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As a kind of transcendental philosophy,phenomenology is being naturalized.On the one hand,phenomenology can provide some useful insights for cognitive science,psychology etc.;on the other hand,phenomenology needs to learn necessary knowledge from empirical sciences to supplement itself.Therefore,to insist on the rigorous demarcation between transcendental philosophy and empirical sciences is mistimed.When naturalized through communication with empirical sciences,however,phenomenology should also keep its special disciplinary methodology and characteristics.  相似文献   

目前,人文社会科学领域的学科创新,大多从发现问题、解决问题的工作实际出发,鲜有从古今问题、中外问题等比较角度出发来思考人文社会科学领域的学科建设与科研管理。本文通过分析学科创新的维度与学科建设的原则,借宏观考察民国时期的学科布局和新中国的学科建设等历史经验、回顾我们自身经历的过程,来探索未来学科建设与学科创新的可行与合理的方法。  相似文献   

管理科学学科结构及其发展态势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
管理科学是研究人类社会各种管理活动,介于哲学、社会科学与数学、自然科学之间的交叉学科门类.管理科学已经形成和有待发展的一级分支学科、边缘分支学科,按照区位特点区分为宏观管理学科、中观管理学科、微观管理学科、边缘管理学科、隶属管理学科等五组.今后一段时间,管理学科及其学科体系在中国将明显呈现中国化、收敛式、发散式、交融式、掘进式的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Political science now recognizes that both biological and social factors are significant to the expression of political phenomena. While necessary, this development has significant theoretical and methodological consequences. The recognition of biological and social factors complicates, rather than simplifies, the study of political phenomena by requiring a more complex model of behavioral causation.Objective.To adapt to this complexity, political science must familiarize itself with the study of behavior in the life and evolutionary sciences and adopt a consilient behavioral model. Method.To assist with this development, this article familiarizes political scientists with the principles on causation as they relate to behavior. It also reviews the most common approaches to studying behavioral causation in the evolutionary sciences. Conclusion.The article discusses the practical benefits of incorporating evolutionary thinking into the study of politics, including the importance of evolutionary thinking for problems of omitted variable bias.  相似文献   

Popper's theory of demarcation has set the standard of falsifiability for all sciences. But not all falsifiable theories are part of science and some tests of scientific theories are better than others. Popper's theory has led to the banning of metaphysical and/or philosophical anthropological theories from science. But Joseph Agassi has supplemented Popper's theory to explain how such theories are useful as research programs within science. This theory can also be used to explain how interesting tests may be found. Theories of rationality may be used to illustrate this point by showing how they fail or succeed in producing interesting and testable hypotheses in the social sciences.  相似文献   

地方社科院向新型智库转型是党中央的明确要求,是地方经济社会发展的需要,也是地方社科院自身发展的需要。但目前无论从外部还是从内部看,地方社科院的新型智库建设都还面临重重障碍,如认识不到位,沟通渠道不畅通,思想观念、体制机制、人才队伍、研究方法不适应等。因此,地方社科院要顺利实现转型,还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

In the context of considering problems associated with curriculum development in social science education, an attempt is made to identify roles of the social sciences and social scientists in society. Issues and debates in several of the social sciences are reviewed and positions underlying these issues are postulated. In particular, a moral component is posited, and implications for research and other activities such as social science education are indicated.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to trace a pathway connecting contemplative knowledge and practices with the social sciences. Contemplative knowledge and practices offer material for reflection in social science even concerning their very foundation. I'll found an opportunity for meshing our disciplinary tools with this knowledge as I introduced it in a health promotion program. The result will be a transdisciplinary confluence of different lines of inquiry contributing to a new perspective of self and social action. First of all I will give a definition of contemplative knowledge and practices. Then, I will make a bridge between the contemplative approach and the social sciences, showing the contribution that symbolic interactionism can play. I will illustrate the perspective drawing on an action research program called Auriga aimed at smoking cessation and reduction among health professionals. The aim of this paper is focused on the specification of the conceptual background in which such kind of program has been developed. Finally, I outline some implications it could represent for what might be called transformative sociology. I believe that contemplative knowledge could contribute to disentangle some of the unanswered questions and concerns in the social sciences, once they dismiss for a while their scientistic perspective. The secular redefinition of tools mainly belonging to the wisdom traditions represents an innovation that can reshape what we intend by the self and experience, contributing to what is called the “social transformation from within,” a pragmatic and wise approach to change at any level.  相似文献   

30多年来,中国思想解放、改革开放的伟大实践推动着哲学社会科学的创新取得了五大成就,开启了理论创新的时代。“十二五”时期,中国哲学社会科学研究将步入系统创新的新阶段,将从个别观点、个别结论的创新转换到基础理论、理论体系和方法论的创新;从单一学科、单一视野的创新转换到综合创新、交叉创新和新学科群的崛起;从无序竞争转换到有序推进。作为创新型国家建设的重要内容,哲学社会科学创新体系、创新能力建设与自然科学同为“鸟之两翼”、“车之两轮”,同样重要。中国哲学社会科学创新规划应当强化“国家意识”、建立“国家目标”、设立“国家工程”。系统创新、全面发展、走向世界,这是当代中国哲学社会科学的基本任务。  相似文献   

本文从社会工作视角出发,认为当代大学生在成才总体环境良好的大前提下,还遇到了不少来自学校、社会、家庭以及大众媒体等各方面的障碍,并希望从心理、教育、团队以及政策等五个方面提出促进大学生成才的对策。  相似文献   

Over 2 million children are cared for in kinship care in Kenya, and approximately 100,000 are believed to be living in residential care centres. Under leading international policy instruments ratified and domesticated by Kenya, domestic adoption is considered an option to be promoted and regulated in ensuring children's right to family‐based care. In this qualitative study, the authors interviewed 21 participants regarding the cultural and social contexts of domestic adoption in Kenya. Common beliefs and attitudes reflect a misunderstanding of the legal implications of adoption, the centrality of lineage as a vehicle for defining family membership and inheritance, and strong stigma regarding infertility. Main barriers to adoption include fear of exposing infertility, worry about corrupt practices, and reluctance to grant full inheritance rights to a child unrelated by blood. Despite these challenges, some couples are adopting to fulfil their desire for a child, as an expression of charity, and in some cases for practical reasons such as obtaining insurance for a kin child. The authors recommend placing children in adoption only with proper preparation and ethical procedures and suggest long‐term approaches to promoting adoptions that will ensure full rights of family membership for the child.  相似文献   

This qualitative study includes interviews with 9 team scientists to examine benefits, challenges, and lessons learned from team-based research in the social sciences. Data analyses were conducted using MaxQDA software to identify provisional and emergent themes. Benefits of team science included enhanced insights from multidisciplinary perspectives, increased scholarly productivity and impact, and mentoring of newer faculty by those with greater experience. Challenges of team science included working with individuals who had divergent philosophies and styles, increased time and effort needed to conduct the research, communicating around professional roles and responsibilities, and fit within the academic context. Lessons learned from the research included establishing relationships with potential team members prior to partnering with them, defining and documenting contributions of team members at the outset, examining institutional supports for team-based research and education, and clarifying processes around issues such as authorship and team membership. Implications are discussed as these relate to research, practice, and policy for team-based social science.  相似文献   

Across the world the number of children needing a foster home is increasing; however, the number of individuals willing to foster a child is decreasing. It is therefore critical to gain insight into the barriers preventing people from fostering a child. Using data from a 2009 survey of 756 Australians, combinations of barriers are investigated by conducting a posteriori segmentation analysis within the market of potential foster carers. Four segments are identified and profiled to determined significant differences in terms of psychological and socio‐demographic characteristics. Findings, including the fact that almost one‐third of respondents indicated that they had not considered foster caring before because no one had ever asked them to, have practical implications. Improved marketing strategies tailored to the characteristics of each segment are required to harvest the full potential of individuals willing to foster a child and thus contribute to solving one of the most difficult social challenges facing developed nations.  相似文献   

"势"概念的科学定义揭示了信息的本质属性,即信息量与信息势是等价的。从自然科学到人文社会科学各领域的活动,其本质都可以归结为生产更多的信息量、营造更大的信息势。势科学理论本质上是一个求导过程,其构建了一个系统的逻辑体系,使社会科学与自然科学融通起来,为人文社会科学研究提供了强有力的工具,尤其为信息科学的研究提供了真正的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

罗力群 《社会》2007,27(4):123-123
文章回顾、评论了美欧学者对于邻里效应作用机制和研究方法的归纳、邻里效应研究方法面临的挑战以及具体的经验研究和实践。文章指出,邻里效应有助于减少社会差别、促进社会平等,这在理论和实践上都能得到说明。如果要采取某种混合居住的政策以帮助社会下层并降低住房不平等以及总的社会不平等程度,那么现行住房政策将不得不做出改进。具体说来,可以考虑采取渐进式的改革:配合户籍制度改革,逐步把少数常年在城市打工、表现良好的农民工纳入经济适用房和廉租房等制度的照顾范围以内。同时本文希望抛砖引玉,激发社会学界乃至于社会科学界住房和城市问题研究者更多关注于邻里效应和社会不平等研究。  相似文献   

This comment addresses some of the critiques of “Quantum Mind and Social Science” by the other contributors, with special reference to the challenge that the mind‐body problem poses to conventional, classical thinking about social science. A quantum social ontology transcends those challenges, and in the process could transform social scientific thinking across the board. As an example the essay concludes with a consideration of the physics of social structure.  相似文献   

谢宇 《社会》2008,28(3):81-105
奥迪斯·戴德里·邓肯,于2004年11月去世。他对当今社会学和人口学的量化推理实践起到了极为重要的作用。本文将在科学史的背景下追溯邓肯作为一位量化社会学家所产生的影响。将O. D.邓肯的社会科学哲学置于“总体逻辑思维”的传统中进行分析,这一传统起源于查尔斯·达尔文,其后由弗朗西斯·加尔顿引入社会科学。作为分析的一部分,我将对统计分析的两种方法加以区分(起源于两种主要的有关科学的哲学视角):高斯或类型逻辑思维和加尔顿或总体逻辑思维,并进一步对邓肯在社会科学中的量化推理视角进行细致讨论,特别是他对于社会测量、路径分析、结构模型、计量经济学和Rasch模型的看法。本文的一个重要主题就在于O. D.邓肯很快意识到社会科学中量化方法所遇到的困难及其局限性,他尤其被内生的总体异质性所困扰。正是这种异质性使得在社会科学中通过统计分析得到具有定律性质的推论变得徒劳。因此,O. D.邓肯十分鄙视那些试图效仿物理科学来探寻假想的社会普适法则的做法,因为他坚信这种法则并不存在且毫无意义。对于O. D.邓肯来说,统计工具的主要作用在于对总体差异的系统性模式进行归纳总结。本文将大量引用O. D.邓肯过去未经发表的私人通信。  相似文献   

Objectives. This article examines the impact of “don't know” responses on cross‐national measures of knowledge regarding science and the environment. Specifically, we explore cross‐national variance in aggregate knowledge levels and the gender gap in knowledge in each of 20 nations to determine whether response‐set effects contribute to observed variance. Methods. Analyses focus on a 12‐item true‐false knowledge battery asked as part of a 1993 International Social Survey Program environmental survey. Whereas most research on knowledge codes incorrect and “don't know” responses identically, we differentiate these response forms and develop procedures to identify and account for systematic differences in the tendency to guess. Results. Substantial cross‐national variance in guessing rates is identified, variance that contributes markedly to variance in observed “knowledge” levels. Also, men are found to guess at higher rates than women, a tendency that exaggerates the magnitude of the observed gender gap in knowledge. Conclusions. Recent research has suggested that “don't know” responses pose threats to the validity of inferences derived from measures of political knowledge in the United States. Our results indicate that a similar risk exists with cross‐national measures of knowledge of science and the environment. It follows that considerable caution must be exercised when comparing data drawn from different nations and cultures.  相似文献   

吕嘉 《学习与探索》2002,1(5):31-37
政治学理论体系的意义不在于系统介绍有关政治现象的各类知识 ,而在于通过探讨、论述政治学研究的目的、对象、方法及基本范畴 ,为研究现实政治提供正确的理论与方法。基于人类政治需要及政治规律的特殊性质 ,政治学的研究目的应是正确认识人民根本利益 ,即具有二重性的社会共同利益 ;政治学的研究对象应是涉及二重性社会共同利益的所有社会生活领域 ;政治学的研究方法 ,既需要自然科学的实证方法 ,也需要哲学的形而上思维 ;同时 ,政治学研究也相应需要新的概念工具 :政治需要、二重性社会共同利益、政治真理、政治规律等  相似文献   

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