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20世纪后半叶,生命周期理论被广泛推广到经济社会的各个行业领域和各种职业人生的规划。中国是一个人口和土地面积大国,行政、地理、历史、文化区域交错,各个区域妇女的生存发展状况总体有共同性,但不同区域有所不同。农村妇女的生命周期与家庭紧密联系,以家庭生命周期理论作为主要参考,可以发现20世纪40年代出生的目前是60~70岁农村妇女和20世纪60年代出生的目前是45~55岁农村妇女的生命周期各为八个阶段。分析其特点,带有明显的时代特征。  相似文献   

2005~2008年"俄罗斯科研人员"联邦专项规划的构想是根据20世纪90年代以来俄罗斯科技发展状况以及俄罗斯社会经济和政治发展对科学技术的影响制定出来的.20世纪90年代以来,国家对科研的拨款大幅度减少,从而造成青年科研人员的数量减少以及科研队伍的不断老化.目前俄罗斯学者的平均年龄接近50岁,副博士学者的平均年龄为55岁,博士学者的平均年龄已达到退休年龄--60岁.  相似文献   

西方电视研究的理论进路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方电视研究几乎与电视业的诞生同步开始,根据研究对象可以划分为三个层面:实践层、制度层和理论层。其中成果数量最多、最重要的是理论层面的研究,以研究方法、研究重点的变迁为划分依据,西方电视理论层面的研究迄今已走过三个发展阶段:一是20世纪40~60年代美国经验学派的功能分析阶段;二是20世纪70~80年代欧洲批判学派的文化研究阶段;三是自20世纪90年代中期至今的全球化阶段。本文认为,20世纪90年代中期以后,随着全球化时代的来临,西方电视研究开始进入一个转型期,在全球化理论与现实的推动下,电视研究逐步转向政治经济层面。  相似文献   

家庭衰落论曾在家庭代际关系研究中占据主流,认为核心家庭孤立化是经济高度发达社会的必然产物。然而,20世纪60年代,后发展国家不断展现出家庭代际关系变迁的多样化,代际团结理论孕育随之产生,认为代际团结仍是现代家庭关系的重要特征,将主要的关注放在代际团结如何可能并发展出测量家庭代际关系的模型。随着社会的急剧变迁,研究者发现家庭代际关系并非"团结-冲突"这种非此即彼的二元状态,代际关系主体时常处在一种矛盾的心境之中。分析和解释这些矛盾心境成为20世纪90年代以来家庭代际关系研究的理论新转向。中国正在经历西方理论界关于现代社会家庭代际关系变迁讨论时所面对的许多结构性背景,这种梳理和讨论有助于深入研究转型期中国家庭代际关系。  相似文献   

颠覆与建构1990年代以来英文学界中国女性群体形象研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶敏磊  毛升 《社会》2006,26(1):187-205
在当今中国女性研究领域,女性群体形象一直是东西方学界共同关注的主题之一,特别是20 世纪90年代以来西方出现了一批较有分量的研究专著和期刊论文。本文试图对20 世纪90年代以来有关中国女性群体形象的英文研究成果加以评介,并与大陆女性研究进行比较,以期从女性群体形象的角度探讨西方中国女性研究的特点及其与大陆女性研究在理论立足点、学者性别构成、选题等方面的异同。这些女性群体包括:新女性传统女性、才女、家庭妇女职业妇女、贞妇烈女、妓女、农村妇女、女勇士、女尼等。  相似文献   

杨刚 《社会福利》2013,(11):49-50
英国推行“从摇篮到坟墓”的福利政策,其老年照护服务一直非常发达。白20世纪20~30年代,英国步人老年型国家,1946年首相艾德礼宣布建成福利国家,直至80~90年代推行私有化改革,逐渐从以国家福利为主导,转向以企业为主导,对老年人家庭及其保健、照护服务等进行经营的模式。目前英国所面临的老龄化挑战极为严峻,  相似文献   

王丽 《社会》2004,9(8):10-12
20世纪90年代以来,随着市场经济商 业化大潮的汹涌澎湃,西方的消费主义、女 权主义、个人主义、自由主义思潮也随之入侵,加上现代传媒、广告业和信息通讯的发达,尤其是互联网的普及,社会和文化呈现出明显的多元化和异质性。20世纪79年代末以后出生、成长于90年代的  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,随着一篇名为“等待中的孩子”的文章问世,一时间家庭寄养在英国变得轰轰烈烈,大量孩子被长期家庭寄养。中国目前把孩子安置到寄养家庭的热烈场面与英国当时的场面是非常相似的。  相似文献   

马尔库塞是20世纪著名的民主理论家,他的工业民主理论与20世纪60~70年代的西方学生运动相互影响。他认为,西方发达工业社会具有单面性,是一种攻击性社会。他提出,民主就是竞争性选举,这是一种民主的悖论;技术的合理性正在把发达工业社会变成极权主义社会,民主走向不民主。他把革命的希望寄托于最底层的社会阶层,这表明其民主理论是没有出路的。  相似文献   

西方新文化史简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新文化史的兴起是20世纪70~80年代西方历史学界一场重大的史学理论运动。20世纪70年代以来兴起的新文化史,是站在对已有的社会史理论基础的批判、修正的立场上展开的。在经历了文化转向后,新文化史学家对文化转向进行了反思。从目前的情况来看,历经数十年的发展,新文化史和传统的社会史有逐渐融合的趋势。从某种意义上来说,新文化史的实质是向人文主义史学传统的回归。新文化史的未来将是对传统社会史的扬弃和发展。  相似文献   

薛小荣  何慧丽 《创新》2010,4(3):118-120
传统住宅建设给生态环境带来很大影响,绿色生态住宅目前已成为住宅发展的必然趋势。针对目前住宅建设各个阶段缺少内在联系,应基于全寿命周期管理的绿色生态住宅小区建设模式和支撑体系,大力推广绿色生态住宅小区建设,实现人、环境与住宅的共生共容的永续发展。  相似文献   

AN IMPORTANT step toward eliminating neuroses in women would be the elimination of various traumatic factors connected with the reproductive functions, and with abortions in particular. Abortion is known to be a biological trauma which weakens the subject's whole organism, especially her endocrine balance and nerve-regulating potential. Post-abortive changes are most clearly apparent in women with deficient endocrine activity and those with weak neuropsychic organization.  相似文献   

Pension reform has been placed on the political agenda in many countries. The Swedish parliament has decided to make significant changes in the pension system. This article presents the Swedish pension reform, which goes further than the changes in other European countries. According to the Swedish pension reform, there will be a guaranteed pension that redistributes life-cycle incomes from rich to poor and an income-related actuarial pension without any intra- and intergenerational redistributive effects (with a few exceptions). The idea is to have an actuarial contribution-defined pension within a pay-as-you-go system.  相似文献   


Women born before 1945 are the older women of today. Many of these women were subjected to childhood physical and sexual abuse and spouse battering at a time where there were no laws to protect them and few people discussed such subjects. Some of these women became substance abusers or lived with substance abusers. While there are retrospective studies on the experiences of adult women who suffered abuse in the family, little is known about the experiences of women over the age of 60 years.

Similarly, there is information on substance abuse among young and middle-aged women, but very little information on or about older womens' experiences with substance abuse. In this study, we review the literature on abuse and substance abuse. We present three clinical cases of older women who have experienced various forms of abuse and who in turn abuse substances. The cases are analyzed. Assessment, treatment, and evaluation methods for social workers are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, ambiguity aversion to uncertain survival probabilities is introduced in a static life-cycle model with a bequest motive to study the optimal demand for annuities. Provided that annuities’ return is sufficiently large, and notably when it is fair, positive annuitization is known to be the optimal strategy of ambiguity neutral individuals. Conversely, we show that the demand for annuities decreases with ambiguity aversion and that there exists a finite degree of aversion above which the demand is non-positive: the optimal strategy is then to either sell annuities short or to hold zero annuities if the former option is not available. To conclude, ambiguity aversion appears to be a relevant candidate for explaining the annuity puzzle.  相似文献   

To what extent can life protection account for observed diversities in age-specific life expectancies across individuals and over time? We provide answers via calibrated simulations of a life-cycle model where life’s end is stochastic, and age-specific mortality hazards are endogenous outcomes of life protection, set jointly with life insurance and annuities. Our model links mortality hazards and values of life saving (VLS) as “dual variables”, and offers new insights about the measurement of VLS. Life protection is estimated to account for non-trivial portions of observed levels and inequalities in life expectancies and empirical estimates of VLS by age and education, and over time.  相似文献   

This paper investigates job-related distress and satisfaction with the work--family interface in various combinations of professional work and family responsibilities in Sweden. The study is based on the self-reports of 1,764 male and female university graduates in paid employment and with children at home. For both women and men, conditions at work seem to be most important. However, the division of responsibilities between partners was also found to have an impact, but in different ways for women and men. Only in families where both partners are gainfully employed and share the domestic work and financial responsibilities, was the psychological well-being and the work--family interface satisfactory for both women and men. In other families, negative effects for either women or men are noticed. The conclusion is that multiple roles and shared responsibilities and demands in the private sphere promote health among both women and men.  相似文献   

During a three-year period a total population of pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Linköping, Sweden was screened for being at psychosocial risk. The prevalence of different psychosocial risk factors was compared with the corresponding prevalence in women referred to and accepting or declining to take part in a specialised training programme at a parent–baby clinic. In general, the present study showed that there was a constant proportion of about 4–5% of pregnant women with psychosocial risk factors. Psychiatric problems and social problems of relevance for pregnancies/parenthood were about equally frequent (i.e. 44 and 45%), while drug-addiction problems were at 11%. Only one in three women with risk factors were eventually referred to the parent–baby clinic, and every second woman referred finally took part in the programme. With the knowledge that an early intervention in families with psychosocial risk factors may alleviate some adverse or disadvantageous developments in children, it is a challenge to identify and to motivate these women to enrol in various support and training programmes. There are still too few pregnant women at risk who are ready to accept the further support that they may need, and the rationale for their reluctance must be better known.  相似文献   

This article provides empirical evidence regarding the impact of the Emergency Family Income (Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia – IFE), which was implemented in Argentina in 2020. Investigated is the impact of the IFE on women’s role in providing household income and on the distribution of roles within households, as a reflection of women’s empowerment. Drawing on various household surveys, the study compared those women eligible to receive the transfer with those who were not. A difference-in-differences (DID) methodology was used to measure the impact. Following the implementation of the IFE, women’s share of couple income and household income is found to have increased by some 8 per cent and 11 per cent, respectively, while the probability of women being solely responsible for household chores has fallen by 4 per cent.  相似文献   

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