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摘要(Abstract):金融消费者有别于《消费者权益保护法》中规定的普通消费者。通过对\"许霆案\"的剖析,提出我国在保护金融消费行为的立法建议。针对金融消费行为的特殊性,我国应作出专门立法,充分考虑保护金融消费者的知情权和公平交易权,赋予金融消费者充分的权利救济措施,并加大对金融机构的监管力度,加重金融机构的法律责任。  相似文献   
高校教学考试现状分析与改革思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校教学考试是高校教学工作的重要环节,是检测、鉴定、衡量师生教学质量的主要手段。教学考试在教学中具有教育、管理、导向、激励的积极作用,同时在制度、方法、监管、评价、时间安排等方面也存在一些负面问题。分析教学考试利弊,扬长避短,改革创新,营造科学适宜的教学考试机制,对撬动高校教学改革,提高教学质量,培养全面发展的合格大学生具有至关重要的意义。  相似文献   
Auditors' assessment of management's dispositions presumably affects their subsequent judgments. However, little is known about the process by which auditors infer characteristics of management. This paper proposes the theory of correspondent inferences [25] as a framework for examining auditors' assessment of management's dispositions; the model is tested in a laboratory experiment using experienced audit managers. The results are consistent with the proposed theoretical framework. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
Industrial robots are increasingly used by many manufacturing firms. The number of robot manufacturers has also increased with many of these firms now offering a wide range of models. A potential user is thus faced with many options in both performance and cost. This paper proposes a decision model for the robot selection problem. The proposed model uses robust regression to identify, based on manufacturers' specifications, the robots that are the better performers for a given cost. Robust regression is used because it identifies and is resistant to the effects of outlying observations, key components in the proposed model. The robots selected by the model become candidates for testing to verify manufacturers' specifications. The model is tested on a real data set and an example is presented.  相似文献   
A criticism of linear programming has been that the data which are available in practice are too inexact and unreliable for linear programming to properly work. Managers are therefore concerned with how much actual values may differ from the estimates that were used in the model before the results become irrelevant. Sensitivity analysis emerged to help deal with the uncertainties inherent in the linear programming model. However, the ranges calculated are generally valid only when a single coefficient is varied. An extension of sensitivity analysis, the 100 Percent Rule, allows the simultaneous variation of more than one element in a vector, but does not permit the independent variation of the elements. A tolerance approach to sensitivity analysis enables the consideration of simultaneous and independent change of more than one coefficient. However, the ranges developed are unnecessarily restricted and may be reduced in width to zero when primal or dual degeneracy exists. This paper presents an extension of the tolerance approach which reduces the limitations of both the traditional and tolerance approaches to sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   
For convex and concave mathematical programs restrictive constraints (i.e., their deletion would change the optimum) will always be binding at the optimum, and vice versa. Less well-known is the fact that this property does not hold more generally, even for problems with convex feasible sets. This paper demonstrates the latter fact using numerical illustrations of common classes of problems. It then discusses the implications for public policy analysis, econometric estimation, and solution algorithms.  相似文献   
驰名商标的概念已为世界各国所接纳,但各国对驰名商标的认定和保护措施各不相同。1996年的"麦当劳诉朱伯格旅行饭店有限公司案"是南非新《商标法》出台后在驰名商标保护方面的第一案,南非对驰名商标的认定及保护措施在该案中得到了较好的体现和运用。该判例在商标权保护方面的重要地位,对于我国驰名商标保护亦有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Diversification gains in mean-variance efficiency derived from including real estate in financial asset portfolios are examined. Optimal financial and mixed-asset portfolios were generated by selecting from an investment universe including several distinct financial and real estate media. Deficiencies of previous studies were overcome by employing data with improved representativeness and comparability. The efficient mixed-asset portfolios dominated the efficient financial asset portfolios implying that purely financial asset diversification is inefficient. The optimal mixed-asset portfolio prescribed that approximately two-thirds of the investment wealth be allocated to real estate and one-third to the financial media.  相似文献   
In this paper we incorporate a linear demand function to model the price-volume causal relationship into stochastic cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis. We assume that the objective function is to maximize expected profit; other objective functions are also discussed and compared. A linear stochastic model follows from which probabilistic statements can be easily obtained if the random variables are assumed to be multivariate normal. The basic framework is shown to be a special case of project value maximization where project value is the cash flow of the project discounted for time and risk according to the capital asset pricing model. Moreover, an intertemporal extension that considers inventory is developed. In summary, a new approach to stochastic CVP analysis that incorporates the management decision process in an uncertain environment is developed.  相似文献   
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