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19世纪以来,备受西方政治家、军事家所推崇的马汉海权战略思想,是建立在以海外贸易和海上力量相互结合为特征的“地中海模式”基础之上的.这种“剑与火”的海权战略一直影响着欧、美洲近现代历史发展进程.中国明代郑和七下西洋的海权意识或海洋意识,是一种与西方海权思想迥然不同的“郑和模式”.这种模式的“文明海权”是建立在不以侵占他国领土和权益的友好交往,以传播中华文明和追求国际和平秩序为价值目标基础之上的.故郑和七下西洋不仅是中国海权战略思维嬗变的历史回应,也是中国现代海权之嚆矢,而且应成为世界现代海权构建中的一种新思维.  相似文献   

This article argues that the French overseas territories of the Caribbean and Indian Ocean, which are also European ‘outermost regions,’ make up the first borders of ‘Fortress Europe,’ geographically, historically and legislatively. Since the 1980s, a set of laws, described as ‘laws of exception,’ place the majority of the foreign residents in a state of ‘illegality.’ These overseas territories are in the vanguard of a French ‘regime of deportation’ that targets foreign nationals, indigenous populations and former colonial subjects. They are places of experimentation for legal exceptions, which are then implemented in metropolitan France. This paper will analyze how the reinforcement of borders contradicts the popular and scholarly representation of the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean as sites of mobility.  相似文献   
与略萨获奖一同到来的是众多的溢美之词.客观地说,略萨确实算是一个比较关注社会民生、反对专制暴力的正直作家.但是由于他先天的西班牙血缘基因和后天对欧美文化的自觉吸收与认同,使他成为西方思想观念在秘鲁的代言人.尤其是在很多文学读者不甚关心的政治竞选中,略萨集中地表现了他脱离秘鲁社会、极力维护西方跨国资本和秘鲁有产者特权的基本立场,他所进行的这场竞选战争,实质上是代表有产者利益集团对政治寡头之间的战争,与占秘鲁人口绝大多数的印第安人、穷人其实无关.略萨在秘鲁国家发展道路的问题上,自觉地成为了西方新自由主义经济理念的传声筒.同时,也由于他长期定居国外,他对秘鲁本土社会的认识,除了理论上的误区、文化上的疏离、更有感情上的隔膜和对立,反映了后殖民作家与生俱来的局限性.  相似文献   
《金山》是海外华人作家张翎的巅峰之作,对《金山》的研究当下研究者大多集中于小说的家族叙事、华人苦难、碉楼意象的探讨。本文独辟新径,将研究视野投注于《金山》小说中的印第安元素。笔者通过解读小说中的诸多印第安元素,尤其是印第安女子与白种/黄种男子的爱情,认为小说《金山》潜意识中关照和反思了后殖民文化语境下与外种族男性恋爱生子的印第安女性的生存境遇。面对她们何去何从的困惑,张翎悲唱了一曲印第安传统文化失落、印第安女性被迫流放的挽歌。  相似文献   
This article seeks to explore the current role, significance and influence of Burmese Indian minorities in post-1988 Burma as well as the perceptions the Burmese indigenous society and elite have developed on them since the colonial era. British Burma (1826–1948) witnessed a massive immigration of Indian communities that disproportionately dominated Burma's colonial enterprise. A strong resentment thus arose among the Burman Buddhist majority, illustrated by the rise of a popular ‘indophobia’ phenomenon. Paroxysmal expressions of the colonial original trauma were observed through recurrent pre-independence anti-Indian riots as well as a specific and enduring linguistic patronizing classification of the ‘Kalas’ by the Burmese language. Nationalistic administrative laws, enacted by the Burmese post-independence parliamentarian and military governments, furthered the downgrading and discrimination of Burmese Indians who remain however a visible minority today, with a manifest economic weight and a strong socio-cultural presence throughout Burma. In this paper, it will, however, be argued that after years of ‘Burmanization’ processes, Burmese old-age ‘indophobic’ sentiments have turned towards more ‘islamophobic’ tendencies, now explicitly targeting the Muslim communities of Indian origin, but that it remains difficult to evaluate their impact on Burma's current policymaking.  相似文献   
语录体形成刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有关语录体的产生,至今仍然存在着盲点或误区,且多将诸子语录、禅宗语录和宋儒语录混淆。实际上,三种语录的出现原因各不相同:春秋末期私学兴起,受巫史记录传统和“述而不作”观念影响,孔门弟子遂将教学内容形诸文本,是为《论语》;唐代禅宗沿袭印度佛教教学方法,以语言文字为方便法门,故而模仿结集,采用散文、韵文相间的佛经体裁以总结禅师生平言说;宋代理学家受禅宗启发,兴建书院以论道,再仿照诸子语录而记录师徒问答。语录体乃中印文化传统既分头独立发展、又最终撞击融合的结晶,体现出中印不同的语言文字观念。  相似文献   
倾销和反倾销是国际贸易中的热点和焦点问题,各国不断通过这两种手段的博弈最大限度地满足本国利益.印度现已成为国际贸易中使用反倾销措施最多的国家,也是对我国发起反倾销调查最多的国家.在此背景下,研究印度反倾销法律制度,以使我国外贸出口企业和政府职能部门及相关研究机构能够积极有效预防和应对印度当局的反倾销调查和制裁措施应该是摆在我们面前的一项紧迫的不仅涉及法律问题而且也关系经济发展大局的课题.  相似文献   
“宗教民族主义’是宗教与民族主义连接、融合的产物,是潜在的宗教认同和民族/国家认同的资源在特定情境中动员起来的产物。印度人民党是印度教民族主义性质的政党,以“印度教特性”为思想基础,具有强烈的教派主义色彩。自上世纪80年代以来,印度人民党通过教派主义形态下的政治复兴,逐步实现了在印度政治中的主流化。印度人民党在印度政治中的复兴及其执政后推行的民族主义政策,对印度的国内政治、周边关系及国际战略都产生了重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   
Objectives: We investigated how HIV discourse is negotiated and given meaning in the lives of young, male two-spirit leaders, when considering their communities’ and their own health and wellness. These men are also unique in that they have always lived under the specter and dominant discourse of HIV; that is, they are part of a second generation since the time of HIV/AIDS. Methods: We conducted a discourse analysis of six qualitative interviews from the HONOR Project, a multi-site, mixed-methods study of the two-spirit community across the United States, foregrounding the relationships among trauma, coping, and health. Results: HIV functions discursively in four ways: as a shadow presence, professionalized identity, health sub-/priority, and vehicle for belonging and (re)claiming. Conclusions: This study is important to social work as well as HIV prevention and care as it affords voice to two-spirit men, a highly marginalized community and one often silenced in scientific discourse. And, it centralizes language and context, complicating social epidemiological characterizations of HIV/AIDS, risk, and historically traumatized populations.  相似文献   
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