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In the context of Syria’s displacement, supranational ‘migration governors’ in the Arab region have sought – in different forms and capacities – to devise initiatives for responsibility sharing and to reinforce the capacity of Syria’s Arab neighbours to deal with refugee inflows. While the case of Syria’s displacement has witnessed the proliferation of collaborative networks, institutional complexity has yielded low effectiveness for the governance of such large-scale displacement in Syria’s neighbourhood. Supranational bodies have formulated dissonant frameworks and agendas. In the context of securitised responses to displacement, the discourse has not reflected the realities of refugee assistance and protection. Multi-level policy frameworks need to be embedded in the region’s geopolitical field of migration governance and refugee protection. While colliding policy arenas are to be grounded within the region’s historical trajectory of migration politics, an understanding of their effects requires gaining an insight into how they have interacted with the various refugee-hosting Arab states, influenced their refugee discourse, and impacted the issue of refugee assistance and protection on the ground.  相似文献   
试论伊斯兰教在西夏的流传   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西夏时期,境内活动有不少阿拉伯人,西夏和阿拉伯世界有正常的政治、经贸交往。阿拉伯人将伊斯兰教传入西夏,马可波罗所见西夏末期伊斯兰教的流传情况,正是最好的说明,只不过伊斯兰教在西夏的影响远远不及佛、道二教。  相似文献   
自2011年初阿拉伯剧变发生以来,关于此次剧变原因和影响的讨论莫衷一是,但不可否认的是,占人口多数、受过较高教育的青年一代在其中发挥了重要影响。该文聚焦于阿拉伯青年这一群体,分析其在此次剧变中的影响和作用。对高物价和高失业率等民生问题以及政治制度和现代化进程的不满、对新媒体的娴熟运用使阿拉伯青年成为了抗议民众中的主力。与此同时,这一群体也成为了剧变发生后影响阿拉伯国家政治、社会、经济改革和发展以及未来政局走向的重要因素、此次阿拉伯剧变中青年的角色行为对我国有一定的启示,可以从中吸取教训,未雨绸缪.  相似文献   
由于地理位置独特和多民族汇聚,珍贵而独有的古老宗教文化遗迹在中东地区比比皆是。中东宗教文化遗产有其特殊的表现方式、外在审美价值、精神内涵和历史意义。但该地区的宗教文化遗产具有易受攻击性、掠夺性和价值不可取代性等特点。战争、人为因素、自然环境等多方面原因使这些遗产遭到了严重的破坏,并正面临着新的威胁。对中东地区宗教文化遗产的保护应从强化保护意识、建立专门教育机制、加强国际合作与对话、利用高科技手段等诸多方面入手。  相似文献   
中东局势依然紧张:伊拉克局势并未得到根本好转;巴以重启和谈,但和平基础非常脆弱;美国与伊朗对抗加剧;黎巴嫩局势不稳;库尔德工人党袭击土耳其;阿拉伯国家极力自保。因此,布什政府虽被迫调整了其中东政策,但拒不承认失败,欧俄等世界大国和大国集团也积极介入中东事务。  相似文献   
阿拉伯进入中亚与中亚伊斯兰化开始   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以世界学术界公认的确切史实和研究成果为依据,用平实的观点,简要地阐述了伊斯兰教产生的历史背景、伊斯兰教的教义教规及其对阿拉伯兴起的重要作用,如实地记述了阿拉伯对中亚的扩展与中亚各部族的反抗斗争以及伊斯兰教的传播和伊斯兰化的开始;着力描述了阿拔思王朝的辉煌文化业绩及其对世界文明发展所做出的重大贡献。本文用史实向人们证明一条不依人们的意志为转移的规律:一种文化,一种宗教,一个民族,一个国家,当其对外开放,积极吸取世界先进文化成果,顺应潮流,与时俱进,就会繁荣昌盛,创造辉煌;相反,则会从历史舞台上消逝,不管它过去曾是多么辉煌过。  相似文献   
7世纪后,阿拉伯人逐渐从一盘散沙和蒙昧中走了出来,在伊斯兰教的旗帜下团结了起来,阿拉伯意识渐渐在阿拉伯人中形成:后经数百年与入侵者特别是与西方殖民主义统治的斗争,阿拉伯民族最终觉醒,形成今日的阿拉伯世界。  相似文献   
阿拉伯人的多样性是其内部利益差别的重要原因之一。其多样性主要表现在三方面:(1)方言林立。阿拉伯语是阿拉伯人的通用语言,但在不同阿拉伯国家,甚至在同一国之内有多种方言。(2)种族成份迥异。虽同属一个民族,但各国阿拉伯人在形成过程中融合的其他民族成份不一。(3)宗教信仰复杂。大多数阿拉伯人信仰伊斯兰教,少数信奉基督教,阿拉伯人教派繁杂。阿拉伯人多样性的形成,与阿拉伯民族在发育过程中的不健全、异族的频繁入侵以及各异的自然地理条件有关。  相似文献   
This article surveys recent developments in academic approaches to the history of the working classes in the modern Middle East and argues that the decline of scholarly interest in Middle Eastern labour history is a product of the confluence of political, cultural and disciplinary transformations. Labour history thrived among historians of the Middle East in the late 1970s and 1980s but produced only a small handful of important texts in the following two decades. The marginalization of organized labour by post-populist authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, the sudden rise of political Islam as the dominant paradigm of political opposition to the state, and the general abandonment of class analysis by historians in the wake of the ‘cultural turn’ have all contributed to this decline of academic interest in the lives of Middle Eastern workers. These problems have been exacerbated by the political instability of the region and the corresponding difficulty of accessing state archives. The political spark provided by labour activism and agitation in the years preceding and following the ‘Arab Spring’, however, is once again bringing questions of labour and class to the attention of historians.  相似文献   
After the discovery of oil in 1970s, the United Arab Emirates experienced explosive growth and was able to establish a strong economy in 30 years. Since then, the country has attracted foreign direct investment, and it has maintained its growth strategy by relying on foreign skilled labourers from around the world. Consequently, Emirati nationals were predominantly recruited to and preferred the public sector. Today, as government growth stagnates, the United Arab Emirates’ government is encouraging the private sector to recruit more Emirati nationals. This paper analyzes the current Emiratisation process by looking into the barriers to it via a content analysis of business-focused newspapers published in the country. Unlike previous research, this paper prioritizes the challenges in descending order: skill standards, salary and benefits, and business hours. These challenges have impeded the recruitment of Emirati nationals into the private sector.  相似文献   
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