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付蓉  王曼娜  杨鹛 《职业时空》2008,4(9):234-235
旅游业作为一个信息密集型产业,信息的有效传递和流通是其生命力的源泉。信息与引导在旅游功能系统中虽然不是直接创造经济效益的环节,但对于开发旅游市场实际上是至关重要的环节。互联网已成为游客获取旅游信息的重要手段。根据Google(谷歌)的调查显示,互联网在提升消费者的信息获得能力方面作用显著,82%受访者认为互联网是取得旅行信息最有用的媒体来源。传统媒体的使用率则更低,只有40%的中国出境游客会选择报纸和杂志来获得相关的旅游信息。因此旅行社网站建设是旅行社进行网络营销的重要平台。  相似文献   

文旅融合视野中,非物质文化遗产成为文化与旅游协同发展的重要切入点,可以满足游客在旅游活动中对文化的追求和体验感受。根据对威海滨海旅游与非遗资源实际状况,通过"非遗+民宿度假""非遗+旅游演艺""非遗+节庆品牌""非遗+研学旅行""非遗+旅游文创"等优化路径,可以激发旅游者主动参与的热情和积极性,提升旅游吸引力,实现由单纯景点中心向旅游目的地中心发展,进一步促进威海滨海旅游精品化、品质化发展。  相似文献   

凭借"烧脑""悬疑""凶案""推理"等元素,"剧本杀"逐渐成为青少年的社交新形式,成为青少年寻求身份认同、满足游戏心理和积累文化资本的重要途径.IP、社交与沉浸是"剧本杀"的传播动因,青少年在"线上+线下"的综合娱乐体验过程中结成趣缘群体,借助角色扮演的方式表达和展示自我.亚文化视域下,"剧本杀"的传播功能主要有娱乐休闲、情感解压、身份认同和话语表达.在万物皆社交的大数据时代,"剧本杀"将围绕剧本、技术和资源三个方面谋求发展,不断增强自身内容输出能力,强化算法、VR、XR等技术的应用与结合,细分整合,降本增效,走数字化经营发展之路.  相似文献   

社交媒体已渗透进人们日常生活中.以往研究大多聚焦于用户如何采纳、使用某一社交平台,对特定用户群体"不使用"某种社交媒体的情况关注较少.基于对微信朋友圈消极使用现象探究,发现用户出于自我表达的观众可及性、互动可能性的"想象",以及持续性印象维持压力的共同作用下,表达前容易反复自我审视产生社交疲惫感,进而选择退出;大多中辍后倾向于转移到同龄群体为主的强关系聚集的社交媒体,享受小范围观众舞台的安全感;看似消极的中辍行为本身成为他们寻求自我认同、提升社交质量、蜕变为理想成人的路径,具有自我同一性确认的探索意义.中辍行为赋予每个社交媒体以不同距离感知,帮助用户重新确认自我的主体性地位,通过有意识发展深入交往关系,提升情感反馈质量,借助驯化技术和掌控社交边界的感知来对抗不确定性的风险压力.  相似文献   

近年来,来华留学生群体已经成为了各高职院校的重要生源之一。当今社会技术发展日新月异,社交媒体的普及使用给人们日常生活的方方面面带来了巨大的改变。作为社交媒体软件热衷的使用者,来华留学生的学习和生活体验多多少少受到其影响。如何高效地运用社交媒体来方便留学生管理、解决管理的难题将成为新时代来华留学生管理工作的重要论题。  相似文献   

"晒"式行为已成为青年生活的一部分,这种以互联网技术为依托,借助自媒体平台将传统的休闲行为虚拟化,提供给"主我和客我"大量的信息分享,也使大众的休闲模式发生重大改变。通过社交媒体,青年借助"晒"的行为,展示自己的生活状态,进行交流和互动。"晒"是一种符号呈现,通过社交平台互动,影响人们内在心理和行为表现,渗入生活,进而成为一种社会现象。研究发现,青年"晒"休闲生活的行为具有符号化的特质,这种"晒"行为的传播机制是符号不断编码、解码以及与行为的相互影响过程,而其本身也是自我认知与社会共识达成的体现,是对归属感的自我诉求,以及自我角色的塑造过程。  相似文献   

城市作为文化的载体,城市文化建设体现了"以人为本"的城市基本责任与发展方向,其中城市休闲文化发展将提升城市文化品位,提高市民生活质量,丰富游客旅游体验。在新型城市化背景下,面对市民游憩休闲与游客旅游休闲需求,促进"城市文化休闲化、城市休闲文化化",建设城市休闲文化,丰富市民与游客休闲生活应该成为城市规划、建设与管理的指导思想和基本政策之一。  相似文献   

正据报载,北京首家森林体验中心日前在八达岭国家森林公园落成。该体验中心不同于普通的森林风景区,中心内设置了冥想、鸟虫辨识、手工制作等多种让游客与森林游互动的项目,游客能在这里全方位感受和了解森林中的良好生态环境,从中尽情地体验多样化森林旅游的乐趣。专家就此分析说,将深受游客喜爱的森林旅游融合进更多科普内容、山野情趣、传统文化以及陶冶性情的项目,这才叫真正的森林旅游或生态旅游。因为只有把森林旅游的概念做大,才能推进森林旅游产业化发展,而做大"概  相似文献   

<正>与传统媒体时期相比,数字媒体时期的最大特点是文化的传播权由精英走向大众。人人能够共享网络中的所有信息,数字媒体成为博物馆官方与游客之间沟通联系的桥梁。博物馆借助新媒体手段,打通社交媒体传播渠道,突破了传统传播活动技术的限制,同时打破时间与空间限制,满足受众对文化信息的需求。博物馆通过转变严肃的话语风格、沉浸式参与体验、数字展厅等新策略使得博物馆文化传播能够突破展期和博物馆建筑的时空限制,增加了传播广度、丰富传播内容,同时也提供了更加多样化的传播形式。  相似文献   

最近发布的《微信数据化报告》中谈到这样一句:社交网络成为第二大新闻渠道,渗透率超电脑电视;促成用户微信分享新闻三要素:价值、趣味、感动;微信公众号、自媒体,改变了媒体舆论场权重配比。众媒时代,信息传播架构将被社交媒体消解和重构。  相似文献   

After having examined China's historic changes, through his films, in the past decade, Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke developed a growing interest in history. As a result, he visited Shanghai with his movie camera and traced the footsteps of Shanghai and its people who had stories about the city. The experience gave birth to his latest movie, I Wish I Knew.  相似文献   

Feminist theorists often reject "reason" as the basis for a feminist epistemology on the grounds that it is "male." this criticism of reason has sometimes been axiomatic and unconvincing. In place of "male reason," many feminist theorists have advanced the epistemological proposition that women know what they know via their "experiences." Using "experience" as the basis for a feminist epistemology hsa conceptual and practical problems: it invites and perpetuates the use of a stereotypical Female thus fostering essentialist theories which romanticize women and feminine attributes. Moreover, it is difficult to operationalize as the experiences of women vary dramatically across time and cultures, classes, races, etc. Problems with the feminist critique of reason and the use of experience as a substitute for rationalist epistemologies indicates that serious reevaluations for the maleness of "reason" and the femaleness of "experience" and intuition are in order.  相似文献   

In all intimate relationships where difficulties are being experienced, one or both parties can feel ambivalent. Some individuals and couples resolve their ambivalence, discover lost aspects of themselves and new ways of relating, while others either remain together regardless of a satisfactory resolution, or decide to separate. In this paper I will address the nature of ambivalence and its influence and effect on individuals and couples. Understanding and working with ambivalence requires us as therapists to consider both the emotional patterns in relationships and the influence of early childhood experiences. Methods of assessing and working with ambivalence will be outlined and contra-indications for individual and joint sessions discussed.  相似文献   


Data from a longitudinal study of older adults in an upstate New York county (N = 333) show that poor housing “fit” increases the likelihood that older adults are currently considering a move, as does lower residential satisfaction. Those adults who said only that they “might consider moving” focused on health transitions that might signal a need for a new housing situation. Residential satisfaction predicts actual moves even when controlling for moving plans. Older adults may be “pushed” to make a move by a crisis, but those older adults planning moves tend to be “pulled” into housing arrangements with desirable features.  相似文献   

I suggest a model to forecast life expectancy based on the electrocardiogram signal. I show how the heart electrical activity can be decomposed in the state‐space and that the suggested model has superior out‐of‐sample properties compared to a set of alternatives. When the model is used to forecast my own electrocardiogram, a striking result arises: the n‐step ahead forecast remains bounded and positive even after one googol period. Therefore, my life expectancy tends to infinity implying that I am immortal. (JEL I10, I19)  相似文献   

PART I:     
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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