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2006年12月5号,纽约卫生董事会投票通过了餐馆禁止在烹调中使用人造反式脂肪的法规。纽约是美国大城市中首个通过这类法律的城市。这一规定将会改变数以千计的纽约餐馆烹饪食品的方式,从麦当劳到高档餐馆,再到中餐外卖店。纽约时报报道称:“这项禁令的通过是纽约市长布隆伯格的胜利。这位市  相似文献   

20世纪80年代末90年代初,随着我国烹饪中、高等职业教育的迅速发展,培养具有本科学历的烹饪专业职教教师被提上议事日程。1989年,黑龙江商学院旅游烹饪系(现哈尔滨商业大学旅游烹饪学院)在“餐饮企业管理”专业创办了烹饪营养方向的本科学习方向。  相似文献   

于凤至是最好的夫人,赵一荻是最患难的妻子,贝太太是最可爱的女友,我的最爱在纽约。——张学良"自古英雄皆好色,若不好色非英雄。我虽不是英雄汉,却也好色似英雄!"这是1991年,张学良在纽约写下的一首打油诗。那年,90岁的张学良到美国,丢下身体欠佳的赵四小姐一人跑去纽约,在他的"旧爱"蒋士云家中住了3个月。  相似文献   

于凤至是最好的夫人,赵一荻是最患难的妻子,贝太太是最可爱的女友,我的最爱在纽约。——张学良自古英雄皆好色,若不好色非英雄。我虽不是英雄汉,却也好色似英雄!这是1991年,张学良在纽约写下的一首打油诗。那年,90岁的张学良到美国,丢下身体欠佳的赵四小姐一人跑去纽约,在他的旧爱蒋士云家中住了3个月。  相似文献   

陆岩 《老人世界》2014,(11):35-35
在纽约,地铁应该说是最便利和便宜的交通工具了,曾到纽约参加一个合作项目的研讨,同事本来说好了由他的一个朋友负责接送我们,可是我觉得麻烦,更主要是想感受一下大都会便利的地铁,所以谢绝了同事朋友的好意。同事无奈,只好陪着我一起过地铁瘾。  相似文献   

高灵芝 《职业》2008,(3X):14-14
<正>2008年伊始,一年一度的浙商职院烹旅系烹饪专业专家指导委员会年会在浙江杭州新世纪大酒店召开。时光荏苒,告别母校数载的学子们,经过多年的奋斗打拼,如今已是中国烹饪界的顶梁之才。浙江商业职业技术学院从2003起,召集了这批积累了丰富的理论管理知识和实践经验。被誉为"科班出身的新一代中国烹饪大师"们,成立了浙商职院烹旅系烹饪专业专家指导  相似文献   

美国人到底什么样儿?这是角度感受到的美国人的个性。1汪永晨今年春天我到美国去参加一个国际会议。到了纽约以后,第一件事,就是马不停蹄地赶着去参加一个晚餐会议。初到一个地方,总喜欢把第一印象和自己脑子里已存的一些东西(包括对所在地的习惯和想象)做比较。在纽约,我做的第一个比较不是被称作“水泥森林城”的纽约的街景,也许是天黑,我甚至觉得那儿不是就和我们的上海差不多吗。第一天晚上我感觉强烈的是无法忍受的冷。离开家时,三月的北京已是春意浓浓。可在地球的那半边,首先面临的是我多少年来都没见到过的鹅毛大雪和呢…  相似文献   

出发到纽约时的心情真的有点异乎寻常的伤感,我当时觉得为我送行的人都比我本人更兴奋,他们都说去纽约的人都是说去看看,去看看就不回来了。可是我想,我当时不是这么想和要这么做的,我妈妈当时还在住院,关于我要怎么开口告诉我妈我的远行,曾是我不知如何是好的事,所以当飞机一起飞,我便开始泪如雨下,眼前满是我妈在医院窗口向我挥手的身影,而这一别竟成了我们的启远。  相似文献   

在环游世界的第七个月里,我来到了四川的首府成都——一个生机勃勃的城市,试图学一些当地火辣美食的制作方法。开始,我参加了一个由旅社给背包客们开设的下午课程,但是,很快就意识到自己的烹饪知识太贫乏,需要更深入的学习才能对川菜有所了解。为此,我又来到了大名鼎鼎的四川高等烹饪专科学校,结果那里给出的学费报价远非我一介背包客所能承受的起。正当走投无路、差点放弃的时候,我忽然想到应该到城市南部的八一烹饪学校去碰碰运气,由此开始了我生命中最精彩的一段经历……  相似文献   

生讯 《现代交际》2005,(1):53-53
圣诞节前夕,甘布士欲前往纽约。妻子在为他订票时,车票已经卖光了,但售票员说,只有万分之一的机会可能会有人临时退票。甘布士听到这一情况,马上开始收拾出差要用的行李。妻子不解地问:"既然已没有车票了,你还收拾行李干什么?"他说:"我去碰一碰运气,如果没有人退票,就等于我拎着行李去车站散步而已。"等到开车前三分钟,终于有一位女士因孩子生病退票,他登上了去纽约的火车。在纽约他给太太打了个电话,他说:"我甘布士会成功,就因为我是个抓住了万分之一机会的笨蛋,因为我凡事从好处着想。别人以为我是傻瓜,其实这正是我与别人不同的地方。"  相似文献   

In this article, I track the emergence of Hip‐hop imaginaries in the enunciatory present, focusing on three disparate scenes: democratic change in Bolivia, cultural resistance in Hawaii, and the foundations of Hip‐hop that emerged from New York City. I position Hip‐hop as a mode of cultural expression that gives resistant form to marginalized existences abjected from dominant society through political and economic exclusion. I trace the origins of Hip‐hop in New York in order to show how the idea of existential resistance provides a useful interpretive framework in which to theorize the relationships between cultural resistance and political change. I utilize this framework by looking at Hip‐hop in two disparate locations, first analyzing the music of Hawaiian Hip‐hop group Sudden Rush and contextualizing it within the contemporary Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement. Second, Bolivia’s newly emergent Hip‐hop scene amidst a turbulent culture of political protest provides a useful contrast to that of Hawaii’s. In the end, I argue that Hip‐hop imaginaries in Hawaii and Bolivia demonstrate inter‐related strategies of national and cultural decolonization which carry distinct political implications.  相似文献   

Examining the work of local media can be a valuable starting point for exploring the institutionally shaped cultural contexts within which local housing markets are embedded and for shedding light on market phenomena like local housing bubbles. This paper draws on a qualitative analysis of articles published in the Real Estate section of the New York Times to explore some of the meanings about homeownership, home-buying, and market behavior that were institutionally reinforced in New York City during a period of growing unease about the direction of the local market. Through the use of framing analysis, I conclude that the New York Times symbolically reinforced the contradictory role that real estate, ??the secondary circuit of capital?? plays in the economy.  相似文献   

For almost four centuries, African Americans in New York City have engaged in ethnic “dream-work,” shaping the city and being shaped by the city in return. The longstanding practice of racism forced a heterogeneous community of Blacks—originating in different parts of the country and the world, speaking many languages, and comprised of different economic classes— to coalesce as a community in order to challenge their subjugation. This article explores the issues, conditions, and experiences that frame the coalescence of the African American community in New York City during the twentieth century, highlighting how racial identities have been produced in the city. In the first part of this article, I reflect on the presence of Blacks in New York City to illuminate some of the common themes that have emerged from the African American experience in Gotham. The second section is a historical exploration of the black experience in New York City, illuminating the conditions, expectations, events, and spaces that have shaped its formation.


This article examines the production of The Book of Negroes during the British evacuation of New York in 1783 and situates it as the first government-issued document for state regulated migration between the United States and Canada that explicitly links corporeal identifiers to the right to travel. I do this to argue that the body made legible with the modern passport system has a history in the technologies of tracking blackness. I explore surveillance technologies of transatlantic slavery, namely lantern laws, and I examine arbitration that took place at Fraunces Tavern in New York City in 1783 between fugitive slaves exercising mobility rights claims by seeking to be included in The Book of Negroes and those who claimed them as property. Coupling the archive of The Book of Negroes with a discussion of rituals and practices engaged by free and enslaved blacks, I suggest that these interactions with surveillance served as both strategies of coping and critique, and in so being represent acts of freedom. This article begins with a story of black escape by taking up the surveillance-based reality television programme Mantracker to question how certain technologies instituted through slavery to track blackness as property anticipate the contemporary surveillance of the racial body.  相似文献   

My family has included professors for four generations, most of them associated with the University of Toronto. This accounts for my attending that university as an undergraduate where I first studied sociology, and perhaps suggests that I was fated to go on to become a professor myself. I also embraced as a teen-ager the now obsolete identity of “intellectual,“ centered on left-wing political convictions and literary aspirations. This led me into the orbit of the “New York intellectuals“ when in graduate school at Columbia and later to sympathetic identification with my former teacher C. Wright Mills's argument in The Sociological Imagination. My father's posting as a diplomat in Washington during the early years of the Cold War made me, however, a critical supporter of American foreign policy and a liberal opponent of the New Left of the 1960s, a salient presence in the New York University sociology department where I have long taught. The collapse of communism in the early 1990s has led to the death of socialism as an ideal and a decline in the influence of Marxism within sociology. It is difficult to foresee what the effects of this on the field will be in the long run. Dennis H. Wrong, author of The Problem of Order: Power, Its Forms, Bases, and Uses.  相似文献   


I have no political platforms. I don't like the system of rules the word ‘feminist’ implies.

—Roza Khatskelevich, New York Times, 2003  相似文献   

My work at New York State's Office of Addiction Services and Supports gave me the privilege to travel the state of New York and meet so many amazing people who are connected to the world of addiction treatment, prevention and recovery.  相似文献   

Kleinbard P 《New directions for youth development》2005,(107):27-34, table of contents
Established in 1991 in New York City and now operating in at least seven other cities, Beacons are designed to rebuild communities of support for children and youth in urban neighborhoods. The Beacon framework is based on research findings and practitioner experience indicating that programs taking a youth development approach are more effective than those focused on "fixing" specific youth problems. Successful Beacon programs provide positive ways to meet young people's need for safety, a sense of belonging, and mastery; they also provide opportunities for decision making and contributing to others. There are currently eighty Beacons in New York City, serving about 140,000 youth and adults annually. Beacons have been replicated in several parts of the country, including Denver, Minneapolis, Oakland, Palm Beach County, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Savannah. The Youth Development Institute of the Fund for the City of New York provides technical assistance and training to Beacons in New York City and in all seven replication sites.  相似文献   

Latino collective politics has received greater attention from scholars and policy analysts than the micro‐processes of everyday interaction among U.S. Latinos – the stuff with which collective efforts are constructed. In this article, I argue that latinidad – a sense of shared Latino identity – is best understood by taking into account the negotiations of collective identities in everyday, situated social practices. I ask: how do Latinos invoke latinidad in their everyday interactions, and to what end? In doing so, I present a conversation between two New York City Latinos, Roberto and William, who subtly invoke latinidad as they explore a possible business connection. Through discourse analysis of their exchange, I show that within one conversation two people can invoke latinidad through the adoption of different strategies of affiliation. Drawing on Benor's ( 2010 ) ethnolinguistic repertoire framework, I show some of the linguistic resources that New York City Latinos access to index latinidad. I find that Benor's framework could be expanded to account for the arsenal of distinctive linguistic features used by members of panethnic groups. For U.S. Latinos, such an arsenal includes features of multiple varieties of both Spanish and English. The results further suggest that shared Latino identity implies a basis for cooperation, in this case, cooperation with the potential to yield economic benefits.  相似文献   


Large Views of American History. The United States. By William H. Hudson and Irwin S. Guernsey. Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York, 1923. 632 pp. $4.00.

Large Views of American History. Our Republic. By S. E. Forman. The Century Co., New York, 1923. xvi, 852 pp. $3.50.

Large Views of American History. The Story of American Democracy. By Willis Mason West. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1923. xiii, 791 pp. $3.20.

Large Views of American History. History of the United States of America. By Henry W. Elson. The Macmillan Co., 1923. $2.50.

Large Views of American History. Three Centuries of American Democracy. By William MacDonald. Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1923. 346 pp. $2.25.

Large Views of American History. America: the Great Adventure. By George Philip Krapp. Alfred A. Knopf Co., New York, 1924. x, 406 pp. $4.00. Reviewed by Harry Elmer Barnes.

The united States Since the Civil War. The United States of America, II. From the Civil War. By David Saville Muzzey. Ginn and Company, Boston, 1924. vi, 847 pages. $3.GO.

The united States Since the Civil War. Recant American History. By Lester Burrill Shippee. Macmillan Company, New York, 1924. 554 pages. Reviewed by N. W. Stephenson.

Britain and the Empire. History of England and the British Commonwealth. By Laurence M . Larson. Henry Holt &; Company, New York, 1924. 911 . pp. (American Historical Series-Charles H. Haskins, General Editor.)

Britain and the Empire. A History of the British People. By Edward Maslin Hulme. The Century Company, New York, 1924. 717 pp. $4.00.

Britain and the Empire. An Introductory History of England. Vol. V . From Waterloo to 1880. By C. R. L. Fletcher. E. P. Dutton &; Co., New York, 1923. 496 pp. $4.25 Reviewed by Conyers Read.

Western Australia: a History from its Discovery to the Inauguration of the Commonwealth. By J. S. Battye. Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York, 1924. 480 pp. $8.35. Reviewed by Howard Robinson.

Tudor Economic Documents. Vol. I. Agriculture and Industry, edited by R. H. Tawney and Eileen Power. Longmans, Green &; Co., London and New York, 1994. 383 pp. $5.00.

English Industries of tha Middle Ages. By L. F. Salzman. Oxford University Press, New York, 1993. 360 pp. $3.50.

Egypt and the Army. By Lieut.-Col. P. G. Elgood. Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York, 1924. 369 pp., with two maps. $5.35. Reviewed by CAPTAIN ELBRIDGE COLBY

Books for the Traveller. The Complete Pocket Guide to Europa. Edited by Thomas L. and Nathan Stedman. Robert McBride and Company, New York, 1924. 592 pp. $4.00.

Books for the Traveller. A Satchel Guide to Europe. By W. J. Rolfe and W. D. Crockett. Houghton, Mifflin Company, Boston, 1994. 484 pp. $4.00.

A Loiterer in London. By Helen W. Henderson. George H. Doran Company, New York, 1994. 433 pp. $5.00.

A Wanderer Among Pictures. By E. V. Lucas. Doran, New York, 1924. 889 pp. $5.00.

New Guides to Old Masters. By John C. Van Dyke. Vol. IX, Venice and Milan (166 pp.); Vol. XI, Rome (144 pp.). Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1984. $1.25 each.

Trail Life in the Canadian Rockies. By B. W. Mitchell. The Macinillan Company, New York, 1924. 269 pp. $3.00. Reviewed by Grace Crosby.

Sesing Canada. By John T. Faris. J. B. Lippincott &; Company, Philadelphia, 1924. 264 pp. $6.50.

Elements of Rural Economics. By Thomas Nixon Carver. Ginn and Co., Boston, 1924. 266 pp. $1.48.

Introduction to Agricultural Economics. By Lewis Cecil Gray. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1924. Xii, 556 PP. Reviewed by Alvin S. Tostlebe.

Life and Public Services of Justin S. Morrill. By William Belmont Parker. I Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston and New York, 1924. 378 pp. Reviewed by Roy F. Nichols.  相似文献   

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