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This article examines the fictional characterization of the real-life sex researchers and scientists William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson in the Showtime television program Masters of Sex (2013–2016). The historical Johnson had a complicated relationship with second-wave feminism: she disdained the movement and was interested primarily in improving heterosexual marriages and the sex lives of married couples. The Johnson character speaks in a language of postfeminism with minimal interest in collective action and broader social change. However, second-wave feminists later used her and Masters’ research in order to support their own beliefs about sexual autonomy and freedom, within and beyond marriage and heterosexuality. The television program demonstrates Johnson’s importance to both phases of her and Masters’ research—in the first phase, when they are based in a hospital and university environment, and in the second, when they establish their own research institute and raise funds directly from the clients that they serve. Johnson exemplifies postfeminist depictions of ambitious women in prestige television, her aim to have a successful career and marriage conflict, and while she is willing to compromise scientific values to serve her own goals, her male colleagues temper that ambition in service of “objective” science.  相似文献   
华兹华斯曾在《抒情歌谣集》1800年版序言里,引用托马斯·格雷的诗作来说明18世纪的陈词滥调妨碍了诗歌表达真情实感。而基于对《墓园挽歌》的文本研究,认为《墓园挽歌》包含了华兹华斯诗学的三个哲学元素:(1)天人合一的自然生态思想;(2)超越理性的想象与情感论;(3)返璞归真的人性哲学。这表明《墓园挽歌》在从新古典主义文学过渡到浪漫主义文学的过程中起着承上启下的重要作用。正是这位充满感伤情绪的古典主义者在18世纪中叶传达了后来华兹华斯、柯尔律治等人要大力宣扬的浪漫主义诗学思想。  相似文献   
美国著名语言学家、小说家、文学批评家威廉·加斯是元小说这一著名概念的提出者,他的小说理论紧密切合小说界的发展实际和自己的创作实践,在后现代小说理论家中既具很有代表性,又独树一帜。  相似文献   
威廉·S·巴勒斯是当代美国文坛一位颇受争议的作家,代表作《赤裸的午餐》同样是一部令人争议的作品。小说向读者展示了一个充满"恶"的人间地狱,这里泛滥着性、毒品、各种可怕的病毒及活在恶臭污秽中的一群变形的人类,其丑恶程度,令人发指。然而,巴勒斯正是以他对"恶"的选择、"恶"的存在及对"恶"的揭示与否定鞭挞了美国社会的黑暗,从而表达了其"善"的意志。通过其"恶"论证其善。  相似文献   
作为20世纪美国南方最著名的作家之一,对黑人生活的和种族问题的关注是福克纳小说中不可忽视的组成部分。他痛恨种族歧视,同情黑人的命运,并赞美黑人身上的优秀品质,但是在当遇到彻底解决南方奴隶制的问题时,福克纳无论在作品里还是言论中都表现出复杂而矛盾的态度。由于受到时代,社会,家庭和自身局限性的限制,在三部不同时期的作品中福克纳对于种族观点的变化可以清晰地体现出来。  相似文献   
“特伦特号”事件是美国内战期间联邦政府面对的一次重大外交危机.主持日常外交活动的美国国务卿威廉·亨利·西沃德采取了灵活机动的外交策略,说服林肯以及内阁成员接受了英国提出的释放南部同盟特使的要求,在和平解决“特伦特号”事件的过程中发挥了重要的作用,为联邦政府取得内战的最终胜利提供了良好的国际环境,并对英国的海上优势和先前制定的国际法提出了挑战.  相似文献   
生态失衡、环境恶化的现实使得人类不得不反省生态危机的社会根源,呼唤新型的生态伦理范式的建构,而威廉·华兹华斯的作品正闪现出生态伦理智慧的光芒。从当代生态伦理学关注的核心问题:自然的价值、人类中心主义和工业批判、人类的生态责任诸方面切入,对威廉·华兹华斯诗歌中的生态伦理思想进行了深入探究,指出其思想具有超越其时代的远见,在生态危机重重的今天,对于社会良性生态伦理建构具有重要的启示和指导意义。  相似文献   
William James's Varieties of Religious Experience is a classic psycho‐philosophical study of the experience of the sacred and of its practical effects on the ordinary life of extraordinary persons. In a pragmatic variation of Kant's proof of god's existence, James uses personal accounts of converts to empirically demonstrate that there's “something” that has causal effects on the well‐being of the person. While the article is largely sympathetic to James explorations of the mystical, it offers a sociological variation on the Varieties that foregrounds the social, cultural and political aspects of religion.  相似文献   
Simon During 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(3-4):385-404
This article distinguishes between critical and reconciliatory postcolonialisms, arguing that the former seeks radical alternatives to modernity based on non-Western traditions and lifeways, while the latter works to reconcile colonized peoples to colonialism. It argues further that the category of globalization has, for the most part, superceded that of 'postcolonialism' and that critical postcolonialism needs to be seen not simply as globalization's enemy but (in part) as its effect. That is, globalization and critical postcolonialism have a weakly dialectical relation, a case made by examining the recent Maori renaissance in New Zealand. What are the implications of this way of thinking for history? By examining two late eighteenth century texts, Ossian's poems and Sir William Chambers' 'A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening', the article suggests that the histories of globalization and postcolonialism have always been intertwined.  相似文献   
威廉·戈尔丁坚持不懈地探索"人性恶",从而使人们误认为他是一个悲观主义者,其实他只是惯于以悲剧眼光看待人本身、思考历史和现实,是一个具有强烈悲剧意识的作家。分析《蝇王》可见,他的悲剧意识是受到西方传统文化、他的个人经历以及二战后严峻的社会现实等方面的影响而形成的。  相似文献   
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