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王剑虹 《社科纵横》2008,23(1):85-88
暂缓起诉是欧国家近年来全国各地基层人民检察院对未成年人犯罪而试行的一种制度.尽管这种制度在德国、日本、美国等其他国家的司法实践中已有了良好的运行,但由于我国立法并未正式认可这一制度,所以其在试行过程中具有一些不规范不统一之处.暂缓起诉制度既可以节约司法资源,也有利于未成年犯罪嫌疑人改过自新,同时也符合一系列国际刑事政策的理论和倾向,所以借鉴其它国家或地区的立法与司法运作经验,结合我国的实际情况,通过立法,明确规定暂缓起诉的适用条件、效力、期限及其监督机制,在我国确立暂缓起诉制度应当是可行的.  相似文献   

本文探讨了暂缓起诉的内涵、建构路径,并对国外暂缓起诉制度作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

陈俊 《创新》2010,4(3):90-93
和谐社会要求在刑事诉讼中以最少的司法资源投入取得惩罚犯罪和保障人权、促进社会和谐的最大利益。不起诉制度为公正审判从程序上提供了一种筛选和过滤的制度保障,有利于促进社会和谐。不起诉制度有利于实现预防犯罪、保卫社会的目的,还有利于提高诉讼效率、体现诉讼效益。目前,不起诉制度在司法实践中的作用没有完全发挥出来,基层检察机关在执行不起诉制度时与立法原意相悖的情况还很多,有必要对不起诉制度进行改革完善。改革完善不起诉制度的措施有:证据不足不起诉的细化;酌定不起诉的扩充;不起诉的规制与救济;建立暂缓起诉制度;建立健全检察机关经费保障机制。  相似文献   

刑事预审是庭前审查准备程序中的重要活动,主要是对案件是否符合起诉条件进行司法审查。完备的预审制度有利于保障庭审的高效进行,也有利于被控告一方对是否起诉的审查行使参与权。预审权既不是侦查权,也不是检察监督权,它本质上是司法审判权。预审应从侦查和审判阶段分离出来,独立地作为两者的中间程序。考察国外并结合我国的司法现状,在构建我国刑事预审制度中,预审的起诉决定对预审法官来说是一种相对决定权,检察官对决定有异议的可报上级检察机关审议,最终由上级检察院决定是否起诉。  相似文献   

董雪 《创新》2009,3(12):57-60
我国起诉分流制度应建立在审查起诉部门的内部审查和公开调查的基础上,综合考虑国家、社会、个人利益,依据犯罪的情节、可能判处的刑罚、被追诉人的表现、被害人的态度,决定是否提起公诉以及起诉的方式。必要情况下,采取公开听证或协商程序。分流的途径包括:酌定不起诉、暂缓起诉、刑事和解、辩诉交易等。  相似文献   

姜雯 《社科纵横》2011,26(4):76-78
医疗行为具有高度救济性、高度风险性、高度专业性的特性。在类罪设置方面,"危害公共卫生罪"的所有罪名应该从"妨害社会管理秩序罪"之中分离出来,列入"危害公共安全罪"之中。增加医疗机构为"医疗事故罪"的犯罪主体,将有利于医疗机构的自律,减少医疗事故的发生。在刑事责任方面,宜设立前科消灭制度,增设资格刑和罚金刑。在刑事程序方面,宜鼓励刑事和解,并设立暂缓起诉制度。  相似文献   

附条件不起诉制度之完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩红  杨蕾 《学术交流》2013,(1):80-83
从保护未成年人这一特殊群体的角度出发,新修订的《刑事诉讼法》增加了对涉嫌刑法分则第四章、第五章、第六章规定的犯罪,可能判处一年有期徒刑以下刑罚,符合起诉条件,但有悔罪表现的未成年人适用附条件不起诉的制度。附条件不起诉制度是刑罚谦抑性的体现,具有程序分流的作用,在合理配置司法资源、犯罪嫌疑人的改造等方面发挥着积极的功效。但是附条件不起诉制度存在着适用范围过窄、适用条件规定过于简单、附条件不起诉的考察帮教人员较为片面等问题。因此,通过借鉴国外立法例以及在结合我国实践经验的基础上,对完善我国附条件不起诉制度提出建议尤为重要。附条件不起诉制度应当在扩大附条件不起诉制度的适用范围、增加附条件不起诉制度的适用条件、增加附条件不起诉制度的考察帮教人员等方面予以完善。  相似文献   

邓力 《创新》2008,2(1):85-90
我国政府采购司法审查制度存在受案范围狭窄、起诉主体资格限制过严、判决类型单一以及回避制度缺失等问题。为此,需要准确认识政府采购的法律规制,并根据实际,以《政府采购协议》为指导,借鉴国外政府采购的成功经验,完善政府采购方面的立法,以政府采购合同为核心,确立针对政府采购司法审查的原则与规则,强化司法对政府采购合同的监督。  相似文献   

谌远知 《学术交流》2006,(10):64-66
在我国很多法院在适用暂缓判决,但是目前法律并没有规定,这种制度是否有存在的必要性值得探讨。暂缓判决的适用对象与现行的缓刑制度的适用对象竞合,这两种制度有很多相同之处。通过对暂缓判决与缓刑制度的比较分析,在目前的法制条件下,暂缓判决制度无确立之必要,暂缓判决实践中总结的对未成年被告人的人文关怀措施可以通过完善未成年被告人缓刑制度予以解决,这样更为可行,易于我国的审判实践的操作,更符合我国的法制。  相似文献   

污点证人豁免制度是合意型司法的一种,属于司法交易行为。鉴于我国目前的刑事立法和司法状况,对于污点证人的豁免应采取刑事责任豁免的方式,证据使用豁免无法达到良好的效果。对污点证人豁免制度的适用案件的范围方面不宜有限制,应将污点证人的豁免权赋予法官和检察官,由他们根据案件和犯罪行为人的综合情况裁量决定。为避免豁免权的滥用,可以通过限制裁量权和设立相关配套监督机制来加以控制。在程序设置方面,参考德国的法院和检察机关协商机制和检察机关不起诉权能相结合的方式,确立法院和检察机关共同行使的豁免权赋予机制,是我国现行法律框架和司法机关组织机构不变的情况下,最具有可行性的污点证人豁免制度程序设置方式。  相似文献   

阳柳 《创新》2008,2(1):80-84
对环境资源起诉权制度在我国的法律实践中的现状、存在问题及国外环境资源行政起诉权的发展所带来的启示进行了研究,论述应从实际损害的适用范围、环境资源起诉权人、环境资源行政司法审查的范围等方面放宽对环境资源行政起诉权的限制。  相似文献   

This article explores how social justice has been defined in social work practice and contests the claim of some in our profession that direct practice and social welfare programs are incompatible with social justice, drawing on Foucault’s work on the inextricable link between power and knowledge. This article proposes that social justice “in the trenches” needs further theorizing. Literature supporting a view that direct practice is congruent with a social justice perspective is reviewed. Theory of recognition is introduced as a possible overarching theory to ground direct practice within a social justice framework.  相似文献   

The criminal justice system remains largely untouched by over a decade of scrutiny and restructuring of public services by consecutive Conservative administrations. This is despite the system's lack of accountability, absence of clear objectives, prolific unfettered spending patterns, and discrepancies in its treatment of suspects and offenders at all stages of the prosecution process as witnessed by regular and embarrassing “mishaps”. This paper explains the apparent contradictions in the New Right's social policy agenda showing how the overtly Thatcheritepolicies of “law and order” with its own brand of moral authoritarianism continues to immunize and protect the professional players on the criminal justice stage from the policies of scrutiny and consequent change. Ironically, it is argued, criminal justice and penal policy is one area of social policy where the machinery of appraisal, audit and management by objectives would be highly beneficial. Paul Wilding provided stimulating and helpful comments on the first draft of this paper and Howard Parker helped me to keep the contradictions of the system as the theme of the paper.  相似文献   

于光平  刘志永 《创新》2007,1(1):90-96
构建社会公平保障体系,既是建立和谐社会的要求,也是完善中国特色社会主义市场经济制度的题中应有之义。近年来,我国社会保障制度进行了相应的改革,并取得了一定成效。但从根本上说还不完善,影响了社会保障的公平性。我们党提出社会公平保障体系建设,为我国社会保障事业的发展指明了方向。结合国外经验,笔者认为我国社会公平保障体系建设包括:积极推进农村社会保障制度建设;加大社会保障对收入调节力度;加强社会保障的法制建设等。  相似文献   

张坤 《社会工作》2011,(22):4-7
在分析问题模式与优势模式两者差异的基础上,提出了衡量优势视角下司法社会工作的六大实践标准;以及优势视角模式对司法社会工作的贡献及存在的不足;最终对优势视角下我国司法社会工作实践提出了相关建议与对策。  相似文献   

This article examines the accounts given by child protection practitioners of how the current economic climate has impacted on their practice. We build our discussion on empirical findings emerging from a small but rigorous qualitative research project conducted by one of the authors. This original study examined Scottish and Finnish social workers' perceptions of their abilities to engage effectively with children and families in what many have described as an “age of austerity.” It set out to explore challenges encountered in daily practice through a cross‐national comparative thematic analysis. The paper illuminates practitioners' shared reality of frontline practice in Scottish and Finnish contexts. Despite differing socio‐political environments, participating practitioners found austerity measures to impact negatively on both their professional resources and on the communities they work with. Significantly, practitioners regarded themselves as the key resource, taking individual responsibility to ensure families received a quality service. For many, austerity had resulted in greater empathy for families and awareness of the wider economic and structural impact on their lives. The increased centrality of social justice was pivotal to everyday practice.  相似文献   


The restorative justice movement has increased the rights of consciousness for crime victims and their families globally. Though the practice of family group conferences in Australia and New Zealand and the court-ordered mediation programmes in China have increasingly involved defendants and their families, their roles in the criminal justice system have not been the main focus of academic inquiries. Citing a high-profile capital case in China, the Nian Bin case, this study examines the defendant family’s strategies in seeking legal redress, managing physical, emotional and financial tolls as well as coping with the victim families, throughout their eight-year pursuit of Nian’s exoneration. Given Confucian teachings on the importance of family to the individual and the society at large, this study provides a microscopic view into various precipitating factors for a capital defendant’s family activism. It also draws broader implications for China’s criminal justice reforms and the restorative justice movement.  相似文献   

Children placed in residential care are significantly over-represented in youth justice systems. Drawing on interviews and focus groups with service providers, this exploratory study examines practice factors that impact on the criminalization of this group of children across multiple services and systems, including in the residential care environment, police, lawyers, courts and youth justice systems, as well as multi-systems practice with this group in one Australian state. Positive outcomes were observed for children in residential care where well-functioning care teams existed, as well as for children in therapeutic residential care settings. However, clear limitations were identified across all phases of children's youth justice system involvement, including placement with offending peers, the criminalization of behaviours of concern, greater use of remand and detention, limited support to navigate legal and youth justice processes, challenges to service collaboration, and limited applicability of sentencing considerations. The findings indicate a pervasive level of systemic disadvantage for this group of children, and imply that a holistic strategy underpinned by affirmative action across several systems will be necessary to address the ongoing criminalization of children in residential care.  相似文献   

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