特质与知识分享行为关系中起到部分中介作用;④互惠规范在咨询网络中心性和知识分享行为的关系中起到"桥梁"作用,在情感网络中心性和知识分享的关系中起到部分中介作用。研究结论从社会资本和社会网络视角丰富了在线品牌社群理论,同时也有助于管理者更好地激发社群当中的知识分享行为。  相似文献   

<正>组织管理领域对于领导者行为的研究多关注于其可能采取的具体行动、变化趋势以及对组织整体利益的影响,对于诱导领导行为发生的深层次因素并无深入研究。心理学相关研究却已经从理论上证明,在主导领导者具体行为取向方面,来自于领导者个人的人格影响不容忽视,且单一人格特质的影响并不显著,更多领导行为的产生来自于个体综合人格特质的影响,这之中"大五"人格(外向性、宜人性、责任性、开放性、情绪性)结构模型仅关注人格的光明面,从一个侧面有效解释了积极  相似文献   

本文用逐级回归方法在分析了员工工作满意度的各维度对员工离职倾向的解释能力,检验了员工个性特征在离职倾向决定过程中的调节效应。主要结论包括:第一,员工工作的满意度对离职倾向具有显著的解释能力。第二,员工内外控取向的个性特征与员工工作的满意度及其各维度变量的交互作用对离职倾向具有调节作用。其中,物质回报.工作制度相关与员工内外控属性的交互作用对离职倾向的影响最为显著。  相似文献   

基于社会影响和面子视角的冲动购买研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
单个个体的冲动购物研究比较多,但是他人陪伴情境下的个体冲动购物的研究还相对较少.中国人他人取向特征明显,在与社会的互动中面子起着非常重要的作用.以社会影响理论和中国本土心理学的面子理论为基础,考察社会影响倾向和面子倾向对他人陪伴下的个体冲动购买的作用以及面子在社会影响倾向和冲动购买中的中介作用.通过问卷法共回收有效问卷226份,并利用SPSS软件进行统计分析.结果发现,规范性社会影响倾向对冲动购买有正向影响,信息性社会影响倾向和护面子倾向对冲动购买有负向影响,信息性社会影响倾向通过护面子倾向这一中介变量间接地作用于冲动购买.最后,对零售商和消费者提出了建议并指出了未来的研究方向. 少.中国人他人取向特征明显,在与社会的互动中面子起着非常重要的作用.以社会影响理论和中国本土心理学的面子理论为基础,考察社会影响倾向和面子倾向对他人陪伴下的个体冲动购买的作用以及面子在社会影响倾向和冲动购买中的中介作用.通过问卷法共回收有效问卷226份,并利用SPSS软件进行统计分析.结果发现,规范性社会影响倾向对冲动购买有正向影响,信息性社会影响倾向和护面子倾向对冲动购买有负向影响,信息性社会影响倾向通过护面子倾向这一中介变量间接 作用于冲动购买.最后,对零售商和消费者提出了建议并指出了未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

<正>建立健全选拔培养各类领导人才的机制一直是我国政治经济体制改革的题中应有之义,但如何进行选拔则是具体操作中的难点。从西方国家及我国改革开放后领导人才选拔的发展历程来看,从人格特质入手,对管理人员进行选拔、任用、培训是重要且行之有效的方法。大量研究表明,大五人格理论对于工作情景中的个体行为具有一定的预测性,其中的某些因素还会对领导绩效产生重要影响。因此,运用大五人格理论对管理人员的人格特质和领导有效性进行深入研究,对于培养和提升管理者的领导力、造就高效领导者具有重要意义。  相似文献   

反生产行为亦称反生产工作行为或反生产力行为,是指个体表现出的任何对组织或者组织利益相关者合法利益具有或者存在潜在危害的有意行为。反生产行为的产生受多种因素的影响,其中,人格影响反生产行为的重要因素之一。本研究在以往研究的基础上,总结了人格与反生产行为关系的相关研究,并对未来的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(6):1095-1120
The multi-dimensionality of the transformational leadership construct has been under debate in the last decades. To shed more light on this issue, we conducted a meta-analysis (k = 58 studies), examining the transformational leadership sub-dimensions and their links to leader personality and performance in order to gather empirical evidence of the multi-dimensionality of transformational leadership. First, the results showed that the Big 5 personality traits are directly linked to transformational leadership sub-dimensions and to the overall measure, and are indirectly linked to leader performance. Interestingly, however, different combinations of the personality traits are differentially related to the transformational leadership behaviors. For instance, whereas inspirational motivation is related to all personality traits, only openness to experience and agreeableness affect individualized consideration. These findings emphasize the importance of examining the transformational leadership sub-dimensions separately to gain a deeper understanding of the nature and the antecedents of these leadership behaviors.  相似文献   

The main aims of this two-wave prospective study were to (1) present different theoretical mechanisms for relationships between bullying and personality characteristics, (2) determine forward and reverse long-term associations between victimization from bullying and personality traits included in the five-factor model and (3) establish whether these personality traits contribute to the variance in bullying, beyond work environment factors in the form of role conflict and role ambiguity. The prospective sample comprised 3066 Norwegian employees. The time lag between the two measurement points was two years. Neuroticism significantly predicted subsequent bullying in analyses of direct associations between personality traits and victimization. When adjusting for role conflict and role ambiguity, conscientiousness emerged as the only significant predictor of later victimization from bullying. In tests of reverse associations, victimization from bullying at baseline was significantly related to agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness at follow-up. Taken together, the study findings indicate that personality traits may function as both predictors and outcomes of workplace bullying.  相似文献   

We study whether individuals with different personality traits systematically exhibit different retirement trajectories. We find weak direct associations between personality and employment transitions. On the other hand, personality does contribute indirectly to these transitions by moderating the effects of non‐monetary job characteristics. Specifically, workers with different traits are observed to follow different retirement paths when faced with similar physical demands, computer skills requirements, job flexibility, and age discrimination in the workplace. Contrary with other economic domains, conscientiousness does not have the strongest association with retirement; the other components of the Big Five personality traits show more salient patterns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of three non‐cognitive personal traits — beauty, personality, and grooming — on the labor market earnings of young adults. It extends the analyses of Hamermesh and Biddle [1994 , American Economic Review 84(5): 1174–1194] and others who focus primarily on the effects of beauty on labor market earnings. We find that personality and grooming significantly affect wages, and their inclusion in a model of wage determination reduces somewhat the effects of beauty. We also find some evidence of employer discrimination based on these traits in the setting of wages.  相似文献   

The survey at hand uses a sophisticated classification between derivative and original founders to demonstrate that the group of entrepreneurs consists of several distinct sub-groups or types. With the help of personality traits (Big Five) we examine the different entrepreneurial types. We also investigate how the interaction of personality and entrepreneurial type influences success. The analyses were conducted with a sample of franchise founders (derivative founders) and new business founders (original founders) in Germany. The results in relation to the entrepreneurial type support the distinction between groups as differences were found in personality traits. With respect to the prediction of success we identify interaction effects between personality and entrepreneurial type.  相似文献   

Past research has increasingly suggested that CEO/TMT personality can play a relevant role in influencing various external (e.g. firm performance) and internal (e.g. firm organizational structure) management outcomes. These promising results need appropriate systematization and discussion, which we aim at providing through a literature review based on rigorous inclusion/exclusion criteria. Our analysis shows great heterogeneity in regard to both the personality traits and the personality based management outcomes explored by the investigated population of studies. Thus, we specifically use the framework provided by the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality to codify the publications and this framework allows us to identify some possible theoretical trajectories. These trajectories mainly regard the empirical testing of the highlighted associations between CEO emotional stability, extraversion and conscientiousness with bureaucratization, strategic pro-activity and firm performance. Our article is primarily intended for those scholars and practitioners who want to improve their knowledge about psychology-based decision making and behavioural corporate governance through the understanding of how CEO/TMT personality can affect their strategic decisions.  相似文献   

We argue that past research has taken one of three basic theoretical approaches to explaining the nature of member personality effects on group process and team performance: (1) universal - certain traits always predict teamwork success; (2) contingent - certain traits predict team performance depending on the task or organizational culture; and (3) configuration - the mix of traits within a group, or the “fit” of individual members with each other, predicts team performance. Each of these three approaches to personality in groups has received significant empirical support in the literature and yet has some shortcomings. We offer suggestions for improving research using each approach but argue that a full understanding of the role of personality in group processes must integrate all three of these approaches into what we call the contingent configuration approach. We conclude by discussing the implications of adopting this approach to understanding the role of personality in organizational groups.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2001,12(2):153-179
Existing research on charismatic leadership focuses primarily on the traits and behaviors of charismatic leaders and the effects of charismatic leaders on their followers. One issue that has been neglected, and others, is the disposition of the followers who form charismatic relationships with their leaders. To investigate this topic, we conducted a laboratory study in which participants' values and personality dimensions were used to predict participants' preferences for charismatic leadership vs. two other leadership styles: relationship-oriented and task-oriented leadership. The results showed that values and personality were useful in predicting leadership preferences. More research is needed to gain further insights into the active role of followers in the formation of charismatic relationships.  相似文献   

The concept of cross-cultural competence (CCC) has generated considerable interest in the area of international business, but research still lacks solid measurement tools for this multidimensional construct. CCC is frequently operationalized with its components such as personality traits, but to what extent are those really linked to another dimension of CCC and therefore indicative of cross-cultural knowledge? This study combines measurement tools for two components of CCC: personality trait scales and critical incident technique. The tools are validated on a multinational sample of a working population. A structural model shows that most of the personality traits generally presented as predictive of CCC, do not significantly determine cross-cultural knowledge.  相似文献   

We extend Implicit Leadership Theory, which addresses criteria that individuals use to identify leaders, by examining whether the predictors of leadership emergence change over time. Building on leader-distance research, we predict that time influences the traits on which individuals base their selection of others as leaders: Initially, before individuals have had many opportunities to interact, and distance between them is high, they select leaders according to easily-noticeable physical and psychological traits; however, with time, as distance decreases, they rely on more covert psychological traits. We carried out a three-day field study in an intensive workshop for individuals entering an executive-MBA program (n = 64). Data were gathered from participants at four points in time. We found that the criteria by which people nominate leaders change over time from easily-noticeable traits (facial attractiveness, gender, extraversion) to more covert personality traits (conscientiousness).  相似文献   

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