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将1930年代左翼文学潮流的兴起置于"民国"这一社会历史的政治经济研究框架中,可以看到其与民国时期商业出版的经济环境有着十分密切的关系。从此视角出发并结合相关史料,兼以良友图书印刷公司的转变为实例,探寻在与出版业广泛互动的条件下,一度风行文坛进而成为声势浩大"主潮"的左翼文学潮流的生成机制。  相似文献   
CDIO工程教育是从"培养什么人"和"怎样培养人"这两个根本问题出发来探索工程教育问题,而大学通识选修课程作为高校本科人才培养课程体系的重要组成部分,以其开设的课程内容丰富,时间相对集中灵活而深受学生的欢迎。在基于CDIO的计算机图形图像类通识课程的建设与实践研究中,依据CDIO的原理,以设计实验项目实例为教学主线,来贯彻和实现CDIO的让学生"在做中学和在学中做"的教学理念及培养方法。  相似文献   
清代长篇小说《镜花缘》的内容丰富多彩,其类属和特点也比较多样。鲁迅说它属博物小说,才艺小说;胡适称它为妇女问题小说,女权小说,等等。此外,小说还描写了一些精彩的科幻故事,包括科幻植物如人吃一颗饱一年的巨米,人吃了能蹿高的蹑空草,长效久饱干粮救荒豆末;包括科幻器物如人穿上能长时间潜水的皮衣皮裤,能连续高速开火的火绳枪—连珠枪,能载人载货飞行的飞车;包括科幻技术,如人能近地但不触地地行进,换心补肺的医术。文章从科学、文学、历史几方面对上述科幻故事进行了考察、解读、诠释、分析、评论,研究总结出:《镜花缘》也具科幻小说之属性和特点,是我国第一部也进行了科学幻想文学创作的长篇小说。  相似文献   
The implementation of the government supervision of the quality of the project is an international practice. The basic form of government supervision of engineering quality is government supervision on the quality behavior of the engineering main bodies and its results by the competent government department entrusted. Its essence is a dual principal-agent process. The frequent accidents of the engineering quality reflect the loss and failure of the government law enforcement supervision of the engineering quality to some extent. Its root lies in the lack of endogenous power in the law enforcement supervision of the project quality government supervisors in the law enforcement supervision. Therefore, the incentive coordination mechanism of the government supervision based on the multi-level interest distribution is worth explored. In views of the multi-level management system which is formed by the government departments, government quality supervision organizations, quality supervision team (or group) for the government supervision of engineering quality. The benefit distribution function between every party is constructed, and the game model of the multi-level incentive and coordination for the government supervision in engineering quality is built. To solve and deduce from the first stage of the cooperative game and the second stage of the non-cooperative game, the cooperative game can obtain the reward coefficient: . The coordination degree of the best effort can be obtained by the non cooperative game. The result shows that:the coordination degree of government engineering quality supervisor is related to the coordination costs, and had nothing to do with fixed costs. The benefit distribution coefficient not only depends on the efforts of the quality government monitors, but also on the efficiency of other parties' efforts. The quality supervisors of the project will also focus on the coordination with other parties when enhancing their management capabilities to improve the overall performance of project quality government supervision. The strategy of the incentive coordination mechanism for the supervision and cooperation of the project quality government is:the government quality supervision team should set up the supervisory team properly, improve the coordination efficiency and reduce the cost of supervision-coordination to maximize the value of self-motivation. Quality supervision team (or group) should establish the partnership to improve the coordination efficiency for achieving the maximization of their own incentive value.The model and conclusion of incentive synergy mechanism based on multi-level benefit allocation mechanism are researched. It can provide theoretical support and practice reference for the market governance and supervision of general public goods.  相似文献   
当前,工程监理业需要信息技术这一新兴手段对工程全程进行有效监管。在实际应用中,如何应用信息化手段实施监理,保障工程效果,实现信息化工程建设的高成功率,是工程建设相关方都极为关注的焦点。文章主要探讨信息化进程中建设工程监理存在的问题及解决对策,以期能更好地推动信息化建设在建设工程监理中的发展与应用,降低工程风险。  相似文献   
量子理论的测不准原理,将观察者与被观测对象合为一个整体的思路无疑应对工程有相当重要的启迪。对于工程而言,科与玄再不必睚眦论战,科学将与人生观及其衍生价值观一起,成为工程的指导原则,科学与人文在工程哲学层面上可以交汇统一而不必保持对立。而代表着对工程前瞻式的指引后顾式的反思的工程哲学,亦将不只是研究人工物,也将研究人。  相似文献   
利用12个发达国家和发展中国家的非平衡面板样本数据,对微观、宏观和其他因素对生产者货币计价(PCP)的影响进行实证研究,指出经济规模、市场份额、金融市场的发达程度、币值的对内稳定性和产品差异化程度是最主要的影响因素,而出口商的谈判能力、币值的对外稳定性等因素也对PCP的选择有一定影响。根据实证检验结果,对人民币作为贸易计价货币的条件进行评估,发现其优势在于我国的经济规模、出口商的市场份额及其谈判能力以及人民币汇率的相对稳定性; 劣势在于相对落后的金融市场、不可预期性较大的通货膨胀水平以及产品的差异化程度。  相似文献   
《埤雅》以声符释义贯穿全书,偶有穿凿附会之处。书中广泛运用声训之法,力求阐释事物命名之意,对声训推源进行了有益的探索,具有一定的科学性与进步性。  相似文献   
以往企业社会责任的价值相关性研究的结果显示,两者间的关系是模拟两可的、矛盾的和不确定的。本文在归纳和分析国内外相关研究的多样化结果及其产生原因的基础上,从引入中介变量、考虑时间跨度和解构社会责任三个角度梳理该领域研究的新发展,并提出目前研究中急需进一步解决的问题,为未来研究提供方向性的指引。  相似文献   
七体自枚乘《七发》首创之后,作者继踵。建安七体文皆是虚构一主一客问答的招隐型作品,但它们并不是简单的模拟之作,在思想倾向上,虽是以儒家思想为主,却也体现出当时对刑名之学的重视;在情感倾向上,作者的情感已由讽谏转向颂美,名为招隐,实为自招,并成为激励士人的劝仕之作;在艺术技巧上,注重语句的对仗工整,讲究音律的和谐,用典成分增多,体现出较强的骈化趋势。总之,建安七体文无论从内容还是形式,都受到了那个时代社会风气和政治背景的影响。  相似文献   
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