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蒙俊健  黄琛 《职业》2014,(12):89-90
基于工作过程导向的课程体系建设已经成为我国职业院校课程建设的重要方向。本文根据工作过程为导向的专业课程体系建设的理念,以企业职业岗位需求和毕业生职业生涯需要确定专业培养目标,以工作分析为依据确定专业职业能力培养目标,以完成工作任务的职业能力为主线构建专业课程体系,对中职机电技术应用专业课程体系的构建进行了探索。  相似文献   

朱春华 《职业》2013,(12):75-76
有效培养学生获得职业岗位核心能力的方法在现代职业教育体系中显得至关重要。笔者学校根据本地经济特点,依托学校专业指导委员会,结合模具专业课程改革的实践,构建模具专业课程体系和一体化实训教学体系,探索出一条提高中职模具专业学生职业岗位核心能力的可行途径。  相似文献   

王飞 《职业》2015,(6):68-69
本文对绍兴纺织印染产业背景和中职染整技术专业人才需求现状进行了充分的分析调研,通过对中职染整技术专业就业岗位(群)及岗位(群)能力进行调研,提出了“以工作领域(岗位)引领工作任务,以工作任务引领知识技能”的染整技术专业模块化课程改革思路,确定本专业所覆盖的工作领域(职业岗位群)、典型工作任务及对应的职业能力要求,形成了基于工作过程的染整技术专业课程体系。  相似文献   

罗伟 《职业》2015,(9):84-85
2013年底电子技术应用专业教学标准的出台,标志着以"基于工作过程系统化的专业课程体系、课程标准"的新一轮中职学校电子专业课程改革进入了新阶段。本文指出,在设计和开发电子技术应用专业课程标准时,采用基于岗位导向、注重过程(工作过程和开发设计过程)、多能(专业能力、方法能力、社会能力)并重、细化标准的课程体系开发总体思路是电子专业课程体系改革发展方向的着力点和指导思想。如何体现中职学校专业课程特色,构建"技能+素质"的一体化新型教学模式,培养适应经济社会发展和职业岗位需求的"技术技能型"人才,是电子技术应用专业课程体系改革的重要课题。  相似文献   

梁智慧 《职业》2016,(23):76-77
本文对基于职业标准的中职物流专业课程体系的构建进行了阐述,即从物流岗位所需的综合职业能力构成的视角分别进行岗位能力、通用能力及核心能力课程设置,再根据职业标准中典型工作任务的技能要求开发相应的职业技能课程、职业基础课程及核心能力课程,之后结合职业学习和成长规律完善并构建课程体系.  相似文献   

王进军 《职业》2013,(15):118-119
本文阐述了模具设计与制造专业课程体系的构建,即以市场需求为导向,以校企合作为平台,以职业岗位群能力要求为目标,以学生职业能力培养为主线,以工作任务为载体,按照专业培养目标、典型工作任务、职业行动领域、学习领域等,以工作过程导向。  相似文献   

何筱敏  周海泉 《职业》2014,(23):95-95
本文介绍了如何根据职业岗位群定位及岗位职业能力要求,构建计算机应用专业课程体系。专业课程应分专业基本技能模块、职业技能模块和岗位能力课程模块三个层次,实现宽口径、多方向的培养,以拓展学生的职业能力。  相似文献   

韩特跃 《职业》2014,(15):158-159
随着餐饮服务行业的发展,社会对厨师及相关岗位从业人员素质的要求越来越高,这对中职烹饪专业教学和管理提出了新挑战。要使中职学生更适应时代发展,经得起市场经济的考验,教师必须重新审视烹饪专业学生职业能力的培养,抓住核心,有的放矢。  相似文献   

仇文平 《职业》2013,(30):134-134
中职机电专业中的专业课程枯燥深奥,学生难学、教师难教。将多媒体技术应用到教学领域,就可以有效地解决这一难题。机电专业课教师借助多媒体技术形象直观的特点,激发学生学习的兴趣,有效地辅助了机电专业课程的教学。  相似文献   

苏琳 《职业》2008,(18)
职业教育以向社会输送具有综合职业能力的专门人才为己任,中职学生的就业目标也并非领导决策和产品研发岗位,而应是一线操作岗位.中职教学应以"实用、够用"为原则,紧扣学生专业和未来职业岗位的需要,以适应企业对人才的要求.  相似文献   

Although an increasing number of social workers are engaging in private clinical practice and a majority of entering MSW students plan to do so, content on private practice is generally not included in MSW curricula. This article reports on a 1992-93 survey of faculty and student attitudes concerning various aspects of studying private practice in MSW programs. It compares the views of the two groups, assesses the implications for social work education, and encourages creative approaches to integrating the realities of professional practice with the traditional values and mission of social work.  相似文献   

高校学生干部离任后存在一些不良心态甚至行为偏差,需要采取措施以保持学生干部更替过程中组织文化的连贯性和一致性。高校学生干部离任有不同的类型,不同的离任类型有不同的特点,离任对所在学生组织的工作有消极和积极的影响,因此要对离任全过程进行管理。  相似文献   

Traditional biases about the nature of mental illness and the mission of the academic environment have frequently shaped college policy and practice affecting mentally ill, suicidal, or chemically addicted students. Too often, removal of the student from campus has been seen as appropriate, therapeutically and educationally. The assumption that separating seriously disturbed students from the classroom is in the students' best interests is challenged by models of cognitive and emotional functioning that recognize the multifaceted nature of each. Such models affirm the salience of the student identity for the troubled student's sense of self and therapeutic prognosis. Creating an environment responsive to and supportive of the student in distress may also lead to significant educational benefits to the institution as a whole. Higher education has an opportunity to create work and study environments that meet broadly conceived ethical and educational goals. Experience with the Skidmore College-Four Winds Hospital program demonstrates that few additional resources are needed to implement such policy and practice.  相似文献   


The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) protects students wth disabilities from discrimination by academic and professional programs in higher education. A student with a disability cannot be denied admission to an educational program because of his or her disability if the student is otherwise qualified. This means that a student with a disability who is qualified for an academic or professional educational program cannot be denied admission to a program based solely on the student&s disability. This educational requirement mandated by the ADA applies to all educational fields including social work education. The purpose of this study was to explore how social work programs are dealing with these requirements in their admission and academic accommodation procedures. Twelve social work programs located in the mid-western United States participated in the study. Representatives of each of these programs were given an in-depth interview focusing on their admissions process, academic accommodations, and general topics related to social work education and disabilities. All programs taking part in the research were accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). The CSWE is the national accreditation body for social work education within the United States.  相似文献   

何春霞  王勇 《职业时空》2013,(10):137-140
以佛山职业技术学院“理论学宣会”为个案,简要分析了高职院校学生理论社团存在的问题,提出实现高职院校学生理论社团思想政治教育效能的基本路径:推行社团导师制度,保证思想政治教育的方向;开展特色社团活动,拓宽思想政治教育的渠道;塑造社团论坛品牌,彰显思想政治教育的时代性;促进社团企业文化互动,增强思想政治教育的渗透性;创新社团社会服务平台,拓展思想政治教育的实践性.  相似文献   

This paper questions whether it is possible that current policy and guidelines could ever effect a significant shift in education of social work students. There are several issues which need to be appreciated if social work education is to become anything more than an induction to a technical craft. These issues include debate on the nature of theory and reflective practice and on pedagogy and curriculum. Rather than understand theory and reflective practice in the applied technicist sense what is required is an understanding and appreciation of moral practical deliberation—what scholars of the virtues refer to as phronesis. Debate on pedagogy has stopped short of tackling important issues which find succour in technicist and managerialist accounts of practice. As such, any idea that practice experience will improve the practice of student social workers is questionable.  相似文献   

This article describes and compares the successes and challenges experienced by three social work programs in the United States working to infuse geriatric competencies into foundation Master of Social Work (MSW) courses, including field education. Adhering to the Planned Change Model each project utilized a range of approaches and strategies that emerged in each setting’s unique organizational and community context. This article examines and analyzes three context-driven accounts of curricular infusion for gerontological social work and lessons learned in this effort to establish gerontology as part of the implicit curriculum in social work programs in universities diverse in mission, size, programming priorities, and student population. Given the experiences of these programs, following the Planned Change Model, maintaining the context as being central to the process, anticipating common challenges, and preparing to engage strategies to overcome challenges are offered as recommendations for successful infusion and sustainment of the efforts.  相似文献   

This paper addresses itself to an assessment of a number of student support systems developed and utilized in a three-year training effort with more than 104 Native American social work students at the School of Social Work, University of Utah. While a number of social support systems utilized in the program are mentioned, special consideration is given to those in recruitment, communication, modeling, counseling, follow-up, student involvement, and discriminating education. The article could have relevance for the social work training of any disadvantaged student.  相似文献   


Government contracting out of responsibilities for the delivery of social services is an increasingly common phenomenon in these times of economic restraint. This paper argues that this practice, with its inherent technical and philosophical problems, negatively affects social service systems and social work practitioners. The resultant changes are described as having serious implications for social work educators, The argument is made that if educators are to remain relevant to the needs of service consumers, social work students, and welfare agencies, they must carefully reconsider aspects of curriculum planning and student placements as well as faculty involvement in research and advocacy.  相似文献   

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