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上海的城市发展空间格局正在不断优化调整,随着自贸试验区临港新片区、长三角一体化发展示范区等国家战略在远郊布局,完善和加强郊区新城城市功能进一步受到重视.中心城区受限于开发空间和开发成本限制,很难承载租赁住房供应,未来上海城市发展格局还将以中心城区向外拓展为主导.因此,上海租赁住房市场发展与城市重要战略承载区和发展热点地区布局应紧密结合,稳妥有序推进住房租赁体系建设.  相似文献   

国务院出台的刺激经济十条举措中将保障性住房建设列为第一项.保障性住房是由政府财政投入建设、带有公益性质的住房体系,包括廉租房、经济租赁房和经济适用房等.  相似文献   

当前上海住房租赁市场在租金、房源、规范监控、合同纠纷等方面都存在问题,尤其与发达国家住房租赁市场比较,上海在住房租赁市场的制度建设方面还处于起步阶段,政府对住房租赁市场长期处于缺乏基本数据、基本无法监控的状态。究其根源,我国在住房市场的培育、发展和管理上存有重买卖轻租赁的倾向。应重新认识和重视住房租赁市场对于社会生活健康发展的意义和作用,积极创新租赁住房建设的土地供给,多渠道开辟租赁住房投资的融资通道,加紧住房租赁市场的制度建设。  相似文献   

发展住房租赁市场,不仅能使其与住房销售市场形成互补效应,对完善住房供应体系和改善民生也具有重大作用。一直以来吉林省的住房租赁市场并未得到良好的发展,由于传统观念固化、租赁住房有效供给不足等原因,租赁市场尚存在诸多问题。吉林省要通过引导住房消费观念、增加有效供给、加强监管与服务等措施大力发展住房租赁市场,促进吉林省住房市场的长期健康发展。  相似文献   

吴佳 《科学发展》2021,(9):96-104
随着城镇化进程的加快,劳动力要素的流动性增加,加之流入城市的土地租金价格日益高企,租赁住房成为新市民、城镇中低收入人群的重要保障.在租购并举的发展期,政府通过直接参与,提供公共租赁住房"兜底",编制"安全网",为城镇中低收入人群和新市民提供政策性租赁住房.同时,综合运用土地、财税、金融等政策,积极探索多元主体参与租赁住房市场建设,不再使保障性租赁住房残余化,通过完善租客权益使租赁住房切实发展成为一种居住生活方式的选择.  相似文献   

张永岳  崔裴 《科学发展》2013,(11):101-103
目前,我国基本形成了以廉祖住房为基础、以公共租赁房为重点,包括适当发展经济适用房和限价商品房、加快各类棚户区改造在内的城镇住房保障体系。这种住房保障制度和体系存在诸多问题,如产品种类偏多、管理不善、退出机制缺失等。针对租赁型保障房,应创新运行管理模式,逐步将廉租房与公租房并轨,统一规划、统一建设、统一审核、统一管理,实行分级补贴、租补分离、明收明补,以完善租赁型保障房制度体系。  相似文献   

公共租赁住房面向的是新就业职工群体,属于政策支持的租赁住房,是一种过渡周转性住房。通过发展公共租赁住房,上海将形成一个由廉租房、经济适用房、公共租赁住房三者共同构成的多层次住房保障体系。上海发展公共租赁住房要坚持政府主导、市场运作等基本原则,以及明确准入标准等基本思路,近期可采取加快相关制度建设、开展先行试点、搭建信息平台等具体措施。  相似文献   

2021年2月,?关于本市"十四五"加快推进新城规划建设工作的实施意见?已由上海市政府发布,其中"十四五"新城交通发展专项方案作为六个重点领域专项方案之一,对新城内外交通的发展提出了宏观指导性意见.文章梳理分析上海五大新城的交通发展现状和运营特征,结合新城发展功能的定位分析新城交通面临的新挑战和新问题,从对外和内部两个维度探讨新城交通发展方向,对新城交通的规划建设、运营管理、政策保障等方面提出了建议措施,为新城交通发展提供参考.  相似文献   

No1.曾培炎:住宅发展四点要求 2月25日,曾培炎提出:一是加大住房供应力度.落实好住房建设规划,合理安排建设用地,加快户型结构调整进度,增加普通商品住房供应,进一步发展住房二级市场和租赁市场.二是努力调控住房需求.  相似文献   

公共租赁住房解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈艳兵 《城市》2010,(9):67-69
随着我国保障性住房建设的不断深入和发展,城市中低收入群体的住房条件得到了较大的改善,但是也暴露出了一些问题,“夹心层”的出现就是其中很典型的问题之一。公共租赁住房在我国保障性住房体系中是最近一两年刚刚出现的新的住房保障形式。  相似文献   

从某种意义上说,世界城市和全球城市是一对既相关联又略有差别的概念。世界城市研究的是20世纪上半叶以来的世界顶尖城市,而全球城市主要研究20世纪下半叶以来的世界顶尖城市,特别看重的是全球化进程中的城市功能与地位。当代中国提出的中国名城和世界名城之说则强调城市的气质和特性,研究世界城市之林中具有品牌特色和地位的城市。我们需要利用名城思维来整合各种资源,找准城市的主题,需要站在全球的视野看名城品牌,从而打造全新的世界名城。  相似文献   

The Lost City     
邬秋月 《现代妇女》2014,(8):284-284
Along the Aihui - Tengchong line, the dividing line between population and natural and historical geography of China, which is discovered and named by Mr. Hu Huanyong in 1935, we see that from the beginning of the long-distance trade, the penetration and dispersion of interest and power has changed the state of the city radically from its fundamental structure: cities in expansion, people in alienation. The words of Alan (Alain) from Lille is still enlightening today: "it is money, not Caesar that is omnipotent."  相似文献   

City of Quartz     

This article discusses the production of Indian ethnicity in the United States through a close reading of the Cultural Festival of India, an event that took place over four weeks in 1991 in Edison, New Jersey. The festival, organized by the Gujarati Hindu sect, Bochasanwasi Swaminarayan Sanstha, presented an extravagant and general vision of ‘India’ for Indian as well as non-Indian Americans through arts performances, shopping displays, food stands and cultural exhibits. The Cultural Festival of India can be seen as an occasion for a new type of ‘imagined community’, or as an instance of diasporic nationalism, that is, produced by immigrant Indians intent on projecting a positive image of themselves, and is steeped in romantic notions of the home country.

As Indians in First World countries form larger and more visible populations, they begin to develop elaborate strategies for constructing associative identities. In the United States, the Indian middle class has chosen the terminology and the historical precedents of ‘ethnicity’ to construct itself as a group within the political and cultural landscapes of a ‘multicultural’ nation. The rapidly expanding Indian capitalist economy simultaneously procures foreign investment through connections maintained with these overseas Indians as well as through a new image projected abroad of India as a source of progress. Nationalism, diaspora, culture and identity become confounded both as theoretical categories and as material forces. The Cultural Festival of India illustrates these developments through the reification of Indian ‘culture’, the portrayal of idealized Indian social values and the celebration of technological innovation. Through an examination of the festival, the article explains the continuities in colonial and postcolonial strategies of building national and transnational communities.  相似文献   

When we talk about a city, we tend to think about its natural environment, economic condition, history and cultural heritage -- and its people. The unique features of a locality always give its inhabitants some special characteristics. As a result, women from different cities are also different; iust like rivers make a city lively, women are a source of inspiration end gentleness to a city. The intelligence and trendiness of Shanghai,  相似文献   

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