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利津游戏环境创设具有善用自然资源、创设生态游戏环境,巧用废旧材料、创设创意游戏环境,妙用现代资源、创设挑战游戏环境等鲜明特点,具体表现在设计游戏主题、体现幼儿特有学习方式,科学组织游戏、合理安排幼儿一日活动,创建游戏生态,回归幼儿园教育本义,研发自制玩具,有效支持幼儿健康发展等方面,对于有效预防和纠正我国幼儿园教育“小学化”现象,引领广大幼儿园教育工作者研究游戏、支持幼儿发展,让幼儿获得有质量的学前教育具有现实意义。在学习借鉴利津游戏的同时,还需进一步思考并明晰集体游戏与自主游戏、游戏与课程之间的关系问题,进而因地制宜地创设支持幼儿发展的游戏环境并努力提高游戏质量,使幼儿园真正成为幼儿健康成长乐园。  相似文献   
义和团所请神灵多来自传统戏文小说,此种选神方法的便捷之处在于戏曲是舞台艺术,具有可感性,戏中英雄为团众提供了直观模拟的对象。义和团崇拜的戏曲人物有四种系列,分为正统神灵和反叛神灵两大类。关羽、岳飞、杨家将等皆属正神系列,而武松、孙悟空、猪八戒等则分别为世俗和神怪反叛式神灵。这些神灵不仅本领非凡,而且富有动感,能直接触及团民的日常生活志趣。团众选神是严酷形势和紧急情况下的行为,因此,其所选择的神灵有人数众多、来路驳杂的特征,但是,此类神灵的反智特性、好战禀赋以及冤屈遭遇,局部意义上反叛了清朝官方和士绅集团拥戴的正神系列,但依然有与正统神灵系列重叠之处。团众选神是时代风云际会促生的产物,反映了晚清至高权力松动状态下意识形态的摇摆状态。  相似文献   
Book Review     
This paper reflects critically on management consultants. The paper acknowledges those commentaries which suggest that management consultants must be understood as an element or node within a wider network which constitutes an advice or knowledge industry. However, the paper argues that our understanding of the consultant node within such networks has been fashioned in a manner that serves to restrict our appreciation of the nature and scope of the advice available to managers. To this end the paper attempts to identify a larger network of actors and agencies excluded from both critical and celebratory accounts of the advice industry, which is none the less fundamental to the reproduction of management. The paper concludes with the suggestion that Latour’s analysis of world‐building may offer a useful heuristic to those who would seek to understand the ways in which networks constitute the managed world.  相似文献   
明代文学家王九思的杂剧创作以《杜甫游春》最为有名。此剧情节简单,时代感强,是王九思以失意文人士大夫的视角来关照现实政治、抒发满腹不平的抒情诗剧,是明代杂剧走向案头化的开始和标志。本剧继承标准的北曲一本四折形式,以豪放泼辣的曲风,和康海《中山狼》一起完成了北杂剧的光荣终结,开启了杂剧文人化、抒情化、案头化的流变方向。  相似文献   
李跃忠博士《演剧、仪式与信仰——民俗学视野下的例戏研究》一书,综合运用多学科研究手段,文献典籍与田野资料相互支撑、验证和补充,对例戏之发生演变规律、艺术形态及其文化习俗内涵作了全景式的剖析和考察,是一部值得高度重视的戏剧研究著作。  相似文献   
In recent times there have been a number of calls in the organizational discourse to consider entertaining the notion of ‘play’. Not overt physical play such as having a game of golf among work mates or team building through rock climbing, but intellectual play. These calls have generally arisen in the work of those scholars championing a postmodernist or post-structuralist perspective. These calls, however, are seldom accompanied by a coherent appraisal of why and how play is productive of something that non-play cannot or has difficulty in producing. In particular, what has been left out of much of this discourse is an appraisal of the underlying psychodynamics that are involved. This paper argues that play takes place in a space created to enhance illusion and that space, and the illusion itself, need careful handling at a variety of levels. Just as the space for play is created for the child to exercise their imagination and as a learning environment, it can equally be the space occupied by the neurotic - indeed, some postmodernists, intent upon play, have been charged with aiding, abetting and creating individuals who become delusional, have fragmented identity and may become schizophrenic. While this latter critique may seem somewhat harsh, it should prompt us to consider the idea of the attributes of a ‘safe’ space in which to play. Much of the organizational discourse on play has also asked us to take play ‘seriously’ as way of enhancing our theory development. This paper does not accept the ‘serious’- ‘non-serious’ dichotomy, but instead argues that play is a differentiated level of reality. This differentiated level of reality is inhabited by much in the way of paradox and irony that are essential for play to occur. These paradoxes and ironies are identified in an effort to enhance the outcome of play. In identifying some of the underlying psychodynamics of play, what emerges is an appreciation of how play is an activity that has the potential to help in our theory development of organizations. In the context of discussing the emergence of a new postmodern theory movement in the organizational discourse, various forms of postmodernist play are identified. In this discussion it will also be noted that these postmodernist forms of play have parallels in other fields. In the realm of art, for example, surrealism engages in similar forms of play. These forms of play are identified in the quest to better understand the dynamics of intellectual play and how we might better draw upon such dynamics to enhance the theoretical grounding of our own field. It is also intended, by examining the notion of intellectual play in a manner outlined in this paper, that basic aspects of postmodernist theorizing might also be better understood.  相似文献   
Many children who experience trauma demonstrate it through posttraumatic play (PTP). This type of play is seen by professionals as a repetitive reenactment of the traumatic event within the child’s play. Reliving the event in this way may serve to retraumatize the child and lead to other psychiatric or behavioral problems. This article examines the issues surrounding childhood trauma and PTP. It uses a case study to illustrate the phases of a play therapy approach that incorporates Ericksonian principles, in order for the child to achieve resolution and acceptance. The countertransference issues that a clinician may encounter also are discussed. Editor's Note: This article is the recipient of the Judith Mishne Memorial Award for Excellence in Clinical Social Work Theory and Practice.  相似文献   
黎民伟是中国早期电影一位重要的拓荒者。在从事电影事业之前,黎民伟最喜爱的还是戏剧。在中学时代。他就积极参与早期香港进步剧社的革命活动。并以演文明戏的名义。与其他人一起将枪械装进戏箱。冒着生命危险运往广州。支持广州起义。后来他又将文明戏首次搬上香港银幕.开创了香港电影“导人向善、重人伦”的优良传统。  相似文献   
This article uncovers archive material from the Foundations of Sociology archive: the output of the Institute of Sociology (Le Play House), exploring the cultural constructions of gendered domesticity and respectability among the lives of the poor and poorly housed in Chester in the interwar period. Focusing on a discursive re-analysis of original photographs and research notes recording the interior material cultures of home, hygiene, and decor, the article demonstrates that the characterization of the poor as morally and decoratively “failing” was embedded even in those “action researchers” of the Institute who sought direct social change. Depicting household interior photographs, plans, handwritten commentary, and personal material, the archive reveals another dimension of what is also a familiar, contemporary trope: the unwitting but damaging construction of the poor as Other.  相似文献   
Recently, researchers have investigated the different structural forms of young children's nonsocial play behaviors. The primary goal of this research was to develop and validate the Preschool Play Behavior Scale (PPBS) , a teacher rating scale designed to assess the multiple forms of young children's solitary behaviors. In this regard, two studies were conducted. In Study 1, 39 preschool children were observed, and their social and nonsocial behaviors recorded over a three month period. Teachers then completed the PPB S. Results supported the construct validity of the PPBS ; teacher-rated and observed nonsocial and social behaviors were significantly associated in predicted ways. In Study 2, parental (e.g., demographic, child temperament) and teacher (e.g., PPBS , child behavior problems) ratings were collected for 337 preschoolers. Results established the psychometric properties of the PPBS (e.g., inter-rater reliability, factor structure, internal consistency, and convergent validity).  相似文献   
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