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This study assesses the association of 12th-grade student factors (e.g., grades, classroom misbehaviors) with substance use (i.e., binge drinking, cigarette smoking, marijuana) across large, medium-sized, and nonmetropolitan areas. Based on a sample of 2,189 students from the 2013 Monitoring the Future data set, logistic regression analyses showed that poor student academic and behavioral factors were associated with higher substance use after controlling for gender, race, and socioeconomic status. Interaction analyses further showed no significant differences in the influence of student factors on substance use across locales. Results suggest that prevention efforts against substance use should target student factors regardless of area of residency.  相似文献   
从一国经济的可持续发展来看,积极财政政策的实施只能是阶段性、暂时性的,随着一国经济形势的发展变化应适时适度做出相应调整,才能更加科学地调控宏观经济布局和结构,使其沿着健康、稳定的发展运行轨道前进。伴随着我国积极财政政策的连续实行,经济增长加速效应突出,国民经济领域产生了许多结构性的问题和矛盾,这迫使我国财政政策的选择有必要由扩张性向中性转移。把握积极财政政策向中性的财政政策逐步过渡的“火候”,就要充分适应经济形势的不断变化,在调控目标、调控方式、调控手段和方法组合上进行适时调整,采用更为适合我国国情的科学的宏观调控财政手段。  相似文献   
郭建宁 《河北学刊》2008,28(3):13-16
当代中国正在发生广泛而深刻的变革,改革开放三十年来新的社会现实,赋予了当代中国马克思主义哲学大众化新的时代内涵和实践要求。马克思主义哲学大众化是马克思主义哲学基本原理由抽象到具体、由深奥到通俗、由被少数人理解和掌握到被广大群众理解及掌握的过程。在新的历史条件下,如何推动和实现马克思主义哲学大众化,已经成为当代马克思主义哲学发展中的重大课题。马克思主义哲学大众化是由马克思主义哲学的本质、特点和功能所决定的,马克思主义哲学是实践的哲学、生活的哲学,这就要求让它贴近实际、贴近群众、贴近生活,以通俗易懂的形式,使中国化的马克思主义哲学真正为大众所理解、接受和掌握。事实上,当代中国马克思主义哲学已经取得了许多新的重要成果,迫切需要将其"大众化"。改革开放三十年来,中国化的马克思主义哲学既坚持了经典马克思主义哲学的基本理论,又在实践经验和理论成果上丰富了马克思主义哲学,中国特色社会主义理论具有坚实的哲学基础,蕴涵着丰富的哲学思想,包容了多方面的新成果,这些凝聚了中国共产党人的集体智慧,体现了中华民族优良文化传统哲学思想,是当代中国马克思主义哲学大众化的重要内容。目前,在继续推进中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业中,当代中国马克思主义哲学大众化已经成为一个令人关注的学术前沿问题,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义,这也是时代赋予当代中国哲学理论工作者的光荣历史使命。为了更好地推进这项工作的发展,我们同《河北学刊》一起组织了这一专题讨论,目的是通过这组文章与同行交流,以便更好地发挥马克思主义哲学认识世界与改造世界的功能和作用。  相似文献   

Although audio-visual materials are commonly used on college and university campuses, frequently those materials are not evaluated to determine what impact they may have on students' attitudes. The present research compared the effect of three audio-visual programs on attitudes of college students toward homosexuality. The three programs included a film that dealt with prejudice towards numerous groups but not towards homosexuals; a video-tape of a homosexual clergyman who discussed sexual variance with particular emphasis on homosexuality; and two films in which couples were explicitly engaging in homosexual behavior. A control group was used. All groups received a lecture about homosexuality.

Using a two-way analysis of covariance, significant differences were found among the groups. Subjects that watched the film on prejudice and the video-tape of a discussion of homosexuality, as well as the control group, were all significantly more tolerant toward homosexuality than subjects who watched the explicit films. The difference among groups was immediate only. Five weeks after exposure to audio-visual programs, there were no significant differences. There was no significant difference between males and females, either immediately after seeing the programs or five weeks later. Thus, attitudes of college students toward homosexuality can be altered and were not gender specific.  相似文献   
袁世凯知人善用,礼贤下士,不拘一格地提拔和笼络了一批政治、经济、军事、外交方面的人才,使之成为自己的部属,辅佐其统治。但实质上他用人是以利益关系为转移的,靠金钱利诱和个人交情等手段来笼络,一旦其部属与其利益不一致或危及到他的利益,就对部属行排挤和猜忌之术,而不管以前他们之间的关系是多么密切和融洽。袁世凯的用人术有开明的一面,同时又有浓厚的狭隘性。由此还可以透视出袁世凯集团的团结是基于一种纯利益关系,袁世凯集团最终分裂亦肇因于此。  相似文献   
井建斌 《云梦学刊》2006,27(3):12-16
以邓正来先生为主要代表人物的"学理超前派"和以杨玉圣先生为主要代表人物的"实践务实派"各具特色而又互为补充的理论探索和实践推进,前后相继地共同推动了影响日渐深远的学术规范化运动.<关于恪守学术规范的十点倡议>的核心观点基本上达成了学术规范建设的普遍共识,它的公开发表表明,以杨玉圣先生为主要代表人物的"新实践务实派"已经跃然成为推进学术规范建设的主流学派.以此为基础,奋力开创任重道远的学术规范建设的新时局,就成为了学术规范建设继往开来的迫切要求.  相似文献   

Panic disorder is characterized by recurrent, sudden, often unprovoked attacks of intense, diffuse autonomic discharge accompanied by severe anxiety as distinguished from ordinary generalized anxiety. Recent research indicates a biochemical abnormality that predisposes some individuals to the disorder, which generally begins in young adulthood and affects women twice as frequently as men. Untreated panic disorder follows a chronic, fluctuating course. Complications include hypochondriasis, anticipatory anxiety, phobic avoidance and agoraphobia, abuse of alcohol and sedative drugs, and depression.

Diagnosis is complicated by patients' complaints of physical rather than emotional symptoms. Workups can be avoided if the physician considers the diagnosis in apparently healthy young adults who present with episodic cardiac, gastrointestinal, neurologic, and/or respiratory symptoms. The physician needs to be able to distinguish the symptoms of panic disorder from those of ordinary anxiety and also to rule out medical conditions that mimic panic disorder.

Neither conventional benzodiazepines nor psychotherapy alone is very effective in stopping panic attacks, but alprazolam, imipramine, and phenelzine are all highly effective. Alprazolam has fewer troublesome side effects, but patience and perseverance are necessary to reach therapeutic levels with all three drugs. Inadequate dosage is the most common cause of treatment failure. Most patients do well once their attacks are controlled and do not require close follow-up. Patient education is an important part of long-term management because relapses are common.  相似文献   
在常用钢珠压套离合器操纵机构的设计中,由于目前设计资料不全,理想的设计比较困难,该文做了深入分析,给出了实用的数据和新的设计思路,提高了设计的速度和保证了设计质量。  相似文献   
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine how sociodemographic variables, in particular socioeconomic status, correlate with current and regular smoking among college students in Rhode Island. Participants and Methods: Over a 4-year period (academic year 2000-2001 to 2003-2004), the authors examined sociodemographic correlates of cigarette use among 3,984 students aged 17 to 24 years from 10 colleges and universities in Rhode Island. Results: One-third of participants (32.0%) had smoked a cigarette in the 30 days preceding the questionnaire. Findings from a pair of logistic regression models indicated that participants from upper-income families were more likely to be current smokers—although not regular smokers—suggesting that the effect of socioeconomic status on smoking is partly dependent on the level of addiction. In addition, freshmen were more likely to be current and regular smokers than were upperclassmen, and white students were most likely to be regular smokers. Conclusions: The frequency of college students who reported that they first tried smoking and first smoked regularly while in college increased from freshman to senior year, indicating that the college years are a vulnerable period for smoking initiation and habituation.  相似文献   
田林 《阴山学刊》2001,16(5):50-53
太极拳上肢多呈圆形、弧形、螺旋形动作,这种动作不仅独特并且有着深刻的科学和文化内涵.圆弧形动作符合人体运动解剖的生理结构,符合击技中的动力学原理,适合周身的气血运行,对中枢神经、植物神经具有良好的生理保健作用.  相似文献   
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