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调查分析苏州某一院校的两位英语教师的课堂提问模式,从提问的类型、提问后的等候时间、反馈形式以及回答问题的方式总结归纳了两位教师的课堂提问情况,提出了大学英语课堂中四种有利于师生“平等交际”的途径。  相似文献   

Is the homogenous grouping of students by ability conducive to learning for all students alike, or does it affect students of different ability levels differently? To address this question, I compare the distributions of math performance for students between Grade 8 and Grade 4 across countries with different levels of between-classroom ability grouping, controlling for country-level unobserved heterogeneity using a fixed-effects model. Homogeneous grouping, relative to heterogeneous grouping, is found to have no significant impact on mean performance, but it does increase performance inequality by benefiting the high achievers at the expense of the low achievers.  相似文献   

人何以在生存?不同的哲学流派有着不同的回答。意志主义认为是“自由意志”,存在主义认为是人的“自由选择”。他们都是把人存在的根据归结为个人内在情感体验,在论证的过程中都陷入了自相矛盾的困境。唯有马克思从主观世界与客观世界相关联的“自由劳动”出发,才真正科学地解答了这个难题。  相似文献   

Scholars, policy-makers, and practitioners have long argued that students of color are over-represented in special education and under-represented in gifted education, arguing that educators make racially/ethnically biased decisions to refer and qualify students with disabilities and giftedness. Recent research has called this into question, focusing on the role of confounders of race/ethnicity. However, the role of educator decisions in the disproportionality is still unclear. In this study, I examine the role of student race/ethnicity in teachers' categorization of student needs as “exceptional” and in need of special or gifted education services. I use an original survey experiment in which teachers read case studies of fictional male students in which the race/ethnicity, English Language Learner status, and exceptionality characteristics were experimentally manipulated. The teachers are then asked whether they would refer the student for exceptionality testing. My findings suggest a complex intersection of race/ethnicity and exceptionality, in which white boys are more likely to be suspected of having exceptionalities when they exhibit academic challenges, while boys of color are more likely to be suspected when they exhibit behavioral challenges. This suggests that the racialized construction of exceptionalities reflects differential academic expectations and interpretations of behavior by race/ethnicity, with implications for the subjectivity of exceptionality identification and for the exacerbation of racial/ethnic inequalities in education.  相似文献   

当代大学生在文化和生活方式上深受全球化影响,对中华民族的历史成就认同度较高,对汉服的认可度较低;大学生对待汶川地震、北京奥运等大事件的态度表现出强烈的责任心和使命感;在个人发展和生涯规划上较多考虑自我因素。全球化下大学生民族认同感弱化需引起高度关注。  相似文献   

High school teachers evaluate and offer guidance to students as they approach the transition to college based in part on their perceptions of the student's hard work and potential to succeed in college. Their perceptions may be especially crucial for immigrant and language-minority students navigating the U.S. educational system. Using the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), we consider how the intersection of nativity and language-minority status may (1) inform teachers’ perceptions of students’ effort and college potential, and (2) shape the link between teachers’ perceptions and students’ academic progress towards college (grades and likelihood of advancing to more demanding math courses). We find that teachers perceive immigrant language-minority students as hard workers, and that their grades reflect that perception. However, these same students are less likely than others to advance in math between the sophomore and junior years, a critical point for preparing for college. Language-minority students born in the U.S. are more likely to be negatively perceived. Yet, when their teachers see them as hard workers, they advance in math at the same rates as nonimmigrant native English speaking peers. Our results demonstrate the importance of considering both language-minority and immigrant status as social dimensions of students’ background that moderate the way that high school teachers’ perceptions shape students’ preparation for college.  相似文献   

苏玲 《云梦学刊》2004,25(2):102-103
为提高教学质量,增强教学实效,高校教师必须创造为大学生乐于接受的教育教学方法,晓之以理、动之以情、导之以行,把学生学习的积极性引导好、保护好、发挥好。在“思想道德修养”课中有针对性地对大学生加强思想道德教育的方式方法,有利于提高学生思想道德素质,真正发挥课程育人的作用,达到预期目的。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that indirect measures of occupational status such as the Duncan Socioeconomic Index (SEI) are more valid than direct measures of occupational prestige, such as those developed by the National Opinion Research Center and by Treiman, for analyses of social mobility. The Professional, Technical, and Kindred (PTK) occupations available for the SEI are a biased sample of all PTK occupations. Do findings on the validity of the SEI pertaining to the general population hold for special populations, such as college graduates? Confirmatory factor analysis comparing the validities of four measures of occupational SES—the SEI, a 1960 counterpart of the SEI developed by Siegel and based on all Census occupations, the NORC prestige scale, and the Treiman international prestige scale—showed that the indirect measure developed by Siegel was clearly more valid than the other three measures. Since these findings indicate that the predictors in a regression equation are more valid than the criterion, there is some question as to what the criterion should really be.  相似文献   

浅议大学校园文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述高校建设校园文化,必须提高认识,加强领导;必须注意学生的主体性和老师的主导性和谐统一;必须注意大学校园文化的高层次性;必须结合学校实际,开展切实可行的活动。  相似文献   

邓晓玲 《北方论丛》2001,(4):122-123
词汇是语言基本单位,词汇储备量不足是学生学习外语的最大障碍。故应在教学中千方百计地帮助学生增加词汇有效储备量。识记单词的科学方法有三种。其一,两种识标法-机械识标与理解识记结合使用,相互辅佐;其二,如何与遗忘抗争--根据人识记与遗忘的规律及时的再现所学的再现所学的新单词即在遗忘之前复习再现是识记单词的科学方法;其三,根据科学识记单词的规律,安排词汇讲解,复习再现及提问、测试等教学手段,方能帮助学生增强词汇有效储备量。  相似文献   

教师经常会面对一些没有学习兴趣、缺乏学习动机的学生,以及由于各种原因,虽有动机但又无法实行从而产生挫败感甚至出现放弃某学科、逃课、甚至退学念头的学生。如何排除学生的忧虑并激发他们的学习斗志,是广大教师直接面临的一个普遍问题。探讨如何使学生走出失败无奈阴影的策略是教师义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

Studies assume that socioeconomic status determines individuals’ states of health, but how does health determine socioeconomic status? And how does this association vary depending on contextual differences? To answer this question, our study uses an additive Bayesian Networks model to explain the interrelationships between health and socioeconomic determinants using complex and messy data. This model has been used to find the most probable structure in a network to describe the interdependence of these factors in five European welfare state regimes. The advantage of this study is that it offers a specific picture to describe the complex interrelationship between socioeconomic determinants and health, producing a network that is controlled by socio-demographic factors such as gender and age. The present work provides a general framework to describe and understand the complex association between socioeconomic determinants and health.  相似文献   

湖南学生英语语音音段音位学习中湘方言的负迁移作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法小鹰 《云梦学刊》2011,32(4):128-131
湖南学生受方言的影响根深蒂固,而湘方言语音和英语语音之间存在着很多差异,从而造成了湖南学生英语语音学习中的负迁移现象。如何减少负迁移从而改进并完善英语发音,是湖南的英语教师与学生应该特别重视的一个问题。  相似文献   

在诗经学史上,对于"兴"这一概念,两千多年来的主流阐释是作为一种"诗的表现手法"来看待的。但这种解释并不符合《诗经》中"兴"的文本实际。正确的解读为:"兴"在《诗经》中是一种独特的抒情诗歌体裁。这种体裁的诗歌在现存《诗经》中共有46首之多。在题材类型上,兴体诗分别抒发了喜乐愉悦之情、忧愁感伤之情和思乡怀人之情;在艺术特点上,兴体诗惯于用第一人称直抒忧乐思念之情怀,重点使用借代、借喻、象征以及反复、应和的修辞手法,并在内部章节和语言运用上呈"连珠"型结构特征,从而使它与《诗经》中另外五种体裁的诗歌形成了鲜明的区别和对照。  相似文献   

误读的正面意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
有些中国人和中国学者 ,有一种坚定的信念 ,以为欧洲人和汉学家不可能理解中国 ,他们免不了用东方的思想方式歪曲和误解中国。可是 ,中国学者难道不曾误读欧洲吗 ?中国有理由要求欧洲人按照中国方式来解释中国吗 ?欧洲学者出于政治正确性的考虑 ,屈从于中国建议的解释中国的中国方式 ,果真有助于文化之间的互相理解吗 ?误读全然是消极的吗 ?这仅仅是本文打算回答的部分问题  相似文献   

略谈成人英语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人公共英语统考合格率普遍偏低 ,从一个侧面反映了成人公英教学现状的令人不满意。如何使之有所前进 ,有所突破呢 ?本文拟从成人自身的特点 ,成人英语的教与学及外界教学环境三方面对这一问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

诸多学者从不同角度对"思辨缺席症"进行诊断,并开出了不同的"处方",但因多从宏观着眼导致可操作性较弱而效果不佳。从课堂教学的视角来把脉"思辨缺席症",抓住事物的可变性和病症的可疗性,从微观的角度针对课堂开出"去权威、培质疑、激思辨"的"处方"进行治疗,在大环境难于改变的情况下来微调小环境下的教学思维和教学实践来培养学生的思辨能力,为症状的消除提供了可实践性和可操作性,进而彻底根治"思辨缺席症"。  相似文献   

如何才能培养出适应新世纪发展的新型人才,关键在教师,而教师中的党员又是高校战线的中坚力量.要提高党员教师的质量,首先要让邓小平理论入脑入心,进而让党员教师真正认清自己的社会责任,充分发挥每位党员教师的先锋模范作用.  相似文献   

戴军  娄小平 《学术探索》2013,(7):145-148
教育理论界,对于师生地位的探讨,有“单主体论”“双主体论”“主体主导论”“复合主体论”等观点。孙俊三教授把师生关系类型分为“老师知道,学生不知道”、“老师不知道,学生知道”、“老师知道,学生知道”、“老师不知道,学生不知道”四种类型,突破了对师生关系研究的二元对立的思维模式,这种崭新的视角体现了传统的教学相长、教育平等、自由教育,还体现了教师和学生生命之间的生生互动,让人耳目一新。通过教育学、生命理论、社会学、哲学等多维度对这种类型的师生关系进行审视,分析研究这种分类方法的现代意义。  相似文献   

大学教师从文化视角出发研究和组织教学,形成文化意识和文化自觉,以文化传承的形式进行课堂教学,有助于激发学生学习课程的兴趣,明显提高教学效果。  相似文献   

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