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经济社会和家庭结构双重转型导致老年人居住安排的急剧变迁,正在动摇老年人传统照顾模式的文化与家庭基础,给老年人的精神健康带来不可忽视的影响。构建生命历程视角下的居住安排———文化情境———精神健康分析框架并进行实证研究,结果显示,相对空巢老人而言,与子女同住对老年人精神健康具有显著的积极效应,网络家庭老年人的生活满意度和抑郁水平都较高;居住安排———老年人精神健康关系受到居住地、婚姻状况的调节作用,对中低龄老年人作用尤其明显。与子女同住对老年人,尤其是农村和城市高龄老年人精神健康的积极效应显著,而网络家庭主要改善了农村老年人的生活满意度。  相似文献   

利用可持续生计框架和行为模型,构建体现老年人生存和发展能力的养老资本,分析养老资本对老年人机构养老意愿的影响以及子代支持对二者关系的调节作用。研究发现,城市老人的养老资本存量、子代支持和机构养老意愿都高于农村老人;综合养老资本对老年人机构养老意愿存在显著负向影响,金融资本提高老人机构养老意愿,社会资本和物质资本则反之;养老资本对老年人机构养老意愿影响存在群体差异,养老资本越丰富,农村老人和多子女老人意愿越低,城市老人和失能老人则相反;子代支持对养老资本与老年人机构养老意愿关系的调节作用显著,养老资本和子代支持在影响老人机构养老意愿中具有明显的替代关系。结果表明,城市老人和失能老人的机构养老需求更大,且丰富的养老资本尤其是金融资本和人力资本鼓励有需求的老人选择机构养老。因此,政府有关部门应联合社会团体、民间资本,推进养老机构高质量发展,满足老年人多样化照料需求。  相似文献   

随着社会组织形态和家庭结构的改变,养老院养老模式成为解决现代社会养老问题的必然选择。在对烟台市的42名老人进行深度访谈的基础上,运用扎根理论的开放式登录、关联式登录和核心式登录的三级编码技术,构建城市老年人选择养老院养老的影响因素模型。研究结果表明,影响城市老年人选择养老院养老的因素主要包括老人、子女和养老院因素三个方面,并据此给出了提升城市老年人选择养老院养老的对策建议。  相似文献   

受社会变迁与个体生命周期风险累积的影响,农村空巢老人养老脆弱性日益凸显,进而影响其养老策略的实施。关注农村空巢老人如何养老,是保障其福祉的关键所在。文章使用2015、2018和2021年“安徽省农村老年人福利状况”追踪调查数据,系统分析了农村空巢老人的养老脆弱性与养老策略现状、动态变化趋势,并采用面板多项Logit模型检验了养老脆弱性变动对养老策略调整变化的影响。研究发现:老年人的养老脆弱性随着年龄增长缓慢提高,家庭养老仍是当前农村空巢老人的主要养老策略;随着年龄的推移和养老脆弱性的上升,农村空巢老人更倾向于选择家庭或平衡型养老策略。基于此,文章认为应推动农村空巢老人养老供给的多元化,着重强化家庭养老的基础性地位,同时要增强养老服务供给的多阶段性和针对性。  相似文献   

我国农村至今仍主要实行的是家庭养老,如果没有男孩、多孩作保障农民养老就会面临危机。如今随着农村部分计划生育家庭奖励扶助制度的实施,符合计划生育政策的老人每月都有了固定的生活来源,将可能真正告别“养儿防老”传统。  相似文献   

姚引妹 《人口研究》2006,30(6):38-46
本文通过对现阶段浙江农村空巢家庭类型及成因的分析,比较了农村空巢家庭与传统同已婚子女一起生活老年人生活质量的差异,认为空巢老人家庭生活质量不仅低于农村人口的平均生活水平,也低于传统同子女一起生活的老人,并对如何解决农村养老问题提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

中、日、韩三国受儒家文化的影响,历来有家庭养老的传统。近年来,这三国都经历着传统家庭解体的变革,尽管国情不同,这三国子女赡养老人的意识日渐淡漠,老人与子女同住的家庭减少,单身老人与老年人夫妇单独生活的家庭增加。由于经济发展水平、人口老龄化程度及养老观念等因素的差别,三国在人口老龄化方面所采取的具体对策也不同。  相似文献   

老年人生活质量研究的国际动态   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
本文就老年人生活质量指标体系的发展,女性老人、高龄老人、残障老人等弱势人群的生活质量,健康长寿,跨文化比较研究,干预性项目研究等目前国际上老年人生活质量研究中的主要问题作了回顾与综述。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨澳门独居老人的养老来源。并分析影响因素。作为有关当局制定安老政策的参考依据。本文数据来源为澳门社工局委托澳门镜湖护理学院于2004年进行的“澳门长者长期照顾服务需求评估”研究的数据库。结果显示家人是独居老人养老资源的主要提供者,特别是女性、没有工作的独居老人对家人的依赖程度较高。但老年人对社区服务的需求则未获满足。因此政府必须协调各长者服务机构。共同完善现有的社区支援服务或按需要而开展新服务。以协助家人共同照顾独居老人,并加强对无依老人的关顾,才能延长老年人在家生活的时间。  相似文献   

文章通过对692位老人调查数据的分析发现:(1)中国城乡老年人的居住安排呈现多样化特征,有67.8%的老年人独立居住;(2)大多数老年人居住的社区针对老年人的服务和设施相当欠缺,尤其是针对残疾老人的设施更是奇缺;(3)老年人在使用社区设施上群体性差异较小;(4)老年人居住上获得包括单位在内的机构的帮助已经很少;(5)住房条件和财产权利构成了中国老年人社会分层的基本尺度。具有与西方发达国家老年人住房安排和选择不一样的特征,这些特征蕴含着中国特色。  相似文献   

我国留守老人状况研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
周福林 《西北人口》2006,(1):46-49,56
本研究利用2000年我国第五次人口普查抽样数据对我国留守老人的总量、年龄构成、地区构成和家庭类型等进行了分析。结果表明,目前我国留守老人总量为1790万人,留守老人分布密度在市镇乡之间和地区之间存在明显差异,人口流动使生活在隔代家庭的老年人比重大大增加。  相似文献   

对老年人照料提供者的社会支持   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
周云 《南方人口》2003,18(1):6-10
面对老年人口数量剧增、社会养老资源不足、家庭养老仍是多数老人养老主要方式的状况 ,如何使老年人安度晚年已是一个非常重要的议题。以往的研究和社会舆论更多关注的是年轻一代对老年人养老的责任与义务 ,强调家庭养老的作用 ,忽视了老人照顾提供者实际状况的研究以及对他们关心与支持的方法。本文思考了照料提供者的特点 ,提出在我国有条件的地区逐步发展面对照料提供者的服务。  相似文献   

中国高龄老人就医及时性状况研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于 1 998年中国高龄老人健康长寿调查数据 ,对中国高龄老人患病能否得到及时医治的状况进行了分析。结果表明 ,高龄老人调查当时若患病 ,只有 3 7%左右的高龄老人不能得到及时医治 ;农村 (4 2 % )该比例略高于城镇 (3 0 % ) ;患病得不到及时就医的群体比较固定。LOGISTIC回归还揭示患病由家庭成员提供照料服务的高龄老人比由社会提供照料服务的高龄老人得不到及时医治的可能性小 ,与患病不能及时医治的高龄老人相比 ,患病能得到及时医治的高龄老人健康自评好的比例高 ,完全自理的比例高 ,认知健全比例高 ,疾病对日常生活妨碍比例小 ,隶属健康纯类的可能性大 ,其后死亡的可能性小 ,健康存活的可能性大。说明患病得到及时治疗对高龄老人晚年健康促进和生存具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

城市空巢老年人的社会支持因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许传新 《西北人口》2008,29(3):95-100
“空巢老人”养老问题已经成为社会广泛关注的问题之一。本文从社会学视角出发。详细分析了“空巢老人”的国家支持系统、社区支持系统、社团组织支持系统及个人支持系统的现状及存在的问题。并认为“空巢老人”是人口转型、经济发展、代际关系变化等诸因素合力的结果,需要构建多层次、立体化的社会支持网络,才能保证这部分老年人能幸福地安度晚年。  相似文献   

Life satisfaction is quite heterogeneously distributed across countries of the enlarged European Union. Previous research has shown how living conditions within individual countries, such as access to material and emotional resources, are important for personal well-being, but it has been less successful in explaining differences between countries. This article investigates whether it matters in which political and economic circumstances people live, as well as whether their particular perception of the quality of their societal environment plays a role. People are well aware that the institutional and cultural settings in which their lives are embedded create opportunities and limitations: within individual countries, perceptions of society influence life satisfaction outcomes irrespective of access to resources. However, their importance for well-being differs across Europe: perceptions of societies are highly decisive in countries that provide only a minimum of social security and in which the reliability of political institutions is poor. In rich and stable countries, the impact is weaker and private social support becomes more important. In addition to these country-specific weights of life satisfaction determinants, life satisfaction variations between countries can be explained to a large extent by taking into consideration the economic performance, the social security level, and the political culture in a country—all in all, general conditions that enable people to live a respectable life.  相似文献   

Many people live in patrilocal societies, which prescribe that women move in with their husbands’ parents, relieve their in-laws from housework, and care for them in old age. This arrangement is likely to have labor market consequences, in particular for women. We study the effect of coresidence on female labor supply in Kyrgyzstan, a strongly patrilocal setting. We account for the endogeneity of coresidence by exploiting the tradition that youngest sons usually live with their parents. In both OLS and IV estimations, the effect of coresidence on female labor supply is negative and insignificant. This finding is in contrast to previous studies, which found positive effects in less patrilocal settings. We go beyond earlier work by investigating effect channels. In Kyrgyzstan, coresiding women invest more time in elder care than women who do not coreside, and they do not receive parental support in housework.  相似文献   

A fantasy about the future might show a world in which the human-centered ethics that now directs the moral and political behavior of most of the people of the industrially powerful democracies has come to dominate the moral thinking of everyone on Earth. This ethics is grounded in a priori principles which, in all cases of conflict or competition, give vital human needs and interests priority over those of every other living thing. The end point of this step-by-step process of preference is the breakdown of the self-sustaining biosystem which nature has perfected. But any ethics is absurd if its practice would cause the breakdown of the biosystem which sustains civilized life. It must be revised or discarded. A new model with an empirical method must replace the old, a priori, human-centered ethics. The new model would treat ethical theories as theories about how people can live in the physical world. When so conceived, a theory of ethics would be confirmed or refuted by the harm or benefit that results when it guides individual and societal behavior. Negatively a theory is mistaken and must be rejected if its practice would jeopardize the health or stability of the Earth's biosystem. Positively and secondarily, it must enable people to satisfy a coherent mix of their conflicting needs and interests. Such an ethics can never be final. Like the theories of science, an ethical theory is always subject to correction as people discard their mistakes and substitute revised theories that work better—that better meet the negative and positive conditions of an acceptable ethical theory.  相似文献   

刘巍文 《西北人口》2009,30(1):106-110
改革开放以来。我国经济建设取得了辉煌成就,目前,部分地区甚至一些大城市的人均收入已赶上发达国家.但其总体幸福水平不尽人意。相反,有调查显示收入水平明显大幅度低于城市居民的农民。其生活满意感超过了城市居民。出现了“幸福悼论”现象。本文依据贫困牧区县的调查资料,运用ordered logit model对牧民幸福感同收入及若干非经济因素之间关系的维度和强度进行了考量。在假定牧区宗教及文化习俗对牧民的幸福感均有恒定影响的前提下,分析结果显示.牲畜数量是牧民的主要幸福源泉;牧区女性的幸福感要明显低于男性;牧民收入水平尚较低的情况下。人均年收入同幸福感显著正相关;牧民自身的教育投入对幸福感的提高起抑制作用:以30岁为拐点.牧区成年人和老年人的幸福感相对低于青年人;遇到资金周转困难时,银行对牧民家庭的贷款有助于改善幸福状况:物质条件对幸福感不具有明显的影响。  相似文献   

In 2001, the documentary movie, Trembling Before God, was played in Jewish and gay film festivals around the world, provoking strong emotional reactions. Trembling Before God comprises interviews with Orthodox Jewish gay and lesbian persons who vividly and movingly describe their struggles to live their lives as observant Jewish people, being faithful at the same time to their sexual desires and their religious tradition. Almost all the people interviewed in the movie expressed mixed emotions: love towards their tradition and attachment to their community of faith, coupled with resentment against a community, which in their eyes failed to respond with understanding to their emotional needs, thus adding to their pain. This article aims to modify the picture portrayed in the movie. The dilemmas and struggles of gays and lesbians who live their lives in Orthodox Jewish communities are indeed real. Orthodox gays and lesbians experience a greater dissonance between their sexuality and the values of their community and therefore face more anxieties and inner turmoils than gays and lesbians who live in more permissive environments. The struggles of gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews, however, are not necessarily greater than those of gays and lesbians who live their lives in other conservative communities. In fact, while it is almost impossible to be a sexually active gay or lesbian and a practicing Southern Baptist, Seventh-Day Adventist, Jehovah's Witness, or Mormon, it is not impossible for gays and lesbians to live their lives in an Orthodox Jewish environment. Amazingly, since the 1970s, thousands of gays and lesbians have given up on liberal environments and joined the ranks of traditionalist Jewish congregations.  相似文献   

Latest developments in modern societies have altered living circumstances. Upcoming insecurities concerning employment and family relationships make life more and more incalculable. Especially young adults throughout the modern world are forced to rethink their life concepts and to desist from the lives of former generations. As difficulties to achieve a successful life increase, one could assume that the young are confronted with the impossibility of feeling happy and satisfied with their lives anymore. Yet, latest social surveys prove wrong. Although increasing unemployment, lower net income and single parenthood make life more difficult for the young, they still enjoy very high subjective quality of life in comparison to the older population. Throughout the paper I argue that it is not the objective conditions that make young adults (15–29 years old) feel overwhelmingly happy. Looking for other sources of explanation of high quality of life among people aged 29 or below, I argue for indicators of social embeddedness as being influential on their assessment of life. But again, the proportion of explained variance is smaller compared to older people. With the help of empirical data taken from the European Social Survey I highlight the differences in life circumstances between the young and the total population. Concerning occupation, habitation (kind of inhabited household) and financial situation, most of the young live under different situations compared to the adult world. But surprisingly, the rates of perceived high quality of life among the young do not vary to such a large extent as among the adults. I show that young adults, often damned to fail social demands because of their withdrawal from social life, are still the most happy in modern (more and more individualizing?) societies. But it gets more difficult to account for the reasons of their happiness.  相似文献   

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