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夏代之时,商族在迁徙过程中,其整个社会形态、氏族组织发生了很大的变化,由母系向父系、由父系向部落联盟的军事民主制,最终向原始的国家雏形过渡、变迁。对于商族而言,其始祖契时已经进入了父系氏族阶段,王亥王恒时期已是典型的军事民主制时期,而大约在上甲时期商族已初具国家形态的雏形。商族国家的形成之路,颇有些与后世那种周边游牧民族入主中原的模式相似,或者可以说有些像是征服者日耳曼模式。  相似文献   
近年美国等西方国家与伊朗在核问题上的分歧逐渐扩大,加深了原已存在的对抗程度。伊朗核研发最初在美国等西方国家支持下开始实施,目前认为伊核问题将威胁地区安全与世界和平的也是美国等西方国家。伊朗在恶劣的环境中却能不断提升自身实力和扩大在中东的影响,是中东举足轻重的地区大国。奥巴马执政后美国对伊朗进行军事打击的可能性降低,但伊朗仍有可能遭到来自以色列的军事打击。伊朗不可能放弃和平利用核能的合法权利,美国等西方国家与伊朗在核问题上的博弈将长期化。  相似文献   
清华简《天下之道》以攻守的兵学概念和言说方式讨论以民为本的儒家思想,文意清晰,在兵儒融合以及先秦儒学史中具有非常重要的地位。孔子思想是开放和多元的,其兵学思想暗含了孟子和荀子等孔门后学对待战争、兵学的态度。其中,以孟子为代表的先秦主流儒者强烈抨击战争,缺乏战争常识,反对兵家思想,否定战争在历史进程中的客观作用。而《天下之道》提出"民心是阵",以兵学概念来表达儒家的民心思想,显然这并非孟子或孟学的作品。战国后期,荀子秉持儒家思想,积极了解战争,主动研究各国兵制、武器等。尤其是荀子主动充分吸收兵家思想,如重视将帅作用、讲究作战时机、治军崇尚赏罚等。荀子兵学理论中谈到如何取胜的具体操作层面,其思考丝毫不亚于当时的著名兵书。在此基础上,荀子将这些兵家之术作为实现儒家兵道、政道的重要方式,《议兵》正是在他以儒家思想为本、充分吸收兵家思想而完成儒家论兵的集大成之作。从先秦儒学史来看,《议兵》的出现并非偶然,《天下之道》等文献正是荀子之前的先秦儒者试图融合兵家思想的具体努力,是荀子论兵的先声。先秦儒者融合兵家思想的线索一直以来隐而不显,而《天下之道》的发现使得这条暗线为学界所认识,并且可能激活了长期以来误读的一些儒家论兵的文献,对丰富儒家的认识具有非常重要的学术意义。  相似文献   
“新安杀降”素来被视作项羽暴行的代表和失败的重要原因之一,这种论断似乎低估了秦人的心理承受能力,也高估了事 件本身的效力。商鞅变法后的秦国兵卒,虽视死如归但却最没有国家观念,可谓是既不忠君也不爱国,唯恐秦法!而身处战争 环境的秦人更是对于军队之间的杀降屠城司空见惯。故而“,新安杀降”对历史走向的影响力恐不宜高估。  相似文献   
Environment-leader congruency yields better adaptability manifested in better decision-making. The military combat environment offers advantages for leaders with ADHD; though they are expected to encounter difficulties due to executive dysfunction. This research aspired to increase the congruency effect for leaders with ADHD in a stressful military environment through interventions that improve executive decisions. We hypothesized that making decisions in isolation will improve decision quality overall; while face-to-face interventions that activate commitment and focused attention will promote decision-making particularly among respondents with ADHD. A large-scale controlled study explored candidates’ responses to combat dilemmas under four randomly assigned interventions: Isolation, Simple face-to-face, Withholding response face-to-face; and Control-peer-group classroom setting. The main effects of improved decision-making in isolation and simple face-to-face settings were shown across groups. Further, both face-to-face interventions interacted with ADHD, yielding stronger effects and better performance among participants with ADHD as compared to those without ADHD. Current findings highlight the importance of finding suitable conditions for enabling improved executive decisions among candidates with ADHD. Introducing economical and easy-to-operate face-to-face interventions enhances decision quality in a highly represented neurodiverse population. Current findings may generalize to an array of high-risk/high-stress working environments, providing ecologically relevant support for young leaders from neurodiverse populations.  相似文献   
群牧所是明代亲王府的军事组织之一,以千户所为编制,又称“群牧千户所”。群牧所同时隶属于王府系统和都司卫所系统,参与到孳牧、屯田、供给柴炭、守御王城等多项事务中,对于理解明代军事制度与宗藩问题有非常重要的意义。然而,以往对明代王府军事组织的研究主要集中于王府护卫,鲜有学者关注群牧所。明代前期,晋王府设立了晋府群牧所。永乐二十一年,明廷从晋藩的太原三护卫中拨出一个千户所的官军随侍平阳王朱美圭就藩,其中不少官军来到晋西南的平阳府蒲州临晋县开展屯田、牧养马匹。宣德二年,明廷将晋王朱济熿废为庶人,革去了太原三护卫、晋府群牧所和晋府仪卫司。一年后,随侍平阳王朱美圭的晋藩护卫官军被就近调入平阳卫安置,成立了平阳卫中左所。宣德十年,明廷将朱美圭封为晋王后,复设了晋府群牧所。复设后的晋府群牧所,很大程度上由此前随侍朱美圭的官军组成,这些官军先后经历了从晋王府调入平阳卫,又从平阳卫调回晋王府的调拨过程,并有许多官军继承了护卫军时的屯田和牧马地,继续留在了晋西南。晋府群牧所署位于晋王府的王城内,晋府群牧所正千户一般居于王城。此外,至少有三名晋府群牧所副千户负责管理地方上的屯庄,其中的两名副千户率军在晋西南开...  相似文献   
This study focuses on military experienced executives (CEO and chairman) and their effect on two types of firm environmental strategy: firm pollution and environmental innovation. From the perspective of imprinting theory, we find that executives with military imprint, which, so we argue, instills a sense of following rules and stewardship for the collective, negatively relate to firm pollution and positively relate to firm environmental innovation. The strength of military imprint at its formation is shaped by whether focal executives had a military officer rank. In addition, working in an environment with strong pro-military culture sustains and even strengthens the military imprint. Analyses of data from 6,664 firm-year observations of heavily polluting industries from Chinese listed firms between 2013 and 2017 largely support our hypotheses (see Table 4 for overview of various tests). Overall, our efforts of extending imprinting theory to leadership literature suggest that the imprinting effect of military experience persists in executives’ decision-making processes. Furthermore, this study contributes to imprinting research by emphasizing the importance of considering imprint formation and imprint persistence.  相似文献   
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