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翟崑 《太平洋学报》2020,(1):97-102
2019年4月23日,中国国家主席习近平在青岛出席中国人民解放军海军成立70周年的讲话中首次提出构建海洋命运共同体的理念。习主席指出,海洋孕育了生命、联通了世界、促进了发展。我们人类居住的这个蓝色星球,不是被海洋分割成了各个孤岛,而是被海洋连结成了命运共同体,各国人民安危与共。这一理念对内可以视为党的十八大以来中国提出人类命运共同体建设和海洋强国战略的重大发展,对外则可视为中国参与全球海洋治理的中国方案的重大发展。由于海洋命运共同体提出时间尚短又具有很强的专业性,学术界和政策界对推进海洋命运共同体建设的认知和行动的探讨与筹划刚刚开始,尚未形成体系。因此本文尝试说明,海洋命运共同体的构建是个知行合一的体系,是政策概念体系和战略实践体系的并举合一,这二者在本质上具有一体性,在行动上应相互促进,在目标上追求高标准,在实际推进过程中要防止知行“两张皮”。  相似文献   

By means of minimal assumptions on the individual preferences, I show that the Willingness To Pay (WTP) for both a FSD and SSD reduction of risk is the sum of a mean effect, a pure risk effect and a wealth effect. As a result, the WTP of a risk-averse decision maker may be lower than the WTP of a risk-neutral one, for a large class of individual preferences’ representation and a large class of risks.  相似文献   

孙树勇 《学术交流》2003,(3):134-138
晴雯性格特点中尤为重要的一点是她的率真 ,这就使得她在生活细节中会更多地表现出作为一个有血有肉的“人”的最为本真的个性特征。而且由于其所处的环境地位的特殊性所决定 ,这个十几岁的小姑娘有时又不得不在这样的复杂环境中无奈地扮演着悖己的角色 ,甚至还会在对于未来命运的幻想中扭曲了自己的人性 !正是由于这样的原因 ,晴雯的可爱、可怕和可怜共同构成她人性内涵的丰富性和复杂性的一面 ,也正是因为她具有这样的人性内涵 ,才使得晴雯这个人物形象显得如此丰满 ,如此的耐人寻味 !  相似文献   

Taking as a starting point two influential, yet different approaches in group work, that is, the self-directed group work and mutual aid models, this article examines a possible alternative for conducting social work with groups. Drawing from structuration theory, which makes a strong dialectical relation between agency and structure possible, this article highlights how our alternative model could lead to a greater integration of the micro- and macrodimensions in group-work practice. The Discussion section proposes three key principles for group work, namely, a belief in people’s strengths and capacities, a focus on critical thinking, and a concern for the development of a democratic culture in groups. These principles are conveyed through the group worker’s roles as consciousness raiser and process facilitator and provide a flexible and participatory process that can be used with a broad range of service-user groups. The article concludes with a discussion on the strengths and limitations of the model.  相似文献   

“海洋命运共同体”是“人类命运共同体”治理理念在海洋问题上的具体体现。“海洋命运共同体”建设是一项国际性的社会工程。知识所反映的发展规律可以形成说服其他行为体参与集体行动的软实力。引领未来的海洋治理需要我们具备提出治理方案的完整的知识体系。与此同时,还需要推动制度建设,构建区域性制度、领域性制度,形成完善的制度体系。在“海洋命运共同体”建设中,中国要赢得全球伙伴的尊重,就必须提供相应的公共产品,为全球公正、合理、可持续的海洋秩序做出贡献。建设“海洋命运共同体”是全人类的共同目标。中国需要在国际社会中团结在理念和利益方面的志同道合者,支持以“海洋命运共同体”为伦理基础的治理方案。  相似文献   

鲁岩 《学术交流》2003,2(11):123-126
文化是人类的精神活动及其产品的总称,是一个民族和国家赖以生存发展的重要根基;先进文化是人类文明进步的结晶,它在本质上是一定社会先进的经济和政治在观念形态上的反映,是推动人类社会前进的精神动力;大力发展社会主义文化,是贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想的必然要求,也是全面建设小康社会的必然要求。  相似文献   

徐宝锋 《阅江学刊》2011,(3):126-129
《礼记》是一部对于中国士人的精神建构产生了重要影响的儒家经典。把《礼记》作为一个系统文本予以整体探究,以一种宏观的诗性视角敞开《礼记》所包蕴的儒家早期伦理世界,而非断章取义、纠缠于单一的伦理或者诗学观念,有助于藉此探寻中国士人的原型精神,进而深入思考出早期中国传统诗学思想的产生发展以及演变轨迹,从历史纵深和横向发展的角度透视儒家的精神境界以及诗性人格建构。  相似文献   

It is already more than a quarter of a century since socialism has gone beyond the boundaries of a single country. As a result of the victory of the socialist revolution, in the postwar years in a number of countries in Europe, Asia, and subsequently in the western hemisphere as well — in Cuba — there developed a world socialist system: a social, economic, and political community of free and sovereign peoples following the road of socialism and communism, united by common interests and goals and by the close ties of international socialist solidarity. Its nucleus is the Soviet Union, which has amassed enormous experience in the construction of a new society.  相似文献   

Bosi  Gianni 《Theory and Decision》2002,52(4):303-312
It is well known that interval orders are particularly interesting in decision theory, since they are reflexive, complete and nontransitive binary relations which may be fully represented by means of two real-valued functions. In this paper, we discuss the existence of a pair of nonnegative, positively homogeneous and semicontinuous real-valued functionals representing an interval order on a real cone in a topological vector space. We recover as a particular case a result concerning the existence of a nonnegative, positively homogeneous and continuous utility functional for a complete preorder on a real cone in a topological vector space.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gather information on the misconduct policies of scientific journals. We contacted editors from a random sample of 399 journals drawn from the ISI Web of Knowledge database. We received 197 responses (49.4% response rate): 54.8% had a policy, and 47.7% had a formal (written) policy; 28.9% had a policy that only outlined procedures for handling misconduct, 15.7% had a policy that only defined misconduct, 10.2% had a policy that included both a definition and procedures; 26.9% of journals had a policy that was generated by the publisher, 13.2% had a policy that was generated by the journal, and 14.7% had a policy that was generated by another source, such as a professional association. We analyzed the relationship between having a policy and impact factor, field of science, publishing house, and nationality. Impact factor was the only variable with a statistically significant association with having a policy. Impact factor was slightly positively associated with whether or not the publisher had a policy, with an odds ratio of 1.49 (P < .0004) per 10 units increase in the impact factor, with a 95% confidence interval (1.20, 1.88). Our research indicates that more than half of scientific journals have developed misconduct policies, but that most of these policies do not define research misconduct and most of these policies were not generated by the journal.  相似文献   

刘海波 《阅江学刊》2014,(4):100-104
介词和名词组成介词结构,基本功能是引介,连词的基本功能是连接。对连词和介词所作的区分主要考虑的是语义关系。介词和连词的区别并不总是那样清晰,学界纷纷提出“关系词”、“连介词”等概念,甚至有人主张完全合并介词和连词。古汉语中关系词“虽”在发展过程中经历了一个语法化过程,从“连介词”完全变成了连词。  相似文献   

赵立玮 《社会》2016,36(6):97-125
帕森斯的社会理论和米尔斯的社会研究是“二战”后美国社会学的两条重要且独特的研究路径。帕森斯倡导社会科学中的一般理论研究,核心在于理论和经验的互惠发展的动力学,意在促进社会科学的积累性发展,但确立统一的社会科学无异于建立一种不可能实现的“学术巴别塔”。米尔斯强调的基于社会学想象的社会研究纲领,实质上是一种政治导向的社会研究,最终难免落入学术和政治的双重“想象”困境。研究范式的差异,导致他们对其身处的美国社会作出了判然有别的研究论断。进而言之,这种差异的背后隐含着研究者对现代性问题的不同态度以及政治立场上的深刻分歧。  相似文献   

This article presents a reflective theoretical deconstruction of my practice with disempowered human service workers. Specifically, it presents a case study of how critical reflection was fostered amongst a group of practitioners in Geelong, a regional Victorian town in Australia. This models how a critical postmodern analysis provided a framework for overcoming entrenched power dynamics and structural barriers in a particular context and at a particular point in time. It describes and analyses the content of this work in terms of its significance and implications for responding to the impact of globalisation on this group, which was undermining the effectiveness of their social work practice.  相似文献   

The Common Assessment Framework provides a model of early intervention, which is familiar in local authorities throughout England, and asserts a participatory framework of child and family engagement. This paper is based on a qualitative study of parents and children who were subject to a multi‐agency process of early intervention in children's social care in a local authority in the Midlands of England. I advance the concept of assemblage to consider the basis of an active service user participation as rather more a struggle to achieve than something that has been granted by practitioner agencies. Interview extracts are used to show the enrolment and assembly of participation as a process of service users developing their active human agency in a multi‐agency setting. The article explores the assembling of skills in administration and management of meetings and plans, accessing knowledge and expertise through service user networks, and challenging professional expertise and institutional space while developing personal qualities of confidence and voice as a means of marshalling an effective participation in a multi‐agency setting.  相似文献   

刘大禹 《阅江学刊》2009,(3):99-106
“九·一八”后,为应对国难,舆论界出现了评议时政的热潮。他们以某一刊物为聚集地,形成了宽泛的舆论空间。在众多新创刊物中,以《独立评论》与《时代公论》为典型代表。舆论界尽管有着强烈的民主宪政的呼声,但随着时局的发展,对领袖权威的推崇逐渐达成了共识,赞成建立强力政府,主张实行集权政治。1935年,军事权威蒋介石兼任行政院院长,集权政治形成。然而,舆论空间与集权政治存在着一个二律背反的矛盾。如何保持一个自由的舆论空间,加强舆论对政府监督,是国民政府一直未能解决的难题。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of a practice frameworkfor child welfare in New Zealand. A practice framework is definedas a conceptual map that brings together, in an accessible design,an agency’s approach to social work practice with childrenand families. Designed as a tool for practitioners, the NewZealand practice framework integrates three perspectives: child-centred;family-led and culturally responsive; and strengths and evidence-based.The practice framework establishes a vision for New Zealandchild welfare work that is grounded in the realities of practice,supported by research and embedded in a set of principles andvalues that are essential to the work. As a concept, it providesa clear understanding of what underpins the work, and how thisinforms our interventions with children and families. As a toolfor practitioners, it provides a theoretically informed interventionlogic and a set of triggers to support best practice.  相似文献   

Preschooler's understanding of belief, desire, and emotion was assessed in a new false belief task that explored childen's mental state reasoning about social situations. The social analog task presented a change in a partner's play activity rather than a change in the location of a physical object. Two main differences from the usual pattern of theory of mind results were obtained. Five-year-olds had more difficulty understanding a false belief about another's current social activity compared to a false belief about a physical situation. The understanding of desire exhibited a 3- to 5-year age change that may have been shown because the social situation involved conflicting desires. When there was a conflict, the younger children tended to disregard the stated desire and exhibited 'social opportunism' by misattributing desires to permit a social interaction. The new results give a more varied picture of the development of theory of mind, and argue for expanding its study into social frames of reference.  相似文献   

不同社会存在着许多共同的秩序问题,而解决的方式和手段也比较相似.在建立和维护建基于特定产权结构体系之上的社会秩序问题,习俗、禁忌和个人与社会群体自我约束的作用遍及于各种社会.此外,国家或政府的作用在国家社会里极为突出.国家总是和特定的利益集团联系在一起,并能够在很大程度上决定经济秩序.自由放任和守夜人的说法,或者完全是一种理想,或者纯属虚构的神话.在现代市场经济的发展过程中,国家对秩序的作用可以是积极的,也可以是消极的.这并不取决于任何必然性,而是取决于制度和组织背后的人.  相似文献   

From the symbolic interaction perspective, the study examined the effect of loss of spouse on 30 rural widows in three Montana counties at 6 and 12 months after death of spouse. Participants were given a measure of psychological husband presence, a coping inventory, a health measure, and a measure of self-esteem. The results revealed a high level of adjustment among the rural widows at both 6 and 12 months after death of spouse, and a qualitative shift in the focus of the coping behaviors from 6 to 12 months after the husband's death. These results suggest that within this select sampleit is possible for widows to adjust to their new status and develop a positive and satisfying life as a single woman.  相似文献   

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