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朱洪  郭正模 《西北人口》2006,(5):13-16,24
如何消除贫困是当今学术界乃至全社会讨论的热点问题。在中国当前劳动力资源丰富,其他资源紧缺的基本国情下,作为劳动力转移主要方式的劳务输出已成为农民增加收入、脱贫致富的主要手段。根据四川36个扶贫工作重点县(区)的民族构成差异,将它们划分为了两个区域,即贫困少数民族地区与贫困汉族地区。本文通过对比分析这两个地区劳务输出现状的差异,以及形成差异的原因,提出一些促进劳务输出的建议与对策。  相似文献   

中国贫困地区人口资源与社会经济发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国政府一贯重视反贫困斗争,改革开放以来,贫困地区范围缩小,贫困人口锐减,但由于受到环境质量差和人口素质低的双重压力,近年来脱贫速度有所减弱.作者分析了贫困地区的自然环境特征,归纳为10类地区,揭示了人口贫困是生态失衡的综合表现和最终结果.低层次的对贫困地区矿产资源的开发,既浪费了不可再生资源,又引发环境大污染.作者最后提出贫困地区社会经济持续发展的6条对策,走恢复生态平衡与发展现代农业相结合,防治污染与兴办乡镇企业相结合,实现脱贫近期目标与可持续发展长远目标相结合之路,必将逐步实现脱贫致富与可持续发展的双重目标.  相似文献   

贫困问题尤其是农村地区的贫困问题一直是我国政府和社会关注的焦点。随着社会经济发展水平的提高和城镇化的快速发展,农村贫困地区人们受教育程度显著提高,大量劳动人口外出务工经商,以期实现个人发展和家庭脱贫致富。本文利用对河北省境内燕山-太行山、黑龙港流域两个连片贫困地区的抽样调查数据,对家庭经济发展中家庭成员受教育程度、外出务工的作用进行定量分析和研究。实证证明家庭成员受教育程度对家庭经济状况有显著影响,但是存在内生性问题;外出务工状况对家庭经济状况有重要影响,然而外出打工只是家庭增加收入的一种方式,而非家庭彻底改变贫困状态从而脱贫致富的根本有效途径。  相似文献   

(一)木垒哈萨克自治县的扶贫问题1986年5月,国务院成立了贫困地区经济开发领导小组,提出了争取在“七五”期间解决大多数贫困地区人民的温饱问题;并在这个基础上,使贫困地区初步形成依靠自身力量发展商品经济的能力,逐步摆脱贫困,走向富裕的明确目标。在新疆维吾尔自治区境内,和田、喀什、克孜勒苏三地州已列为国家重点扶持的贫困片;策勒、洛浦、皮山、墨玉、英吉沙、疏附、塔什库尔干、阿图什、柯坪、托里、木垒十一个县市是国家核准的贫困县。这些县市,是按1985年以县为单位农民人均收入200元以下的标准划定的。  相似文献   

国家教委Po4项目“中国23个贫困县人口问题研究”课题组于今年6月 4日——12日在河北省承德地区召开了“中国贫困地区人口结构与迁移问题”研讨会.来自全国19所高校的课题组成员,以及国家计生委、承德地区计生委和23个贫困县的代表参加了会议.会议由课题负责人、北京大学人口所所长张纯元教授主持.国家计生委办公厅李宏规主任到会并讲了话,承德地区计划生育先进县在会上介绍了他们的经验.研讨会共收到论文46篇,与会者围绕以下三个专题展开了热烈的讨论:(1)贫困地区人口产业结构存在的问题与建议;(2)贫困地区劳动力开发利用与脱贫致富:(3) 贫困地区人口迁移流动与脱贫致富.  相似文献   

文章以浙江省下山移民脱贫为案例,分析移民行动发生过程中政府的动机及实践中存在的问题,并探讨"自下而上"的贫困群体自主脱贫和"自上而下"的政府扶持服务相结合的扶贫模式,以期实现对贫困问题的良性治理.  相似文献   

本文从人口学角度论述了贫困与人口的相互关系,贫困地区人口问题突出,而人口过剩又阻碍了贫困人口的脱贫和贫困地区的综合发展,形成一个贫困──人口──贫困的怪圈。由此得出结论:消除贫困必须一手抓经济发展,一手抓人口控制,把消除贫困的措施与计划生育结合起来,进行综合治理;文中还提出了一组二者相结合的具体对策和措施。  相似文献   

由北京大学人口所主办的“中国贫困地区人口问题与对策学术讨论会”于9月7日至13日在山西省代县召开。与会代表认为,研究当前贫困地区人口特征、发展趋势及其与经济脱贫的内在联系时,应着重考虑以下几个方面: 首先,应该正确认识“贫困”这一概念。贫困是一个历史范畴的概念,在不同时期,其内容及具体衡量的指标都各不相同,因此,应该使用历史发展的动态观点来看待贫困问题。“七五”期间,我国经济增长较快,但同时也出现了相当程度的通货  相似文献   

<正> 山西省共有35个贫困县,是全国18个贫困大片之一。帮助贫困地区脱贫致富是我省兴晋富民的战略任务。搞好计划生育,为贫困地区经济发展创造良好的人口环境,既是人口控制的重大课题,也是脱贫致富的根本大计。  相似文献   

人口问题是贫困地区影响扶贫攻坚进程的主要问题之一。解决好人口问题,对于解决农村人口的温饱问题,尽快脱贫致富具有十分重要的意义。本文根据甘肃省定西地区的抽样调查资料,分析了妇女文化程度对脱贫致富的影响。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本,国家实行促进就业的长期战略和政策。当前我国的就业政策必须从加快经济发展,扩大就业空间;加强劳动者素质培训,提高就业能力;改变传统就业体制实现劳动力资源的市场配置;促进农村剩余劳动力转移等方面有序地解决我国的就业问题。  相似文献   

Exploitation of child labour is an endemic problem in sub-Saharan Africa. The situation is increasingly worsening due to increasing poverty and HIV/AIDS. We carried out a study to understand how the AIDS epidemic facilitates the presence of child labour in Iringa Rural District in Tanzania. The findings revealed that children opt for early participation in the labour force due to the ever-increasing poverty existing at their household level. There is a correlation between poverty and HIV/AIDS in general, and particularly between HIV/AIDS and the poor socio-economic condition of orphans. Current interventions to stop child labour do not yield good results because of low level of awareness on child labour issues at village levels. The government and its partners, such as ILO, should improve the coordination between the district and the communities (villages) in order to make sure that communities at the village level are reached and assisted. Furthermore, reducing rural poverty is imperative if child labour is to be eliminated.  相似文献   

Following the release of the Intergenerational Report, the Australian Treasury identified the levers to address the economic effects of demographic ageing as ‘the three Ps’: population, participation and productivity. To date, the first ‘P’, population, has been treated as an exogenous factor, with the common view being that there is very little that the government can do to supplant demographic ageing. Focusing upon labour supply, this paper shows how variation in Australia’s underlying demography can significantly alter Australia’s future labour supply. Although governments cannot redirect the cohort flow component of population ageing, much can be achieved in promoting growth of the labour supply by maintaining or increasing fertility (in the longer term), or increasing targeted migration (in the short to medium term). This paper also decomposes the relative role of cohort flow, changing demography and changing labour force participation on the growth of the labour supply over the past 20 years. Over this period, the entry of the baby boom generation (cohort flow) and increased labour force participation of women accounted for almost all of the growth in the labour force. Changing demography had very little effect. However, Australias future labour supply will not include a large increase in cohort flow (as caused by the baby boomers) or a very large increase in female labour force participation. Regardless of the assumptions used, labour supply growth will be considerably lower in the next and subsequent 20 years, when compared to the previous 20.  相似文献   

西部大开发中的人口与环境问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西部地区是相对贫困、生态环境脆弱的地区 ,实施西部大开发战略必将遇到贫困、人口压力和生态环境恶化之间的矛盾 ,以及开发、发展与环境破坏之间的矛盾 ,如何解决这类两难问题 ,是西部大开发的关键问题。本文就此作了探讨并提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

退耕还林中的人口与发展矛盾及其解决   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文在实地调查的基础上 ,深入分析了退耕还林中存在的人口与发展的矛盾。退耕区由于自然条件差 ,经济发展缓慢 ,人口仍处于较快增长状态 ,加之退耕区有着很强的垦荒动力 ,因而从长远来看 ,退耕还林成果的保持受到威胁。针对这种情况 ,政府宜将两个问题协调统一解决 ,文中提出了具体的政策性建议  相似文献   

This study — based on data from the Danish Welfare Survey of 1986, covering 461 single women and 319 single men — showns that single women have a potential higher risk than single men of becoming poor even when the sexes are categorized by household status, age and relationship to the labour market. These results suggest that the most important reason for higher risk of poverty among women than among single men is not — as often supposed — whether women are single, with or without children, but that gender as such discriminates as to poverty via the different ways men and women are linked to the labour market, This would apparently confirm that which, indirectly, was indicated by previous research on poverty.  相似文献   

浅析三峡库区移民过渡期的贫困问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
库区移民存在着历史性贫困。在搬迁后一段时间又面临着经济、文化、精神等新的贫困。贫困问题严重制约着移民的搬迁安置 ,从而影响国家的移民大业和库区经济的长远建设。经济上的补偿与扶持、区域文化的异地构建、精神心态的素质培育、文化教育手段的运用等都不失为库区移民过渡期贫困的解决良策。  相似文献   

相对贫困的识别和测算是瞄准贫困人口和制定减贫政策的基础,但常用于识别相对贫困人口的比例收入法和测度相对贫困程度的FGT指数在理论基础、比例设定和贫困性质方面遭到质疑。采用基于社会融入成本理论的弱相对贫困人口识别方法,及与弱相对贫困线相适应的分层可加综合贫困指数,且考虑与现阶段我国绝对贫困线衔接性及国际标准的可比性,使用2012—2018年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据估计了中国城乡收入(消费)弱相对贫困线,并测算分析了中国城乡收入(消费)弱相对贫困程度及时空演变特征。研究表明,基于弱相对贫困线构造的综合贫困指数兼顾绝对贫困和相对贫困,可以避免传统FGT指数分别测度绝对贫困和相对贫困时动态变化趋势出现分歧的问题,可更为直观地综合评估经济增长和扶贫政策的减贫效应。无论城乡,尽管不平等导致相对贫困始终处于高位水平,但绝对贫困更大的下降幅度使得中国收入(消费)弱相对贫困程度仍呈稳健下降趋势。从社会融入成本角度出发,建议未来考虑住房成本和子女养育成本,分家庭类型进一步细化弱相对贫困标准。本研究有助于进一步分类瞄准弱相对贫困人口,监测弱相对贫困程度演变并综合评估减贫效应。  相似文献   

Poverty and vulnerability to poverty are major challenges facing developing countries and have attracted the attention of development economists and policy analysts in recent years. This study examined the relationship between household food poverty and vulnerability to food poverty in Nigeria based on data from Nigeria Living Standard Survey (NLSS) (2004) obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics. A least-cost technique associated with the food-energy-intake approach was used to compute zone-specific food poverty lines based on the food baskets common to each geo-political zone; the Foster–Greer–Thorbecke (FGT) poverty index was used in computing food poverty incidence; the three-step feasible generalised least squares (3FGLS) procedure was used in estimating the magnitude of vulnerability to food poverty; cross tabulation and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient were utilised for the purpose of analysing the association between household food poverty and vulnerability to food poverty. The food poverty incidence was 50.23 % while the vulnerability to food poverty incidence was 61.68 % and the vulnerability to food poverty/food poverty ratio was 1.228. The food poor were more vulnerable to food poverty than the non food poor. There was significant positive correlation between food poverty incidence and vulnerability to food poverty incidence even though the correlation was not very strong. Thus, policies and programmes that will optimally reduce food poverty and vulnerability to food poverty should be adopted in Nigeria; these should be targeted more on the food poor. This is a major way to break the yoke of underdevelopment in Nigeria.  相似文献   

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