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美国华裔作家邝丽莎以中国在美国的代言人自居,认为自己笔下的中国是真实可信的。然而,从后殖民主义理论出发对邝丽莎的历史小说进行文本解读和分析,不难发现邝丽莎笔下的中国呈现两种意象:西方话语体系下的"野蛮中国"和"竹幕"之后的"红色中国"。此外,邝丽莎笔下的中国人依然笼罩在"他者"面纱之下。可见,邝丽莎以中国为背景的小说并不具有代表意义。  相似文献   
将《红楼梦》看成家族兴衰史、宫廷斗争史的所谓"秦学",尽管至今尚在市场走俏,其实是对小说文本的误读和曲解。因为错误地应用了种种"读法"和"解法","秦学"已经重蹈索隐红学之覆辙,注定将以破产为结局。  相似文献   
The Color Additives Scientific Review Panel considered whether there was information sufficient to perform a carcinogenic risk assessment on the colors D&C Red No. 19 (R-19), D&C Red No. 37 (R-37), D&C Orange No. 17 (O-17), D&C Red No. 9 (R-9), D&C Red No. 8 (R-8) and FD&C Red No. 3 (R-3) and to evaluate the assessments sent to FDA as part of the petitions for use of the colors for drug and external uses by the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CTFA). There is a lack of human data concerning the colors for making a human health assessment, so the assessments are based upon the extrapolation of animal data. The risk assessments are determined for exposure to single chemicals. Excluded from consideration are possible effects from exposure to multiple chemicals, such as co-carcinogenesis, promotion, synergism, antagonism, etc. In the light of recent efforts in establishing a consensus in risk assessment, the Panel has determined that the CTFA assessments for R-10, O-17, and R-9 are consistent with present acceptable usages, although it questions some of the assumptions used in the assessments. The Panel identified a number of general assumptions made, and discusses their validity, their impact on total uncertainty, and the potential options to address the gaps in understanding that necessitate the assumption. The Panel also derived revised risk estimates using more "reasonable" assumptions than "worst-case" situations, for 90th percentile and average exposure. For those assumptions that are easily quantifiable, the Panel's estimates are less than an order of magnitude lower than the CTFA risk estimates, indicating that the underestimates and overestimates of the CTFA risk estimates tend to balance each other. The impact of most of the assumptions is not quantifiable. The assessment for R-3 is complicated by the fact that there is no good skin penetrance study for this color. It was assumed that the penetrance is similar to that of another water-soluble xanthene color, R-19. It is expected that the absorption of the color is not likely to exceed that of the smaller molecule, R-19. Therefore, the risk estimates are similar to the CTFA estimates, but with different reasoning. The estimates for R-8 and R-37 are different from the others in that there is a lack of any exposure or toxicological information on these colors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
救护总队部的“林可胜时期”(1938~1942年),是中国红十字会抗战救护最辉煌的时期。文章依据档案、当时的报刊、文献、口述历史资料及该会内部资料,考察了中国红十字会救护总队部的组建、空间及内部组织结构变迁、与卫训总所的关系以及“内部风潮”的潜滋暗长对抗战救护事业的多元效应,弥补了相关研究的不足。  相似文献   
中国红十字运动,是国际红十字运动的组成部分.文章溯本求源,对红十字的起源及其在中国的传播情况,进行考察,并提出在中国红十字的启蒙运动中,"二孙"即孙中山、孙淦,推波助澜,功不可没.  相似文献   
茅盾小说与"红楼"情结   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“红楼”情结是茅盾经久的“图像仓库”的土壤。但这种情结不是板块式地嵌入的 ,而是经由转化、挪移、重组化合而生成的。这种历史的承传 ,可以是正面的 ,也可以是负面的。同时 ,这种对民族文化的吸取是在与中外艺术的多元交糅的关系中 ,融通建构的。  相似文献   
邱华东 《南都学坛》2003,23(5):35-41
《红楼梦》中的“大荒山”并非陈景河先生所误引的《山海经·大荒西经》中“大荒山”,也与长白山无关,乃“荒唐言”耳。不能认为《红楼梦》主旨是写满族的兴衰史,表现的是中原腐朽文化和关外满族原始素朴文化的冲突等等。红学研究必须讲究科学的“方法论”。  相似文献   
党领导的东满地区"红五月斗争",使党的工作重心由城市转向农村。在东满地区的"红五月斗争"中产生了"左"倾盲动主义错误,但它不是"立三路线"的产物。  相似文献   
当代西方生态政治运动的踪迹与走向   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
西方生态政治运动经历了“街头政治”的绿色抗议、“国家政治”的绿色回应、“平民政治”的绿色参与、党派“议会政治”的绿色较量以及“国际政治”的泛绿化这样几个阶段。当代西方生态政治运动具有运动主体的广泛性和多元性、哲学基础从“深绿”退到“浅绿”、运动策略由“激进”转向“温和”、绿色理念从政治“边缘”走向了政治“中心”等特征。从近期看,绿党不可能取代传统主流政党的主政地位;从总趋势看,当代生态政治将进一步走向政治的中心。  相似文献   
"情",指人的各种感情欲望,是<红楼梦>中揭示得最为深透,表现得最为成功的重要内容.梦因情而生,曹雪芹在书中写了大小数十种梦幻,说到底都是为表现"情"服务的.情切切,情未了.梦是情的派生物,作者对书中人物的梦幻写得细腻、逼真、传神,变化多端,熠熠生辉.所揭示的情更是浓烈、厚重、含蓄、深沉,丰富多采,耐人寻味.情与梦浑然一体,梦与情对表现人物揭示主题可谓双峰对峙,相得益彰.  相似文献   
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