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晚清文人林纾的古文观别具一格,他提倡“正言”和“体要”的统一,重视“意境”的营构,在价值取向上既强调“政教”效果又不忽略“娱悦”作用。尽管林纾和“五四”新文人在古文的历史价值上产生了一定的观念冲突,但两者的“风雅”之争实际上都体现了中国文人的传统文化情结。  相似文献   
19世纪通常被视为是英国历史上的“改革时代”。教育也是众多发生变革的领域之一。在教育领域的变革中,宗教因素,特别是教派之间的斗争也起到重要作用。在宗教多元化的大背景下,非国教派与国教派在教育领域相互竞争,国教派的垄断特权不断被打破,教育的宗教色彩逐步弱化,初、高等教育获得了较快发展,政府教育改革逐渐深入,从而为英国建立现代意义上的教育体制奠定了基础。  相似文献   
于春苓  杨超 《北方论丛》2004,1(2):102-105
国际冲突根源随着历史时代的变迁,而内涵不同.东西方不同学科领域、不同学派的学者,以不同的视角研究国际冲突根源,并赋予其不同的研究范式.不同的范式之争,贯穿着国际关系理论发展的始终.客观揭示不同范式之争的思想、社会历史以及理论渊源,旨在提高人类认识国际冲突的科学性,促使人类更理性的避免冲突,维护和平.  相似文献   
本文探讨了第一届国会中党争的内容、原因及影响,说明第一届国会中的党争虽然也包含了法理之争和维护国会立法及监督权的斗争,但由于各党太重党派利益,从而使党争演变为党派利益之争,这不仅损害了国会的形象,而且也为袁世凯利用强权破坏国会提供了条件.民初党争难以调和的深层次原因,是传统一元政治观作用的结果.  相似文献   
2019年诺贝尔经济学奖授给了巴纳吉(Banerjee)、迪弗洛(Duflo)和克雷默(Kremer)三位经济学家。文章介绍了获奖者对贫困与发展问题的细致研究及其贡献,简要说明了微观实证中的RCTs方法及其应用价值,并对由RCTs方法所引发的争议进行了梳理与评价。在此基础上强调:尽管众多经济学家已经对经济学的实验主义方法论反复做过批判,但应该承认,经济学诺奖的技术性或技巧性倾向越来越明显,与鼓励基础性的理论突破或原创性的知识贡献的初衷背道而驰。经济学的实证研究是重要的,RCTs方法对于提升对现实问题的洞察力也是重要的,但并非是解决发展或贫困问题的“万用良药”。  相似文献   
“米德-弗里曼之争”是人类学史上最为激烈的论战之一,对人类学学科甚至所有“软科学”的反思性思维的培育和启动作出了重要的贡献。文章回顾了学科史上的“米德-弗里曼之争”,概括了论战涉及的几个焦点问题,并在此基础上对人类学田野调查和民族志的内在特性、人类学知识的客观性、人类学学科的科学性以及人类学研究中的理论假设等问题进行了比较深入的反思,力图超越“论战”表象而发掘更深层次的理论意义。  相似文献   
"沙门议敬"的圆满解决与"礼仪之争"的不欢而散,共同昭示了一个主题:一种外来文化要想生存、发展,就必须在尊重本土文化的前提之下,走多元融合之路.同时启发我们,在文化发展日益世界化的今天,一些"西方中心主义"者坚持所谓"普世主义",并认为这种普世性要由欧洲和基督教文明国家输出的想法是错误的.  相似文献   
《Risk analysis》2018,38(1):56-70
Feedback from industrial accidents is provided by various state or even international, institutions, and lessons learned can be controversial. However, there has been little research into organizational learning at the international level. This article helps to fill the gap through an in‐depth review of official reports of the Fukushima Daiichi accident published shortly after the event. We present a new method to analyze the arguments contained in these voluminous documents. Taking an intertextual perspective, the method focuses on the accident narratives, their rationale, and links between “facts,” “causes,” and “recommendations.” The aim is to evaluate how the findings of the various reports are consistent with (or contradict) “institutionalized knowledge,” and identify the social representations that underpin them. We find that although the scientific controversy surrounding the results of the various inquiries reflects different ethical perspectives, they are integrated into the same utopian ideal. The involvement of multiple actors in this controversy raises questions about the public construction of epistemic authority, and we highlight the special status given to the International Atomic Energy Agency in this regard.  相似文献   
This article analyzes the debate about data acquisition and assessment in health claims regulation by identifying the underlying controversies on methodological choice. Regulation in the European Union imposes the need for a scientific substantiation of all health claims (claims about a relationship between consumption of certain food ingredients and positive health effects). Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the method that generally is considered to provide the highest quality data for decision making in claims regulation because they allow for establishing cause–effect relationships. The latter are demanded in European regulatory practice for authorization of a claim. This requirement has contributed to a debate about the advantages and limitations of the RCT methodology in nutrition research and regulation. Our analysis identifies five types of tensions that underlie the controversy, with respect to evidence, cognitive values, standards of proof, future lines of research, as well as expert judgment. We conclude that there is a direct and mutual interaction between methodological decisions in nutrition science, and different strategies in health claims regulation. The latter have social and public health consequences because not only may they affect the European market for functional foods, as well as concomitant consumption patterns, but also the generation of future regulation‐relevant evidence in nutrition.  相似文献   
近年来,建设工程及房地产纠纷案件数量逐年增加,合作开发房地产纠纷、商品房预售(销售)纠纷、物业管理服务合同、物权保护纠纷等新类型案件不断出现,给审判实践带来诸多难题。从当前房地产、建筑工程类案件审判实践中遇到的热点、难点问题入手,通过对泰安市法院审判实践进行调研,深入剖析此类案件的成因及特点,以探寻解决此类案件的思路和方法。  相似文献   
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