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欧洲文艺复兴时代是一个伟大的变革时代。在这个大时代来临之前 ,《马可·波罗游记》的问世 ,不知唤起了欧洲中世纪的人们多少个迷梦 ,如对忽必烈等人的称颂 ;美与物质生活的渴望 ;自由研究的精神等均给文艺复兴以一定程度的积极影响。  相似文献   
作为西方文化核心之形而上学所遭遇的危机,不仅在于真理之“起源”或“终极”的缺失,也不单单呈现为后现代主义者津津乐道的“不确定性”与“内在性”之间所构成的悖论,更在于“超越”于实践本身之优先性的一切理论建树形式的不可避免的塌方。文章认为,在后哲学时代,以返回“原始伦理”为契机,继续发掘和创造性地转化中国传统伦理智慧,直面以技术统治和价值虚无互为表征的现代性难题,构成了当代汉语思想复兴的重要前提之一。  相似文献   
哈莱姆文艺复兴是20世纪初美国新兴黑人知识分子发起的一场思想文化运动,是新兴黑人知识分子从文艺方面对黑人解放道路进行的一次积极探索,对美国黑人文学和文化产生了重大影响。哈莱姆文艺复兴的文学具有鲜明的艺术特色,作品从主题、背景到价值观都有了很大发展,冲破了题材禁区和人物模式,开始了民族的自我剖析和批判,开创了美国黑人文学的新局面,为黑人文学的进一步发展打下了坚实的基础,为后来黑人文学的繁荣做出了奠基性的贡献。  相似文献   
从伦理道德角度对莎士比亚文学作品进行考察。以文化为参照,以人为基点,以道德主题嬗变的整理讨论为指归,透析文艺复兴“人”的道德图式。文艺复兴是神性回归并参与人性建设的时代,其成为莎士比亚文学创作的主要特征。他完成了后期人文主义对“人”的诠释:享受现世节制的自然之爱,同时以上帝之爱消弭邪恶。莎士比亚文学作品道德主题体现为神性超拔人性、人文终极的图式。  相似文献   
以爱情中的情感的发展历程为视角,通过对英国文艺复兴时期与中国古代文学中一描写爱情的诗歌对比分析,展现了一幅风格迥异又纵横交错的爱情世界的全景图.研究发现中英古诗中都包含大量讴歌爱情的激情诗句,但由于作者彼此情感经历的不同、中西文化差异等因素使二者在内容与形式的表述上各放异彩.  相似文献   
Dramatic health, environmental, and social-related challenges put pressure on firms to rethink their strategies and growth paths. Is a digital-enabled transformation able to help firms cope with these challenges and drive a competitive renaissance of our economic system? Are extant theories and concepts able to interpret the digital transformation? This management focus section aims to advance a relevant and impactful research agenda in the area of “business strategy and digitalization” through 4 contributions – both conceptual and empirical – that contribute to the understanding of the so-called “digital transformation” and its implications for both scholars and practitioners.  相似文献   
Sonic Armatures     

This article traces the construction of an acoustic regime in Renaissance Florence that was based on the casting, placement, and ringing of civic bells. In confronting the formidable but mute power of the defensive towers that dominated the city's skyline in the late middle ages, successive republican governments regulated these private towers with legislative restrictions while transforming them into a speaking architecture. The new civic bell towers played a crucial, if hitherto neglected role in the struggle to create the Florentine republic, which was the political ground upon which the cultural phenomenon of the Renaissance was founded. In contrast to the more antagonistic urbanistic policies that Florentine governments used to combat their enemies, however, the ringing of civic bells exploited the unifying power of religious bells—a power embedded in their role in uniting people into spiritual communities—to integrate its ideals, laws, and institutions into the soundscape of the city. As a result, the sonic armature created by these bells can be read as an evolving attempt to bind the social body to its architectural environment and to create a universal civic society that transcended more localized loyalties and whose existence guaranteed the legitimacy of its ruling bodies.  相似文献   
西欧人文主义思潮再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发端于文艺复兴时期的人文主义思潮,对西方两千多年来的精神文化进行了一次大规模的扬弃和吸纳,是欧洲文明发展史上一个重大的结构性转折,是意识形态领域里一次伟大的革命性解放。它打破摧毁神的权威性、一统性,唤醒催化人的自我性、主观性,从而重新界定了人、神、自然的关系,确立全新的伦理道德、信仰理念,成为西方近代精神文化和思潮的策源地。然而,时代转变过渡的特征以及错综复杂的冲突,使得这一思潮又呈现出创新与守旧并存的双重性、主动与被动交织的矛盾性。  相似文献   

Traditionally for black Americans, World War I did not signify the traumatic removal of traditional Victorian ideals, the end of any romantic notions of battle, or, as it would for white American literature, the disillusionment and alienation of a literary ‘Lost Generation’. Although experiencing continued racism upon their return, the recognition that black Americans had received in wartime France came to characterize a budding enthusiasm for the social prospects of the post-war era. Yet many novels of the Harlem Renaissance certainly resonate with the disillusionment of the Lost Generation and similarly grapple with notions of war trauma and traumatic post-war (re)integration into a chaotic American society. This article considers the endeavour to reconcile feelings of post-war national unity with the African-American struggle for racial equality in the early twentieth century. By evaluating the analogous themes of alienation, masculinity, and place represented by both the Lost Generation and Harlem Renaissance, this article seeks to highlight traumatic parallels between post-war literatures of two divergent ‘lost’ generations.  相似文献   
语言与文化:意大利文艺复兴时期的"语言问题"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在中世纪晚期和文艺复兴时期,伴随着意大利语作为文学语言登上历史舞台,意大利的文化精英对其价值和标准展开了旷日持久的争论,其结果是在16世纪确立了以托斯卡纳方言为基础的意大利"标准文学俗语".在很长时间内,这一"标准文学俗语"成为塑造意大利文化认同和民族认同的重要因素,也为现代意大利"民族语言"的形成奠定了基础.因此,对这一争论的考察,对我们深入了解文艺复兴时期意大利的文化生活及理解近代早期欧洲的思想和文化都具有重要意义.  相似文献   
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