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计划生育是我国的基本国策,人口计生队伍在落实计划生育国策方面具有不可替代的重要作用。人口计生队伍的能力如何,将对稳定低生育水平产生决定性的影响。实行计划生育几十年来,人口计生队伍为我国计划生育事业做出了重要贡献。随着经济社会的发展,人口计生工作内容和工作对象都发生了巨大的变化,对人口计生队伍素质提出了更高的要求。人口计生管理者应该具备进取精神、创新精神、合作精神等基本素质,以及学习能力、管理能力、创新能力和科研能力,  相似文献   

江西省全南县把生育文明建设作为全面做好人口计生工作的重要抓手,强化“五注重”措施,扎实推进生育文明建设,有效促进了人口计生工作健康持续发展。注重宣传倡导。建立人口文化大院、人口文化书屋、组建人口文化志愿宣传队等,广泛宣传计生政策和法律法规,倡导优生优育、男女平等、关爱女孩的婚育新观念,普及婚育科普知识和生殖健康知识。  相似文献   

福建晋江市东石镇埔头 村计生二女户夫妇捐资30万元,设立埔头村颜振芳“生育关怀”基金,用于救助埔头村特殊困难计生家庭。  相似文献   

春节前夕,江西省高安市人口计生委切实抓住大量农民工返乡的有利时机,积极组织市计生服务站和各乡镇(街道)计生工作人员,为返乡农民工提供优质服务,解决他们在生产、生活、生育等方面的实际困难,受到群众一致好评。  相似文献   

随着生育政策的调整完善,基层计生专干队伍如何适应新的形势发展面临挑战。为此,我们组织开展了全区村(居)计生专干队伍建设情况的调查,基本情况如下:全区村(居)专干队伍建设的基本现状计生专干的年龄、文化程度和从业时间总体情况。全区535名村(居)计生专干中,只有3名是男性,女性占据了计生专干的绝大多数。平均年龄为45岁,年龄最小的24岁,最大的69岁。虽然计生专干的年龄跨度比较大,但是越靠近年龄极值两端的计生专干人数  相似文献   

为推动生育关怀行动不断向纵深发展,青岛市四方区计划生育协会以吸纳高校大学生加入计生志愿者队伍为突破口,实现了拓展生育关怀行动服务领域和加强高校计生工作的双赢,探索出了城区计生协会工作新路子。  相似文献   

我国人口形势目前呈现出前所未有的复杂局面,人口计生工作重点难点在农村。根据实际需要。很多地方提倡每个行政村配备至少一名女性担任村级计生专干。当前研究界极少对该群体进行研究。处于人口计生网络网底的女性计生专干在工作中面临着工作不专、责任大权力小、招怨气、无保障等诸多困难。究其原因在于。她们时常面临角色冲突(边缘的工作角色、强者的社区期待、矛盾的家庭角色);受传统的性别观和生育观束缚;相关政策有待完善;自身工作能力和素质有待提高等方面。由此建议。在村级女计生专干的队伍建设中完善培训机制、引入竞争机制、强化管理机制、落实待遇机制、创新激励机制。  相似文献   

群众需要什么,我们就做什么。让全市百万市民清楚人口计生法律法规和政策,依法规范自己的婚育行为,及时获得各项便民服务,这既是推进幸福家庭建设的一条重要路径,也是全市人口计生工作者孜孜以求的奋斗目标。为了让计生政策宣传到每个家庭、每个群众,2012年下半年,常熟市人口计生部门在全市人口计生系统组织开展行政指导户户行活动,取得很好的成效,获苏帅l市人口计生工作创新奖一等奖。通过对行政指导户户行活动的总结,市人口计生部门意识到老百姓不仅仅需要计生政策方面的指导,更需要全方位的入户服务指导。为此,从2013年3月起,常熟市将户户行活动拓展为“生育关怀、服务到家”主题活动,围绕人口计生转型提升,进一步拓展工作内涵,立足全人口,服务家庭,在全市人口计生系统打造民生服务品牌,让群众更满意,让家庭更幸福。  相似文献   

人口计生工作涉及千家万户,人口问题就是社会问题,计生管理服务就是社会管理服务。只有坚持以人为本,走群众路线,满足群众生育、生产、生活等方面日益增长的需求,人口计生事业才能有稳固的基础。因此,在工作实践中必须坚持党的群众路线,把群众工作做得更到位,使之成为贯穿于人口计生工作的生命线。  相似文献   

党的十七大报告中提出"坚持计划生育的基本国策,稳定低生育水平,提高出生人口素质",国家人口计生委等14部门又出台了《关于全面加强农村人口和计划生育工作的若干意见》。基层人口计生干部作为基层人口计生工作发展的重要力量,是上级人口计生部门联系育龄群众的桥梁,在新农村建设中,必须千方百计稳定低生育水平。新的历史时期要求基层人口计生干部标准是什么?归纳起来主要有以下几点:  相似文献   

计划生育家庭福利政策改革思路研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济体制变革、社会结构变动、利益格局调整等不断深化,传统家庭功能面临严峻挑战,计划生育家庭问题尤为突出。家庭是国外为数不多的福利扩张领域,也应是我国福利"增长"的优先领域。计划生育家庭福利改革框架包括三个层面:一是针对因执行计划生育国策而产生的确定性风险或不足,在养老保障个人账户下建立计生子账户,实现国家补贴直接送达家庭;二是针对因特有概率事件而形成的不确定性风险建立政策性生育保险,并覆盖农村育龄群体;三是明确计划生育/生殖健康服务作为国家基本公共服务的属性。  相似文献   

宋严 《人口学刊》2005,(5):63-65
2000年国家人口计生委做出了推进人口和计划生育综合改革的战略决策,2002年中央针对计划生育综合改革又明确提出“依法管理,居(村)民自治,政策推动,优质服务,综合治理”二十字方针,几年来,在计划生育综合改革的实践中,得到了一些经验,对遇到的一些问题提出相应对策。  相似文献   

基于中国各省成文以来的计划生育政策和生育选择数据,本文建立了计划生育利益导向政策对生育数量影响效应的面板模型。计量结果显示:利益导向政策对生育数量有着显著的负向影响,但影响程度远不及经济社会因素对生育数量的影响,更不及生育约束政策对生育数量的影响;利益导向政策内部不同措施出现与政策设计相背离的情况。基于此,本文提出了多推行易于落实的利益导向政策、改变利益导向政策的作用范围、政策设计区分不同目标群体的需求以及维护政府公信力等四条有效提升利益导向政策导向作用的建议。  相似文献   

Growth of world population over the next 100 years, until the year 2100, will produce an estimated 11.5 billion people. The past focus on reducing rapid population growth exclusively through family planning has not been sufficient. Population policy needs to be broadened to include health care, education, and poverty reduction. The population policy recommendations of Population Council Vice-President John Bongaarts and Senior Associate Judith Bruce were to reduce unwanted pregnancies by expanding services that promote reproductive choice and better health, to reduce the demand for large families by creating favorable conditions for small families, and to invest in adolescents. The Population Council 1994 publication "Population Growth and Our Caring Capacity" outlined these issues. Another similar article by John Bongaarts appeared in the journal "Science" in 1994. In developing countries, excluding China, about 25% of all births are unwanted; 25 million abortions are performed for unwanted pregnancies. The provision of comprehensive family planning programs will go a long way toward achieving a reduction in unwanted pregnancies. In addition, changes are needed in male control over female sexuality and fertility and in cultural beliefs that are obstacles to use of contraception. Stabilization of population at 2 children per family will not occur unless there is a desire for small families. In most less developed countries, large family sizes are preferred. Governments have an opportunity to adopt policies that reduce economic and social risks of having small families. This can be accomplished through the widespread education of children, a reduction in infant and child mortality, improvement in the economic and social and legal status of women, and provision of equitable gender relations in marriage and child rearing. The rights of children to be wanted, planned, and adequately cared for need to be supported. These aforementioned measures will help to reduce fertility, provide support for small families, and justify investment in social development. Population momentum will keep population growing for some time even with replacement level fertility. Investment in adolescents through enhancement of self-esteem and promotion of later childbearing can lengthen the span between generations and slow population momentum. Population policies will be more effective when human rights are protected.  相似文献   

The historical position for Comrade Mao Zedong's thoughts about population cannot be ignored. History has told us that the Party and Government of China have always treated the problem of birth control and family planning seriously. In 1957, Chairman Mao lectured both inside and outside the Party on the importance of family planning. Regulations were drafted to govern the excercise of family planning. According to these regulations, people who live in the populated areas should be educated concerning the need for and practice of birth control, and they should have children according to family planning regulations. In this way, the overburden for families may be reduced, the younger generation may receive a better education, and they will have sufficient employment opportunities when they grow up. In the areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, and exception should be made as far as family planning is concerned. In general, family planning should be integrated as a part of the overall plan for the development of the national economy. On the need for emphasizing both quantity and quality in population policy, Mao Zedong pointed out that people should learn how to manage material production and how to "manage themselves." Such thoughts of Mao Zedong provide an essential guideline in China's revolution and social construction.  相似文献   

Over the past 2 decades, Japan, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea have completed a demographic transition from high birth and death rates and runaway population growth to reduced fertility and mortality and population growth approaching replacement levels. Among the outcomes of fertility decline, 3 have particularly far reaching effects: 1) Changes in family types and structures. Marriage and family formation are postponed, childbearing is compressed into a narrow reproductive span that begins later and ends earlier, and higher-order births become rare. Large families are replaced by small ones, and joint and extended families tend to be replaced by nuclear families. 2) Shifts in the proportions of young and old. Declining fertility means that the population as a whole becomes older. Decreases in the proportion of children provides an opportunity to increase the coverage of education. Increases in the proportion of the elderly means higher medical costs and social and economic problems about care of the aged. 3) Changes in the work force. There is concern that low fertility and shortages of workers will cause investment labor-intensive industries to shift to countries with labor surpluses. Another outcome may be an increase in female participation in the work force. The potential consequences of rapid fertility decline have sparked debate among population experts and policy makers throughout Asia. Current family planning programs will emphasize: 1) offering a choice of methods to fit individual preferences; 2) strengthening programs for sexually active unmarried people; 3) encouraging child spacing and reproductive choice rather than simply limiting the number of births; 4) making information available on the side effects of various family planning methods; 5) providing special information and services to introduce new methods; and 6) promoting the maternal and child health benefits of breast feeding and birth spacing.  相似文献   

奖励扶助制度监督与评估机制的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以农村部分计划生育家庭奖励扶助制度监督与评估的必要性为出发点,对监督和评估的内容和方法进行系统分析,以社会政策理论和实际工作需要为基础,为这项制度的监督与评估机制建设提供参考。  相似文献   

The lessons from the 1994 World Population Conference in Cairo, Egypt, are summarized in this publication. The topics of discussion include the evolution of population policies, the changing policy environment, demographic trends, and solutions in the form of gender equity, provision of reproductive health services, and sustainable social and economic development. The program of action supported by 180 governments and targeted for 2015 articulated the goals of universal access to a full range of safe and reliable family planning methods and reproductive health services, a specified level of reduction in infant and child mortality, a specified level of reduction in maternal mortality, an increase in life expectancy to 70-75 years or more, and universal access to and completion of primary education. Other features include goals for improving women's status and equity in gender relations, expansion of educational and job opportunities for women and girls, and involvement of men in childrearing responsibilities and family planning. Steps should be taken to eliminate poverty and reduce or eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. Population policy must be integrated within social and economic development policies. About $22 billion will be needed for provision of family planning and reproductive health services by the year 2015. Costs will increase over the 10-year period due to the increased population to be served. Per person user costs for family planning alone are higher in countries without infrastructure and technical skills. Actual costs vary with the cost of contraceptive supplies, patterns of use, and efficiency of delivery systems. Although the plan offers 16 chapters worth of advice and recommends 243 specific actions, countries will have to be selective due to cost limitations. The 20/20 Initiative is proposed for sharing social service costs between international donors (20%) and host countries (20%). A separate UN projection of need is for 33% of support from international donors for family planning and related programs. The constraints to the implementation of the action plan are identified as the rate of demographic change, the extent of public support for population limitation and provision of family planning services, and potential conflicts of interests and funding between cooperating agencies. The World Bank has developed guidelines for policy development according to a country's identification as an emergent, transitional, or advanced country.  相似文献   

我国计划生育利益导向政策可大致分为早期主要控制人口数量的利益导向政策和当前倾向于综合治理的利益导向政策两个时期。本文在回顾计划生育利益导向政策的演变历程的基础上,利用1991-2010年我国29个省的面板数据实证分析了计划生育利益导向政策对家庭发展的影响,研究发现,相比较于以控制人口数量为主的计划生育利益导向政策,倾向于综合治理的计划生育利益导向政策对生育水平的影响效应更强,并且更有利于家庭经济状况的改善。在倾向于综合治理的计划生育利益导向政策的实施下,家庭会调整发展策略,通过风险外部转移和加强人力资本投资等多种方式,缓冲由于子女数量减少导致的不确定风险增加。  相似文献   

中国人口出生控制成效的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国 ①的计划生育工作起始于 2 0世纪 5 0年代。从 1 95 5年到 1 971年 ,中国推行的是一般性的家庭计划生育政策 ,从 1 971年至今 ,中国推行的是家庭计划生育与国家计划生育相结合的政策。如果不实行任何形式的计划生育政策 ,2 0 0 0年末中国人口将会达到 1 8 5 8亿 ,如果象印度那样只倡导自愿实行家庭计划生育 ,将会达到 1 5 3 2亿。过去 45年中 ,中国一共少生了 5 88亿人 ,其中由于实行国家计划生育政策少生了 2 6 2亿人 ,而一般性的家庭计划生育政策少生了 3 2 6亿人。计划生育为中国的社会经济发展做出了巨大的贡献  相似文献   

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