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"数字化""智能化"与"互联化"将是未来制造业的发展方向,能否抓住新产业革命的机遇推动制造业的转型升级,是我国占据未来全球新经济、新产业价值链高端地位的关键。为此,应以"工业物联网"为抓手推进制造业转型升级,以"智能机器人"为核心推进智能制造的发展,以"开放创新"促进产业转型升级。  相似文献   

杨晖  张佑青  欧阳元东 《职业》2017,(22):82-83
东莞"机器换人"使制造业大步向"智能制造"迈进,产业转型升级对职业教育提出新要求.本文以东莞理工学校为例,阐述"机器换人"背景下的工业机器人专业建设.东莞理工学校针对工业机器人专业建设进行实践探索,试图从知识结构和岗位能力、教学内容和教学模式、校企合作等方面探索职业教育如何适应产业升级的要求.  相似文献   

曹卫国 《职业》2017,(15):31-33
近日,国务院印发《中国制造2025》,确定我国从制造业大国向制造业强国转变战略决策.拟用10年时间,迈入制造强国行列,到2045年,成为具有全球引领影响力的制造强国.随着《中国制造2025》的稳步实施,制造业结构优化升级步伐会进一步加快,从而对技能型人才带来重大的影响和需求.然而,技能型人才短缺,恰恰是制约制造业转型升级的关键.所以,研究技工教育如何顺应制造业升级趋势,为制造业转型升级和经济社会稳步发展提供技能型人才支撑,意义重大.  相似文献   

经济发展进入新常态后,广州制造业面临着新挑战和新机遇,亟须转变发展方式。本文详细分析广州制造业的发展现状,剖析目前存在的发展问题,结合"一带一路"战略,研判广州制造业与"一带一路"沿线国家的比较优势,探索对接"一带一路"产能合作的有效路径,通过产能合作破解广州制造业发展难题。最后,本文围绕战略规划、人才建设、创新驱动等方面提出保障"广州制造2025"实现的对策建议,促进广州制造业的转型升级,实现广州制造由大变强的战略目标,率先建成"中国制造2025"全国试点示范城市。  相似文献   

制造业创意产业是一种以创新、创意带动制造业整体提升能级的新颖发展模式或形态。大力发展制造业创意产业,是突破资源环境约束瓶颈、提升制造业产业能级、促进"三、二、一"产业融合发展的一条重要途径。上海应把制造业创意产业列入上海中长期发展规划,围绕产业升级和结构调整,以"产业创意化"为目标,编制上海制造业发展的新蓝图。  相似文献   

于明言  兰洋 《城市》2018,(1):76-79
《京津冀协同发展规划纲要》 赋予天津"全国先进制造研发基地"的功能定位.天津作为我国老工业城市,制造业发展基础较好,理应在我国先进制造业发展、 制造强国建设中走在前列,发挥示范带头作用.装备制造业是天津首个万亿产业和第一大产业,是天津建设全国先进制造研发基地的重要方面.笔者研究了天津装备制造业发展现状,梳理了目前发展中存在的问题,并进一步提出加快天津装备制造业发展的相关对策建议.  相似文献   

刘东岩  吴静 《职业》2016,(36):41-42
随着国家《智能制造发展规划(2016-2020)》的制定出台,全国将有更多地方围绕智能制造制定发展规划,加大政策支持力度,推进智能制造的区域发展,"十三五"将会成为我国系统推进智能制造发展的重要时期.3D打印作为一种现代数字化智能制造技术,已是推动传统产业转型升级的趋势性技术,其数字化制造本质和智能制造模式具有万众创新的优势.现代职业教育理应尽快将3D打印这类现代数字化智能制造技术融入到各个专业领域,发挥其培养创新人才的基础性作用,满足"中国制造2025"和"互联网+"的人才需要.  相似文献   

王慧琰 《职业》2017,(14):95-97
质量之魂,存于匠心.随着"中国制造2025"的出台和供给侧大幕的全面拉开,中国经济发展进入质量时代,制造业转型升级成为必然.而从"中国制造"向"中国智造"进发,需要大批具有"工匠精神"的高素质技能型人才,培育"中国工匠"的需求已上升为国家意志和全民共识,工匠精神的培育,已成为必解的时代命题.本文提出,中职学校作为工匠的摇篮,必须担当起这一时代重任,创新德育载体,传承工匠精神.  相似文献   

上海高端装备制造业发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
装备制造业是为国民经济和国防建设提供技术装备的基础性和战略性产业,是各行业产业升级、技术进步的重要保证和国家综合实力的集中体现。高端装备制造产业是装备制造产业中技术密集度较高的产业,是高端制造业的核心和关键,具有产业关联度高、吸纳就业能力强、技术资金密集等特点。加快发展高端装备制造业是“十二五”时期上海城市产业结构转型的内在要求,也是上海推进高新技术产业化、培育和发展战略性新兴产业的重要方面。  相似文献   

段吉闯 《城市》2018,(8):16-23
制造业的发展水平是衡量区域经济综合实力和现代化发展水平的重要标志,制造业能否成功转型升级是其经济发展的关键.笔者分析了天津滨海新区制造业发展的形势和面临的主要问题,梳理了先进地区推动制造业发展好的经验做法,提出了天津滨海新区推动制造业转型升级、 建设全国先进制造研发基地的有效路径.  相似文献   

全莉,一个属虎的、完完全全的“圈外人”,凭着热情,在争议当中开始了她“放虎归山”的个人试验。而验证她的,只能是时间。  相似文献   

If you are coming to,or are in,Beijing for the first time,you probably know about the things you must do:Visit the Forbidden City and Tian'anmen Square,enjoy a meal at the famous Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant,and spend a day trekking on the Great Wall.In addition to those must-experience activities, Women of China offers readers its editors' picks,which are a few recommendations on where to eat and places to visit while in the city.  相似文献   

This article addresses the right to legal capacity to consent to sex of people with intellectual disabilities. Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities guarantees the right to legal capacity on an equal basis in all areas of life. This article discusses sex as an area of life in which people with intellectual disabilities are frequently not being granted legal capacity on an equal basis. The article examines current capacity to consent to sex law in Ireland, England and Wales in light of Article 12. It proposes an ‘agreement model’ as a potential alternative that would be Article 12 compliant.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the process of acquiring informed consent from parents of economically disadvantaged children 7 to 12 years of age at a Boys &; Girls Club in a Midwest city. The article addresses the following question: What are the obstacles in mainstream research to including children’s voluntary participation in research that intends to benefit their lives? The lessons gained from requesting an invitation into the lives of poor children through informed-consent processes inform future social work research methods.  相似文献   

网络可以帮助青少年增广见闻、培育心智,但如果被鼠标控制,青少年也可能成为网络低俗文化的最大受害者。因此,在青少年分辨是非能力未成熟的情况下,引导他们健康上网,学会控制鼠标,做网络的主人,对青少年的身心健康成长极为重要。本文以为可进行优秀网站选举,实行优秀网站学生大使计划,推行互联网内容标签制度,成立沉溺上网支援中心,都是近年来香港引导青少年健康上网的主要举措。  相似文献   

In 1986, 21.3% of the population of Australia had been born overseas; currently, foreign born workers comprise 25% of the labor force. The level of skilled immigration has continued to increase throughout the 1980s. In the past, most English-speaking migrants gained recognition of their overseas qualifications, but about half of those from non-English speaking countries have never been able to return to their pre-migration occupations. Beginning with the medical field, occupational regulating gradually grew with state autonomy being a marked feature. Australia has 1 of the most highly regulated labor markets in the world, with hundreds of bodies to determine entry criteria. The Council of Overseas Professional Qualifications, established in 1969, guides selection and tests professionals both overseas and already resident in Australia. The Tradesmen's Rights Regulation Act recognizes acceptable tradesmen. Aside from these 2 bodies, the majority of qualifications are assessed at the state or local level. Problems skilled immigrants have encountered in attempting to gain recognition of their overseas qualifications include 1) preference for locally trained workers or discrimination against non-British/non-Australian qualifications; 2) lack of adequate information about assessment procedures; 3) inadequate use of interpreting and translating services; 4) language difficulties in tests; and 5) frequent assessment only on formal qualifications, with skills and experience not being evaluated. The 2 basic models for assessing occupational suitability are the valuation of qualifications approach and the valuation of skills approach. To illustrate the operation of various models of assessment, the author discusses these occupations: medicine, nursing, engineering, computing, and electrical trades. The major factors that are essential for an overall strategy of change include 1) less occupational regulation in the labor market; 2) national registration and licensing systems in the "life-threatening" or "critical" occupations; 3) optional certification systems preferably at the national level, in the noncritical occupations; 4) skills-based assessments; 5) mainstreaming of all assessment mechanisms into authorized accrediting and assessing agencies; and 6) flexible means of entry to occupations. The establishment of an appropriate mechanism and legislation for achieving this change is of paramount importance.  相似文献   

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