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The way the scroll text of Kerouac’s On the Road creatively manifests the writer’s unconscious concerns about his dichotomous hybrid French– Canadian–American heritage is analysed. The characters of Gabrielle Kerouac, Henri Cru and Neal Cassady are shown to operate metaphorically to symbolize Kerouac’s tumultuous relationship with the various elements of his genealogy. How the writer’s depiction of, and the protagonist’s allegiances with, these characters, who, respectively, represent French– Canadian maternity, European respectability and American unreliability, betray Kerouac’s covert attempts to reconcile his autobiographical feelings about the dualities implicit in his identity and mirror his efforts to navigate disparate cultural ideologies is examined.  相似文献   
“玉石之路”的布局及其网络   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨伯达 《南都学坛》2004,24(3):113-117
1989年提出的"玉石之路"并非全国性的,而是实指从和田向东专运和田玉的"玉石之路",亦称"昆山玉路"。但在"和田玉路"形成之前,早在距今6000年时已出现了东北、东南等玉文化区的"玉石之路"及其相互间为了交流玉石而形成的玉石之路网络。"和田玉路"成为夏、商、周三代夷玉、越玉、鬼玉等玉石与中原及各地之间的交流途径。西汉武帝打通了通往西域的"丝绸之路",于是"玉石之路"便被人们遗忘了。宋代"玉石之路"又重新浮现上来,至20世纪后半叶方退出历史舞台。  相似文献   
Previous studies of the apparent influence of daylight level and hour changes on the incidence of road casualties are reviewed and refined, by analysis of official databases for Great Britain (1969–1973 and 1985–1994) and the USA (1991–1995). New statistical methods, based on precisely computed altitudes of the sun for each accident location, are used to model casualty frequencies aggregated by week and hour of day, and locally evaluated associations between individual casualty incidence and solar altitude. Estimates of the altitude factor are interpreted causally to give counterfactual estimates of the effect of different clock time schedules on countrywide casualty numbers.  相似文献   
国外“一村一品”发展的主要做法及经验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前是我国加快发展现代农业、推进社会主义新农村建设的关键时期。通过充分发挥地方的自然资源、传统文化、生态和区位等优势,积极培育具有鲜明特色和市场竞争力的主导产品和主导产业,使"一村一品"面向更广阔的市场,可以有效促进我国农业和农村经济的发展。主要以日本、泰国、蒙古、菲律宾、巴拉圭为例,介绍了国外"一村一品"发展的主要做法,以期获得有益于我国农业发展的宝贵经验,促进农民增收和区域经济的发展。  相似文献   
殷宪 《晋阳学刊》2008,(3):25-34
以大同城东南(平城东南八里)新出土的北魏盖天保墓志志文为据,对墓主人盖天保的籍里、官职、北魏平城的地理位置进行了考证。特别是从志文提供的新资料,“向定州大道东一百六十步,”对平城东南通向中山(今定州)的官道作了详细推考,首次提出自平城直达定州进而南向中原的战略要道总称定州大道,而史书所载直道、莎泉道、灵丘道则是它的异名或分段修筑时使用的名称。从“墓中无棺木,西葙(厢)壁下作砖琳”的记述,对照同时期墓葬,特别是大同地区出土的诸多北魏官僚墓葬的形制,指出在北魏平城中后期,随着墓室的逐步扩大并向房室化、厅堂化发展,葬制也随之更多地再现着夙兴夜寐的现实生活。空旷的墓室替代了局促的棺椁,床榻、灰枕也给行将就木者以精神的慰藉。这种颇具生活意味的葬制可能与这一时期河西走廊以远的葬俗有关。  相似文献   
Summary.  Risk is at the centre of many policy decisions in companies, governments and other institutions. The risk of road fatalities concerns local governments in planning countermeasures, the risk and severity of counterparty default concerns bank risk managers daily and the risk of infection has actuarial and epidemiological consequences. However, risk cannot be observed directly and it usually varies over time. We introduce a general multivariate time series model for the analysis of risk based on latent processes for the exposure to an event, the risk of that event occurring and the severity of the event. Linear state space methods can be used for the statistical treatment of the model. The new framework is illustrated for time series of insurance claims, credit card purchases and road safety. It is shown that the general methodology can be effectively used in the assessment of risk.  相似文献   
香港的交通拥挤非常严重,而且好像并不能通过增加道路容量来解决,考虑到大多数拥挤地区空间的限制和增加道路容量所导致的潜在需求,交通规划人员和经济专家们为解决交通拥挤问题,已经把他们的注意力从交通供方面转移交通需求上。道路定价方法可构成交通需求管理战略的一部分,为交通拥挤问题提供了一个有效、公平、灵活的解决方案。香港特共政府已指定了一个咨询机构,来调查电子道路定价系统的需求,以及执行后的社会反应,为了  相似文献   
我国北方五省1920年发生特大旱灾。灾情发生后,国内外救济机构和团体对救灾表现出了极大的热情,投入了大量的财力和物力实施救济。在有关方面的建议下,北京政府交通部利用所辖的路、电、邮、航四政附收赈款筹集资金,采用以工代赈方式修筑烟台至潍县公路。可工程开工后不久,由于交通部把持赈款,引发社会不满,遭到舆论抨击,不得不将所收的一半赈款用来办理急赈,这对工赈产生了直接的影响。烟潍路工赈在取得成绩时,也存在工程离灾区过远、赈济人数太少、拖欠工资和地价、管理不够完善等诸多问题。  相似文献   
In an attempt to assess the national impact of anti-war protest, 15 major anti-Vietnam demonstrations occurring in the United States from 1965 through 1971 were analyzed for their effects upon Gallup public opinion survey data, American troop strength, and American munitions expenditures. While weak and short-term counterproductive effects appeared for two opinion indicators, an equally likely conclusion is that the demonstrations had little or no lasting impact whatsoever. The possible reasons for this finding, and its social implications, are discussed.  相似文献   
邓小平“一国两制”构想作为实现祖国统一的既定方针 ,已成功解决香港、澳门问题 ,也必将促成台湾问题的最终解决。“一国两制”关于台湾问题的基本内容提出后 ,“蒋、李时期”台湾当局对之作出了不同反应 ,李登辉最近提出的“两国论”实质是“台独论” ,使两岸关系呈现出一些新的特点 ,也带来了一些新的思考  相似文献   
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