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本文利用2006年中国综合社会调查数据(CGSS),对中国过去几十年婚姻市场的匹配情况进行了分析,并实证分析了年龄、 学历、 家庭背景三种婚姻匹配模式对我国居民婚后生活幸福感的影响.结果表明:(1)我国婚姻市场的婚配模式在年龄、 学历和家庭背景方面存在"男高女低"的婚姻梯度现象.但随着时间推移,男女之间的这种梯度差距在逐渐缩小,特别是在学历和家庭背景方面体现的十分明显;(2)在年龄、 学历和家庭背景三种婚配模式中,夫妻的年龄差异对男性和女性的婚后幸福感没有显著影响,学历差异会同时影响男性和女性的婚后幸福感,而家庭背景差异仅对女性的婚后幸福感有影响;(3)家庭背景方面,女性在嫁给一个家庭背景好于自己的丈夫时,其生活幸福感会明显提升,但这种效果更多地存在于农村.对城市女性而言,家庭背景的差异对她们的幸福感没有显著影响.  相似文献   

本文基于流动人口动态监测调查数据,考察北京地区流动人口幸福感的整体面貌、异质性特征和幸福感的影响因素,构建序次逻辑回归模型,从经济、社会和心理三个层面选取指标,分析各因素对流动人口幸福感的影响。研究发现,婚姻、户口对流动人口幸福感有显著影响,工作收入增加可以显著提升流动人口的幸福感,支持"收入—消费—效用—幸福感"的传递链条。自购房的流动人口幸福概率水平高于其他群体,从事生产职业和在公有制单位工作的流动人口幸福感较低,喜欢城市、愿意融入城市等心理因素与幸福感提升密切相关。  相似文献   

家庭内部结构会对夫妻双方主观幸福感产生影响,本文利用CGSS2013数据检验了夫妻相对收入地位和年龄差别对幸福感的影响.研究发现,在控制家庭总收入的情况下,妻子收入比重提高会显著降低丈夫幸福感,丈夫本人收入增长会显著提高自身幸福感,但妻子收入对丈夫幸福感没有显著影响;夫妻之间相对收入地位对妻子幸福感没有显著影响,丈夫收入增长能够显著提高妻子幸福感,妻子本人收入对幸福感也存在显著正面影响,但影响程度和显著度较低.年龄差别对丈夫幸福感没有显著影响,夫妻年龄差距对妻子幸福感有负面影响,传统上认为"男大女小"家庭关系更幸福可能这类家庭拥有较高的收入水平.进一步研究认为,妻子相对收入提高对丈夫幸福感的负面影响取决于主观观念,越认同"男主内、 女主外"观念的男性,妻子收入比重提高对其幸福感的负面影响越大.研究采用OLS和有序probit模型,通过增减变量观察回归系数和显著程度变化,发现结果是稳健的.  相似文献   

本文利用2006年中国综合社会调查( CGSS )数据,研究首次婚姻中,夫妻个人经济状况匹配和家庭经济状况匹配的不同组合与婚后生活幸福感之间的关系。本文发现,无论是男性还是女性,在控制了年龄、年龄的平方、受教育年限、民族、政治面貌、户口、宗教信仰、工作满意程度、个人健康满意程度、人际关系满意程度、住房状况、家庭经济状况、家庭关系满意程度以及省份哑变量等变量的情况下,相对于“门当户对”,家庭经济状况为“男低女高”婚配结构的生活会更幸福。在分组回归中,本文进一步发现,以“个人经济状况和家庭、经济状况同为门当户对”作为基准组,“个人经济状况为门当户对,且家庭经济状况为男低女高”的婚配结构会更幸福。如果家庭经济状况为“男低女高”是男女双方为了追求爱情而冲破传统“门第”观点的结果,那么,本文发现的引申含义是基于爱情的婚姻会更幸福。  相似文献   

本文基于2014年全国九省百村的"婚姻迁移与农村女性发展"专项调查数据,通过对资源理论进行拓展和本土化来定量分析婚姻支付对农村地区夫妻权利的影响。研究发现,中国农村婚姻支付和夫妻权利存在地域差异;以婚姻支付为代表的婚前资源对农村家庭中夫妻权利有显著影响,嫁妆相对于彩礼的水平越高,婚后非男权的发生概率越大;夫妻相对收入、相对持家贡献和妻子行为自主权也对夫妻权利有一定的影响;随着时代变迁,农村夫妻权利模式逐渐趋于非男权化,但是夫妻权利在婚姻缔结时就已成较为稳定格局,女性婚后通过个人资源提升权利的空间变得较为有限。  相似文献   

文章利用2006年中国综合社会调查数据,考察了收入差距对居民主观幸福感的影响。研究发现:收入差距对主观幸福感的影响呈倒U形,临界点在基尼系数为0.4,当基尼系数小于0.4时,居民的幸福感随着收入差距的扩大而增强;但超过0.4时,扩大的收入差距将导致居民幸福感的下降。随着收入差距的扩大,居住在城市、非农业户籍和受教育程度较高的居民,其幸福感更低。居民自认为收入所得不合理也会显著降低其幸福感。  相似文献   

王钦池 《人口学刊》2015,37(4):12-24
欧美国家的已有研究大多认为生育行为对幸福感的影响是负面的。本文基于106个城市调查数据首次系统研究了中国人的生育行为与幸福感的关系,得到与已有文献不同的结论:子女数量对幸福感的影响是非线性的;子女的性别结构和性别次序对父母幸福感均有影响;政策外生育行为并没有提高幸福感;生育行为和幸福感的关系与个体的性别、婚姻状态、户口类型、收入水平和年龄等特征密切相关。进一步研究发现,生育行为对幸福感的影响在统计意义和现实意义上都是显著的。本文的政策含义是,实施以"二孩"为主的生育政策有利于提高幸福感的整体水平,而完全自主的生育行为可能降低幸福感;促进性别平等、缩小收入差距、推进城镇化进程,能够间接促进生育行为对幸福感的正面影响;对"失独"等特殊人群应给予制度性救济。  相似文献   

作为人力资本积累和社会发展的重要力量,教育会影响居民幸福。文章基于中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2018年微观数据,采用有序Probit模型,实证研究教育水平和教育回报对居民主观幸福感的影响,并运用多重中介效应模型考察教育回报在教育水平影响居民主观幸福感中的中介作用。结果表明:教育水平和教育回报均对居民总体的主观幸福感具有显著的正向影响,使用工具变量法解决内生性问题以及稳健性检验后,结论依然一致。分群来看,教育水平提升会显著增加教育程度较低、农村户口、男性三类群体的主观幸福感;收入提高能够显著强化教育程度较低、城市户口及男性居民的幸福体验;而社会交往则会促进所有群体主观幸福感的明显提升。就中介效应而言,教育的物质和非物质回报在教育水平影响居民幸福中的中介作用均较为显著,不过相较于社会交往,收入的中介作用更为明显。另外,研究也发现,教育水平对居民主观幸福感的影响以直接效应为主,中介效应目前尚不及直接效应三分之一水平。因而,为进一步发挥教育在增进居民幸福中的积极作用,应继续全方位大力发展教育,并着力破解教育机会不均问题,以使提高教育水平成为全体居民实现收入改善、阶层跃迁以及幸福提升的有效路径...  相似文献   

人口健康是社会经济可持续发展的重要基石。在人口老龄化和人均预期寿命不断延长的背景下,如何改善老年健康、增进老年福祉成为学术界关注的重要议题。本文基于社会因果论,使用2014年、2015年和2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查数据(CHARLS),通过有序多分类Logistic回归模型和对角线参照模型分析阶层跨越与中国老年人主观健康水平之间的关系。在此基础上,通过计算流动效应区分起点阶层和目的地阶层对老年人主观健康水平影响的作用。研究结果显示:当起点户口类型一致时,户口类型由农村转为城镇的老年人主观健康水平高于户口类型没有变动的农村老年人。户口类型由城镇转为农村的老年人主观健康水平低于户口类型没有变动的城镇老年人。在收入阶层方面,研究发现老年人主观健康状况在不同收入阶层存在明显分层的现象。远距离向上代际收入阶层流动有助于提高老年人主观健康水平,远距离向下代际收入阶层流动会降低老年人主观健康水平。在分样本回归中,研究发现农村和城镇老年人在收入阶层分布上差异较明显,同时农村和城镇老年人代际收入阶层流动回归结果也存在较大差异,农村老年人起点效应权重为0.64,城镇老年人起点效应权重为0.76。与城镇老年人相比,农村老年人子女所处收入阶层对老年人主观健康的影响更大。  相似文献   

婚姻迁移是通过婚姻途径发生的并伴随户口变更的人口迁移。我国婚姻迁移人口的规模不断增长,婚姻迁移受性别、出生地、出生年代的影响,初婚年龄的队列差别对婚姻迁移同样存在影响。个人经济地位,即个人年收入越高,婚姻迁移的可能性越大。婚前男方家庭经济状况更好的婚姻迁移的可能性更高,女方家庭经济状况更好的婚姻迁移的可能性相对较低。  相似文献   

Kalmijn M  Loeve A  Manting D 《Demography》2007,44(1):159-179
Several studies have shown that a wife's strong (socio)economic position is associated with an increase in the risk of divorce. Less is known about such effects for cohabiting relationships. Using a unique and large-scale sample of administrative records from The Netherlands, we analyze the link between couples' income dynamics and union dissolution for married and cohabiting unions over a 10-year period. We find negative effects of household income on separation and positive effects of the woman's relative income, in line with earlier studies. The shape of the effect of the woman's relative income, however, depends on the type of union. Movements away from income equality toward a male-dominant pattern tend to increase the dissolution risk for cohabiting couples, whereas they reduce the dissolution risk for married couples. Movements away from income equality toward a female-dominant pattern (reverse specialization) increase the dissolution risks for both marriage and cohabitation. The findings suggest that equality is more protective for cohabitation, whereas specialization is more protective for marriage, although only when it fits a traditional pattern. Finally, we find that the stabilizing effects of income equality are more pronounced early in the marriage and that income equality also reduces the dissolution risk for same-sex couples.  相似文献   

Based on data from the 1973-83 Polish Family Budget Survey, this study examines the influence of income as a source of maintenance and income as a determinant of childbearing on family parity. It is assumed that income influences parity as a source of maintenance and as an influence on lifestyle or reproductive behavior. As a source of maintenance, the influence will be positive. As a life-style factor, it could be positive or negative. The hypotheses are 1) that positive influences are characteristics of older couples with a lower educational level and living in villages and small towns and income is a source of maintenance, and 2) a negative influence on parity reflects younger couples with higher educational levels from larger cities and income is a life-style factor. Some examples of how the theory of income influences total fertility are given in addition to a further elaboration of the theory. Other concepts introduced, as related to childbearing, are the value of goods and services with unchanged preferences and an increase in income, with preferences changing with income increases, with income preferences for nonprocreational and for procreational needs, and income as a factor influencing procreational needs and behavior. Correlation analysis is conducted for 33 subpopulations based on duration of marriage, educational level of the household, and size of residence. The results indicate that, in years 1973, 1975, and 1978 when income and parity are significant, the sign is positive. In 1980, there was a decrease in the number of subpopulations with a significant relationship, and in 3 subpopulations the results were negative. The 13 positive subpopulations were similar to those in the 1970s. In 1983, income explained an even smaller amount of parity. The subpopulations with a postive relationship usually have longer marriage durations, which suggest income as a source of maintenance. Negative results were among subpopulations with shorter marriage durations, which suggests life-style factor effects of income.  相似文献   

北京市近年婚配状况的特征及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
婚姻本质上是男女双方的选择和匹配过程。文章基于北京市2004~2009年的婚姻登记数据库,对夫妇双方在年龄、城乡户籍、地区户籍、学历、婚次、民族和职业等方面的匹配状况和特点进行分析,印证了婚配过程中同类匹配和婚姻梯度的存在。从时序上看,夫妇双方的年龄日益趋近,人口流动也促进了跨地域通婚的增加,这些特征改变了传统的婚配走向,使婚配更具开放性;但夫妇学历的日趋般配和跨城乡通婚的减少,也显现出婚姻匹配走向封闭的特征。基于社会交换心理所形成的男女双方不同特征属性之间的优劣互补,使婚姻梯度所造成的夫妇间的差距在一定程度上有所减弱,从而形成同类婚配、且丈夫的综合条件略高于妻子的总体婚配特征。在大城市中,受婚姻梯度的影响,往往是条件优秀的女性承受更大的婚配压力。  相似文献   

The issue of what determines subjective well-being has been at the centre of a recent flurry of research in the economics field. A necessary part of this understanding is the role relative positions (economic, social, geographic) of economic agents, particularly individuals, play in life (commonly referred to in the literature as rivalry). In this paper, we concentrate on whether the structure of happiness equations of South Africa are the same/similar to those of developed countries. The analysis uses three of the Durban Quality of Life Studies. Firstly these three data series are pooled and a variety of covariates are tested for their significance on happiness. These include age, marital status, employment status, household income and relative household income. Next we estimate yearly cross-sectional models to see if there are consistent findings of what determines happiness across the period considered. Our findings indicate there may be some structural differences between results from the Durban studies and those of international findings. Age appears to play no role in happiness likelihood, nor does marital status. Being unemployed does significantly and negatively effect happiness as does the size of household income, relative household income and whether living in a formal dwelling place. When we distinguish between employment categories we find that being self-employed negatively affects happiness, contradicting findings for developed countries. The authors wish to thank members of the Department of Economics, University of the Witwatersrand, participants at the 10th African Econometric Conference, Nairobi 2005 and International Society of Quality of Life Studies, Grahamstown South Africa 2006 as well as one anonymous referee for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

Does more money always mean that people are happier with their lives? To test the social comparison hypothesis as applied to happiness, this study uses survey data from the 2002 Chinese Household Income Project to examine the association between household economic resources and happiness in urban China. Household economic resources are measured as both income and assets (e.g., net worth and net worth minus home equity). In addition, the analyses include measures of relative income and relative assets. Results of ordinary least square regression analysis show a positive association of absolute income with the happiness score whereas relative income is negatively associated with happiness. Although household assets are a significant and positive predictor of self-assessments of happiness, measures of relative household assets do not correlate with happiness. Study findings suggest the level of happiness among urban populations could be increased through policies that promote pro-poor growth and equal distribution of economic resources. In addition, introducing asset-building policies as supplements to other social assistance programs may promote happiness.  相似文献   

Using data on individuals of age 50 and older from 11 European countries, we analyze two economic aspects of subjective well-being of older Europeans: satisfaction with household income, and job satisfaction. Both have been shown to contribute substantially to overall well-being (satisfaction with life or happiness). We use anchoring vignettes to correct for potential differences in response scales across countries. The results highlight a large variation in self-reported income satisfaction, which is partly explained by differences in response scales. When differences in response scales are eliminated, the cross-country differences are quite well in line with differences in an objective measure of purchasing power of household income. There are common features in the response scale differences in job satisfaction and income satisfaction. French respondents tend to be critical in both assessments, while Danish and Dutch respondents are always on the optimistic end of the spectrum. Moreover, correcting for response scale differences decreases the cross-country association between satisfaction with income and job satisfaction among workers.  相似文献   

Parke R  Grymes RO 《Demography》1967,4(2):442-452
This paper reviews the methods used to prepare the new household projections for the United States that were recently issued by the Bureau of the Census and examines the effect on the resulting number of households of the assumptions made about future marriages and future proportions of household heads in the population.One population projection series was used, since all series are identical for the adult population. Marriage assumptions were generated by assuming various outcomes of the marriage squeeze (defined as the excess of females relative to the number of males in the main ages at marriage in the next few years). Assumptions about proportions of household heads were generated by assuming, in varying degrees, continuation of recent trends in these proportions.Projected changes in marriage and in the proportions of household heads in the population account for one-fourth to one-third of the projected increase in the number of households; the remaining increase is attributable to projected changes in the size and structure of the adult population. Varying the assumed proportions of household heads produces greater differences in the projected total number of households than does varying the marriage assumptions used here. Nevertheless, the various possible outcomes of the marriage squeeze, as represented by the assumptions used, produce significantly different projections of increases in the number of young husband-wife households.The most striking finding is that by 1985, proportions of household heads among the population not "married, spouse present" may well rise to such a level that over the long term, the smaller the number of persons who marry, the larger will be the number of households.  相似文献   

Using happiness as a well-being measure and comparative data from the European social survey we focus in this paper on the link between happiness and childbearing across European countries. The analysis motivates from the recent lows in fertility in many European countries and that economic wellbeing measures are problematic when considering childbearing. We find significant country differences, though the direct association between happiness and childbearing is modest. However, partnership status plays an important role for both men and women. Working fathers are always happier, whereas working mothers are not, though mothers?? happiness tends to increase with household income.  相似文献   

A growing literature suggests that income, marriage, friendship, sex, and a variety of other factors influence self-reported happiness. Why these characteristics matter has been less examined. Scholars have recently demonstrated that part of the effect of income is relative. More income makes people happier, in part, because it sets them above their peers. Until now, the role of relative comparison in the study of happiness has been limited to income. The current work extends this focus to another activity—sex. Using GSS data, I examine how respondents’ frequency of sex, as well as the average sexual frequency of their cohort, influences their happiness. The findings suggest that happiness is positively correlated with their own sexual frequency, but inversely correlated with the sexual frequency of others.  相似文献   

陈婷婷 《西北人口》2010,31(1):100-104
根据2006年全国综合调查(CGSS2006)的数据,本文探讨了夫妻权利运行的三个要素:权力基础(教育差、年收入差);权利过程(互诉烦恼、对钱不同意见频率);权利结果(家务差、家庭事务决定权)对婚姻满意度的具体影响。多元回归分析表明:权利过程是影响婚姻满意度最重要的环节,其中配偶向被访者诉说烦恼和对钱不同意见频率都有显著影响:教育差虽也有一定的负向显著度,但其影响程度较小;夫妻年收入差、家务差和家庭事务决定权并无显著性。  相似文献   

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