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本文通过阐述在高职院校开设《食品营养与卫生》选修课课程的现状,并结合教学实践积极探索选修课在教学内容、教学方式等的创新,对加强高职院校学生的食品营养与卫生知识学习,探讨本课程的设置与教学实践创新具有重要意义。  相似文献   

赵中 《职业》2010,(27)
<烹饪营养与卫生>是现代营养卫生学与烹饪工艺学密切结合的产物,是中职烹饪管理专业学生的必修课程,也是重要的专业基础课.它包含既有区别又密切联系的两门学科,即营养学与食品安全学.该课程的教学目的是使学生掌握有关营养学的基础理论,运用现代营养学、食品安全学的基础理论与基本方法来研究食品营养价值、食品卫生与人体健康的关系以及加工过程中各种营养素生化变化情况,使学生懂得如何在加工过程中保护和提高营养,并掌握保证食品卫生质量的基本要求与基本方法,以维护人们的健康,并为学生今后解决烹饪工作中实际的营养问题、更科学地进行合理膳食奠定良好的基础.  相似文献   

在当前的高校教育中,非专业课教学越发受到教育界的重视,尤其是当前高校学生身体状况普遍需要提升的背景下,迫切需要相关课程的开设使学生更好地了解健康知识。《营养与健康》作为一门高校新开设的通识教育课程,主要向高校学生介绍了食品与健康之间的关系,这对于学生的身心发展有着重要意义,需要高校合理设置教学内容、创新教学方法,使学生的身体素质得到加强。本文对开设营养与健康通识课程的意义进行概述,并分析如何创新营养与健康通识课程教学,希望高校学生既具备专业的知识技能,又有着强健的体魄。  相似文献   

苗妮娜 《现代妇女》2014,(11):423-424
食品安全问题关系到人民健康和国计民生。近年来,我国食品安全问题受到管理部门和消费者的极大关注。食品微生物卫生是食品安全中的重要环节,微生物污染是食品安全的主要问题。大肠菌群作为食品卫生评价的重要微生物检测指标,在食品安全中受到严格监控,食品中大肠菌群的检测越来越受到生产企业和基层食品卫生监督检测机构的关注。本文综述了大肠菌群对食品安全的影响、大肠菌群测定的意义,大肠菌群的卫生学意义。多年来,国内外都以大肠菌群作为食品、水体污染的常用指示菌之一,并评价和判断食品被粪便污染的程度和有无肠道致病菌污染的可能。目前已被国内外广泛应用于食品卫生工作中。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的不断发展,使得人民群众生活质量得到了相应的改善。可是由于多次出现有关食品安全问题的新闻被曝出,使得人民对食品卫生与安全检查提高重视,同时对食品的要求也变得越来越高。然而在生产食品的过程当中,食品工厂各环节的生产进行会造成污染问题,甚至还有一些食品生产商家没有获得卫生许可的情况下就进行食品生产与加工,使得食品的安全与卫生遭受到了十分严重的影响,所以这也就需要让相关部分加强食品安全的检验力度,以此来保障食品的生产安全。  相似文献   

冯应斌 《职业》2012,(9):100
食品营养与卫生学包含了食品营养学与食品卫生学两门既有区别又密切联系的学科,二者的理论体系、研究范围、研究内容和实践内容各不相同,但它们的主要研究对象都是食品与人体健康的关系。该门课程是高校食品类专  相似文献   

蔡丹敏 《职业》2015,(3):89
近几年的食品安全问题把食品检测工作提上了日程,全社会都对食品检测工作赋予了较高的关注度。本文对食品检验技术这门课程的理论和实验教学方法进行了一些探究,分析了在当前情况下,在技工教育中如何改革理论教学以促进实验教学,完成课程一体化建设的有机整合,为社会培养所需要的人才。  相似文献   

赵中 《职业》2013,(27):119-120
在中职学校有效开展烹饪营养与卫生课堂教学,可让学生不仅掌握有关营养及卫生学基础理论知识,培养分析和创新能力。也可为今后更好地解决烹饪实践操作中遇到的营养和卫生问题,进而更科学地进行饮食搭配和卫生安全操作奠定良好的基础。为此,笔者总结并设计了配套的三部分实验课:综合性实验、常用烹饪操作技能的培养实验和结合具体实例对课程的重要理论进行课外实践。烹饪营养与卫生配套实验课课程的开设主要有以下几个要求:以直观的实验吸引学生、专业老师要有熟练的操作技能、课前精心准备、与实习企业加强联系、鼓励学生自己动手。  相似文献   

文歧福 《现代妇女》2013,(12):130-131
食品雕刻可以说是烹饪工艺与营养专业最难学的专业课程之一,它不仅对厨师的刀工有着极高的要求,更是要求其具有空间造型能力、几何思维等各种综合能力,在实际的教学过程中,因为受课时的限制,传统走课程形式的大班教学模式一般都是从难度较大的雕花开始进行训练,学生从一开始就会感觉到学习食品雕刻非常难,一般学习不到一个月时间就开始不想学习或者说自我放弃,再加上每一次学的东西都不一样,学生往往还没有掌握所教的作品就开始学习新的内容。这种传统的教学模式非常浪费时间,也给学生心理上造成很大的压力和阴影,成才率非常低,远远无法满足餐饮市场对食品雕刻人才的需求。笔者就借此文简要谈谈如何对食品雕刻课程进行改革,全面提高食品雕刻课程的教学有效性。  相似文献   

大学生的营养健康状况是社会关注的热门问题,大学生越来越多的不良营养习惯渐渐浮出水面。本文对大学生的不良营养习惯及其产生原因进行了初步分析,同时,也从食品教学的课程教授、课外活动和积极宣传等方面探析了如何纠正大学生的不良营养习惯。  相似文献   


Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine food insecurity in a mid-sized private Catholic university, taking into consideration students’ financial prioritization and nutrition literacy. Participants: Participants included 560 university undergraduate and graduate students in the fall of 2017. Methods: Measures assessed food insecurity, nutrition literacy, and financial prioritization. The USDA 6-question food insecurity screener and the New Vital Signs Food Label Instruments were utilized to measure food security and nutrition literacy. To measure financial priority, participants ranked nine items from highest to lowest priority. Results: Out of 560 university students, 35.8% of students were characterized as food insecure. Students who prioritized spending money on alcohol or tuition had higher odds of experiencing food insecurity. Conclusion: Prevalence of food insecurity may be as prevalent in private universities as in public universities. This warrants exploration to identify contributing factors and long-term solutions.  相似文献   

Assessing and understanding the health needs and capacities of college students is paramount to creating healthy campus communities. The American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA) is a survey instrument developed by the ACHA in 1998 to assist institutions of higher education in achieving this goal. The ACHA-NCHA contains approximately 300 questions assessing student health status and health problems, risk and protective behaviors, access to health information, impediments to academic performance, and perceived norms across a variety of content areas (eg, injury prevention; personal safety and violence; alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use; sexual health; weight, nutrition, and exercise; mental health). Twice a year, the ACHA compiles aggregate data from participating institutions in a reference group report for data comparison. Results from the Spring 2005 Reference Group (N = 54,111) are presented in this article.  相似文献   

Assessing and understanding the health needs and capacities of college students is paramount to creating healthy campus communities. The American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA) is a survey instrument developed by the ACHA in 1998 to assist institutions of higher education in achieving this goal. The ACHA-NCHA contains approximately 300 questions assessing student health status and health problems, risk and protective behaviors, access to health information, impediments to academic performance, and perceived norms across a variety of content areas, including injury prevention; personal safety and violence; alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use; sexual health; weight, nutrition, and exercise; and mental health. Twice a year, the ACHA compiles aggregate data from participating institutions in a reference group report for data comparison. Results from the Spring 2004 Reference Group (N = 47,202) are presented in this article.  相似文献   

Amid growing concerns over nutrition, food safety, and the relationship between health and environment, anxiety about the general deskilling around food‐related activities has garnered significant public interest and academic inquiry. Mainstream agriculture commodity and retail food chains are failing to meet the concerns citizens are expressing about their food. This has contributed to a relearning of skills of procuring, preparing, and preserving food. This qualitative study looks at the practice of home preserving in a rural Albertan community through a social practice theory framework. I test two premises set out by Shove, Pantzar and Watson (2012): First, social practices consist of three elements (materials, competencies, and meanings) that are integrated when practices are enacted; second, that practices emerge, persist, and disappear as links among these defining elements are made and broken. I demonstrate how the integration of the elements enabled canning as a practice to flourish during a certain period. I then explore how the disintegration of the elements contributed to the decline of the same practice in later years. By examining the connections and breakages in the links between materials, meanings, and competencies, I illustrate the essentiality of integration of elements in order for practices to exist.  相似文献   

Brazil is on track to achieve many of the Millennium Development Goals, and this is widely credited to bold and innovative government policies backed by new forms of popular participation in social policy. This article examines evaluation evidence on two of the most important recent initiatives in Brazil's policies for food and nutrition security (conditional cash transfers through Bolsa Família and support for family agriculture through the Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos). It also considers advances in older policies (such as the School Meals programme) and the work of the National Council for Food and Nutrition Security, which has culminated in national legislation establishing food and nutrition security as a right.  相似文献   

Does development affect food practices? The nutrition transition model correlates positively meat consumption levels with gross domestic product per capita, except in India. In this article, I analyze food diets in this country since the 1980s by mapping out households’ practices in animal product consumption depending on their social positions. Applying multiple factor analysis on the Consumer Expenditures data of the National Sample Survey Office, I produce a relational model of food diet segmentation to overcome the dead ends of the nutrition transition model. Two structural dimensions are highlighted. The first one differentiates beef and nonbeef meat diets and relates to the symbolic capital of caste and religion. The second one opposes diets including animal products and without, depending on the amount of economic capital. The concept of temporal homology is introduced to show that the social structure remains stable over time. This denotes the importance of sociocultural norms in food practices rather than their weakening due to “modernization” and shows how these norms are key to understand food transitions beyond linear expectations drawn from economic development.  相似文献   

Assessing and understanding the health needs and capacities of college students is paramount to creating healthy campus communities. The American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA) is a survey instrument developed by the ACHA in 1998 to assist institutions of higher education in achieving this goal. The ACHA-NCHA contains approximately 300 questions assessing student health status and health problems, risk and protective behaviors, access to health information, impediments to academic performance, and perceived norms across a variety of content areas, including injury prevention; personal safety and violence; alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use; sexual health; weight, nutrition, and exercise; and mental health. Twice a year, the ACHA compiles aggregate data from participating institutions in a reference group report for data comparison. Results from the Spring 2004 Reference Group (N = 47,202) are presented in this article.  相似文献   

Food insecurity has been associated with poor health and health outcomes among older adults, yet food assistance resources are available and underutilized. Routine screening and referral for food insecurity in primary care is one avenue to connect food-insecure older adults with available resources. This qualitative study aims to better understand the beliefs of primary care providers (PCPs) about food security screening and referrals in a primary care setting and perceived barriers to implementation. PCPs (n = 16) who have older adult patients but do not routinely screen for food insecurity were interviewed by phone. PCPs recognize the importance of food security for older patients and discuss nutrition and food access with patients under certain circumstances. Concerns emerged with regard to implementing a systematic screening and referral process: limited time to meet with patients, a lack of resources for addressing food insecurity, and prioritizing food insecurity at both the health system and the patient levels. Despite perceived challenges, PCPs are receptive to the idea of systematically screening and referring patients to external resources for food assistance and support. Barriers could be addressed by health systems prioritizing food insecurity as a health concern and public and private payers providing reimbursement for screening.  相似文献   

Large numbers of households experiencing the effects of food insecurity threaten a community’s viability. Although hunger has been viewed as a social problem, research focused on household-level food security tends to primarily focus on the household economics. This thematic overview of academic and grey literature (a) describes community food security (CFS) research and indicators related to accessibility, affordability, community self-reliance, social justice, and sustainability; (b) provides examples of how community social workers can participate, lead or evaluate CFS strategies that can create sustainable food secure communities; and (c) invites social work researchers to develop holistic measures of CFS.  相似文献   

Immobilization is generally thought to result from power and poverty acting against the acceleration produced by science and technology. In this article we explore neglected countervailing trends, such as quarantines, health inspections, and import bans, where science has the effect of restricting mobility, which we refer to as “slow science.” As well as increasing mobility, science can be mobilized for political projects of restricting movement, but this possibility is neglected because of cultural assumptions fundamental to modernity. Both science and technology can be enrolled for projects of slowing mobility as well as increasing mobility. Drawing on actor-network theory, we examine the enrolment of science and technology into restricting movement in various ways. These issues are explored first through an overview of the neglected genealogy of the ways in which science and technology have slowed movement, particularly across national borders, and second through a short case study of how food safety concerns affect the movement of beef across borders. The case study discusses how “slow science” diagnoses threats posed by mobility and develops technologies to immobilize certain entities. These entities have almost always been biological organisms (including humans) or their products due to the self-reproducing qualities of invasive species, bacteria, or viruses. Uniquely, WTO rules about food require that restrictions be based on sound science, resulting in trade disputes focused on scientific interpretations.  相似文献   

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