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春秋战国时代涌现出以孔子、老子、孟子、墨子为代表的先秦诸子,这些先哲们提出了许多对当今社会仍具有重要启示作用的深刻思想,其中蕴含着丰富的思想政治教育资源。为此,从六个方面分析了诸子百家思想是大学生思想政治教育的重要思想资源,提出了正确吸收和运用诸子百家思想,加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的途径。对大学生人生观、价值观培养和道德品德教育以及心理健康教育具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Three-hundred-eleven female drug-using sex workers in urban Puerto Rico were asked to describe their last negotiation with a client. They described efforts to protect themselves from many hazards of sex work, including violence, illness, and drug withdrawal. They also described efforts to minimize the stigma and marginalization of sex work by cultivating relationships with clients, distinguishing between types of clients, and prioritizing their role as mothers. Sex workers adopted alternating gender roles to leverage autonomy and respect from clients. Their narratives suggest that sex workers negotiate a world in which HIV is relative to other risks, and in which sexual practices which are incomprehensible from an HIV-prevention perspective are actually rooted in a local cultural logic. Future HIV prevention efforts should frame condom use and other self-protective acts in terms that build upon sex workers own strategies for understanding their options and modifying their risks.  相似文献   
针对每个注气候选油藏都包含有各类影响因素,很多影响因素既相互依赖,又相互矛盾,给决策、评价带来很大困难等特点,介绍了筛选注气候选油藏的指标评价体系及指标评价范围,并建立了筛选注气候选油藏的模糊优选模型与计算步骤。该方法在采用模糊层次分析法求得了同一油藏各评价参数权重的基础上,建立了用于筛选成组候选油藏的模糊优选模型,实例表明该方法可正确评价和比较各候选油藏注气潜力的大小。  相似文献   
关于人性是善、是恶还是介于二者之间的争论古今有之。其中,康德曾就“人性善恶”问题作出了深刻探究。他将人性细化为三种向善的原初禀赋和三种不同层次的趋恶倾向,并认为“善的禀赋”与“恶的倾向”共居于人性之中,故“即使是在最好的人这里,都提出了恶的倾向”。他对于“人是什么”这一问题从宗教的角度加以阐述,旨在让宗教理性化、纯粹化和道德化。康德强调“道德的宗教”,以“命令”的方式要求人们与恶性斗争,并努力成为一个更加完善的人,并将道德基础之上的“德性”与“幸福”结合起来,从而达到一种“至善”。于是,“德性”也被康德看作“一切我们对幸福的追求”的终极条件,是终极的善。因此,康德关于人性在善恶上的倾向不是凭借神启或信仰来解决的,而是依靠自身的努力,让“人性”服从“德行”,通过对法则的敬重和遵从,使之成为至上动机从而指导人们找到“向善”的归路。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of residual variability and carryover on average bioequivalence (ABE) studies performed under a 22 crossover design. ABE is usually assessed by means of the confidence interval inclusion principle. Here, the interval under consideration was the standard 'shortest' interval, which is the mainstream approach in practice. The evaluation was performed by means of a simulation study under different combinations of carryover and residual variability besides of formulation effect and sample size. The evaluation was made in terms of percentage of ABE declaration, coverage and interval precision. As is well known, high levels of variability distort the ABE procedures, particularly its type II error control (i.e. high variabilities make difficult to declare bioequivalence when it holds). The effect of carryover is modulated by variability and is especially disturbing for the type I error control. In the presence of carryover, the risk of erroneously declaring bioequivalence may become high, especially for low variabilities and large sample sizes. We end up with some hints concerning the controversy about pretesting for carryover before performing ABE analysis.  相似文献   
Operators of machinery classified as Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) are exposed to high levels of workload and fatigue. However, only few studies have been conducted on this topic in Hispanic-American countries workers. Several instruments be used to assess workload and fatigue; however, only few of them have been adapted to Spanish language. This paper reports on the development and validity testing of a survey instrument in Spanish, aiming to subjectively assess workload and fatigue among AMT operators in Mexico. Method: After an exhaustive literature review in search of already available measurement instruments, they were adapted for content and later translated into Spanish; a pilot test was conducted to evaluate validity and reliability; afterwards appropriate modifications were made to the testing instruments. Final version of the instrument was applied to a group of 121 operators of CNC lathes. Reliability was analyzed using KMO and Cronbach alpha indices. Results: For the assessment of workload, both NASA-TLX and ISTAS 21 methods were incorporated to the survey instrument. As for fatigue assessment tools, these were SOFI-S, FAS and OFER questionnaires. Results show KMO value and Cronbach alpha above 0.6.Conclusions. The survey instrument as designed, allows the collection of reliable and valid data regarding workload and fatigue among AMT operators in Mexico.  相似文献   
Through Brazilian publication revision on the relations amongst Ergonomics and Design, we observed the tendency towards an approach focusing on product design. However, it is our duty to question which would be the influences of ergonomics in the graphic design. As a methodology, we considered the identification that the practices derived from ergonomics as epistemic system found in the main bibliography related to graphic design.  相似文献   
头驼a 《市民》2006,(6):70-70
我的房子在一个绿树环绕的小山坡上,这栋居民楼与包围着它的树、和居住与其中的多数人一样,都颇有些年纪了。但是也像它的老住户们那样。老得不失体面。楼道总是打扫得很干净,绿色的瓷砖透着凉爽的锃亮。我的房子不大,但是足够了,有客厅有卧室有书房,都是我喜欢的模样。因为是顶楼,夏天会有些热,但视野也因此而宽阔。客厅有朝南的窗子;冬天阳光好的时候,我就躺在窗角的绿沙发上,以一个自闭症患者的方式享受季节的美好。  相似文献   
指进现象广泛存在于油气开采的各种驱替过程中,其关键是水动力学的不稳定性,直接研究的难度大,常采用间接模拟的方法进行研究。回顾了油气开采及相关领域指进现象物理模拟和数学模拟的研究现状;重点介绍了元胞自动机及光滑质点流体动力学方法在指进数值模拟中的应用情况,并针对指进模拟研究中存在的不足,从物理模型性能改进、数学模型的无网格求解、复杂指进现象的元胞自动机模拟三个方面论述了指进现象模拟研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   
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