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评析霍桑《红字》中的奇林沃思   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
美国文艺复兴时期伟大的浪漫主义作家纳撤尼尔.霍桑的创作大多以道德题材为主,往往借助寓意深刻的象征手法,细致入微的心理分析,匠心独具的人物命名,特殊的场景设置以及明暗对照等手法来塑造人物形象,揭示人性恶这一古老而又永恒的主题。《红字》是他杰出的代表作,也是他的艺术天才达到空前高度和深度的作品。笔者拟评析奇林沃思这种鬼性与人性合为一体的形象起源并给予奇林沃思客观地、全面地评价。  相似文献   
Linear mixed-effect (LME) models have been extensively accepted to analyse repeated measurements due to their flexibility and ability to handle subject-specific matters. The inclusion of random effects has resulted in much benefit with respect to estimation, but it is complicated to measure their impact on hypothesis testing. While the same complication is present in the construction of simultaneous confidence bands (SCBs), degrees of freedom (df) for SCBs have rarely been discussed unlike those for test statistics. This motivates us to propose the adoption of approximate df to construct SCBs in LME models. Simulation studies were performed to compare the performances of different calculations for the df. The results of simulations demonstrate the efficacy of the use of approximate df. In addition, our proposal allows line-segment SCBs developed under covariance models to function with LME models. Applications with real longitudinal datasets present consistent results with the simulation study.  相似文献   
我国淡水鱼类养殖历史悠久,最早可溯至距今3000多年前的殷商时期.早期池塘养殖主要是鲤鱼,因鲤鱼对生存环境要求不高,可以在封闭水体中自行繁殖,苗种较易获得.汉代出现的《范蠡养鱼经》是我国古代养鲤技术的集大成者,对鱼池建造、鱼苗种的放养、养殖密度等均有记载.至唐代中期,由于政治避讳,传统养鲤业一时衰落.此后,鲢、鳙、青、草“四大家鱼”及鲮鱼等淡水鱼类养殖兴起,由于古代这些鱼类均不能人工繁殖,它们的苗种主要依靠长江及珠江流域渔民捕捞获得,其苗种培育技术至宋代开始见诸记载,元明时期有较大发展,至清代基本成熟.而野生金鱼最早见于唐代文献,主要产自杭州、嘉兴地区,家养金鱼见于南宋文献,饲养技术至明清趋向完善.  相似文献   
An evaluation of a sector-wide investment program differs in important respects from an evaluation of an individual project. First, the program as a whole is likely to have more than a marginal effect on production and trade levels and other variables, and so the returns to any one project depend on which other projects are included in the program. Therefore the evaluation of all projects in the program must be carried out jointly. Second in many cases Policy makers may judge alternative program designs according to a multiplicity of criteria, explicitly or implicity. Hence the project identification stage of work is more useful if it takes into account the multiple criteria. This paper reports an experience in constructing and applying a model for the design and evaluation of a sector-wide agricultural investment program. Emphasis is placed on the ways in which such a model may be used. In the course of the applications discussed here, policy makers' preference weights among alternative goals were elicited, but even without such information a model-based exercise can be helpful in the design of a sector investment program.  相似文献   
Mean Cost Rating (MRC) has been used extensively in criminology to measure the power of prediction instruments. This paper shows that MCR is closely related to Kendall's rank correlation coefficient tau and demonstrates, by means of this relationship, how the significance of MCR can be tested. An example of its calculation is given.  相似文献   
近代以来,儒学的宗教性问题成为儒学研究的焦点,当代新儒家兴起后,这一问题转化为对儒学超越性的讨论。针对牟宗三的内在超越性经由实体化的心体走向独断论,李泽厚与安乐哲提出了不同观点。李泽厚反对任何形式的超越性,主张以情本体来取代超越性;安乐哲则强调应该消解儒学的超越性本质,代之以开放性的过程哲学。但二人皆有从根本上取消儒学超越性品格之嫌。通过吸收三家的观点,在李泽厚礼由俗出和文化积淀说的基础上,本文提出,应该从历史总体的视角来分析儒学超越性问题。在这一视角中,一方面,儒学具有内在超越性的品格,另一方面,这种内在超越性应该来源于开放性的不断发展的社会历史过程。  相似文献   
从《论语》两个英译本比较看翻译的文化转向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文化翻译理论在文化层面对翻译所作的反思可以解释《论语》不同时期英译本的巨大差异,在这一理论的指导下对《论语》理雅各译本和安乐哲译本进行对比研究,通过分析认为理雅各译本是基于文化中心主义基础上的语言翻译代表作品,而安乐哲译本是基于多元化理论的文化翻译典范。安乐哲译本的存在,证明了文化翻译不仅是一种构想,还是一种事实,因此有可能从安乐哲译本中寻求到文化翻译理论在方法论上的突破。  相似文献   
The nominal group technique, a small-group decision-making process which offers open and relatively unrestricted response to problem identification and resolution, was used as a means of identifying the major stressors of elementary school teachers and the concomitant solutions to their problems. Although the specific stressors that have been presented in this paper are not necessarily applicable to other school districts, the nominal group technique itself should be very useful in other school districts as well as in most any work setting.The active involvement of teachers in defining and solving their own problems is a critical aspect of the technique. Teachers, like most employees, will more actively solve problems and accept innovations if they can see some tangible benefit for themselves in doing so.“Intensity of work demands” was the most frequently mentioned job stressor and also received the highest combined ranking for the nine teacher groups. “Student misbehavior and lack of motivation” ranked a close second.  相似文献   
阅读这位20世纪的伟大鉴赏家与批评家的文章时,罗杰·弗莱大量引用的一些概念与事件与国内的一些常识和文献都有所不同或者闻所未闻。如果能够了解弗莱对比一些艺术作品、引用一些故事时的意图可以帮助我们更好地理解他的文章,更好地理解塞尚的艺术创作。按照弗莱形式分析的四大形式要素的顺序,逐一提出对比分析的案例,解释弗莱文章中的一些不为我们熟知的引用和对比。  相似文献   
In many two‐period, two‐treatment (2 × 2) crossover trials, for each subject, a continuous response of interest is measured before and after administration of the assigned treatment within each period. The resulting data are typically used to test a null hypothesis involving the true difference in treatment response means. We show that the power achieved by different statistical approaches is greatly influenced by (i) the ‘structure’ of the variance–covariance matrix of the vector of within‐subject responses and (ii) how the baseline (i.e., pre‐treatment) responses are accounted for in the analysis. For (ii), we compare different approaches including ignoring one or both period baselines, using a common change from baseline analysis (which we advise against), using functions of one or both baselines as period‐specific or period‐invariant covariates, and doing joint modeling of the post‐baseline and baseline responses with corresponding mean constraints for the latter. Based on theoretical arguments and simulation‐based type I error rate and power properties, we recommend an analysis of covariance approach that uses the within‐subject difference in treatment responses as the dependent variable and the corresponding difference in baseline responses as a covariate. Data from three clinical trials are used to illustrate the main points. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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