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哈尔滨犹太人的历史地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈尔滨犹太人是世界犹太人的重要组成部分,他们在近一个世纪的时间里,在哈尔滨建立了完整的国际社区,创造了经济与贸易奇迹,构建了具有凝聚力和生命力的特色文化,留下了典雅壮观的建筑遗产,同时涌现出了许多世界一流人才。因此,哈尔滨犹太人具有重要的历史地位。  相似文献   

宫秀华 《求是学刊》2001,28(1):108-112
从公元前 6世纪末到公元 1世纪 ,罗马已由一个共和制的城邦国家发展成为号令意大利半岛、称霸地中海世界的奴隶制大帝国。罗马从共和制到帝制这一历史巨变是通过不断向外扩张、征服完成的。本文重点论述罗马在大规模的扩张战争中工商业的发展 ,认为战争是刺激罗马工商业发展的原动力 ,统一帝国的建立促进了地中海世界商贸活动的开展。本文还介绍了庞培古城的羊毛制造业 ,从而加深对罗马帝国初期社会经济生活的了解与认识  相似文献   

犹太民族曾对世界文明作出过巨大贡献。犹太人移居中国的历史最早可追溯到唐代,而以元代开封犹太人为著。自鸦片战争后,来华犹太人日益增多,以上海最为集中。希特勒上台后大肆排犹,致使大批犹太人辗转来沪避难谋生,在沪犹太人人数激增。二次大战结束后,犹太难民被遣送回国,或移居他国。至上海解放前后,在沪犹太人已剩不多。历史上中国的犹太人是犹太民族的一个组成部分,而旧上海的犹太人又是研究中国犹太人的重点,同时也是上海近、现代史中的一个重要课题。本文作者根据两年多来搜集的中外文献和社会调查资料,详细介绍了旧上海犹太人的历史、组织机构、经济、政治、宗教、生活活动等情况,对于研究旧上海的侨民史,有着较重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

全部罗马文明史可以分为奴隶制城邦和奴隶制帝国两大阶段。但帝国究竟始于苏拉独裁和他撤独裁,还是始于奥古斯都元首制,迄今仍是一个争论不已的问题。大多数学者将奥古斯都元首制的建立视为罗马帝国的起点。乌特琴科十分肯定地称屋大维是全新意义上的第一位罗马皇帝①。但也有一些学者力主:供撒的专制统治已使罗马迈入帝国的门槛。盖尔策尔认为,消微的专制主义是同全部早期罗马传统的彻底决裂②。在国内史学界,《世界上古史纲》的作者旗帜鲜明地指出,消撒所建立的国家“是个军事帝国,通常称为消撒帝国”③。遗憾的是,在给罗马帝国分…  相似文献   

哈尔滨:近代东亚犹太人最大的活动中心   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
:在近代 ,哈尔滨曾是东亚犹太人最大的聚居中心和宗教精神中心。犹太人在哈尔滨进行政治、宗教、经济和文化活动 ,对哈尔滨的经济繁荣、城市建设曾起过重要作用。目前在哈尔滨仍保存着一批犹太人档案、历史文献、建筑遗址及东亚最大的犹太墓地。保护和利用这一文化遗产 ,深入研究哈尔滨犹太人史和散居于世界各地的哈尔滨犹太人及其后裔的生活状况 ,有利于加强中国与以色列、中国与世界各国的犹太人的文化交流与经贸合作  相似文献   

2000年5月29日至30日罗马俱乐部第一次在俄罗斯举行会议,主题是“俄罗斯的未来稳定吗?!”。会议由罗马俱乐部和莫斯科国立大学共同主办。罗马俱乐部是一个国际的非政府、非正式性的未来研究团体,在国际社会上享有很高的声望。它是1968年在意大利经济学家佩切伊的倡导下成立的,因其总部位于罗马而得名。罗马俱乐部的重要使命就是阐明人类所面临的困境和各种问题,并研究在全球、地区和地方层面上解决这些问题的方法。自成立以来,它一直紧密关注着世界体系的变化发展,它所发表的报告时时震撼着整个世界,如罗马俱乐部1972年发表的《增长的极限》…  相似文献   

马克思与犹太人问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这是作者的一次学术演讲,围绕着现代性问题展开了对马克思<论犹太人问题>的分析,并通过这一分析彰显出宗教与政治、神圣与世俗、群体与个人、市民社会与国家政权之间的矛盾冲突,为理解马克思为什么在1844年前后转入对资本主义经济关系的论述提供了一种与"犹太人问题"有关的参照.  相似文献   

哈尔滨俄裔犹太人的历史是世界犹太人历史的重要组成部分。历史上的哈尔滨犹太人绝大多数来自于俄国(前苏联),属于阿什肯纳兹犹太人。19世纪末、20世纪初,随着中东铁路的修建与开通,一部分为躲避俄国及东欧国家反犹、排犹浪潮及寻求自由发展的犹太人经西伯利亚、远东等地不远万里来到哈尔滨。哈尔滨人以其博大的胸怀接纳了这些漂泊异乡的犹太人,并给予他们诚挚的帮助和尊重。到20世纪中叶,哈尔滨一度成为犹太人群居地之一。哈尔滨文化的包容性为犹太人创业和发展提供了广阔的舞台,俄裔犹太人也为哈尔滨多元文化的形成做出了贡献。  相似文献   

犹太人问题是西方神学—政治问题的突出体现,青年马克思曾对之予以重点关注,而围绕着他的犹太人身份,百年来亦争论不休.从政治哲学的角度可以重新梳理马克思的经典文献——《论犹太人问题》中的理论线索.其一,将神学问题转换为现实问题,倡导从政治解放到人类解放,这些观点主要从财产权批判入手,阐释了启蒙主义的政治平等原则;其二,在政治思想史中,马克思的犹太人问题观有其历史渊源.斯宾诺莎认为,犹太人只有恪守自由理性原则,摒弃狭隘的民族宗教及相关的文化习俗,才能同化于现代民主国家,进而获得公民权.马克思秉承了这一思想原则并予以深化,他号召无产阶级积极扬弃资本主义异化,最终建立普遍的“自由人的联合体”.这两条思路共同构成了共产主义理论的隐秘前提,马克思也由此实现了对近代启蒙精神的超越.  相似文献   

中国是唯一一个犹太人在此连续生活过一千多年的远东国家。由于犹太人与犹太教密不可分,犹太教也在中国社会存在了一千多年。犹太教不仅仅指犹太人的宗教信仰,也构成犹太人日常生活的重要组成部分。本文追溯了犹太人在中国生活的时代背景,以及他们的日常生活,如宗教仪式、教育、饮食、丧葬等,力图为犹太教在中国的具体实践提供佐证。文章还从历史角度讨论了中国官方对犹太教的态度。  相似文献   

刘爽 《学习与探索》2006,(3):151-155
对于历史过程的分期,主要是寻找能够改变历史进程的重要的转折点,从而揭示历史过程的本质,形成对历史发展趋势和规律的认识,并强调历史叙述的逻辑性.对犹太人在哈尔滨的历史活动分期的划分,也应着眼于历史过程的大趋势和内在的逻辑联系.因此,可将犹太人在哈尔滨的历史活动过程分为两个时期1896年前后是俄籍犹太人来到哈尔滨的起始时间,至1931年为犹太人在哈尔滨活动的发展时期;而1931年至1966年应为犹太人在哈尔滨活动的衰落时期.通过几个重要的历史转折点所断限的前后35年,揭示了犹太人在哈尔滨历史文化活动的基本线索.  相似文献   

赵立行 《求是学刊》2006,33(1):139-144
西欧中世纪社会同时存在着对犹太人有利和不利的态度,这些态度随着时间和地域的变化而变化。不同的阶层在同一时期,同一阶层在不同的时期都对犹太人有着不同的态度。中世纪对待犹太人的态度的复杂性和矛盾性有着复杂的社会背景。  相似文献   


Judaism can be understood as a “hidden diversity.” This article introduces practitioners to the numerous ways through which Jews relate to, express, and find meaning in their Jewish identity. It informs therapists about the many differences that lie beneath Jewish clients' white or not-so-white skins, and provides guidelines for therapists interested in engaging those differences in treatment. It also discuses some of the ways in which Jews connect to their Judaism: through spiritual and religious practice; through traditions, holidays, and the observance of Jewish law; and through connections to their families, local communities, and to Jews throughout the world.  相似文献   

Haifa University (HU) is the stage for a prolonged social drama between Arabs (20%) and Jews. 86 students (38 Arabs and 48 Jews) were interviewed on their experiences of injustice. Three major differences emerged. For the Arabs, 92% of injustice took place on campus compared to 40% for the Jews. Arabs attributed injustice to discrimination (60%), Jews to the actors' personal characteristics (58%); the Arabs transformed injustice events into a political struggle for national recognition, identity, and narratives. The analysis intimates that Arabs' "social being" is developing through the staging of negative expressive acts, namely, respect/contempt and power/weakness. Thus actors at HU can stage social processes, and change sites of surveillance and injustice into places of reconciliation and coexistence.  相似文献   

Objective . For the first time since the mid-1970s, this study explored sociodemographic correlates of abortion attitudes among Israeli Jews and compared them with those reported by the General Social Survey in the United States. Methods . A survey in the representative sample of Jewish adults living in urban areas across Israel ( N = 546) that included two related items on the attitude toward abortion for nonvital reasons. Results . Using multiple regression, four statistically and socially significant correlates of antiabortion attitudes were identified: Greater religiosity (especially Ultra-Orthodox affiliation), lower than average income, greater number of children, and right-wing political preference. Gender and age did not emerge as significant correlates of abortion attitudes. Whereas American Jews form the mainstay of the prochoice camp, Jews in Israel are clearly divided along the lines of religiosity, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and political views. Conclusions . In both Israel and the United States, the sociodemographic profiles of abortion supporters and opponents have been rather similar and stable over the last 25 years. This may point to the stable patterns of religiosity in both societies, since antiabortion sentiments have mainly been fueled by religious fundamentalism, regardless of formal denomination.  相似文献   

The article uses available survey data to depict the depth and spread of anti-Semitic attitudes across Europe. The main assumption is that European anti-Semitism, both currently and historically, is closely tied to issues and crises of national self-identification; for this reason, social identity theory is employed to study the varying configurations of anti-Semitic prejudice. In most European countries, Jews are a small and socially integrated minority. Attitudes toward them are determined less by concrete experiences of cultural differences, or conflicts over scarce resources, but rather by a perceived threat to the national self-image. This leads to an accentuation of the pertinent prejudices that blame Jews to be responsible for that threat. This perspective brings to light considerable differences between Eastern and Western Europe and the continuing influence of national traditions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates similarities and differences between Arab and Jewish professionals living in Israel regarding their knowledge and attitudes about AIDS. Although AIDS in Israel is not considered to be a pressing crisis, the aim of the research is to document and analyse what professionals in the helping professions – Arabs and Jews alike – know and how they feel about AIDS. The study also explores thoughts and feelings concerning AIDS–related education and training. This is the first scholarly attempt to compare Israeli and Arab professionals' attitudes and knowledge about such a stigmatised topic as the AIDS epidemic. The study sample consists of 350 professionals, including 218 Jews and 132 Arabs, working in various social and health–care agencies providing services to the Arab population. Professionals include social workers, nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists, and special education teachers and counsellors. Results indicate that Jewish professionals scored significantly higher on both knowledge and attitude scales than did their Arab counterparts. Two regression models predicting both knowledge and attitudes are presented, and their implications are discussed using several frameworks: the status of the disease, including perception of the threat; perception of adequacy of training; educational environment; and the socialisation process of Arab professionals in Israel  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Adital Ben-Ari School of Social Work, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Studies, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel 31905. Summary The present study explores the relationship between perceivedsocial support and well-being among students of the three mainpopulations living in Israel: Israeli-born Jews, Israeli-bornArabs and Russian immigrants. More specifically, it comparesthe well-being of these three groups and examines to what extentperceived social support actually contributes to their well-being.The sample comprised 278 undergradute students in the schoolsof social work and nursing at one of the major universitiesin Israel. Three instruments were used. Well-being was measuredby both the Brief Symptoms Inventory Scale (Derogatis, 1979)and the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck and Steer, 1987). Perceivedsocial support was assessed by the Multidimensional Scale ofPerceived Social Support (Zimet et al., 1988). The findingsshow that the Arab students are significantly more distressedthan their Jewish and Russian counterparts on all measures ofwell-being. At the same time, their perceived social supportis significantly higher than that of the Jewish students (bothIsraeli-born Jews and Russian immigrants). Stepwise linear regressionanalysis revealed that while perceived social support was amajor contributor to the explanation of well-being among theIsraeli students, it did not surface as a significant explanatorypredictor of well-being among either Arabs or Russian immigrants.The significance of the findings is discussed within the theoreticalframeworks of stress and social support theories as well asmodernization and immigration processes.  相似文献   

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