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This paper compares and contrasts the Maria Colwell and Victoria Climbié Inquiry Reports. It argues that rather than concentrating on the similarities, it is more important and challenging to consider the differences as exemplars of the changing contexts of child protection in England over the past 30 years. The differences are analysed in terms of: the inquiries themselves; globalization and identity; expert knowledge; systematic care, responsibility and accountability; managerialization; trust and uncertainty; and the legislative contexts. The overall impression is one of increased complexity, where the responsibilities of agencies have both broadened and intensi?ed at the same time. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
上个世纪80年代以来,蒙台梭利教育机构遍布我国各地。蒙台梭利儿童观是蒙台梭利教育的核心,其致力于充分发挥儿童的主体作用并促进其各项素质的全面发展,幼儿园主题活动关乎幼儿的全面发展。目前,我国的幼儿园主题活动存在脱离儿童经验、重知识而轻情感、主题活动缺乏层次感与整体性等问题。从蒙台梭利的儿童观出发,提出幼儿园要创设尊重儿童个性与经验,开展开放、温馨自由的主题活动。  相似文献   
《蒙台梭利教育法》课程是高师学前教育专业的专业选修课之一,旨在让学生掌握有关蒙台梭利的教育理论和实践教学。但是目前课程实施中存在以下问题:偏重技术层面的实践教学;片面追求蒙氏教学形式上的模仿。因而需要加强学生对蒙台梭利教育思想的学习,提升对其教育理念的理解;鼓励学生对蒙台梭利教育法从学习和借鉴走向超越与发展。  相似文献   
混龄教育作为幼教机构的一种组织形式,它蕴涵着"学会合作、学会学习"等现代教育理念。了解蒙台梭利对混龄教育的理解和实践,可以帮助我们重新看待幼儿异龄互动行为的价值及意义。  相似文献   
奥地利诗人里尔克诗集中有不少直接以死为题的诗,表现了西方人对死亡的热切关注。但不同的是,里尔克并不仅仅沉醉在死或夜的审美意境中,他认为,对死亡的恐惧和悲哀,乃是生命意志对命运的不屈抗争;在死亡的角度上反思生命的意义,死亡在大自然和人类恒新恒异的发展进程中显示了真和善的积极意义;孤独的生命现象又不可能是真正孤独的,它是在一种看似寂寞的生命当中体现出广阔而普遍的精神。面对死亡向人类展开的全部艰涩和困顿,里尔克阐明了他智性的哲学思考。  相似文献   
韦伯的标题钢琴曲《邀舞》,将世俗音乐圆舞曲化为实用性的、具有艺术价值的鉴赏类音乐,是少有的故事情节完整的器乐作品,是标题钢琴乐的杰作,常被作为音乐会的演奏曲目,探讨这部作品的演奏法,对钢琴教学颇具现实意义。  相似文献   
"五四"风起云涌之际,圣玛利亚女学坚持其独特的办学方针,秉持对"中"、"西"学"不偏不倚"的教学理念,活跃于上海教会女学之中。校办刊物《凤藻》的出版发行,正是这一思想理念的集中体现。结合《凤藻》来研究圣玛利亚女学的"生源"和"教学",亦可探究1919年前后从教会女学"走出"的留洋女生们的家庭背景和出国前的知识结构,并可管窥留学女生与文学的微妙关系。  相似文献   
从创作背景、创作特征、音乐本体分析三个方面对韦伯钢琴曲《邀舞》的一度创作进行了系统的论述。通过对《邀舞》进行系统的分析研究,充分发掘并准确把握作品的内涵与风格,将韦伯"一度创作"的音乐思想充分展现给广大受众。  相似文献   
秘鲁货船马里亚老士号因拐运华工在日本横滨被扣并引起一场国际诉讼,日本外务大臣副岛种臣亲自指挥,神奈川县长官大江卓自任审判长,终于将被拐华工全部解救出来,并通知清政府派人赴日将其接回中国;而包括李鸿章在内的清政府大员也相当重视此事,公文往来,讨论处理办法,积极回应,并派遣上海地方官员陈福勋赴日将被拐华工带回中国.陈福勋即成为近代中国第一个赴日办理交涉的外交使节,而该事件使刚刚起步的近代中日关系第一次产生良性互动,意义重大.  相似文献   
Several forces fostered trade liberalization since the end of World War II. Production and trade interacted quite favorably during the period. In the past quarter century real income in the OECD economies grew at almost 4% yearly, while the volume of export increased by almost 7 percent. However, in the first half of the 1980s, the chemistry of the situation seems to have changed as protectionist tendencies developed almost everywhere in the world. The very same multilateral nature of the world trading system is under threat, as illiberal discriminatory practices are being implemented bilaterally and, even more often, unilaterally. What are the forces at play to increase the pressure towards government intervention in trade? The paper reviews (i) macroeconomic issues and policy situations, as well as (ii) structural issues concerning the working of the economic systems of industrial countries. The pressure for trade intervention in the U.S. is addressed separately with respect to Europe, given the structural and cyclical differences between the two economies The case of Japan is dealt with with reference to the alleged interrelation between Japan's international competitiveness and its macroeconomic policies. Matters of more direct concern to the LDCs are covered at the end of the paper, with emphasis placed on the restructuring process under way in response to, and as a consequence of, the external debt. The paper ends with a recommendation to all countries to make efforts to preserve and strengthen the multilateral and liberal foundations of the international trading system.  相似文献   
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