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本文通过科学发展观所包含的丰富价值理念等问题研究状况的简要介绍,展示了近五年来学界对该问题研究的发展趋势、重要成果,旨在促进该问题的继续深入研究。  相似文献   
在当下的文坛湘军中,魏剑美是一位很有实力的作家。他的长篇官场小说《步步为局》、《步步为局2:副市长》自出版后,迅速在全国热销。尤其是他的杂文具有鲁迅风骨,不仅文笔犀利,视角独到,而且思想深邃,逻辑缜密,给人以极大的阅读兴趣与审美愉悦。  相似文献   
"左翼文学"与"延安文学"都是有着内在质的规定性的文学史概念,不容混淆。两个概念之间存在着一些联系,更有着本质性的区别。文章从澄清概念出发,分析了两者之间的联系,着重辨析了两者之间的区别,以澄清近年来一些研究存在的误区。  相似文献   
Repeatedly, adequacy, performance and quality of Ethics Committees that oversee medical research trials are being discussed. Although they play a crucial role in reviewing medical research and protecting human subjects, it is far from clear to what degree they fulfill the task they have been assigned to. This eventuates in the call for an evaluation of their activity and, in some places, led to the establishment of accreditation schemes. At the same time, IRBs have become subject of detailed legislation in the process of the ongoing global juridification of medical research. Unsurprisingly, there is a tendency to understand the evaluation of RECs as a question of controlling their legal compliance. This paper discusses the need for a quality evaluation of IRBs from an ethical point of view and, by systematically reviewing the major ethical guidelines for IRBs, proposes a system of criteria that should orientate any evaluation of IRBs.  相似文献   
马克思主义中国化的研究经过了多年的发展取得了一系列喜人的理论建树,特别是研究的重点不断拓宽,在基本内容、内在关系等方面颇为深入,呈现出了全方位、多层次、宽领域的特点.同时研究焦点的视角不断衍伸, 但仍在诸多方面存在着盲点,而这正是必须深入耕犁的领域,我们也试图从思想下乡、范式建构、信仰研究等方面突破盲点,以期为马克思主义中国化的新发展尽绵薄之力.  相似文献   
Publication of scientific research in print is traditionally peer reviewed anonymously prior to publication, which is a time-tested process but has serious limitations. The advent of the Internet permits postpublication open review online after minimal review by the editors or the author-selected reviewers, which can be quick, that permits the authors to revise the content. Most meritorious articles published online may be selected for publication in print as annual or biennial collections.  相似文献   
从国际法角度对专利无效司法审查问题进行探讨,并通过案例分析、法理分析、国际法与国内法的关系角度分析,研究发现:专利无效司法审查是法院的职权范围,应遵循合法审查的原则,应当从实体和程序两个方面进行审查;在实体方面的审查结果,可以根据案情直接作出专利无效或有效的判决;在程序方面,可根据不同情况作出撤销原审查决定、撤销原审查决定并责令专利复审委重新作出审查决定或维持审查决定的判决或裁定。  相似文献   
进入经济高速增长期和社会快速转型期的中国,导致了被征地者这一焦点群体的迅速激增。作为征地制度改革和基层社会治理的重要承载体,该群体在征地过程中的退出意愿、受偿诉求与行为策略等问题已得到不少本土情景下的实证研究的重视,形成了一系列有影响的研究成果。围绕“退出意愿”,研究者提出了个体特征论、家庭结构论、空间区位论、发展期望论、身份锚定论、政策认知论六种理论假说。围绕“受偿诉求”,除了通常作为谈判之焦点的补偿数额,学者们也揭示出被征地者对于分配方案、程序正义、生存保障的诉求。围绕“行为策略”,研究者主要通过博弈模型、案例分析两种方法进行研究。尽管部分研究已经呈现了上述三个维度之间交融沟通的趋势,但三者各自为阵的孤立局面依旧存在。如何促成被征地者的类型知识、需求学说和行动理论之间的逻辑联结,揭示其中的内在机制,建立出一套整合性框架,应当成为下一步的精进方向。  相似文献   
This work constitutes a systematic review of the empirical literature about emotional facial expressions displayed in the context of family interaction. Searches of electronic databases from January 1990 until December 2016 generated close to 4400 articles, of which only 26 met the inclusion criteria. Evidence indicate that affective expressions were mostly examined through laboratory and naturalistic observations, within a wide range of interactive contexts in which mother–child dyads significantly outnumbered father–child dyads. Moreover, dyadic partners were found to match each others’ displays and positive and neutral facial expressions proving more frequent than negative facial expressions. Finally, researchers observed some developmental and gender differences regarding the frequency, intensity, and category of emotional displays and identified certain links among facial expression behavior, family relations, personal adjustment, and peer-related social competence.  相似文献   
我国流行文化研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪以来学界对流行文化问题的研究十分活跃。文章尝试梳理这些研究成果,在对流行文化研究内容、研究方法、研究课题、研究热点进行分析后认为,流行文化研究紧跟时代发展步伐,学者努力解决社会发展提出的新问题,取得了不俗的成绩。同时,流行文化研究也存在一些不足,诸如对策研究简单、缺乏对流行文化现象背后的文化特质、传播机理的研究等。帮助青年在享受文化多元选择的同时,选择和接受健康、积极、乐观向上的科学文化和社会主流文化,学界仍要孜孜不倦地努力。  相似文献   
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