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江苏吴江,历来是诗文的渊薮.当先民文明的步履蹒跚而至清代之际,吴江文学又赶上了一个繁花似锦的春天.相伴而生的,吴江女学也迎上了一个蓬勃发展的大好时机:终于在明末沈氏、叶氏等家族文学的浇灌和滋润下结出了累累硕果.清代吴江女性诗人人数之多,作品之富,是前所未有的,远远超过此前历代诗人、诗集总和.吴江女学之繁荣有其经济、地理环境、文化环境、家族文化滋养等原因,也是文人倡导和妇女自身努力的结果.  相似文献   
张爱华在其第一本散文集《孤独女子》中展现的孤独是多层面和多成分的。这种孤独肇始于作者孩提时在动乱年代被动形成的心理学层面的性格“孤僻”,但作者通过自身的努力,将性格上的孤僻升华为哲学和艺术层面的“孤独”品格,从而对人生共同关注的诸多主题产生更为自由与深邃的领悟与关照。  相似文献   
BackgroundThe Chinese postpartum custom of “doing the month” characterized by generous social support available through the traditional cultural practices was considered to protect women from postpartum depression in early puerperium.MethodsThis study used data from the Shanghai Birth Cohort, a study of 2615 postpartum women from Shanghai, China, that was conducted between 2013 and 2016. Detailed information on the traditional “doing the month” practices and the on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale scores was collected from questionnaires administered on the 42nd day after childbirth. Logistic regression models were used to examine the association between the adopting traditional puerperium practices and postpartum depression.ResultsThe estimated prevalence of postpartum depression in women from the Shanghai area in China was 11.8% (n = 308) at six weeks postpartum. Women who went outside their homes during the first month postpartum showed higher risks of postpartum depression compared with those who never left the house (1–2 times: OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.4–2.4; 3–5 times: OR = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.5–3.5; ≥6 times: OR = 2.5, 95% CI = 1.2–5.1). Women with average sleep of 6 h or less per night were more likely to suffer from postpartum depression compared with those who slept 8 h (6 h: OR = 1.7, 95% CI = 1.2–2.4; less than 6 h : OR = 3.3, 95% CI = 2.2–5.0). Women who opened the house windows most of the time exhibited decreased risks of postpartum depression compared to those who never or rarely opened the windows (often: OR = 0.6, 95% CI = 0.4–0.9; always: OR = 0.4, 95% CI = 0.3–0.7).ConclusionsOur results suggested that not all the activities of “doing the month” provided protection against developing PPD. This study emphasized the need for flexibility to fit and adjust the ritual into the modern life to enhance the positive effects of traditional practices on maternal health.  相似文献   
《列女传》作为中国第一部女性传记集,其情节结构的方式具有较为明显的“圆满化”叙事特征,这是作者道德理性觉醒的文学表现。这种结局方式已经开启后代“大团圆”结局之先河,其伦理基础为儒家道德体系及民间朴素的因果报应观念,又深受史书叙事“道德决定论”的影响。  相似文献   
《大长今》塑造的女性形象反映了一种新"女性价值观",相比之下,在对待爱情、传统文化、女性自身价值实现方面,中国女性文学的表达有些偏执,而超越这种"偏执"无疑是中国女性文学取得更大突破的必由之路。  相似文献   
赛珍珠的长篇小说《母亲》以中国皖北农村为创作背景,刻画了一个勤劳智慧、精力充沛、充满爱心的农村妇女———"母亲"的形象。小说充满母性的温馨、妻性的智慧、女性的言说。在拂去了历史的尘埃之后,《母亲》以其细致入微而又震撼人心的描写,依然深受读者的喜爱。  相似文献   
文章以电影《兰陵王》的舞蹈产生背景为论据,进而对《兰陵王入阵乐》的舞蹈进行溯源,借以论述《兰陵王入阵乐》所具有的与原始乐舞不可分割的集中特点。影片以"面具"为焦点将一个遥远的传说变化和发展。既迎合了现代人的电影审美情趣,又夸张地刻画了兰陵王传说的精髓"面具"。  相似文献   
孔子所言“唯女子与小人为难养也,近之则不逊,远之则怨”,是他针对君主和执政者的大量前车之鉴并希望对他们施加正面影响而说的,其尊重妇女的言论或价值取向及夫妻双方互有权利和义务的思想长期被人忽略。孔子对妇女的总体态度和立场显示他是温和的人本主义者,他讲“大同”世界,讲“仁者爱人”、“仁政”,从来就没有把妇女排斥在外,讲孝道把父母放在同等地位等,都反映出对女性的深厚人本主义情怀。  相似文献   
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