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唐宋之际生产关系的变革、阶级结构的演变及随之而来的人身依附关系的松弛,为士人群体的壮大乃至崛起奠定了坚实的经济基础。北宋科举制度的发展和完善,为士人阶层更广泛的参与政治及改变自身命运,从制度上扫除了障碍。文化教育事业的兴盛和北宋王朝采取崇文抑武的国策,对于形成中国历史上蔚为壮观的知识分子群体具有极大的促进作用。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法等方法分析了社会主义市场经济条件下高校体育所面,临的体育经费不足等主要困惑,阐明对这些困惑所持的态度,并提出了摆脱主要困惑、多渠道筹措体育经费的具体对策。  相似文献   
在互联网时代,网络的开放性和匿名性促进了信息发布的繁荣与泛滥,每一个人既可能是信息滥用的始作俑者,又可能是信息滥用的受害者。网络群体性事件是个人信息滥用的重灾区,在程度上可以区分为递进的三级,即对正式发布文本中个人信息的集成;挖掘并发布当事人的日常生活隐私;将当事人的真实信息与虚构和想象结合在一起,以抹黑当事人。针对网络群体性事件中个人信息日益严重的滥用,需要强化互联网个人信息发布规则,建立针对个人信息滥用的纠正机制,强化快速而有力的司法救济措施。  相似文献   
Funding for American art museums has undergone significant changes in the past 20 years. In particular, federal and corporate giving have substantially declined following the Great Recession. These changes impact museums’ ability to secure funding for exhibitions. This study addresses how funding scarcity affects American art museums, specifically with regard to staff’s ability to execute their own tasks and the strategies of action they use to compensate for these changes. Drawing from literature on resource scarcity, I explore how funding declines have prompted museum staff to use “strategic cooperation” as a means of diversifying limited financial resources. Moreover, using interviews with curators and development officers, I identify three cooperative strategies they may use: coordinating inter‐professional activities, pooling professional knowledge, and finding creative financial solutions. These findings add to work on resource scarcity by identifying inter‐group cooperation as a diversification strategy. More importantly, I add to this literature by specifically identifying multiple forms of strategic cooperation individuals may employ to combat resource scarcity. Finally, while literature on the arts has focused on museums’ propensity for inter‐professional conflict during times of duress, my work demonstrates that, despite this, cooperative action is a present and viable strategy in cultural organizations.  相似文献   
元末割据政权林立,江南地区的文人们无法像前辈们那样跨区域漫游,广泛结交异地师友,更新创作理念和提升创作水准。洪武初年,朱元璋打破了唐宋两朝以朝官为正史纂修主体的传统,征召三十余名江南地区的知识精英赶赴金陵修撰《元史》。这群修史文人得以摆脱原有的地域限制,在首次作为大一统汉家王朝都城的金陵相聚,自由地进行思想、学术与文艺的交流,实现了婺州、吴中与大都三大文人群的融通和各区域文人群的内部整合,拓宽了自己的胸怀、视野和审美。修史文人们也积极组织与参与雅集、送别、题序等各种文学活动,创作出一批高水平的文学作品,并提出满足政权需要的文学理论,初步完成了都城文坛的建构。  相似文献   
"微博"成为民意聚集的平台,反思它聚集和表达民意的方式,本质上是民众对社会事件进行的"围观"。它固然是民意最直接、最自发的表达,但缺乏整合,尚不能说形成了对制度化的"表达"。这种民意机制产生根本冲击的力量,甚至在补充"代表"作为民意机制不足的方面也效果有限。从出现的合理性来看,"围观"通过民众自主交往表达民意,是民主实践对"代表"制进行批判性反思的必然结果;从其效果而言,要真正实现对"代表"这种民意机制的补充,就要对"围观"这种自发的民意表达机制进行法治整合——其中,"交往"作为"围观"等民意自发表达过程最核心的行为模式,正是法治整合的对象。总而言之,要使自发的民意表达能够有效地促成民意实现,就应当将"交往"和"代表"两种民意表达方式在法治框架内实现整合。  相似文献   
以文献计量评价方法,尝试性地对科学基金资助在促进知识创新方面的绩效进行了评估,发现采用文献计量方法对国家科技资助的绩效评价具有较强的适用性和说服力。研究分析表明,25年来科学基金资助促进了我国基础研究SCI论文数量上的快速增长,对推动我国基础研究的知识创新起着十分重要的作用,但在带动与引领我国SCI论文影响力总体水平的提升作用尚显不足。  相似文献   
与公司法之法定资本制不同,我国现行外商投资企业法对外商投资企业规定的是授权资本制。因其固有缺点所决定,授权资本制引发了诸多外商投资企业出资不到位的问题。为解决这一问题,需要结合现实情况,对外商投资企业法的注册资本制度进行改进设计。  相似文献   
The paper explores donors' efforts to promote government—NGO partnership for the purpose of improving public services. Following a brief discussion of partnership, two illustrations support a relative definition of partnership and its added value. The examples represent alternative approaches to improving public services through partnership work, the choice of which may depend on (1) the will of the partners to change—particularly government, (2) the preexistence of effective public services, and (3) depth of mobilization and social capital sought. The examples similarly reveal alternative approaches to addressing partnership challenges either bureaucratically or through behavioral norms and organization culture. Implications of donors' participation in such partnerships are highlighted.  相似文献   
Aid fragmentation is a maddening problem in the aid business. NGOs are part and parcel of this fragmentation problem; hence calls for more complementarity between Northern NGOs and (their) governments have led to a series of co‐funding reforms. This article analyses the co‐funding reforms of the Nordic+ donors and situates them within the broader evolutions that have taken place in donor‐NGO relations in these countries. It finds that these donors have interpreted complementarity in very different and even contradictory ways. Where some require NGOs to develop activities within the confines of the official bilateral strategy (intensive complementarity), others allow NGOs to do very different things (extensive complementarity).  相似文献   
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