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池田大作教育观述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析日本著名文化学者和社会活动家池田大作 (192 8— )的教育主张和教育观念 ,全文包括对其教师观念、教育目的和家庭论述的分析。他的这些论述分散地贯穿于他的宗教、哲学和文化著作之中。然而 ,通过分析能够窥见 ,这些分散于多种著作中的教育主张和教育观念之间具有内在的逻辑联系。在他看来 ,教育的任何一个环节都应该始终追求人类自身的进步和幸福。  相似文献   
In August 2011, Billy Roper, white nationalist leader and political candidate from Arkansas, dismantled White Revolution, the Internet web site that he founded in 2002. At the time of its closing, the site posted a membership of over 1000. In 2010, Roper ran for governor of Arkansas and began mobilizing a political party called the Nationalist Party of America. He had intentions of running for President as the party's nominee in 2012. Much of the promotion and fund-raising for his campaign was going to be conducted through the White Revolution online site. Roper subsequently dropped out of the race and discontinued organizing the nationalist political party. In an interesting turn, he has aligned with Pastor Thom Robb's Knights Party (a Christian Identity Klan group) located in Zinc, Arkansas, a rural Ozarks community. Roper's decision to renounce his former status as an agnostic neo-Nazi for Knight status in Robb's Klan group is an indication of subtle shifts occurring in the broader American white supremacist movement that include the convergence of ideologies that were once very different but now appear to be morphing into a new hybrid form.  相似文献   
苏轼评柳宗元诗,好用“澹泊”“枯澹”等语,意指其诗歌创作形貌朴实而情韵丰满。所谓“枯澹”之美实与儒家所倡“中和之美”、道家所倡“法天贵真”本质相同。柳诗中具有“枯澹”之美的作品,集中创作于元和五年至元和十年之间。在此期间,柳宗元深受儒、道两家“知者乐水”“上善若水”等观点的影响,力求改变“躁进”心态,愤懑之意减淡,内心日趋平和,诗歌创作讲求自然,故这一时期的作品呈现“枯澹”之貌。此外,移居愚溪也是造成柳宗元诗歌风格变化的原因之一,而苏轼的个人处境和遭遇,也使他格外看重柳诗的平淡自然之作。  相似文献   
王力先生主编的《古代汉语》教材是全国高校通用的经典教材,也是许多高等院校招收研究生的指定参考书,但书中还有若干注释值得商榷,针对《孟子·许行》中的“敷”“或”、《韩非子·五蠹》中的“苦”提出了不同的见解,以求对古汉语教学有所帮助。  相似文献   
南宋李心传编撰的<建炎以来系年要录>一书是研究南宋历史的必备典籍,该书直接或间接引用的书籍、篇章多迭550种左右,对于古籍整理工作也具有极为重要的文献学价值.但是今天较为通行的两种<要录>版本即中华书局本和四库全书本尚存在不少问题,尤其是中华书局本,不仅有大量缺文、缺字(词),而且有不少地方人名、叙事文字讹误,加之断句不当,板易误导读者.为给读者提供一个可靠完善的新版本,以提高<要录>一书的利用价值,亟待比对不同版本对其进行校勘整理.  相似文献   
十九世纪末,随着《论语》英译本问世,辜鸿铭成为中国翻译史上对外译介儒家经典的第一人。辜译带有强烈的现实关怀和反文化殖民的色彩,他的"归化"并非完全意义上的归化,而带有很强的杂合性。在后殖民语境下,通过考察译本生成的社会文化环境、译者的目的与决策以及译作对译语文化的作用,证实杂合策略在反对文化殖民,确立弱势文化身份的过程中能起到有效作用。  相似文献   
《续修四库全书总目提要》是继《四库全书总目》之后又一部重要的大型古籍提要目录,为治相关学问者不可或缺的重要工具书。但该书于兵乱之时成于众手,难免出现疏漏之处。  相似文献   
Over the last couple of years, White nationalist groups have been at the forefront of American political life, especially with the events in Charlottesville, Virginia. The historical roots of White nationalist movements run deep in the United States and are most closely associated with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). In this article the authors explore the history of the KKK outside of the South and how this oft-neglected history gets at elements of intergenerational and intragenerational occlusion. Next, we discuss the type of angry political rhetoric used by the KKK. Finally, a series of activities are provided. These activities enable students to see the presence of the KKK outside of the South, break down elements of intragenerational and intergenerational occlusion as it relates to the Klan, and confront angry political rhetoric in the racist messages of the KKK. These activities give students experience to analyze the messages of White nationalist movements to prepare them as future citizens to counter such rhetoric on the local, state, and national level.  相似文献   
文章叙述了无锡籍学者撰人名录及其入选《四库全书》与《存目》的题录;诠释了无锡籍学者精英获取进士学衔名录,以及他们担任国家要职,例如宰相、兵部尚书、刑部尚书、礼部尚书者的名录;论述了无锡籍学者入选《四库全书》著作的特色。  相似文献   
论沈括的"天人相分"思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在北宋,"天人相分"以它独有的方式推动着科学技术的发展和进步。沈括顺应历史的发展潮流,及时地将"天人相分"思想贯彻到他的科技实践活动中,大胆实验,勇于创新,遂成为"中国科技史上最卓越的人物"。因此,认真挖掘沈括"天人相分"思想的深刻内涵,对于进一步研究和总结北宋科技发展的内因与动力,不无实际的价值和意义。  相似文献   
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